Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @vickie--missed you too--it's nice to see you back! :flowerforyou: I am fortunate that I don't like mint very much, so those treats don't appeal to me.

    @laurie--I'm as excited as you are about tomorrow being the last day of school. I have been exhausted all week, but I was really feeling it today. I will follow your lead and go to bed early tonight. :smile:

    @susan--YES--we will make it through this! I've also seen the scale creeping up the past couple of days, but my hope is that the 2 lbs or so is mostly water from all of the sodium. Good for you for getting to the gym this morning--Hang tough, sister!

    @toots--I also am trying so hard not to just say "ef it!" and go crazy. Granted I've had a couple of days I've done so, but trying to keep it in check most days. :ohwell:

    @tammy--that improved fitness means so much more than the number on the scale. I am in the same boat with the 10-lb bounce around. Let's make it a point to move from just maintaining to losing more weight and getting even healthier in 2014!! :drinker:

    @kaye--that's so great that you are within a half pound of your low!! :drinker: We also had some relatively warmer weather the past couple of days--hope it lasts!

    @mel--ugh--so sorry about your roof leaks--that's terrible! When we first moved into our house we had a few weeks of "surprises" like that. The kitchen faucet was leaking, then the outgoing water pipe in the crawl space started leaking. Both of those were a direct result of poor workmanship (missing washers, cross-threaded pipes, etc.). My husband got those and bunch of other minor stuff fixed, and then we woke up on a lazy, rainy Saturday morning to the sound of water dripping INTO the house somewhere. We followed the sound to our furnace room to find many leaks. Turns out the previous owner had attached some screening to the chimney (presumably to keep out birds/animals) and all of the screw holes he made had water pouring in. I swear it's a good thing we didn't know where the previous owners moved to, b/c I think my DH would have gone over to their house and cussed out the guy for all of his stupid moves in trying to "fix-up" the house before selling! We were fortunate that none of the mistakes caused major damage, but it was so frustrating. I hope you and you DH get the leaks under control. If it's a newer roof, is it under any type of warranty?

    @kelley--I feel the same way at work! Yesterday and today were big "food" days, and I sucked at avoiding temptation. :blushing: Good for you for getting to the gym and working out. I can't believe it's been a year since you got Zoe!! :flowerforyou:

    @lives--Congrats on reaching your halfway mark!!! :drinker:

    @nettie--isn't it amazing how clueless some administrators can be. I've had some really great admin observe me, but some are so removed from the classroom experience that their suggestions and criticisms are absurd. I can't believe yours only stayed 2 minutes though! What could she possibly have observed in such a short visit?!?

    @holly--I've also done almost no shopping. Fortunately, my family only buys for my niece now. I also have to buy something for my hairdresser who I will see on Monday, but otherwise my shopping can wait until after the actual holiday b/c I won't see most of my friends prior to Christmas.

    @ohio & madeline--that's great that you enjoy working from home--I would be horrible at that. I can't even grade at home--must go out to starbucks or someplace away from the distractions in my house to get anything done

    Thursday Truth:
    I ate way too much today--beyond my ability to even try to log. :blushing: Tomorrow is a new day.

    I'm thankful that I finished all of my AP journals at school so I didn't have to bring any home tonight. I have a whole list of grading goals for Winter Break, but I don't have the heart to post them just yet.

    Grading goals:
    1. 73/73 Tone vocabulary quizzes DONE!
    2. 73/73 Journal reflections DONE!!

    Exercise goals:
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Thurs--rest day (holiday party)
    Fri--probably nothing (we usually go out for drinks before break)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Oh I love following Skinny's personal's - she does such a good job I don't have to do anything but say I agree!

    I saw my doctor yesterday and he was concerned about my condition, so he's ordered a full-head MRI with contrast for Monday - he's concerned with my extreme fatigue. He said something about needing to look at my brain stem. Hmmph. Yesterday I came home after doing grocery shopping after the doctors appt. and I slept straight solid from 6 pm til now - 12 hours. And that's all I got done yesterday was those 2 errands, nothing more. I haven't even gotten my Christmas cards out, I think they'll have to wait for next year. :noway: Sorry to keep involving everyone in my mystery health saga. I just want to get well, feel well, talk well. :sad:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Vickie~There is a tea at Starbucks that I :love:, Tazo Refresh (I find it at Target too) – it’s a peppermint/spearmint tea infused with a hint of tarragon, caffeine free. Also, Celestial Seasoning’s has a Candy Cane tea out this time of year. Both are calorie free, sugar free – but very minty. Best wishes for your daughter and the wedding, enjoy!

    @Laurie~Glad you listened to your body, you’ll be ready for climbing with your trainer tonight!

    @Robin~I can only remember sleeping like that one time in my life, when I had mono as a teenager – have they tested you for that? I hope the MRI goes well. We want you to be well and feel well too, still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    @Mel~I’m so sorry for the roof problems and the leak, how frustrating. I hate it when I have to spend my hard earned money on house or car repairs!

    AFM~Good session with my trainer yesterday, my energy was up so I think adding carbs back in is definitely positive. I was afraid I’d have some major gain from adding them back in, but so far the scale is going down instead of up – whew! Got some much needed kinks worked out of my IT bands as well, I need to be more conscientious about foam rolling and stretching that area – I’ve neglected it and now I have knots to work out. :grumble: Today is a rest day, after 6 straight days my body is ready!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, elliptical DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day (finish shopping)
    Saturday~10k or gym for running drills (depends on weather and how much shopping I finish Friday)
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    :( Was so proud of 2 miles in 26 minutes yesterday. Looked up the pain in my leg...turns out it's a pulled groin. :( No running for me for a little bit. :'( As much as I hate running, it actually makes me sad.
  • Ohio4Me
    Ohio4Me Posts: 22 Member
    Overate yesterday but I knew I would. My parents (80's) took me for birthday dinner at a local restaurant. I knew I would have fried chicken but I did choose a salad as one of the sides.

    My goal is one healthy choice a day - yesterday I had two. I ate right in the morning and saved some calories for dinner and even had salad (I'm not a salad fan).

    Not too worried about Christmas. It's one day at a time.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Just popping in for a quick hello. I have a lot of cleaning to get done this am before I head out to work. I am a bit disappointed this morning. The gift I ordered for my student, who I am seeing today, never arrived. I ordered it from a site that sells products for children with autism last Friday. It said "Ships within 24-48 hours". I contacted the company yesterday and found out where my order was. It turns out they are shipping it out today. So now I don't have a gift to give my student when I see him today. I feel horrible about it. :grumble: I may stop at the store on the way to his house and pick him up a little something so at least he has something from me until his gift arrives.

    Yesterday I attempted my workout but just could not get into it. My body was physically tired and I had no umph. I ended up taking yesterday as a rest day after all. I think it is more important to listen to what my body is telling me rather than trying to meet some crazy goal that I made up and had stuck in my head. Today I am feeling a lot better. Still can feel my workouts in my legs and tush but it is not pain or soreness. It feels like those muscles, which I have never felt before, have popped out of nowhere and are making themselves known. Hope that makes sense, in my head it does. :laugh:

    I will try to pop in later if I get a chance and do some personals. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    @vickie--I am a mint fan too! That and pumpkin spice. :blushing:

    @laurie- I hope you enjoy your break from school. Get rested's a long way until spring break!

    @susan-It seems many of us our struggling with that dang scale....hovering or slight gains. Keep on staying strong!

    @toots-Just think that even with small little sneaks of a treat here and there just how many calories you aren't eating compared to if you weren't watching what you ate. Right now I just keep telling myself I could go crazy and put on 10lbs that I just have to work to get back off or I can treat myself in small amounts and get through these holidays.

    @tammy--I bet your improved fitness will kick the scale into moving down again soon.

    @kaye--enjoy the warmer weather :smile:

    @mel--sorry about your roof. The first home I bought I was there a week and the septic backed up and flooded the finished basement. After getting it repaired I went down a month later and found the room below my bathroom was soaked. Turned out that the shower drain had separated so all the water from my showers were just draining straight down into that room. Hang in there. House repairs like roofs can be frustrating.

    @kelley--We can try so hard to only bring healthy foods into our homes just to turn around and be faced with all those things we are trying to avoid at work. This might sound crazy but when I was a teen and had put on some weight...I was a size 16 and my mom told me not to eat in public because no one wanted to see a fat person eat. As screwed up as that was....the one thing it did help me with is eating all those goodies co-workers bring in.

    @lives--great job!

    @nettie--you have such a good heart and those kids are lucky to have you in their lives! I think it's good you listened to your body. Sometimes you just need an extra break. For me its not my body...its my brain. :blushing:

    @holly--I took the lazy way out this year and did almost all my shopping on line. I even ordered my Christmas paper. I just can't stand the crowds.

    @robin--I hope they figure something out soon. There is nothing worse than knowing something wrong but having no idea what. Makes it hard to treat the actual issue.

    @skinny-73 journals and 73 vocabs. I don't think I could do it. (by the way having several teachers makes me laugh because I know when they read my stuff and see my grammar, spelling and so must just shake your head.)

    @kah-with your workouts I bet those carbs get used up quick. Glad the scale is still headed in the right direction.

    @alupinsk- ouch! Hope it heels quickly

    @ohio-saving calories is a good idea. I do it too when I want to go out to eat with friends.

    AFM-I have been a little under the weather and my house has been neglected for several days. If my head would stop pounding it would make things a lot easier. But I have to suck it up. Too much to do.

    Question-Because of the time of year I am having a hard time keeping my fruits and veggies fresh. I really do not have time to go shopping every couple of days. Does anyone know of a trick that will keep fruits and veggies good for a week?
  • Ohio4Me
    Ohio4Me Posts: 22 Member
    I don't have trick to keep fruit fresh - I'm throwing out fruit today. Makes me mad but I can't see buying one apple at a time.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I pinned this a while ago and have found it helpful:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Vacation is finally here and I could not wait to leave work today. The kids were crazy especially at the end of the day. At least I was able to get home and relax before heading rock climbing tonight. I am excited that my trainer is climbing tonight as well. It should be fun and I want to be at my best while climbing. The rest day last night really worked well for me as I had more energy today.

    I will check back in later if I have time.

    This weekend will be spent wrapping gifts and one Christmas party. Hope to get some exercise in outside this weekend since the weather is suppose to be great close to the 70's.
  • amygard88
    amygard88 Posts: 6 Member
    I've just decided that today is the first day of the rest of my life. If it's not to much to ask, may I join your thread?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome, Amy. Come often and participate here. You will find lots of encouragement and support.
    Friday fitness: The sunshine was short lived. It didn't get any of the ice and snow melted, and today it has snowed another 2-3 inches. I have pulled out the yoga DVD, and I'm alternating that with the pedaler. At least I'm doing something.
    My food today looks really good except that don't have any idea how many of these darn cookies I have eaten.
    I am thankful today that DD got home safely. She had take her boys for a family visitation an hour away in the snow storm. It was much more than an hour tonight.
    Robin-I'm sure hoping you can get some answers.
    Tomorrow I am finally going to put up the inside Christmas decorations.
    Have a great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Michelle~I think you were asking about storing fruit & veggies for a week. Does your fridge have a fruit crisper drawer? I keep all my fresh fruits/veggies in there and they keep all week - sometimes longer. As far as more fragile fresh fruits such as berries, I use a special strawberry keeper by Tupperware that allows airs to flow around the entire berry - will keep them fresh for up to a week. One thing is to never wash fresh fruits/veggies until you are ready to use them, they will last longer.

    Welcome to the newlings!

    AFM~Zoe woke me early today (4:30 early), she's just a snuggle bunny this morning. I'm glad she's such a lap cat. :wink: I managed to get some shopping done last night but not all, I need to finish this morning. I was at the wine/liquor store forever - that place was packed and no parking! It was so weird. I may not make it to the gym today as I have lots of running around to do this morning and then have plans for lunch/movie with friends - we're bailing on the walk since its so rainy/cold here this morning. If I don't make it to the gym, I'll go early tomorrow before meeting my trainer, for extra cardio. So one more cup of coffee and then to Trader Joe's, Macy's, and Wal-Mart - I'm sure all will be crazy busy, maybe I need to have some of that Irish Whiskey I bought before I go. :laugh:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Saturday share: I woke up this morning and was looking at my profile in the mirror. Today I noticed my stomach didn't seem to stick out as far as it usually does. :tongue: My NSV for this week is I have discovered that I now officially have more than 3 pairs of dress pants that I can wear to work. Oh yes, that is right. My pants that were once difficult to button and gave me horrible muffin top now close easily. It was nice this week being able to wear different pants to work rather than the same old thing. :wink: Over the summer I bought a pair of "capris" from the Gap online. When they arrived I noticed they were not true capris but just pants that were rolled up on the bottom :grumble: Not only were they not what I expected they also didn't fit. I was so frustrated and instead of going to the Gap to return them (which mind you was only a block away from where I worked and could have easily walked there on my lunch break) I did the most logical thing and threw them in the back of my closet. Last week I was going through some things and decided to try them on. I still cannot get them to zipper and button but I am almost there. I am guessing by the end of January beginning of February they should fit.

    Gratitude: I have a few today.

    I am excited because today our local fire department has their Santa parade. For the parade they decorate the fire trucks and drive around all the neighborhoods that they cover. The last truck to come around is an old style truck that has Santa sitting on the back of it. I will be out there with my husband taking pictures. I am grateful to all the volunteer firefighters who devote their time to keep us safe and to do special events such as this for the community. :love:

    Yesterday when I was at my little guy's house the babysitter gave me a card and gift from his parents. (I typically don't see them on Friday's because my hours are earlier because his Speech teacher comes after me) His father wrote the card this year and had the nicest things to say to me. He thanked me for my dedication to their little man (I've been working with him for 2 years now), how they consider me part of their family and that they are so grateful for everything I do for their son. The words in the card meant so much more to me than the gift itself. It is really nice to get feedback from the parents and know that all your hard work is appreciated. I am grateful for them letting me know.

    Yesterday while I was there I saw a Santa hat on the kitchen counter. I threw it on my student's head and kept calling him Santa. His oldest sister (who is in grad school for Speech Therapy) came into our session and was cracking up at how adorable he looked. We then "tortured" him by making him pose while his sister took photos of him. Later on he discovered if he wiggled his head quickly in a "no" movement he could hit me with the pom pom on his hat. He did this a few times before I responded with a "Are you hitting me with your hat? What's going on with that?" He burst out laughing then did it even more. Even though he is non-verbal he understands everything I say. It was great yesterday that he was being a little stinker and very playful. I love when he is like that. I am grateful to get to work with such a wonderful child and outstanding family. :love:

    Reading through the old posts and wanted to say thank you to everyone who wished me well on my observation. I appreciate the support.

    Kaye - GS's Christmas program sounds like it was really cute. Did everyone laugh when he would not give his carrot nose to the bunny? I love when the little ones do funny things like that. So adorable.

    Forgive me for not knowing but what is the pedaler? What yoga DVD are you doing? I am looking for a good yoga DVD. I have some older VHS yoga workouts. I am wondering if I should update them to DVD or just go with a newer yoga dvd.

    kah- I have never tried the caramel sea salt ones before. Usually I go for the peppermint ones. I now am torn between which ones I like better. :love: I was good yesterday and didn't eat any. I think because I was so busy during the day.

    I can completely relate to what you said about Zoe. Before I adopted Harvest Moon, I was a dog person. She entered my life and it has not been the same since. 4 years later I adopted Misti. I get such a kick out of them. Misti is my cuddler, she will climb into your lap or sit on your chest and purr in anticipation of being pet. Moo (Harvest Moon) is affectionate but on her own terms. She often follows me and meows at me until I pick her up. She wants to be held for 2-3 minutes then is off doing her own thing. She is my smart, clever and funny cat. As a kitten, she learned to sit on command! The other day she kept chasing me and wrapping her legs around my ankle and kept trying to get me to play with her. It was the cutest thing ever. :love: :love: :love:

    That Tazo Refresh tea sounds really good. I am going to have to try it. Is that something they have all year long or just around the holidays? I've never tried the Celestial Seasoning candy cane tea. But I have tried Biglow and Twinnings peppermint teas and they are really tasty.

    Mel - I am so sorry to hear about your roof leak. I hope by now it is fixed. I completely understand how frustrating it is with leaks. Our first Christmas in our house our pipes burst and we had a pretty bad flood - 3 days before Christmas. :noway: Then just last week our dishwasher leaked and another flood, on our brand new carpet. :noway: I hope things get sorted out with your insurance company and it is a hassle free claim. Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers as your husband receives treatment.

    jtconst- LOL I am a half-hearted housekeeper too. Hence why yesterday I was doing a mad rush cleaning before I went to work. I ended up closing the door to my bedroom because I had a ton of laundry still to fold and put away. My company never knew how messy it really was behind those closed doors. :wink: That is great that you are doing the loops with bursts of jogging! Keep up the great work!

    Toots - I :love: :love: :love: peppermint bark. I keep dropping hints to my husband to buy me a tin for Christmas. I don't know if he has picked up on my bluntness of dog earring the pages in the catalogs and leaving them open on his desk. But a gal can hope. I also really like peppermint tea, I find it very refreshing to drink at the end of a long day. Another downfall is hot cocoa. But not just any hot cocoa. I drop a peppermint patty mini into the cocoa and let it melt while mixing. So so so freaking yummy!!!!

    Susan - I like your positive outlook! That cheesecake sounded delish!

    Laurie - I think it was wise to listen to your body. At least that is what my internal monologue says to justify when I take a much needed night off from exercise. I agree with what you said about the Christmas lights. It is so nice driving home and seeing all the houses lit up. I am sad that all of that will disappear shortly. :cry:

    Vicki - I am with you on the peppermint addiction! This isn't a candy cane but here is a flower for you. LOL :flowerforyou:

    Skinny - I KNOW!!! I was speaking to my student's day time teacher. She said unfortunately that is how it is with this one admin. It is so sad. Meanwhile the end of October the SpEd department head came in to observe my student teacher and ended up observing me as well. She stayed for a long time and participated in the activities with the children. It was so nice to have her as part of our classroom for the hour. Sadly, she has since retired from her position. I actually love when someone gives me feedback on what I am doing with my students. I have a lot of experience in my field but that doesn't mean I cannot learn a thing or two. Just a few days ago I was discussing with one of the daytime teachers a behavior I was having with a student. She gave me some pointers of what she does in her classroom with that behavior. I implemented them in my room and it helped significantly.

    Amy and Gwen - Welcome! Just jump right in and join us.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kah - yes I've been tested for mono - thanks for asking! I do need all the detectives I can find! Have you noticed that the price of some liquor has gone up the closer to Christmas it gets - I have! Can I borrow Zoe for a day of cuddling - I could use it!

    Alumpinsk - so sorry to hear about the pulled groin! :sad: owww! I hope you can work in some upper body activities until its all better.

    Ohio4Me - sounds like you've got a great attitude going forward. It is all about choices. Go get 'em!

    Jnettie - too bad your gift didn't work out for your little guy. I so admire what you do - it is amazing work! Good for you for listening to your body and taking a rest day that sounds much needed! What you say about muscles popping out does make sense to me. I remember that sensation too!

    michelle - sorry to hear you've had a headache for several days and feel under the weather - but what strength you show "sucking it up" - I wish I could do that!

    Laurie - have fun climbing with your trainer. Should be a blast.

    amygard - welcome to the thread - of course you can join - thats what we're here for - to help each other!

    Kaye - I hope you enjoy doing the inside decorations today - will you play Christmas music while you do it?

    Gwen - Welcome and what a great job you have been doing losing weight in December! Now don't worry if you stumble on Christmas Day or whenever, just get right back up, OK, and come right back here and join us again!

    AFM - I had such a pleasant surprise last nite. I thought I was going to have another boring night alone when the phone rang and it was my friend Mary in my parking lot letting me know she was here (I have security doors) So I buzzed her up and we had such a great time visiting. She stayed til midnight and we had such great laughs. I am SO GRATEFUL for my friend Mary. :heart: :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--good luck with the shopping; I'll be doing some today as well. Fortunately, I only need to buy for my niece b/c our family agreed we would just get her presents. I'm also going to the hairdresser on Monday so will get my stylist a gift. She loves the Chicago Blackhawks so I'm going to see if I can find her something Hawks related at TJ Maxx. My goal is to avoid the big malls until after the holiday.

    @gwen--welcome! I'm from Chicago-where in IL are you?

    @kaye--sorry you have more snow coming. We have a mix of rain and sleet today--not looking forward to driving in this.

    @amy--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--Yes, the kids were crazy, and yesterday went by so slowly! Couldn't wait for that last bell to ring.

    @michelle--I also have a hard time with the fruits and veggies spoiling. One trick I have is that I buy baby spinach instead of lettuce for salads. Then after a couple of days of fresh salads, I can cook the rest of the spinach before it goes bad. Also, I thought it was funny that you are self-conscious about potential grammar errors--someone else (I think it was tammy) said the same thing awhile back. Honestly, I don't really care about errors in posts--it's like when I grade my students journals--I just ignore it b/c it's not formal writing. The only mistakes that bother me are my own--I'm much harsher on myself than I am on others. :laugh:

    @nettie--sorry the gift for your student didn't arrive on time--that stinks. :grumble: I know what you mean about the "new" muscles. I had that same experience when I started running.

    @ohio--that's a great goal!

    @alupinsk--sorry about that injury; just take it easy and it will heal quickly.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just a quick drive by. I was hoping yesterday I was going to be able to report that I was thankful that my house finally sold, but no, I can't report that. We overnighted our paperwork with a guarantee that it would be delivered by noon on Friday (perfect for a 3:00 closing). Still wasn't there as of 5:00 last night. The new owner's also overnighted their package from Iowa. The next day it was located in Kentucky (should have been in South Dakota). So no closing yesterday!! UGHHH!!!! :explode: :sad:

    Today I am thankful for back up plans. On-line, I was able to track that the package was delivered to the SF post office this morning. As long as they can deliver it on Monday, we should be good to go on our end. The buyers moved last night to SF so they will go into the office on Monday and do their signing. So sometime on Monday, I should be able to report that I am home free (get it home, free -- :laugh: ).
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm not sure it can be reported as a success, but I have made a decision about the next few days to take the pressure off. I'm not going to log for a few days. I'll still be here and I will be watching what I eat, but I'm just going to take it easy on myself.
    GS did get a laugh when he held onto the carrot. I said something the other day about being retired and he informed me that I should get another job. He didn't know what to say when I asked him who would take care of him if I had a job. He is here to help me decorate the tree while his parents finish up their Christmas shopping. They are picking up some things for me, too, so I won't have to go.
    The pedaler is just a set of pedals on a frame that sits on the floor so I can pedal while sitting on a chair. It is cheaper and takes less space than a stationary bike. My yoga DVD is a Strong seniors video. It takes about 30 min. Would probably be too easy for you younger gals but is great for me.
    Well, I'm off to decorate the tree.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Saturday Success. After getting out of the habit of working out, we lifted three times this week!! And we set our dates for next week.