Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Beat, so keeping this short. Sorry.

    Welcome to the "new" Marsha from the OLD one. :wink:

    6/6 days under goal. No workout today, unless you count me pushing hubby's wheelchair all over Presby hospital (where the Ebola patient is, btw.).

    Tomorrow my recipe group meets. Oh, heaven help me--it's pumpkin night! I might have to fast all day to handle this one.

    Kaye: I have the same problem. I have to make the decision constantly NOT to put food in my mouth. Not only am I a stress eater, I just love most food. Think I need to be lobotomized! I wake up in the morning and my first thought is "what should I eat for breakfast?" Honestly, before I started logging my food, I don't think I was so obsessed.

    Off to dreamland...probably about pumpkin desserts.

    GrammyWhammy aka the OLD Marsha
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow! New look to the threads! Too late for personals right now, but here's a quick update for Tuesday Goals.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/14 AP analysis activities
    2. 25/67 AP journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--5k DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Mon-- rest day (late meeting)
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--rest day (dinner plans)

    October Challenge:
    Days under calories = 5/7
    Days >100g of protein = 3/7
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Am away from home this week staying with friend. I was hoping to take my silver sneakers class at a gym in SLC, but my gym in the city does not offer the SS class. So this morning instead of an hour class, I decided to walk for an hour. My friends neighborhood is fairly old, house built in the 40's and 50's and 60's. All the landscape is so mature and so beautifully groomed. Her neighborhood is situated on what is called the Bench. Halfway above the valley floor and halfway to the mountaintops. So it was a perfect almost fall day, cool crisp and sunny with blue blue skies. The sun was brilliant and people were walking little kids to school or walking dogs or walking themselves. hahaha. Then I went to the grocery store to get the slim foods I decided I wanted to eat. My hostess eats thin all the time, but I wanted to do foods with alot of protein and postassium to see if it will overcome my fatigue. So far so good, I think the potassium intake and protein is a good thing. So this week my breakfast is plain greek yogurt with 15 grams of protein, fresh raspberries, sugar free jam, and 2 tbl of granola all mixed up. Lunch is spinach, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, bacon, mushrooms, and half an avacado heated in the microwave to wilt the spinach and light raspberry vinagrette dressing. I have a think addictive for an afternoon snack. Dinner tonight was made by my host and we had flank steak garden tomatoes, and cole slaw. Then I had a probiotic ice cream bar for late snack. I don't know why I am fooding here, but oh well, it was a great food day, and I did my 28 day challenge for squats. So tomorrow I will walk for another hour up and down the hilly neighborhood. Have a great evening everyone.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    I found you. Praise be! This format is yucky. Might have to use a magnifying glass. Do we really have 584 pages? This is confusing. Maybe when I wake up, the world will be right again.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Oooh this is snazzy! I feel a little bit empty that I missed Tuesday. I was checking all day and it never came back. I even checked at about 10pm GMT and it wasn't back.
    Soooo yesterday was a bad day in terms of calories. I would say I officially lost a day on the calorie challenge. I got thrown as to how many calories were in a chicken thigh (I didn't think it would be THAT much when I bought it) and then got hungry about an hour later, then my partner got back from work oober late and we just opted for Pizza Hut. :\ Then found out he bought me a Toffee Crisp <3 so yeh... I'll just move swiftly on from that and start fresh as a good girl today.

    Also, success on the swimming during lunch! I'm allowed to come in to work a bit earlier and go for a swim at lunch, which suits me down to the ground so I'm happy about that. Just need to put it into practice ;)

    Wednesday Wish: Well, its pretty nasty weather over in England today, all cloud and rain and no sun, so if I could get a half hour window of glorious sunshine for when I go to buy myself lunch, that would be great.

    @skinnyjeanz - I think I would opt for gym in the evening as well, but I left my gym because they put the price up (£50 a month!) and I refused to pay it and joined my local swimming center instead and evening is when the kids come to swim so the options were morning or lunch. :\

    @Robin - That light trick sound like a good idea! I seem to remember seeing an app that gently wakes you up, which I might think about.

    @Brynn - I have started by purely logging food. The first week I strictly logged food to see if I was eating 'normally' which turns out I was always eating between my loose weight calorie amount (1600) and maintaining calorie amount (2100) which meant I only needed to change small amounts at the moment to loose. Week 1 was to eat at 1600 calories and I lost 1lb! So this coming week I'm going to start moving twice a week (swimming) and see how I go from there.

    Good luck everyone! Week 1 is complete!

    October Challenge:
    Days under calories = 7/8
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    edited October 2014
    Tuesday goals: My big goal for this week is to catch up with all my courses! I missed you guys yesterday but I got lots done. Wednesday wishes: well, our fridge-freezer was leaking. It's supposed to be frost-free, but there was a mass of ice built up. Because it's 'frost-free' it's really hard to defrost (the freezer bins mostly don't come out) but I managed to do all that and cleaned it up properly and there's no more water today so my Wednesday wish is that it's sorted and I don't need a service call.

    @Lois -- there's a setting on MFP for Fitbit taking calories away, so it's your choice. I hated it too!
    @Jeanette -- you'll be fretting about college too in 18 years time, just wait and see! Your M-I-L is special, isn't she? Why didn't she get the store to deliver direct to you?
    @Robin -- I am sure you are right about not using a fork in the toaster!
    @Booklover -- Welcome! That 45 minute walk will do you so much good! The reason that nutritionists always ask people to start with a food diary is that just writing it all down helps us spot where we can cut down. And nobody wants to tell a nutritionist that they ate an entire tub of ice-cream, do they?
    @Lori -- I am definitely doing dumbbells today. Definitely.
    @MarshaL -- welcome! Whenever I think all the stressful things in my life are too much, I remember that there's a lot of people out there who are worse off than me and try to count my blessings. I do try to keep a list of a hundred things I can do instead of having that snack that will take me over for the day. I also do "cardio bulimia" -- where you do a pile of exercise to make up for that chocolate bar -- and, sometimes, I just say hang it and go over, but in a small way. Loving to cook really helps because it's easy to make home-cooked food that's packed full of vegetables and protein and lower in fat and carbs.
    @GrammyMarsha -- I definitely count pushing your hubby around as exercise! You can save thinking about breakfast by making overnight oatmeal; it's jolly tasty and good for you too. Though it's getting colder here and the last two days my husband has got up and made porridge. Mmm mmm. There's some leftover; leftover porridge is the horridest thing in the world but I'm wondering about whizzing it up in a thickie tomorrow.
    @Lois -- I keep a chart on my wall saying "here are all the things we can cook *right now* that will have us eating faster than getting a takeaway". Because takeaway is super expensive as well as being rubbish for your numbers.

    October logging and counting -- 4/8 so far, cos I had a sneaky beer last night. A favourite meal here when the nights are drawing in is chilli; I'm sure you all have your favourite chilli recipe and mine is different every time. But this one features beef mince from the farm shop, all the chard spines that were trimmed off the chard that's been going in my green smoothies, the super expensive and flavourful paprika, lots of tomatoes from a friend's allotment glut, white and black beans, and enough harissa that it's spicy but not too hot for the kids. Made to serve 10, with four portions into the freezer and the rest feeding us plus daughter's b/f this evening (I've started counting him double because he eats so much!). And Tuesday's green smoothie is spinach, tropical fruit and banana, a nice green one! And today's green smoothie is beetroot and berry thickie, using leftover porridge to thicken and then water to thin it down again. It's almost too thick, you could happily use less leftover porridge. A largish cooked beetroot, 100g of frozen mixed fruit, a quarter portion of leftover porridge, a lump of ginger, a squeeze of lemon.

    Onward with the new forums. Gosh the type is small; I wonder if there's a setting for that? I think they must think we all use this on phones. I guess it's 584 pages since the thread reset a couple of years ago? Hope you're all getting used to it and having a great Wednesday!

    -- Alison

    And look -- this is how you get your ticker back!

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    @Alison - How did you do that? I miss my ticker already. I've gone from 0lbs lost to 1lb lost and I have no-one to show it to. :'(
    Also I keep thinking of getting a magnetic board or a cork board to pin things and ideas on... but I need to make room for it first...
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    edited October 2014
    What the heck has happened?!? I DO NOT like this new format at all. My ticker is gone and I don't have a way to get back to threads I've posted in. Geez, you go away for a few days and all heck breaks loose.

    And why is the damn font so small?!!!!?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    :s Okay, I've been crazy busy and haven't been able to check this thread in days. Now I'm confused. As L2T said, what the heck happened?!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Trying to get my ticker in place. Not sure how successful I have been. I clicked on my picture and that too me to info about ticker. Not sure if that is correct.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    edited October 2014
    No luck on moving my ticker. I have a laptop and not sure how to cut and paste....feeble I know. Any step by step advice? Thanks!
    When I go to the site as given by directions to add to forum the site directed to says it doesn't exist? There is a misdirect that I do not undersrtand. I know it is possible beasue Alison has her ticker showing. Advice? Thanks!
    But I did find the edit button so that is some success. It is in the upperright hand corner. like a star washer icon;
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I went to Apps, then Tickers and selected " Get the code for your ticker". Then it tells you that to include your ticker in your MFP posts to change the settings at this link: Forum Settings. But, when you click on Forum Settings, you get a site not found error. Well done MFP.
  • chulisGonzalez
    chulisGonzalez Posts: 56 Member
    Good morning everyone! So I'm not new to MFP or counting calories. About 2 years ago I found the motivation to lose 20 lbs, once the.compliments started rolling in I got lazy said I was fine and from there I gained it back. I gained 50 freaking lbs with my pregnancy and haven't been, actually haven't been really Trying to lose the weight. So now I'm going to try a support system. Hopefully this way I'll stick to my goals and logging cals. Excited to be sharing and gain new friends. :D
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Apparently you will have to put the URL at the end of every message manually. I looked in the 'Getting Started' forum and a girl has put a thread up called 'Hints and Tips' - or something similar to that- that explains it how to do it. She also put up more smiley codes.
  • Hallsoa25
    Hallsoa25 Posts: 5 Member
    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    I wish I could find ways to self motivate to stay on track. Im good during the week but struggle on the weekends. Any Ideas?
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I was gone away on Monday, and on Tuesday MFP boards were down for the reformat of Community. So a bit of catch up is in order ...

    Monday Check-In ... gosh, I cannot remember the weekend already except that I finally started on a HUGE pile of laundry that's been collecting for, well, months. My weight tends to go up and down within a couple of pounds from one day to the next ... a natural occurance, and as long as the lowest for the week is lower than the last lowest for week shows up I feel I'm on track.

    Tuesday Goals ... Yep, I have goals ... maybe too many of them as I sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed ... but I go by the motto of the "How do you eat an Elephant" question. Anyone ever hear of it? My big goal, besides my health and weight, is to get my household in order. What with laziness and being a sissy over pain I've become a couch/chair potato big time, and my household has suffered. So, my goal is to be active at least 30 minutes each day doing something productive to put it back in order again. That's going to be as long a goal as my health and diet ones, me thinks.

    Wednesday Wishes ... Today I wish I could step back in time and place and go for a long walk through my father's farm fields and woods with the dogs on a sunny crisp colorful autumnal day ... I do that in my meditations and really need a kiss from my long gone dog Buster and his pals Bobick, Tessie, and Rex.

    October Challenge:
    Track number of days withing my calorie goal ... 4/7 ....

    Everyone have a good day, and we will get our tickers back ... it's on the burners at MFP.
  • chulisGonzalez
    chulisGonzalez Posts: 56 Member
    @Hallsoa25 We're on the same page! I would say don't go out but that's unrealistic, I don't even do that.

    Would also like to know what you guys do to stay on track on the weekends
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Top of the morning to everyone.
    Wow this update has me wondering if it is really for the better. I hope the new features out wiegh the frustrations I have been having with just finding this thread.
    I wish all the broken links in this update worked :devil: :wink: :ohwell:

    “Planned features for future forum updates
    As with any transition, some items had to take a lower priority, but will be coming in time. The following are on our roadmap, but will not be present at launch:
    • News Feed updates and Inbox/Email/Push notifications — We will integrate messaging to your News Feed, MFP Mail, and enable email and push notifications down the road
    • “My Recent Forum Posts” will not be visible to friends who visit your profile page on the website
    • Search for Groups — we’ll add the ability to search for existing Groups in a future update
    • Weight loss tickers will not be attachable in your forum post signatures
    • Other users cannot yet be set to “ignore” “

    Each year on the second Wednesday in October we take this day to say “thank you” to the emergency room nurses for their hard work, dedication, service and commitment to their patients and families and their loyalty to the emergency nursing profession.
    Sponsored by the Emergency Nurses Association since 1989, National Emergency Nurses Day is part of Emergency Nurses Week.
    For more information, see:
    To all emergency room nurses, thank you and we hope that you have a great day!

    “The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change.” ~Eng’s Principle

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member