Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    This is in response to trhjrh06 post on November 22nd re: MIA for some time, gaining weight back and feeling discouraged -

    I don't have any advice, really, because I'm in the same place you are. MIA for some time, gaining the weight back. The good news, is that we both know enough to come back, and probably the reason is because deep down inside, despite all the negative yammering in our heads, we know that we're worth taking care of.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    so annoyed they bumped my angio till dec 30 as there are 30 recent heart attacks waiting for urgent angios. The booking nurse said if i am at home i am not a high priority. Told her i was trying to avoid the hospital!!! Had a decent workout yesterday and will just do a bit of cardio today so at least i can get something done to counteract all the baking my daughter is doing!!

    Karen - so sorry they (Canadian Health Care) did this to you! That is so frustrating! I share your annoyance with you. USA will soon be following your example I am sure. I can't believe that you had to be bumped 18 days for 30 people. They do angios round the clock here in the U.S. - but then again, I'm sure there are a shortage of people over the holidays.

    You have my sympathies, You have been waiting so long, and have been hampered in your exercises. But looking at the up side, your heart has stood by you all this time. Its just asking that you slow down a little, not FOREVER!!!!!!

    BIG HUGS!!!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Options of luck with the adoption process. We adopted Emma domestically so we didn't have quite as much red tape to get through, but she is 100% Native American, so we had to get approval from both tribes and there was added stress, time and money for that. And congrats on the books!

    Wow, I'm surprised they gave you permission. Here in New Mexico they won't even talk to you about it if you aren't a member of some recognized tribe.

    You reminded me of another thing I am so thankful for. Emma being part of our family was a miracle actually. :heart: When we applied for adoption, we specifically said no Native Americans (we knew about the extra paperwork, red tape, etc and wanted to avoid it). Emma's birth mom never told anyone she was pregnant and when it was time to give birth, she drove 1 1/2 hours away and found a state hospital. Lutheran Social Services was there with another birth mom and she said she wanted to place her baby as well. Out of the binder of about 20 families, she picked us. She never met us before and Emma spent the first 6 weeks of her life with a foster family so LSS could do some counselling (normally they know the birth mom for 3-9 months prior to birth). Birth father not in the picture and some issues in the extended family so they didn't even know Emma existed until she was about 5. Both tribes signed off right away. It still took about 8 months for parental rights to be terminated due to her not having a phone off and on and her family not knowing so we couldn't talk to them. I think she is proof that no matter what type of obsticles you put up, if God wants it to happen, it does. :love:

    I remember my son asking why my tummy was broken (how we explained not having another baby). I told him that if my tummy wasn't broken, we would have never gotten Emma. That God knew his sister was going to be born to a different mommy and daddy and that we needed to keep a spot open in our family for her instead.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Tracy, that is such a sweet story. It reminds me of what a special blessing every child is.
    I am thankful for the two little miracles that are part of my life every day. Our SIL had stage 4 sinus cancer 9 years ago. Because of his chemo they were told that he might never have children. We are so blessed to have them and to have him healthy. He is a wonderful husband and father.
    Thursday truth: I am struggling with all of the stuff around for the holidays. It doesn't help that it is still too cold and slick to walk.
    Oh well. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Good evening! Hope you are all having a great Thursday. I am just keeping on keeping on and doing okay. One day this week that I definitely had the munchies (I had too much cinnamon sugar toast, which I'm pretty sure I haven't had - or wanted - in years), but the rest of the week has been great. Lifted last night and it felt good to be back.

    @Michelle... love your statement yesterday...we should all learn that (if we haven't already)
    @Laurie...yuck, I hope they get your heat figured out and that you can get your car starter figured out before the next cold snap.
    @Travel...glad your husband came to that conclusion on his's always better when we don't have to point things out :tongue:
    @Kelley...I hope you can avoid that Influenza A -- it is nasty! food is hard. I unfortunately got into the habit and revert to it at times as gets so busy, preplanning helps alot!
    @jtconst...that is wonderful news about your daughter! :smooched:
    @karenleona...I certainly understand rushes for emergencies, but that is!
    @Kaye...Miracles surround us all the time and I'm so glad that your SIL (plus his entire family) received one and is healthy now.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The automatic car starter may be a larger problem than I hoped. I will take in to the garage on the 23 to have them look at it. I took it to the dealer today for them to figure out and they had the same problem that I did. I just had it fixed last year and now it will need to happen again. :mad: :grumble: :explode:

    Truth- I have not exercised since Monday but will go rock climbing tomorrow so that will make up for it. I just did not feel like it today. Hopefully, my energy level will increase tomorrow and this weekend. I have an appointment with my trainer on Saturday so I need to find the energy by then if not it will be a really long workout.

    Thankful for having a trainer that I like and who will push me to work harder.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    To everyone with tips for my mouth and non-caloric munching: I chew about 10-20 sticks of sugar-free gum a day now. Ice chips are too cold, I can't tolerate. One thing I now avoid is mint anything. I buy a brand of Strawberry toothpaste now.

    Didn't log my food today, had a very high pain day, and I am very good about logging them (Pain pills) when I take them, so I don't lose track of the time, etc. I didn't get back to tracking food today. But its on my mind.

    My gratitude is for everyone here tonight. Thank you for all your warm support. I wish I could give it back to each of you ten-fold! :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I just caught up on posts and now need to go to bed, so no personals tonight. I'll try to catch up tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I don't have a truth or anything of interest today so I am just going to go straight to my gratitude and personals.

    I am grateful that today is Friday. I dealt with a lot of challenging behaviors yesterday and the kiddies completely wore me out. I only have one student to see today and can use the weekend off to mentally recover. :tongue: My aides paid me a nice compliment. They said they were impressed with how calm I was dealing with the behaviors and how I followed through until the behavior passed. I am glad they were observing and able to pick up on what I was doing. Hopefully, over time they will build the same confidence and learn the proper way to deal with challenging behaviors.

    Lives2Travel - That is great that your husband came around on his own and realized he was wrong. I am so happy for you. I love your cookie plan idea. Brilliant!

    Kah - Oh no, I hope you don't get sick. I was really sick last year and out of work for 2 weeks. First I came down with the norovirus. I was so sick and couldn't get to the doctor because I would not have made the car ride. I managed to go a few days in when I was feeling a bit better. I returned to work for 1 day. The following day I got up and wasn't feeling great. I had to be in at 6:30 am to open the building as I was working in a daycare/preschool. I didn't feel right about waking someone up so early in the morning to cover for me. When I arrived at work I told my coworker that I was not feeling right. She immediately told me I looked horrible. I took my temperature and it was extremely high. I ended up just going to the ER because nothing else was open at that hour. Turned out on top of the norovirus I came down with the flu. I was very dehydrated and needed a few bags of fluids. Lucky for me the strain of the virus was immune to the flu shot. One thing I learned though is the ER staff told my husband to go to the doctor, tell them he was exposed to the flu and ask for tamiflu (spelling?). They said he should start taking that right away and it would lessen the symptoms if he was to come down with it. Maybe that is something you can look into if you are worried.

    MNwalking - I think you are doing the right thing. That would be great if he goes to trade school after getting his diploma.

    jtconst- I love your attitude towards your tasting. You are 100% correct that the memories are more important in times like that. One day won't undo all your hard work. Congrats on your oldest daughter coming home for the weekend. I hope you all have a wonderful time together this weekend.
    Your mom would love it here. I have so many beautiful birds here. Yesterday I spotted Norther Flickers (woodpecker family), junco, chickadees, bluejays and cardinals. I was in heaven. I want to get to the store this weekend and buy more suet cakes and another suet feeder. I had 2 but one went missing a few hours after I hung it up. I think some critter knocked it down from the tree and walked off with it because it just vanished. My husband and I both looked for it and cannot find it anywhere. :laugh:

    Karen - sorry to hear your angio was bumped. The 30th will be here before you know it though.

    tlh0407 - What an amazing story of how Emma came to be part of your family! I agree with the mindset that if it is truly meant to be then it will happen. I am glad it worked out for you and your family!

    Kaye - Sorry to hear you are struggling. (((hugs))) I hope you find the strength to get over this hurdle.

    Laurie - Sorry to hear the starter is a bigger problem than you had hoped for. That stinks.

    Robin - Sorry to hear you had a lot of pain. How are the new meds working out?
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @Nettie - You are an amazing teacher! Not just to your students with your calm response to their challenges, but to the aides who can learn so much from your example. Kudos and I wish we had more like you.

    @jtconst- You're 100% correct. Some things, like making memories with those we love, are much more important than a few extra calories. I hope you and your oldest daughter have a great visit. It's wonderful that you are reconnecting with her.

    @Karen - Sorry you got pushed to the end of the line. I'm sure the waiting makes you more anxious than need be. It sure would make me that way.

    @ tlh0407 - Your story of how you came to adopt Emma was so sweet. As an adopted child, I know how much it will mean to her as she gets older. To know that you were so wanted makes a big difference to a child. My parents always made me feel that I was their 1st choice and not their last.

    @Kaye - I'm sorry you are struggling. Some days it's just harder than others. I hope you find a way to get past this soon. You're such an inspiration to me (and I'm sure many others). I love following people like you that have lost a lot of weight and don't use their age as an excuse not to do so. I was one of those people who did. I had convinced myself that at age 55 and being post menopausal that I could not lose weight. I was wrong, but I had to prove that to myself. Keep up the good fight!

    @Robin - Hope you find some relief soon. Hopefully the meds will resolve the infection and the pain.

    AFM - Today marks the end of 6 months of continuous logging on MFP. When I started on 6/13/13, I never could have imagined I would come this far in this amount of time. I set my goal for the end of 2013 at a loss of 45 lbs. That seemed reasonable and doable to me. Well, here I am, not quite to the end of the year, and have lost 73 lbs. I will get to 75 by year's end. No one is more surprised than me that I will have exceeded my goal by 30 lbs. Just goes to show that despite the excuses (and I had many), it really is possible.

    My gratitude for today is for all the people who have encouraged me along the way. Some of them didn't even know they were doing so, but said or did something that made a difference when I needed a push. I am blessed with a supportive family and friends. I hope all who need encouragement find it.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Friday fitness: did the 'evil' elliptical at the gym....thought I'd be sick, but pushed through 45 min. of it. Planning on going again tomorrow.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Friday fitness: I haven't yet, but will be going to the gym tonight to hop on the elliptical. Not feeling the treadmill today. ick.
    Yesterday was legs day, and I was able to push through 5 sets of 10 reps at 200# on leg presses. It burnnnnned so good.

    Pulled on an old pair of size 18 jeans and wore them all day. I'm sure they're a bit stretched out from when I was a size 20-22 wearing them, but I had to pull them up a few times! success. This week has been rough on the scale because it's that time, but I feel great, and I think I'm still on the right track.

    Ended up getting my tattoo today. It's the number 305 in Polish. It's a reminder of where I come from weight and heritage wise, and it's a promise to myself never to go back to that weight again.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello all. I am having a good day today. Working on cleaning up the house and going to do a little shopping. I took the dogs for a nice walk and have started interspersing some jogging into the walks. It is amazing how much that upped the calorie burn and the dogs loved it. On a success note I couldnt jog even for a couple seconds when I started all this and now I am doing multiple min long bursts in my walks:bigsmile: Luckily I wasnt hungry at breakfast because I ended up treating myself to panera for lunch. I love that place but it can be very hard on my calorie count if I order things like the fontina grilled cheese, which was amazing by the way:laugh: As it is between the calories from the walk and not having ate breakfast I still have a nice cushion for dinner.

    Today I am grateful for my pets. The unconditional love from my animals has got me through so many hard times in my life. I couldn't imagine life without them.:heart::heart:

    Well I am off to pick up the last couple things I need for Sundays dinner. Have a great Friday the 13th everyone.:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    You reminded me of another thing I am so thankful for. Emma being part of our family was a miracle actually. :heart: When we applied for adoption, we specifically said no Native Americans (we knew about the extra paperwork, red tape, etc and wanted to avoid it). Emma's birth mom never told anyone she was pregnant and when it was time to give birth, she drove 1 1/2 hours away and found a state hospital. Lutheran Social Services was there with another birth mom and she said she wanted to place her baby as well. Out of the binder of about 20 families, she picked us. She never met us before and Emma spent the first 6 weeks of her life with a foster family so LSS could do some counselling (normally they know the birth mom for 3-9 months prior to birth). Birth father not in the picture and some issues in the extended family so they didn't even know Emma existed until she was about 5. Both tribes signed off right away. It still took about 8 months for parental rights to be terminated due to her not having a phone off and on and her family not knowing so we couldn't talk to them. I think she is proof that no matter what type of obsticles you put up, if God wants it to happen, it does. :love:

    I remember my son asking why my tummy was broken (how we explained not having another baby). I told him that if my tummy wasn't broken, we would have never gotten Emma. That God knew his sister was going to be born to a different mommy and daddy and that we needed to keep a spot open in our family for her instead.

    Aww, I love that answer. That is so sweet. You definitely were lucky. I think New Mexico is a bit difficult with that because we just have so many tribes and there's so many people who COULD take them. I agree about God guiding it. The adoption process, as well you know, is extraordinarily difficult. We have already done everything for domestic and now international is like two thousand times worse. I believe that God makes it so that we have no one else to rely on but him when it comes to bringing these kids home!
    Tracy, that is such a sweet story. It reminds me of what a special blessing every child is.
    I am thankful for the two little miracles that are part of my life every day. Our SIL had stage 4 sinus cancer 9 years ago. Because of his chemo they were told that he might never have children. We are so blessed to have them and to have him healthy. He is a wonderful husband and father.

    That's so great that he is doing better and that they were able to have children after all!
    @ tlh0407 - Your story of how you came to adopt Emma was so sweet. As an adopted child, I know how much it will mean to her as she gets older. To know that you were so wanted makes a big difference to a child. My parents always made me feel that I was their 1st choice and not their last.

    I think most children who are adopted would find that they are madly prayed for and not a last choice at all, if they could see inside their parents' brains. The lengths I have seen people go to bring home children is extraordinary. Love is powerful, no matter where it is born.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Had a good day today at school. Three of my most troublesome came to me today and wanted to workout way for them to improve. We had a nice conversation in the hallway while the rest of my students watched a video. We have all agreed to the following: they will be the last ones out of lunch provided they come into my class quietly and without disrupting the class. (Problem was they would come up late but be very disruptive when entering). 2 Take responsibility for their own actions and behaviors. (Hopefully, they will monitor their own behavior and accept responsibility for their actions. 3 Stay for office hours as needed- their choice on when and if they stay but it does show good faith effort. I will see if this works but it is a good first step.

    Thankful for being able to go rock climbing and pushing myself to try new things.

    Have a morning workout planned so off to bed.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today I am thankful for a quiet day. DD and her family have gone up to Moscow for her commencement for her master's degree that she earned this summer. We had planned to go, but it is over the mountain and the weather is iffy so we opted to stay home. I was able to get a lot of chores done and some rest as well. I ordered snow boots. Hopefully they will make it safe for me to walk more often.
    I'm under my calorie goal even though all of my choices weren't the best.
    Have a good weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Today I am grateful for my Mom. She's had a lot thrown at her in the past 10 years: Lost both parents, her husband (unexpectantly), suffered for two years with MRSA that required hospitalization, had two knees replaced, sold the family farm and suffered the wrath of her in-laws for it, had a mystery problem that wouldn't allow her to walk from her living room to her bedroom without losing her breath and then found out that it was advanced kidney failure. She now does dialysis 3 days a week and only has 4 percent function and is not a candidate for transplant. Through it all she has never lost faith and has been a rock for our family. She has 5 children who have taken different paths (some a bit rocky) and are not afraid to share their opinions (we sometimes have to remind her that she raised us to be independent thinkers and that means sometimes we will have different opinions of things :ohwell: ). She (and our Dad) have always told us to go for it but have also provided us a net to fall into if needed.

    She was never that parent that I wanted when I was younger - she wasn't cool (made me do chores, gave me a curfew, required me to attend church and school etc). I couldn't wait to leave. Then she became one of my best friends. While she is always willing to share her opinion when I ask, she has also allowed me to learn the "hard way" and never butted in even when she probably knew the outcome. :embarassed: As I watch her health decline, I am so thankful that I will get to spend the end of her life with her. I know that will come with trials, but she is a role model that I'm so glad my children will get to know.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Sat successes: Made it home, on Thursday, (between snows) from up north and I went to the gym yesterday, and had planned on it today, but another winter snow storm has hit and not sure if I should venture out. Was up early to watch the weather and it is just going to get worse until tomorrow, so I think I'm snowed in again.
    My muscles are sore this morning from the weights I did yesterday, but even working out once makes me feel better.
    My DH is finding his' snowblowing gear' as he's getting ready to start clearing. He has to shovel the walk by the door and a small bit of driveway. He loves it.
    Well, I guess it's sitting in front of the fire with a good book for me...