

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just spent 3 days getting rid of malware and a virus from when I first accessed the forum after the format change. Sheesh! I don't know that I'll go back and read all, but hope to keep up again going forward.

    Gardengail, metro ATL

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Had a wonderful drive out and walks with husband and dog yesterday, Sunday.
    Livinglite is for people taking Duramine and gives meal ideas. Today I had the mushrooms, tomato and scrambled egg on toast for breakfast. Dinner is their Creamy mustard chicken with potatoes (in slow cooker) plus green beans, mix fruit and custard.
    Scales hmm gained 0.22 lbs, mostly lean muscle, BF% same at 27.69%, but lost 0.75 ins overall. I have lost 6.25 ins in 6 weeks.
    Training today is: Jeannette's cardio dance; jeannette's cardio kick-boxing and 40 minute dog walk.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.Had an awesome service today,prayed for my friend Melody.She`s doing better,not out of the woods,still in ICU.
    Went Christmas shopping for 5 special kids from my card club.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,378 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Leslie Sanson's Start Walking DVD today. Tomorrow's plan is to do more of the butt lift DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Yesterday I had shorts on, today it is so cool that I am wearing pants (boo). Put in a load of laundry

    Sylvia - thanks for the link. It didn't work. However, I went onto Lowe's website and put in "tiki torch planter" and saw it. We're not crazy about solar lights, they don't seem to emit enough light. All our landscape lights are the low voltage. Except for one. But that's really not meant for illumination. It's a mold of a cat and the eyes light up from the solar. We usually have the cat "looking" at the gate. But that's the only solar light that we have. However, it's something to think about. Going from the upper patio to the pool area we have lights on the side of the stairs. What Vince did to raise the height of the one at the top of the stairs so that it would be about the same height as the rest is he put the light into a piece of PVC pipe. Now that wouldn't look real good by the pool, but we have done something like that (raise the light). What I'm wondering is will there be enough light coming out of the tiki light? That's one of the reasons we nixed the idea of a lighthouse -- the light is inside the lighthouse. So sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you get better fast

    Loved all the pics

    Deb - don't wear yourself out!!!!

    Vince picked up his glasses yesterday. They're bifocals, the top part doesn't have any correction and the bottom has the minor correction he needs. I guess I can understand why he did what he did, however, the glasses are these big lenses. I know that he got big lenses so that they'd be like his sunglasses. It just seems to me that they are "old-looking", like something my father wore or the people at senior bowling.

    Oh, that's right, have to get my carrots together for senior bowling tomorrow.

    Mary and really anyone else - I just remembered that one of the things I do on Halloween, since I'm the one giving out the candy, is I made a BIG bowl of air popped popcorn. I try to snack on that rather than the candy.

    Mary - I love that the poem was so forceful and true.

    vicki - glad gd is better

    Have a question - when I click on the star to get here (the thing that lists your bookmarks), at first it comes up with a box that is blank. Sometimes if I keep clicking on that box, it then registers "women 50 plus", sometimes it doesn't. Is there something else I should be doing?

    Rori - One thing I am not good at is being fast in the water. Wow! I didn't realize that the calorie burn was that much more!

    Sylvia - that pic looks great. You did a wonderful job, very professional looking

    DeeDee - I'm so sorry that Starbucks isn't what you want. I bet you'll find a much better place. Do they maybe have tea? Noel will probably want to go for a walk since when she gets home she gets her fur blowdried!!! lol

    Jane - prayers for Melody

    Got up, exercised, had breakfast and read the paper, then went on the computer but realized that I really needed a short nap so took one. Then went to go see Diary of Anne Frank. It's interesting...I got a different perspective. Last time I saw it I was ushering so I saw it from the back of the auditorium. Today I saw it from the third row. There were things on stage that I didn't see from so far away, actor's facial expressions etc. Even Vince thought it was good, very somber, tho. Came home, had dinner, did a bit of the coursera (nutrition online class), now here. Roasted some butternut squash. Need to take a shower and then off to bed.

    Mahjongg here tomorrow and then Rummikub here on Tuesday. At least I only need to clean the house once .... lol!!!

    Michele in NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Sad family news this week - one of my nephews is diabetic and has had complications with his circulation. They amputated part of his right foot this week and are waiting for some sort of test result on the bone tissue to see if they will take more. He is in his early 50s.
    - hope ya'll have a great week!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just popping in. It's 1:45 a.m. here and I'm sitting in the emergency room with my daughter while they try to figure out why she is so lightheaded/dizzy with such a severe headache. I'm sleepy!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    Carol - sending you and your daughter every good wish and I hope they find out what it is - fast.
    - HUGS - Will be thinking of you. <3<3<3

    Heather UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Michele: I've notice that that star thing sometimes takes a few seconds to "load". Don't know why. Anne Frank play...well, I guess it *would* be somber, wouldn't it? :wink:

    DeeDee: yeah, I had a blister on my hand, too. Last night it was itching and without realizing it I scratched it open! :frowning: Have a bandaid on it today to keep me from touching it.

    Yesterday was sunny and nice. I had to pick up my guy somewhere and decided to take a couple of photos at a cemetery near there. (I do that once in a while for findagrave.com and another site). Amazing coincidence: when we arrived at the graves I was going to photograph, there were family members there! I approached cautiously, greeted them and explained, and they were enthusiastic. They even took a picture of me taking a picture of the grave, and wrote down the name of the site. :smiley: Afterwards the two of us sat outside for a while at a café, until it got too chilly again.

    Today we'll be moving furniture back into the room I posted the picture of. Don't know whether there's any point in trying to log that, or whether I'll just go with the steps my Fitbit gives me. Then I have to spend this week cleaning out the last room of the project. Next week paint and maybe the carpeting, and then we're done for the moment. Yay!

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,776 Member
    morning ladies~ sorry i didnt check in last night, the DH was hogging the desk where the computer was and I was just to tired..
    we did do the lawn,and went to see DFIL he was sitting in his room ,in his chair napping. my DH said he sounded mad, but believe me I know when he is mad, he was just sorta out of it, I dont know if they gave him a tranqulizer or not.. only stayed for a few minutes..
    no it wasn't the Theresa Caputo the Long Island Medium, actually it was someone local..
    next town over.. they have something once a month called Phycic(sp) Saterdays you get 20 minutes for 25 dollars or 40 minutes for 50.00 , I did the 40 minute one..it was awesome.. it was me that went not my neighbor, but my girlfriends son came through,he was my Godson and died at 20 in a car accident almost 10 years ago.. so I am going to see his mom today and tell her about it..
    I go to work at 12:30 so will also stop by and see my dad and bring him his pecan pie bars.
    DH dinner all set just have to make his lunch..
    I attempted to make chicken parmesan yesterday.. it came out ok just wasnt able to pound out chicken thin enough,well next time will by the cutlets and bread them myself.. had a ton of left overs so I put them in storage containers and froze them..
    Joyce ,I think it was you that is on your way to Florida have a wonderful time..
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Cynthia...I search cemetary information when I work on our family tree. I am happy to have the ability to perform electronic searches. Thank you for your part in photographing graves. When I come across a search result that has a picture attached, it is incredibly helpful.

    It is just after 3 am here, and I woke up thinking I heard a sound. But it was nothing.

    Our son arrived from out of province last night. I am thankful he made it safe and sound and we can have a good visit.

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to Al, Crazy week-end and haven't been on the post since sometime last week. We got my daughter moved and although they will be emptying boxes and resettling for a while, the biggest part is done. Saturday night we sat outside and watched the sun set in their back yard, the view was spectacular as they sit up on a big hill.
    I work both jobs Monday through Thursday and then I am in class this week-end for the Cancer survivor training. I am looking forward to it and have all the prep computer work done.
    My second water fitness class went well and everyone said it was a great work out. I'll miss this next Saturday because of class but then be back and ready for the next one.
    I'm sorry I don't have time to read and catch up. Prayers and thoughts for those struggling
    and congrats for all the successes.
    Hugs to All,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Thanks to all who have posted pics of their grandchildren and pets. The children are all adorable! Drkatiebug---what an amazing change in you, wonderful!!!

    Early work days for both dh and dd today, both gone over an hour. DD has a terrible cold, as predicted. I'm doing the wiping with Lysol/Clorox thing with a bucket of hand sanitizer thrown in. The new job she has is with my friend whose son was killed in a mva a little over a year ago, she is basically doing his job with their horses four days a week; it is just too much for them to handle it all every day of every week. They have a boarding and lesson farm and own a business.

    For some reason I've been having a terrific issue with hot flashes lately...... right now (!!!!) and several times a day. The added knowledge that these have been happening over 20 years now does not make me happy---not fair!!!

    Carol........Thoughts with you and your daughter for a quickly fixable diagnosis and for her to be in less pain. ((Hugs)) to both of you. Please keep us posted.

    DeeDee......I think all grandparents play more freely with the grandkids, I saw my mom (in her 80's) on the floor with my dd!!! I can't remember her even ever playing a board game with me!

    Must go get dressed (again!!!). and work on grocery list.

    Best to everyone.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Great start to my week. NOT!!! Woke up to my DH screaming the same word over and over. It rhymes with spit, if you need a hint. He likes to check the weather on the computer in the study but doesn't turn on the light. He walked barefoot into my rolling cart, which was pushed in a corner but stuck out just a bit into the doorway. Of course it is my fault! Hopefully there will be no lingering pain, but when he did the same thing to a box of copy paper (also my fault), his toe hurt for two weeks or longer. I do feel badly that he is hurt and somewhat guilty because it was my rolling cart that I could have put away, but honestly! Could the man not just turn on a light and/or look where he is going?

    Y'all have a nice day while my guilty self tries to stay out of DH's radar. Love that man most of the time, but not so much when he is in pain and blaming me.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    It's raining this morning so I'm not sure I'll get my walk this morning. I used to walk in the rain, but when I moved to Florida, people told me it's not safe because of all the lightning here.

    Robin - Thanks for the onion soup instruction. I'm sorry you haven't been sleeping well.

    DeeDee - I'm chuckling about the story about your granddaughter, especially your daughter's reaction! I'm not really fond of Starbucks coffee, either. It seems like they often burn it.

    Gardengail - So sorry to hear about your nephew. Also, I've been getting tons of popups since the format change and I wonder if that's related.

    Carol - I hope you can get in a nap after spending your evening in the ER. Is your daughter OK?

    Cynthia - I'm a member of findagrave, too. I've found that some cemeteries are good places to birdwatch, too; a great side advantage to taking pictures.

    I've no special plans for the day so maybe I'll get caught up on some tv.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited October 2014
    Not making much progress on my day yet at all. Looking up tree removal services---finally!!! Tried the pumpkin Greek yogurt from Trader Joe's......to me, yuck!! I'm pretty much in the camp that believes pumpkin belongs in pies only but thought I'd try something new. Also one who doesn't care for Starbucks coffee either. Must head out to the grocery now.
    Got call from Gwen, needs ride to eye dr. tomorrow.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,773 Member
    Carol ... hoping they find a solution to your daughter's dizziness and pain fast! I know how stressful this is ...

    Its raining today, be we have a busy day planned ... DH's birthday ... a lot of cooking ... and then a group of DH's friends are coming over this evening.

    Weekend was busy. Took down a 50yo arborvitae ... huge thing that was clogging the gutters ... we'll never go into the tree felling business that's for sure!

    Heather ... with some of your delicious sounding meals in mind, I thought I would step up our dinner Saturday night. Slow roasted chicken, smashed potatoes with herbed gravy, and French fine green beans with butter and herbs. Well ... my guys liked the chicken and potatoes. The beans, that were seasoned with thyme along with some other herbs were declared a failure because they "tasted like pine trees smell." I loved them. Big babies! :laughing:

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good afternoon ladies! <3

    I'm worrying sbout Carol's daughter. Hope she's OK. :flowerforyou:

    It's been pouring here all day. Didn't feel like going out to get my passport photo taken, but DH said he'd drive me up to the studio door, so I dolled myself up and off we went. What do you know, it's closed on Monday afternoons. :explode:
    I'm sure he didn't tell me that when I rang up. :grumble:
    So we bought some fruit and veg, went to the bank and came home again, all in the rain.

    Rainy afternoons always make me want to bake so I have just finished 16 delicious scones. We ate one each - I picked the smallest one. I made them triangular shaped in memory of the way my dad used to make them, so they weren't evenly cut. :embarassed: , but quite good for my portion. :laugh:

    So I will have to do the whole getting dolled up fiasco tomorrow.

    Tonight is Chinese Pork and Vegetable Stir Fry. I will have shiritaki noodles with mine.

    The damage from my holiday is officially one and a half pounds, so I am trying to break 600 on the exercise cals every day. 614 today by doing a bit extra cardio. Want to get rid of it asap. We are going up to London on Friday to see the grandchildren and, as it's DH's birthday, DS is cooking us steak for supper, (it has to be tender as DH has trouble chewing!) and will extricate a special bottle of wine from his extensive cellar, (he used to be a wine journalist). Will go over cals that day. Next week I think it's another trip up to see DH 's younger daughter, who has a birthday soon. I hope we will be able to catch the Ming exhibition at the British Museum as she is always incredibly busy and can only spare us an hour or so for lunch. She is deputy editor of a celebrity gossip magazine. :laugh:

    So I have to be good while I can. :ohwell:

    I have so much more energy today, thank goodness. Hope DH doesn't go down with the cold.

    Love Heather in horrible, rainy Hampshire UK
  • brillanta
    brillanta Posts: 56 Member
    I am loving this message board. I usually don't have time to get on the computer, I pull up MFP on my phone. I have not found a way to access this board from the phone app. Does anyone know if that is possible?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary from South FL: I love the inspirational message! Thanks for sharing it. :flowerforyou:

    Robin: I like your directions for French onion soup! It seems like something I can use even with my lactose intolerance, and DH would LOVE it. I’m going to give it a try. :flowerforyou:

    Renny: Those of us who live in a rainforest seem to spend time indoors. I’m even spending the horse riding time under a roof in a large covered arena. Otherwise we wouldn’t do anything during the fall, winter and spring. I clearly recall you riding bikes and other outdoorsy things during the summer. :laugh:

    Rori: Congratulations on your master swim class. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I LOVE the picture! It looks wonderful above the mantle. :love:

    DeeDee: I’m not a big pumpkin fan, either. :noway: I have made some pumpkin muffins and pumpkin bread that I like, and DH LOVES pumpkin pie, so we have some of that every fall. :flowerforyou:

    Gail: I’m so sorry you acquired malware and a virus from this site. I hope you let them know about it. :mad: :flowerforyou:

    Leslie: I’m pleased for your health improvements. I am amazed that you can gain pounds and lose inches simultaneously. That represents a lot of hard work. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: We can get good results with solar lighting in the summer, but there isn’t enough sunshine to power them in the fall and winter. We wanted to light our steps and path to the front door, but it wasn’t effective at all. :noway: :flowerforyou: My experience with the star link is that it is very slow, and I sometimes have to click it more than once. :mad:

    Gail: So sorry for the news about your diabetic nephew. I hope they don’t have to take more of his foot. :sad:

    Carol: Prayers for your daughter and for you. Do migraines have those kinds of symptoms? :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’ve never eaten a scone that wasn’t triangular. I suspect the bakeries do them that way for tradition’s sake. I also haven’t eaten a scone in a long time. They are all made with butter. :sad: :wink: I’m glad your energy has returned. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday we decorated for Halloween. We have several artificial jack o’lanterns that light up with a turn of the switch. The outdoor one is on a timer that lights it from sundown to sunrise. Today we are planning to go a sporting goods store in Longview that has senior discount days every Monday. I found some great wool “monkey socks” there a couple of years ago and want to buy a pair for DD. I hope they have them again.

    I haven’t forgotten the request for a picture of me in my fuchsia riding helmet, but DH hasn’t been ready for photography yet. Maybe today I’ll remember to ask while he has the energy for it.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!


  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    brillanta wrote: »
    I am loving this message board. I usually don't have time to get on the computer, I pull up MFP on my phone. I have not found a way to access this board from the phone app. Does anyone know if that is possible?

    It isn't possible now, but they have promised it is coming. You can pull it up on your phone using your browser. Just ignore the popup trying to get you to use the app.