Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Bump :flowerforyou:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Looks like we're all busy - headed to the gym and then need to get Christmas shopping started (yes, started - I haven't even decorated yet!)

    BUMP :heart:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Saturday Success: Yesterday I was looking in the mirror as I changed into my workout clothes. I noticed the area around my knee looked a bit smaller! I also noticed when I flex my legs and feel my thighs I can feel my muscles. I guess all the change in Gilad's program adding 3 days of Hips, Thighs and Buns is really paying off!

    Last night Brian and I took a drive to look at Christmas lights. One house a few towns over has a huge display which is synced to music on a station that they were broadcasting on. In between songs there was an announcement from the children who live at the home wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. It was the sweetest thing ever! The family put out a donation box and will be giving the money they raise to St. Judes. Their lights were absolutely amazing. We went around 9pm. When I went back home I liked their Facebook page. I discovered the local fire department was there at 7pm and brought Santa in. They also had Mrs. Clause and two other characters - one of the minions and a giant Elf on the Shelf. My gratitude post is for families such as this one who go above and beyond to raise money for causes such as St. Judes.

    Right before I was headed off to bed I discovered the rug in the den was wet. It turns out our dishwasher was leaking and we had no clue. The den is right next to the kitchen so the water made it's way into the den. :grumble: Just one of those "fun" home ownership things to deal with. Needless to say I spent a lot of time cleaning while Brian worked on fixing the dishwasher. He had to order a part which is scheduled to arrive on Wednesday. I hate washing dishes so it looks like we will be using paper plates until the dishwasher is fixed. <~~~Not very grateful for the flood. :laugh:

    On a happy note, we are getting some more snow. It looks so beautiful outside. I love it. It looks like I will be getting out there a bit later on and burn some extra calories by shoveling. I also went to the dentist this morning for a cleaning. No cavities. Wahoo!!! My mail carrier came today with the missing weight set for my husband. I felt bad that he had to carry it to my front door from his truck in the snow. It was quite heavy. BUT I get to finish wrapping everything this weekend and am all set for Christmas!

    Lives2Travel - Thank you that means a lot of me.

    Mel - Congrats on conquering the evil elliptical machine.

    Alupinsk - Wahoo for having to pull up the size 18's a few times. Congrats on your tatoo. I love what it stands for! Can you post a picture of it?

    jtconst - I am grateful for my animals too. I love their unconditional love. They always seem to know just what I need. Especially when I am sick and they sleep next to me. :heart:

    Laurie - That is great that three of your students came to you to workout a solution to their problems. I hope they follow through with the plan. :smile:

    tlh - Your mom sounds like an amazing woman. What you wrote was absolutely beautiful. You should share it with her!

    I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today I am thankful for the miracle of the Internet I just watched Nicole receive her masters degree in curriculum and instruction. She looked so happy and excited.
    Not much else to report. It is warm enough to walk but too snowy and slick. I am really missing my walks.
    Hope you are having a good weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
    KEVERDVM Posts: 24 Member
    I am making a plan!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Today I am thankful for FaceTime. We just got off the phone after visiting with my husband's parents in Connecticut. I need to use this option more often so the kids can see their grandparents.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member

    Grading done for now.

    Grateful that my grading is caught up for now.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    So grateful this thread is here for all of us. I have improved in my speech and I'm very happy about that - its coming and going but in the mornings its very good and by the pm its shot, as I get tired of talking. But what great progress I am making! This is my gratitude for the day - for good doctors and good medication!

    I'm still not logging - and I don't think I'll bother until after Dec 25 - I've set a mini -goal, of seeing the Doctor that week and hopefully being with my family on Christmas. My 4th sibling, my sister from Las Vegas plans to be here and I will do anything to make it there (to my other sisters house) to see her.

    Kaye - isj't the intenet great when you can see your grandaughter graduate?

    Jeanette- I love all your posts about your backyards, your trees, the snows, and especially, all the birds. When I was married I had a back yard like that - oh it was magical <sigh> its so nice to relive it though your words!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Quote of the day:

    Whatever is there on your plate got there because you said yes to it."
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    This is so true and I personally need to keep reminding myself that.

    As for my Saturday accomplishments is I took the initiative to go outside and shovel the snow instead of just watching it fall to the ground. I was really proud of myself. Later tonight we headed to the stores and I did some walking. These days I don't dread going to Menards. :laugh:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sunday share: I had a very productive day yesterday. I wore myself out and slept really well. Today's goal is to wrap the rest of the Christmas presents and go food shopping. I am just about out of vegetables. Brian and I make a mock version of a french onion soup. We use the lipton onion soup mix, add raw onions to it and let it simmer. Then top with crusty toasted bread and cheese. We had that for dinner last night. I had a nice large bowl last night which was only 112 calories for the soup, with bread and cheese it was 312 calories. Not bad considering I had about 900 calories to eat for dinner. However the sodium was through the roof - 2,578. :noway: Needless to say I was way over on sodium yesterday. I am going to have to revamp that recipe and create a lower sodium version of it. I bumped up my water yesterday as a result.

    Robin - Glad your speech is improving! My backyard is one of the things that sold me on the house. One of my requirements was to have a yard large enough for a vegetable garden. I never expected to find that plus having my very own private "nature preserve" too! My house is the second to last on a dead end street. There are woods at the end of the street and behind the houses across the street from me. Behind me is the sump which is over grown. So there are a lot of trees and plants. Of course with that comes all the wildlife. I have yet to see deer and foxes but I know they are in the area. My husband has a coworker who lives a few minutes away and has seen deer in his backyard. I have also spotted a fox that sadly was hit by a car and died in the road. My kitchen has a sliding glass door that goes out to our back patio. Yesterday my kitty, Harvest Moon, sat the entire day by the door and watched the juncos. They kept hopping all over the patio and were sitting in the plants by my back door. This morning the first thing she did when we came out of the bedroom was run to the back door and looked out. It was the cutest thing ever. Ironically, she gets so excited about watching the birds outside but pays no attention to our cockatiel Tyr. In the summer our backyard is filled at night with fireflies. Brian and I like to sit outside with our choice of drink for the day and just listen to the sounds of nature and watch the fireflies dance in the night sky. Of course living in the woods has it's drawbacks too. Don't get me started about all the spiders I find in my house. I hate spiders. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Madeline: Wahoo for getting out there and moving. I, for some odd reason, enjoy shoveling. I went out last night around 5 when it slowed down and shoveled. Boy it was really cold outside. I was freezing when I came in.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I just wanted to share a link to an inspirational story. I have watched this video over and over again. Each time I do it brings tears of joy to my eyes. Remember no matter what you are dealing with, never give up on yourself! Enjoy!
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    @Robin-So happy to hear that your speech is improving! and hopefully no more high pain days.

    @alupinsk-It feels good getting back into clothes that haven't fit for a while. Good for you!!!

    @lauriek70-who knew someone working inside an office would need to dress in layers because they don't know what the temp in going to be inside! Hope it all gets worked out and soon.

    @grandmakay-Glad you got some quiet time in. It sure goes a long way in helping for no stress holidays!

    @jnette-I love garlic too! It's nice to hear someone who loves their job even with the stress that can come along with it!

    @lives2travel-I am glad DH came around. Your cookie idea is fantastic! Great job on all the weight loss too.

    @kah68-I sure hope you don't get the flu. Its always a bad time to get the flu but over the holidays would be miserable!

    @mnwaalingqueen-down the road your son will be happy you stood your ground! Your a good mom.

    @jtconst-I am glad things are working out with your oldest daughter

    @tlh0407-my weight loss and slowed but like you I am keeping on keeping on

    AFM-I am really struggling. I went from losing 2-3 pounds every week to bouncing around 258-262 and its so frustrating. I know I need to kick things up as far as exercise. I need to learn to love exercise like jnettie. I also need to get back to logging. I know I can do this. I just have to get focused!
    I see so many people on here who have lost a good bit of weight. If you would share a brief history of you trials and success I would appreciate it. Some extra motivation would be very helpful!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Arrrgh!!! I had a whole post with lots of personals and my laptop decided to crap out! :explode:

    Here's the shortened version:

    @michelle--I lost most of my weight by being diligent about weighing my portions and logging my food and exercise. I truly believe the process works. I haven't been as diligent with my food over the past year and that's why I've just maintained.

    @nettie--I also really admire what you do for a living!

    @kaye and tracy--Yay for technology!

    @laurie--congrats on getting all caught up on grading!

    @robin--glad you are starting to feel better.

    @kelley--I have not started shopping yet either.

    @mel--great job getting to the gym!

    @lives--congrats on your progress so far--it's inspirational!!

    @alupinsk--yay for smaller jeans!

    I will expand on some of this later. Need to get ready to go grade and do some shopping.

    Grading goals:
    1. 23/73 Tone vocabulary quizzes

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--rest day (meeting)
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE--TOO COLD!! + gym (cardio) DONE
    Wed--rest day (meeting + dinner with friends)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Fri--going out with student teacher and colleagues for drinks
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio) NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Yay! The quarter is over and I am taking Winter quarter off... My company is bringing in an instructor from a local community college for a Project Management course to be taken onsite at work. Between this and work - I should have enough to keep me busy.

    I've been seeing my personal trainer twice a week for a month now (actually, 3 times this week, to adjust for holidays). I've logged most days... but obviously that is not enough. I have lost some inches but not one single pound. I'm okay with that. I feel a ton better than I did a month ago.. BUT I do want to step up my game a bit. I want to see a size 14 by mid-January (my birthday).

    @michelleborma - I am at that point right now, hovering between 215-220. I haven't lost a pound (and kept it off).. since 11/26. It can be frustrating... but not as frustrating as when I was stuck between 238-248... and before that between 268-275. I have been slowly (very slowly) losing weight for about 4 years. (My highest point was around 285). The only thing that has kept me going.... is to keep going. I fall seven times, get up eight. (Okay, more like I've fallen 300 times and gotten up 301). If I had one key piece of advice... it would be to keep going. Keep moving. Push yourself to be a little better today than you were yesterday. If today, you went a little crazy on a bag of Cheetos.... make a conscious effort to only have half the bag next time, then a quarter of the bag, and then eventually, you will be satisfied with just a few. Ask yourself each day, "What can I do today, to keep moving forward and be just a little better than yesterday?".

    How I lost weight- (so far)
    First (prior to MFP)- I ate less. I stopped sitting down to eat 4 to 6 pieces of peanut butter toast with sugar. I stopped justifying my eating a half gallon of ice cream in two days. I bought smaller cartons of ice cream. I chose salad over fries more often than before. I wasn't doing any planned exercise (I could barely walk half a block without wheezing and hurting my hip). Over a couple of years, I got smaller. I didn't weigh a lot at that point... just saw my clothes get smaller. I lost about 40 pounds that way... I cut out A LOT of junk food.

    Then I started actually paying attention to the quality of food I was fueling my body with. I learned about different fats and protein. I wasn't weighing... just estimating portions. I found MFP and learned even more. I started logging my food and started walking. I started with half a block, until the wheezing stopped. I walked nearly every day - just a little bit. I worked my way up to a block, then two, eventually, I was walking a mile most days. When I walked nearly every day for 20 minutes a day, the weight started dropping. I think I was 238 when I really stuck with MFP, then last year got down to 213.... just walking a lot and being aware of my food choices.

    Then I slacked off and eased myself back up to 227... I had stopped walking, and was lax on my food choices (big portions, more fast food). AGAIN I started moving more, eating less. At this point, to lose weight, I think I have to walk several times a week, for at least 60 minutes at a time (at 20 minutes is where I get my heart rate up at this point). So, like I said... fall 7 times, get up 8.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--your post to michele is basically what my lost post said. Congrats on finishing the quarter! :drinker:

    @michelle--what nicole said. :wink: I would add that for me personally food (the quality and amount) is what seems to be the deciding factor. I've spent the past year working my butt off in the gym to compensate for poor food choices--and though it's helped me maintain, I know I need to get serious about my nutrition if I want to lose more weight. As Imentioned in an earlier post, I plan to get through this next few weeks and then really commit to better food choices going forward.

    @kaye & tracy--Your posts about using the internet to communicate made me realize what a double-edged sword technology can be. I see so many articles and memes poking fun at the lack of human interaction we sometimes have due to texting, email, and social media--pictures of people sitting in restaurants looking at their phones instead of each other. However, you gave two really great examples of how technology can bring people together. This thread is another example--I wouldn't know all of the wonderful people I've met on this website if it weren't for the internet. :happy:

    Sunday Share:
    My food and exercise this week has been abysmal. :blushing: Monday we brought snacks for my student teacher's last day; Tuessay I was so busy that I ate cookies for lunch; Wednesday I went to dinner with colleagues and had decadent "chocolate covered strawberry" martini; ThursdayI ate munchkins and nachos; Friday went out for drinks and bar food with colleagues. Then yesterday was my friend's mother's memorial in the afternoon and our faculty holiday party in the evening. Ugh.

    Going forward, my plan is to try to be very diligent on days when I have no parties or special events. Today through Tues. I will eat reasonably (stay under goal & watch my macros); Wed. and Thurs. I more holiday parties, but I will try to keep it in check. After this week, I will be on winter break and I plan to go back and look at some of the foods I was eating when I started MFP--I seemed to do really well, and I know I've gotten away from some of those easy, healthy snacks and meals. Going to use some of my time off to come up with a plan going forward.

    Today I am thankful for all of my wonderful colleagues in the English dept. at my HS. My friend who lost her mom is in the PE dept. and her colleagues were awful about helping her out when she had to take unexpected time off this week. Basically, they did the bare minimum to help her. In fact another English teacher and I were the ones who made sure her copies for students got made and lesson plans got delivered to her subs. To top it all off, when she returned on Thurs., her colleagues kept telling her how much of a hassle it was to do the little they did to help her. What a bunch of a$$hats! :angry:

    If I were ever in a similar situation, I know my fellow English teachers would step up and cover my classes with no problem and no complaints. When my friend Amy's dad was dying of cancer, I told her not even to make lesson plans for her Juniors b/c our classes follow the same plans. I made her plans and copies for her subs for those classes, and other teachers did the same for her senior and freshman classes. I know they would do the same for me.

    I need to get my tone tests graded today and get a little bit of shopping done. My husband's nephew, his wife, and daughter are in town and we're going to see them tomorrow. I need to get some presents for them since we won't see them for the actual holiday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Got through one more class--27 to go, but I need to get my shopping done first.

    Grading goals:
    1. 46/73 Tone vocabulary quizzes
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My food choices yesterday were abysmal. I even went over maintenance. I am really going to have to step it up after the holidays.
    Today I am thankful for my incredible kids who have grown up to be really caring people. When I told them that I wanted to make Christmas better for my step grand daughter and her little family, they were immediately on board with ideas and help. They always step up to the plate when someone is in need, whether it's family or strangers. I am excited about our plans.
    The only thing I would add about losing weight is that it has been important to me to eat what I have always eaten. I use portion control. I have a treat when I want to. Anything that was forbidden would immediately be the very thing that I would want. Someone said, "you can't outrun your fork.". Controlling how much you eat is a very big percentage of success.
    Have a great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I second your point about not forbidding oneself certain foods. Sure it makes sense to not keep "trigger" foods in the house, but I also allow myself anything I want as long as I make it fit my calorie allowance--of course that's when I'm doing well; recently I have been allowing myself anything I want regardless of calorie limits. :blushing: It's nice that your family is helping you make it a special holiday for your step grand daughter and her family.

    AFM--I got through my shopping and am now watching the season finale of Survivor. I also still need to wrap the gifts for family we will see tomorrow. DH is meeting me at my work right after school b/c it's on the way to his sister's house, so I need to get it all together for him to bring with him. Looks like those tests are going to have to wait another day or two. :ohwell:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Queen - I like how you put your foot down to your son and told him he's getting his HS diploma even if he has to go every day this summer. I am amazed at the number of kids who get the "drop out" syndrome the last semester of school. You will win - just keep your ground, don't give an inch!

    Kaye - I'm so proud of your persistence and determination to stick with your diet and food choices even at this holiday time. I would give yourself an indulgence day or two this holiday and accept the damages it may cause, if you feel you are up to it.
    I say this cautiously, and only to you, because you do exercise such control otherwise.

    AFM: Pain and fatigue were a problem today. I was going to go shopping but sleep won. I basically would sleep for 4 hours wake up and take a pain pill and go back to sleep - that was my routine from 10 to 6. Now I'm going to watch the Survivor finale.