Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Kah and Nettie: Thanks, While I'm considered at fault (I was coming out of an alley)... the roads are abysmal right now. Neither of us could stop or turn away. Considering we both had kids in the car... it's lucky we were going so slow. But there is something very strange when your car just glides into someone else. Slow mo.... but you still can't stop.
    Nettie: I'm sure you'll do great! It sounds like you have a great rapport w/ your kids! :D
    mn: Congrats on the A's!!!! You must feel great. :D
    skinnyjeanz: that's so nice that you do that for your students. Kids always know when a teacher cares... it makes a huge difference. :D
    Susan: your cookies look amazing! My house would be like that, but my hubby and kids are making a serious hole in it! lol!
    Lives2Travel: Amazing job on being ready for Christmas! And I was proud my shopping was done and the treats baked. Back to work for me!!! lol!
    KarenL: that's so cute about your granddaughter! My kids have done that to me... I find it so funny.

    AFM: Still slacking in the exercise dep't. I have got some of the snacking under control. I went to my kids Christmas concert last night. My little men just make my heart melt! SO CUTE!!!!! The kids really just have fluff days for the rest of the week. Today is jammy day, tomorrow is tacky christmas sweater day and cookie decorating, Friday is christmas parties. Today should be a good day... I have some beef stew in the crock pot.... nom nom nom!
    I thought gratitude day was Thursday but I'm grateful for my children. They keep my heart young and me moving. They teach me to play, have patience and to not take myself so seriously! They teach me that I'm capable of great love and sacrifice. Also that I am fiercely protective. I may not always be the best Mom, but they're the best little people in the world to me!!! Children are amazing!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Today I'm thankful for a wonderful neighborhood. Our move from Atlanta to Las Vegas last year was a major decision. Cyrus was in his last year of elementary so it was so important for him to make a smooth transition as well to prepare for middle school. I'm so thankful God had everything mapped out for us. I'm so thankful for nice neighbors who welcomed us. The good thing is we continue to meet other neighbors too who are just as nice. I'm paying a bit more in rent than I had planned, but it's worth it for us to be happy and I can afford it, but made some adjustments in other areas. I've got a dear friend in GA whose home will be paid off in 5 years. Unfortunately, various neighbors have moved in with very, very loud dogs. She's getting no relief and the neighbors don't care either. I feel so bad for her.

    Wednesday Wish: I keep maintaining and get through the next week or so. I know I've made BIG strides over last year when I completely derailed gaining back 30 of the 60 I had lost. This year between Halloween and today I've only lost and gained the same 5 lbs. I'm OK with that. I've been enjoying a few holiday treats and various parties, but not over indulging like in the past. I am learning so I'm thankful for that too. With that said, I will be glad to get right back on a regular routine minus all these parties, extra treats, etc. . .

    For me, holiday is pretty easy. I basically ordered everything for Cyrus online and had it shipped to my parents in Sarasota. Mom is wrapping everything. Woo Hoo!! We fly out on the red eye Monday night and arrive into Tampa at 9:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve. We fly back New Years Eve and land around 11:30 p.m. We can't wait to get there and enjoy some fun in the sun! We have sun here every day, but it's much warmer down there right now. We'll definitely be on the beach a few days I'm sure.

    @ Tracy - Love the Shepherd's Run! What a wonderful idea.

    @ Lives2Travel - I think we would all agree. Sizes are all over the place and especially by brand. I guess that's why I've always stuck with 2 or 3 shops and that's it. I know the sizes fit (for the most part), but it's always such a joy (NOT) to try on clothes. I think the worst are the brassieres. YUCK! I think many of us are feeling the same way. While we know this season is hectic, we do love spending time with our family and friends, BUT we'll be so glad when it's over too. Bring on 2014!!!!

    @ Kelly - My trainer introduced me to kettles this week. Here I thought you just lifted them, but there's a science to doing the swing properly. Who knew? My mom has a bunch of different weights so my trainer is adapting a workout schedule for me when we head to FL next week. I'll definitely walk, but mom has kettles, stability ball, bands, etc. . . I'll be able to get in some resistance work too. We heard we're getting raises and bonuses - Woo Hoo!! I'm waiting too.

    @ Nettie - I know you're going to do great today. Like you said just keep doing what your do. You're good at it and the students react well. Thinking of you!!

    @ Karen - Your students are so lucky to have you as a teacher. It's those extra things you do that make such a difference. Even as high school students they really do love those extras that most people think just belong in elementary. I know it was extra work and time on your part, but that's the dedication and commitment of a teacher. You rock!!!

    @ Laurie - I always love your list. I need to do that more often. I do it at work and at home, but I should do it on here too especially to hold myself more accountable to my exercise. 2014 goal perhaps? I think I'll do it.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    So I also forget to share my exciting weekend. On top of the non-stop baking last weekend (see pictures below) I had two parties. Our corporate office had a party Friday night at BJ's Brewhouse. Totally casual, which I love. Beer, pizza & salad - super fun. Saturday night was the formal party at our largest franchise's house. WOW! Not sure how many millions it was worth and I think there were 7 garages. Well, I was going to go down the gorgeous spiral marble staircase, but a co-worker wanted to take the elevator (yes, in the house). Well, my luck we got STUCK!! So for 45 minutes I'm stuck in the smallest little box with 2 other people and no air. We were sweating up a storm. I was the calm one while my co-worker and her live-in boyfriend of 12 years bickered back and forth the whole time. It was a rather comical event.



    WOW that is a lot of cookies!!! I would go crazy, if stuck in an elevator... especially with people that are bickering. :laugh: You are a stronger woman than I.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today was the annual holiday bazaar at the school for the kids. They were able to purchase items using their notes for "good" behavior to "buy" the items. It went very well and there was some very nice stuff. Teachers and the community donate materials/stuff for the kids to buy. They can also have them gift wrapped before they leave. The kids did very well with this event. Now, tomorrow I need to finish the Christmas cards/ thank you notes to the kids. Sometimes it is very hard to come up with creative ways to thank a student who gives us a problem either academically or with behavior.

    As of today, my trainer will be going Rock climbing with me on Friday. I am very excited to have the opportunity to teach her something new and provide guidance. Hopefully, her plans will not change and she will be able to make it.

    Nettie- Good luck with the observation today.

    I hope the weather clears up for everyone and we can get back to being outside again. It is suppose to be warm in Maryland this weekend so I hope to get outside to exercise this weekend.

    Thankful, for spending time with extended family. Tonight we had dinner with my Godparents so it was very nice. Usually, they come over on Christmas Eve for dinner after church. My Godmother is having knee replacement surgery on on Friday so she won't be able to come over on Christmas Eve. We celebrated tonight and my dad came was able to join us for dinner. As much as I miss him being home, I know he still has a long way to go in getting stronger. He was home when I arrived but getting him back to the rehab center was a challenge and very stressful but at least it went well. The nice was my dad was able to see the tree and the decorations.

    Wish- that everyone has some great weather so we can get outside again to walk or just have fun.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today I am thankful for patient teachers and the fun experience they give to children. GS had his kindergarten Christmas program. It was well-done and lots of fun. GS was wearing a really cute snowman costume. The problem was that he wouldn't give his carrot nose to bunny at the appropriate time.
    Wednesday wish: I wish that I could more trust in myself and this process so that I could enjoy the holiday more and quit stressing over the treats. I am so afraid that if I give myself too much slack, I won't be able to get back in the groove.
    I hope that all of you have had great and safe day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    So thankful for being able to work at least one day a week at home. It nice to be able to look out the window and know that I don't have to go out in that cold weather. I can totally relate about the whole jeans issue. The last time I went to go get some clothes I was so upset by the way the clothes fit that I sat in the fitting room and cried then walked out without getting anything.

    As for my Wednesday wish I wish that winter would go quickly and bring on the nicer weather where we can actually enjoy the outside weather.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi everyone...
    I've been missing you all a ton... life has just been overwhelmingly horrible, and I've been selfishly focusing on aking it through another day. Quick catchup: I am stuck on a plateau again (bleh), daughter moved home (yay) and is getting married this weekend to a very nice guy (double yay), but she's been unable to find a job (boo) and he's working two jobs trying to get out of debt (yay?)... so the short end is that we are now a household of 5.

    And work is enchanting (not)... new CNO, new CMO... both coming up with a very different direction on where to take the hospital from where we've been...not a bad thing in and of itself, except for the fact that every regulatory agency is crawling up our caboose right now, as well as the local media...

    ... so it's been a little stressful, y'know?

    Working hard at staying on track, and it's just so frustrating when you behave soooo well, and get nowhere. I do admit to falling off the wagon occasionally, but most of the time I'm either under my numbers, or at least under maintenance.

    @ Ellen - **hugs** hope things are improving..and very glad to hear that the CT was cancer-free!

    @ Laurie - wise, wise words... you're always so on target!

    @ Tina - I hear ya... been MIA myself & dealing with stress. And that's a big piece of it - stress will actually cause either stagnation in weight loss, or gain even. It's the cortisol (aka stress hormones) that does it... and it really sucks. Among other things, try to remember to breathe, and take some time for yourself when you can...

    @ Nicole - hope the party was awesome :) 1997 wasn't a bad dress year... at least you wouldn't have linebacker shoulderpads!

    @ Susan - wow... if I hadn't been missing lately, I'd have loved to entertain you durring your layover in Phoenix!

    @ Michelle - I understand your dread over loose skin - I'm fighting some of those issues right now (bingo arms... yech!) Some of it will simply never improve, unfortunately - but the younger you are, the better chance you may have... that and moistureize! Palmer's skin therapy oil is helpfull. If it's really extreme once your weight is stable, many health plans will cover some surgical interventions if they are determined to be medically (or in some cases psychologically) necessary.

    @ KarenL - stress eating continues to be a big hurdle for me as well... in my case, it isn't a heart valve that gets in the way of my exercises at times, it's my asthma -- which *has* been a bit better with less weight around, but still reaches out and smacks me around from time to time.

    @ Kris, Kelley, Karen, Tammy, Kaye & everyone else... I've missed you all. Trying to get caught up on everything.

    I agree 200% on the standardizing sizing... it makes me a little insane some days!

    All that being said - I love the idea of a gratitude 'challenge'... I am very grateful for all of you, and my very patient family, and the fact that although stressful, I have a good job where I can make a difference.

    And I promise to be better about posting.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Just catching up on posts! No personals tonight--too sleepy. :yawn:

    I ate a bunch of junk today but actually tried to log. I'm sure it's off a bit, but at least I have a general idea. Got to the gym and lifted and did cardio.

    Thanks for all of the nice comments about my treat for my students. :happy:

    Grateful for the upcoming break--can't wait for some much needed time off to catch up on grading.
  • Ohio4Me
    Ohio4Me Posts: 22 Member
    I am grateful to work from home. It affords me the opportunity to be near by for my parents, it cuts down on clothing costs (work in my jammies most of the day), I don't drive on snowy roads to get to work, my coffee is made just like I want, I start and finish when I want (but I work too long). It's all good.

    I was mildly successful yesterday - if only I wouldn't have eaten the potato chips at my sisters house. I didn't exercise yesterday.

    Today my goal is to eat healthy, drink my water, and get some exercise in.

    I can do this.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wow It's Thursday already- Truth is I have been running errands so much after work this week that my eating has been horrible but under goal. I got 1 batch of cookies done last night, so tonight I will be a baking mad woman. I must say the holiday has crept up on me very fast and I haven't even started shopping yet.

    I am just grateful for Life today.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday Truth - I asked Brian to pick up some candy for our Christmas candy bowls. He picked up a bag of Ghiadaelli squares - chocolate and sea salt, caramel and sea salt. I tried one and was blown away with how yummy they were. Yesterday I ate 6 of them. :noway: Ironically I managed to stay within my calorie goal. But I also forgot to eat lunch yesterday because I was so preoccupied with getting in my workout, shoveling the icy slush and getting my stuff ready for work.

    Yesterday's observation was a big joke. She came in and I introduced myself and students to her. I gave her a brief run down on what we were doing and transitioning to. She replied "Oh great, I would like to see that." Then I kept doing what I do. She stayed for all of 2 minutes. I turned around and saw her walking out my door. My colleague said the same exact thing happened when she came into her class. After work I was texting my boss about it. She said that is the problem that we have when she comes. She doesn't stay long enough to actually observe the children and doesn't understand their needs because she doesn't observe it. So when my boss goes to her and asks for additional staff she looks at her like she has 3 heads. :ohwell: Right after she left all h*ll broke out, 3:4 students (2 were absent) began to act up and it was complete chaos. I was dealing with one behavior while my aides were trying to redirect their students. We finally managed to get things back on track and the rest of the day went smoothly. :smile:

    One of the goals we are working on with my students is for them to learn the rules of several new games that they can play in social situations (IE birthday parties). Yesterday I taught them to play "candy cane" limbo. (Limbo - but I made the pole to look like a candy cane) My student's loved it. They were so cute trying to go under the stick as it got lower and lower. The smiles on their faces were priceless! :heart:

    Lives2Travel- I can completely relate to the inconsistency in sizing. I agree with you.

    Kah - I saw your burn yesterday. That was one pretty impressive workout even though it was low-key!

    tlh - I love the idea of the Shepherd's run on Christmas Eve. What a great experience!

    Gratitude: I am very grateful that Sunday/rest day is quickly approaching. My muscles, especially in my tush and legs, are definitely feeling the change in my workouts. I know I can easily just switch it up and make my rest day any day I want. However I have it set in my head that I will complete this week and rest on Sunday just as the program is written. I refuse to give in and rest mid week. Only 2 more workouts after I complete today's then I can rest. :wink:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @Ohio4Me - I work at home too and love it! You can't beat the commute or the ability to control the temperature in your office. I did find that once I began working from home (almost 5 years ago) that I gained a bunch of weight. If you work in an office, you have only the food you brought that day or perhaps what you can buy from a vending machine. At home the fridge is right there all the time. This is one of the reasons I do not snack. It's just too easy to over indulge when you have the ability to quickly get whatever you want.

    @mnwalkingqueen - Bad eating, but not over goal. I'd consider that a win at this crazy time of year.

    @jnettie - Isn't that always how it is? Many of our bosses really don't know what we do and couldn't do it to save their lives, but rarely listen to what we need to be more effective. Frustrating.

    Today's Gratitude: The scale said 220. (Happy dance commencing). I'm grateful that I found MFP and my determination to lose this weight. I'm grateful that I'm at the halfway point. I'm grateful that I have never had any medical issues related to obesity. I'm grateful that 2013 gave me a do-over in the quest for weight loss and increased health. I'm grateful that I can celebrate a win and grateful that I am excited about the rest of the journey.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nettie~Thanks! :happy: Not real low-key since I use a jogging elliptical but worked out at a steady pace without letting up - good thing too, as my trainer saw me and came to make sure I was following his instructions. :wink: I cannot keep those caramel sea salt chocolates from Ghirardelli in my house – they are WAY too addictive!

    @Holly~I think Christmas has snuck up on everyone, since Thanksgiving was so late we only had about three weeks. I still have shopping to do and so much baking!

    @Vickie~Its so good to see you, glad to hear things are making a turn for the better regarding your daughter. I’m sorry for the continued stresses at work, I hope the new year brings some calmness into your life and job. :flowerforyou:

    Lord help us all, the food and goodies just keep coming and coming! Yesterday it was a jar of Cookie Butter from Trader Joes – if you’ve never tried it don’t, happiness in a jar! :laugh: The NI is actually not that bad, but you have to limit yourself to ONE serving. Then came a huge tin of popcorn, then Danish butter cookies on my desk this morning, then my favorite volunteer at the hospital brought me a huge box of chocolates from Trader Joe’s this morning! Oi vey!!! True testament to my will power today – all I can say is thank goodness I have a session with my trainer tonight and I’ve been doing cardio like a mad woman this week.

    I’m grateful for Zoe, Sunday will mark one year since she adopted me. She is still such a silly, active kitty and loves to snuggle – epitome of a lap cat! I just love coming home to her greeting me at the door, excited that her playmate has arrived!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, elliptical DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, training session
    Friday~Rest Day (meeting friend for HH and then finish shopping)
    Saturday~10k or gym for running drills (depends on weather and how much shopping I finish Friday)
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thursday: Hi Everyone, well, I'm trying to think of something to be thankful for. Right now it's hard. I've been up since 4 am as the 'new' roof is leaking in 3 rooms...snow build up on the roof, went above freezing, melted, now water is coming into the house...this house was rebuilt completely 10 years ago and has had 10 leaks from the roof since then..Hubby scared me as he was trying to climb up on the roof in the dark this morning and I was sure he'd slide off. .hubby is running to the store to buy heated wires to install before tonight as two more storms are on the way (ice, freezing rain, heavy snow). I'm waiting for insurance people. Men are up on the roof getting rid of the's going to be really expensive. Every time I think we're ahead (financially) something like this happens. I love where I live, but this makes me want a new house, without problems. Also, was at the hospital with hubby to treat his skin cancer two days ago...'sigh'
    ok, I'm thankful for my sweet, little grandchildren, who are coming over for lunch...they cheer my heart.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today I am thankful for the sunshine. We have had fog and haze for weeks. The sun is shining this morning and it is about 30* outside. Maybe it will begin to melt some of the snow and ice.
    Thursday truth: Since Thanksgiving I have been hovering 1 to 2 # above my previous low. The scales are finally moving again. I am just 1/2# above my previous low.
    Mel, sorry about the leaky roof. Water can really do a lot of damage.
    I am making cookies like mad this week. More for today. School is out early tomorrow so I can finally get the tree up this weekend.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hey everyone. It was good to read through the posts and catch up on how you are all doing. I am in a mad rush to get everything perfect at the house since hubby comes home on Saturday. Its funny cause I do this everytime like he doesnt know what a halfhearted housekeeper I really am:bigsmile:
    Well as I am sure you all have noticed I have been struggling the last few months with staying in that good routine I had built up a year ago. I just keep bouncing around in a ten pound spread and not really going anywhere. I would like to blame so many things but there is really no reason for it. While thinking about this and trying to get myself in a better mind frame I took the dogs out for their walk. Where I live there are a bunch of side roads that all branch off one main road. The main road is very busy but a couple of the side roads loop around in on each other and make a great loop for walking the dogs. I start on the road one up from me and loop to the next one crossing and doing both sides of the main road. Before I started all this my brother used to live on the road I start on and I couldnt walk to his house without running out of breath. I am now walking the whole loop 2-3 times and in the last two weeks I have started throwing in bursts of jogging. So while I my not be losing the weight as consistently as I would like (and I am still going to work on that) it is nice to see how much healthier and fit I have become. :bigsmile:
    So I hope everyone has a great day and continues to enjoy this wonderful holiday season and are able to find the good in their lives and not focus on the negatives. :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Like so many others of you, I'm having a heck of a time getting through Christmas. This is usually about the time of the month that I just say, 'screw it' and eat like a lunatic until the last of the peppermint bark is gone. I'm trying to do better than that this year :laugh:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: 6 more days!!!! I can make it. I know it's not been the prettiest of survivals, but I didn't completely fall off that wall. Yes, I'm up 5, but was down 5 a few weeks ago. I keep losing/gaining those same 5. They'll come off sooner rather than later. I enjoyed a little sliver (and I mean little) of White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake, which was divine. I did the elliptical and treadmill this AM so I'm good. Yesterday was not pretty, but it's one day and not life. I plan to hit the gym tomorrow AM too. Saturday night is the last official office party. Thank goodness!! We fly out Monday night and I plan to walk in sunny Florida ALL week. Woo Hoo!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Thursday- one more day this week then it is Christmas break. I am looking forward to some rest and relaxation.

    Truth-I did not exercise today as planned. I did have the have time but had to go home first and that was the mistake. I ended up taking a short nap because I was very tired. So I opted to take the night off from exercise and just relax. I think I have been going so much this week that I needed a down night. We are suppose to listen to our bodies so hopefully mine will respond with more energy tomorrow. I will go to bed early tonight (10 pm) instead of 10;30 or 11 pm.

    Thankful for the all the Christmas lights. I love the way the make the area shine brightly to perk up the dark nights.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Thursday truth - husband is baking/decorating two different cakes in the kitchen right now.... :frown: Making it very difficult for me. BIG CONFESSION - I am a candy cane/peppermint junkie :blushing: so this time of year is pretty hard for me. But I've learned to limit myself to one Ghirardelli square on occasion, or one Hershey chocolate mint candy cane.

    Today, lunch was a candy cane mocha cappuccino :blushing:

    Off to the wedding tomorrow... so hopefully I can stay on track.....