Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all,

    I recently joined MFP and I have never (ever) posted on any sort of thread or internet site. I was looking for motivation to keep me going on this weight loss journey and this group of friends seemed so warm and supportive I decided to pop in and say hello :)

    I hope that joining in at this point is okay- I'm not even really sure how to follow up to check and see if anyone has read or seen this post but I would love to share my journey with you all and hopefully bring some words of encouragement along the way.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Another busy day in my world. However, my shopping is almost done except for 1 more item and I ran out of steam today to make the last trip to the store that was the farthest away. The last two batches of cookies are done, I made it to the gym and my hair is washed. Hopefully, my hair will dry in the next hour. (Not likely but it will be a little dryer-the downside to thick hair.)

    Exercise goals this week- Workout will be few and far between- not happy about it but that is life this time of year.
    Sunday- Gym DONE
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- After work meeting, gym possible depends on when the meeting ends
    Wednesday- Holiday dinner
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Trainer workout

    School Goals for this week
    1. Scan all the unit test and enter grades on Monday
    2. Labs start grading on Tuesday when it is done
    3. Prepare weekly quiz for Thursday
    4. Grade the weekly quiz before Friday

    12/8 to 14
    Sunday- Rest due to weather DONE
    Monday-trainer DONE
    Tuesday- gym NOT DONE
    Wednesday-Rest DONE
    Thursday- Rest may hit the gym REST
    Friday- Climbing DONE
    Saturday- Gym with trainer DONE

    Grading Goals
    8th grade unit tests 30/95 DONE
    7th grade unit test x/32 DONE
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @debbiezag - welcome to this thread (or board) and thanks for your post - good job for you to begin posting to something to help you along your journey! I would encourage you to use the logging food feature on here as well as its an excellent tool in learning about your eating habits!
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks @RobinsEgg! I'm excited to really get started and involved. I had been doing Ripped in 30 for 3 weeks and had not seen any results. Just a little bit about myself:

    I have 2 precious little boys, my youngest being 2 and I work out of the home 2-3 days a week for 12 hours at a time. I struggled with my weight for as long as I could remember and my self confidence was shattered as young teen being one of the bigger girls in my group of friends. But I worked hard and with the help of the Wii I was able to lose weight after my first to a place where I felt comfortable with myself. Somehow, after I stopped nursing my second child I quickly gained over 10 lbs within a year and my old routine of dieting and exercise did not help anymore. Recently, I made a resolve that before I have another child I want to get myself to goal weight so that I will (hopefully) not have to struggle even harder after. I started Ripped in 30 and did not see any results- visible or on the scale and that's when I discovered MFP! I've been logging all my calories to the very best of my ability and logging the Ripped in 30 workouts I do as circuit training. But when I came across this board I realized that just being able to talk about our goals may help even a bit further!

    Thank you for the welcome!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump 2 - Sorry I've been a little MIA. I was baking ALL weekend. I've got about 10 different trays I'm handing out tomorrow. Tonight was a lovely evening though. I met some friends in town (Atlanta and upstate NY) at The Venetian to try Buddy V's (aka Cake Boss) new restaurant. Sooo good. I split a Caprese Salad, Calamari, and my entrée was Sea Scallops with Parm Polenta. I had just 3 bites of the most amazing Nutella Cake with Salted Caramel Ice Cream. Very content right now, but hitting it hard tomorrow through Christmas!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Just no time to check-in yesterday. My trainer texted early to say he had me down for 11 instead of my usual 1pm, so had to rush off to the gym – then in the middle of our session my gym lost power and they evacuated everyone, not sure when the power was restored. :grumble: So my session was cut short – we’ll extend my Tues or Thurs session to make up for the missed time. After that it was off to get grocery shopping done, presents wrapped for nephews (need to mail those today), start laundry, pick-up around the house, and then get ready for the week. In the middle of all of that some good friends called and I was on the phone with them for over an hour.

    @Susan~Wow, that is a lot of baking! This coming weekend is my baking weekend.

    @Laurie~I ran out of steam shopping on Saturday too, I had to go to a couple of different Target stores to find a special Lego set for my nephew – after that I was spent so I decided to put the mall off for a couple of more gifts until this week.

    @Nicole~Hooray for reaching the end of the quarter!

    AFM~Had good, long workout on Saturday at the gym with running drills. I upped my speed some and paid attention to my stride, definitely made a difference so think I’ll be able to improve on my time. My trainer and I discussed my goals yesterday, what it comes down to is that in order for me to meet my March goal I need to work out longer – I pretty much have my macros where they need to be so he wants my cardio sessions to exceed burning 1k calories, that makes for some pretty long cardio sessions, so guess I’ll be living at the gym. :huh:

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer
    Tuesday~Gym, training session
    Wednesday~Gym, elliptical
    Thursday~Gym, training session
    Friday~Rest Day (meeting friend for HH and then finish shopping)
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Finally we are back in the 60s and 70s this week! :love:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Monday Check In: I weighed in this morning at 235.2. That is a 1.7 lb loss for the week and a 14.9 loss overall! Wahoo. My muscles are feeling a bit achy this morning. I have not decided if I am going to work out today or use today as my rest day. I enter Phase 4 of my routine so it changes up again today. Here is my plan for the next 3 weeks.

    Phase 4 - Weeks 7, 8 & 9
    Monday - Cardio Classic, Chest & Back and Abs
    Tuesday - Cardio Strike and Shoulders & Arms
    Wednesday - Hips, Thighs & Buns and Abs
    Thursday - Cardio Blast and Chest & Back
    Friday - Cardio Classic and Shoulders & Arms
    Saturday - Hips, Thighs and Buns and Abs
    Sunday - Rest

    We went food shopping yesterday and I stocked up on fresh fruits and veggies. A few weeks ago I saw someone in the forums post a recipe for zucchini tots. Yesterday I bought some zucchini and am going to try the recipe out for dinner tonight. I hope they come out delicious.

    Michelle - I cannot stress how important I think it is that you find something that you love to do along the lines of exercise. I find engaging in activities I love keeps me motivated and successful. Don't be afraid to play around with a few different types until you find something you like to do. If you are interested in working out at home through DVDs, Netflix has a lot on their site that you can borrow to try out.

    Skinnyjeanz - Sorry your laptop lost your post. I hate when that happens. It is so frustrating. I think your eating plan for the next few days sounds like a good one. I cannot believe the Holiday break is already upon us! This month really flew by. I actually thought I was working next Monday for my agency but realized my last day for 2 weeks is Friday. It was a nice surprise. :smile: That makes me sad to read how your friend's colleagues treated her when she had to take time off for the loss of her mom. People suck and are cruel. I experienced something similar last year with my colleagues when I was out for 2 weeks which was beyond my control. That was nice of you and your colleague to help your friend out during her time of need. I am sure she is grateful for you both!

    naceto - Congrats on losing inches. That is fantastic. I really enjoyed reading what you wrote to Michelle. I especially liked your line "So, like I said... fall 7 times, get up 8." :heart:

    Debbiezag - Welcome to the group. Jump right in an join us. Be sure to check back in often! I highly recommend in addition to weighing yourself you take measurements. A lot of times the scale doesn't seem to move but our bodies are shedding inches. Don't stick with just the scale to track your progress. Start looking at other things such as measurements, energy levels, what you can do now that you couldn't prior, NSV (non-scale victories). Focusing on these little things help to keep you motivated when the scale isn't moving. :flowerforyou:

    Susan - The dinner you had at Buddy's restaurant sounds amazing. I am glad you enjoyed it!

    Kah68- So sorry you had to rush to the gym for your earlier session and then the gym lost power. Yikes, I would have been annoyed. Burning 1K in one workout sounds like one heck of a workout. I wish you the best of luck with that.
  • arkansas300
    arkansas300 Posts: 24 Member
    Monday check in. My total weight as of today is 235.0 pounds. A overall weight lost total 73 pounds. My goal is to weigh 175 pounds.My exercise plan is fairly simple. I always ask God for strength to stay away from the sugar and high fat in junk foods. I walk this weight loss journey with faith and motivation. Heres my weekly exercise plan.

    Monday-walk off the pounds 4 miles:laugh:
    Tuesday-Treadmill speed 3.5-4:wink:
    Wednesday-Walk outside-speed walk with a light jog
    Thursday-Cardio with Richard Simmons(I Luv Him):love:
    Friday-Strength training::mad:
    Saturday-Walk outside and run football field bleeches
    Sunday-My DAY:drinker:
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    My food choices have been poor this weekend. I got in a car accident on Thursday, the roads are so bad right now. Luckily no one was hurt and the damage is not too bad. I think the stress of it, on top of tom and Christmas threw me. Plus I hit my first STGW. Which is great!!! , but I have a few emotional issues w/ losing weight. Funny thing about this weekend, I have been baking all week (my house smells amazing), and I've been eating potato chips. lol! Monday is a new day. Exercise WILL happen and I will eat healthier!!!

    Robin, I'm glad you're on the mend. It's about time! :D
    Everyone else, Cheers to you! It's a tough month and you guys are doing amazing!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Monday check in:

    Weighed in at 238 solid this morning. :) Much better than I thought. I officially met my DietBet goal with about a week to spare. I just have to maintain til the 23rd!

    Solid day of cardio today. Arc trainer and treadmill. I'm getting better at the HIIT style. 4.0 for .25 miles, then 5.5-6 for .25 miles. I actually ran a quarter mile at 6mph! I'm getting there! I'm going to try and increase distances over the next few weeks. :) Hoping for a good week this week scale-wise. fingers crossed.
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you to ladies for sharing how you got through the plateaus. I think each of you hit on something that I have been lacking in doing. Bottom line is I need to start logging again, get moving more, watch portions and keep on keeping on. I needed to hear how you all got through it and know that I can to.

    AFM-My jeep died. $5000 to fix and the warranty ran out a few months ago. Normally I would be completely stressed out but I guess at some point in life you just learn that things will work itself out one way or another. No need to stress because it doesn't change a thing.
    I am very proud of this. As you all know pizza is a huge weakness for me which we had and spent the weekend baking. I had two slices of pizza and as for all the goodies we made, I had two of those as well. I put some goodies in zip lock bags for his lunch (told him how much was in each bag) and then packed the rest off to family. :happy:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today was a good day overall. My trainer had me a total core workout tonight so I should be sore tomorrow. Workout included a variety of different crunches and leg lifts. I am cutting this short tonight since I am tired.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    Goodness I think the snow is getting the best of me. It normally takes me a 1/2 hr to get home from work. Today it took me almost 2 hrs :noway:. I think I did my workout in the car of flapping my arms in the air and shaking my head all over the place. I may have looked ridiculous but at least I was trying to make it worth my while. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I'm stressing out on it. I hope the scale is in my favor this week.
  • mere1982
    hi everyone! I just started back on here this past week after a seriius ankle injury that put me down for 3 months and bulked me uo 30lbs! so 30 on top of the 75 I needed to lose puts me in the 100+ club. uuuuuugh not excited about that! but I have been to the gym 5 days in a row and have logged everything in those 5 days. I'm hoping that the initial 30 falls off once my life is back to normal but I know the rest is going to take some work. after sitting for 3 minths I am ready to get moving! hope everyone had a great weekend
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The weekend was pretty bad for calories. I told myself that this is a new week, but I sure had to fight myself all day. I won some and lost some. I came out okay on the total count. I'm sure missing my walks. It just isn't getting warm enough to get rid of the ice.
    Today I am thankful for my mother and my grandmother. They were wonderful role models and taught me so many important things. They taught me to do needlework at a very young age. It really helps me stay busy and relieve stress without eating. I miss them everyday.
    Here's to a good week. Stay strong. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Michelle~Yikes, on the Jeep repair! That would send me over the edge for sure, nothing I hate worse than unexpected car repairs. You’re right nothing you can do to change it, so may as well not stress over it – although $5k would be hard not to stress over. :wink:

    @mere1982~Welcome! Injuries that cause a lot of downtime are frustrating to recover from and sure put a damper on weight loss. Just take it one day at a time and ease back into activity once your cleared.

    @P1xyn1xy~I’m sorry you were involved in a car accident, glad to hear that you are okay.

    @Nettie~Good luck on the next phase of your exercise program, you’re doing great!

    AFM~Big lesson learned yesterday, string cheese will not get you through a workout no matter what you do! Knowing how hard I planned on working out, I needed to have some complex carbs to sustain my energy. I know better and should have been prepared. :grumble: Glucose tanked and I was down and out for the rest of the night – today, I’m armed with a Luna bar. Today is our annual holiday breakfast – luckily they’re pretty good about having a variety of stuff, I avoided the pastries and bagels but did have a slice of the strata and egg roll wrap along with fruit salad. All very tasty and more carbs than I typically eat for b'fast, but its just once a year. :tongue:

    Tuesday Goals~My goals are to try and have the high calorie burning cardio sessions my trainer wants me to have. Yesterday's workout was hard, I can usually work out for a long time but I think that I was off yesterday because I hadn't eaten the right type of food for fuel so it really wreaked havoc on the quality of my workout and my recovery. So my second goal is to keep my carbs up prior to these workouts and to meet my caloric intake goals up as well.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Gym, training session
    Wednesday~Gym, elliptical
    Thursday~Gym, training session
    Friday~Rest Day (meeting friend for HH and then finish shopping)
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    Ok Good People! I fell off there for a while but I am back. Ugh.... So there was a lot of personal responses that I wanted to post and now I cant find them so I am sorry...

    Susan- Ok I am pretty sure it was you who said you used to live in the Atlanta area. Yeah I actually live in Atlanta and I love it! I am from Southern California but I have no intentions on ever leaving Atlanta. I feel like it has everything you want! My dad works in the Dunwoody area and my husband graduated from Dunwoody High School. So I am familiar with the area you used to live in. Besides we always travel out to Perimeter to eat...( I so hope my memory serves me correctly and you used to be in the Perimeter area lol)

    Okay so it is Tuesday- My goal is to be consistent and to be committed. Exercise is the key for me. When I exercise I make better food choices... when I don't I tend to not eat so well. I know the logic is missing but that is the way I generally operate. With having kids and a husband the only way for me to get in a workout is in the wee hours of the morning. And I am NOT a morning person. So guess who is really the key to my success in this whole thing? The answer should be ME... but it's not! It's my husband. When he makes me go to the gym I actually go! Okay I just went off topic... Until next time!!!
  • Ohio4Me
    Ohio4Me Posts: 22 Member
    Looking to join a group where I can find encouragement to stay motivated and lose some weight. Today is my birthday. I am a breast cancer survivor, finished the chemo and radiation. Proper diet and exercise are now my only 'tools' to continue the fight against cancer. I have struggled with weight most of my life and I'm not real happy that I am now the responsible person to wage my own fight against cancer.

    I'll figure it out - I just need to get moving and have that affirmation that I am doing my part. I've been on MFP before and done the
    yo-yo stuff, now I need to make steady progress towards a more healthy me. It won't happen overnight, it won't happen this year, but today can be the day I reclaim my life.

    I need this.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I ended up not taking yesterday as a rest day. I was feeling pretty good, worked out hard and burned burned burned! I made two new recipes for dinner last night after I got home from work. One was a chicken recipe I saw on Rachel Ray. I made this for Brian for dinner and he loved it. The second recipe was one I saw on here for zucchini tots. They came out really good and I would definitely make them again. By 9 pm last night I was completely exhausted from the day and went to bed.

    P1xyn1xy - Sorry to hear about your accident. But glad to hear you (and no one else) were injured.

    Alupinsk - Congrats on meeting your DietBet goal!

    Michelle - Good for you for eating pizza and goodies in moderation. I like your outlook on not stressing over the Jeep repair.

    Laurie - Wahoo for a good workout!

    Madeline - That is great that you made good use out of your time. I hate those long snow commutes home. It is snowing again here. I have not heard anything yet from my district about my program being cancelled. If it isn't I will be trekking home tonight during rush hour in this. I am not looking forward to that commute. :noway:

    mere1982 - Welcome. Best of luck to you!

    Kaye - Wahoo for a new week!

    Kah - Sounds like you did well at the Holiday Breakfast. :happy:

    Ohio4Me- Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou: Congrats on being a breast cancer survivor and taking control of your life. Welcome to our group. Just jump right in and join us.