Paleo Diet/Way of Life

Options diet has been like a rollercoaster ride. It has had it's ups and it's downs...and now I am looking for a change in my eating habits. I have googled the Paleo Diet and this is something that I am interesting in doing.

If any of you MFPers have changed to the Paleo way of life, can you give me some pointers/advice? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated :smiley:


  • THECaptainObvious
    THECaptainObvious Posts: 399 Member
    Bump.. I'd like some input on this too!! :)
  • Klylng
    Klylng Posts: 6 Member
    There are different versions everyone does something different. I did it for 6 weeks. The first two weeks were not that bad but then I started slipping up. You HAVE to plan your meals. I try to stick to it but here and there I do not. I noticed I felt better and my digestive system was rocking;) but I got to the point I was eating the same thing for lunch everyday.. grilled chicken, spices, eggs and spinach. It got old really fast.
    Some people say no dairy but I drank regular milk because to me almond milk is gross. I also missed ice cream.
  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    Klylng wrote: »
    There are different versions everyone does something different. I did it for 6 weeks. The first two weeks were not that bad but then I started slipping up. You HAVE to plan your meals. I try to stick to it but here and there I do not. I noticed I felt better and my digestive system was rocking;) but I got to the point I was eating the same thing for lunch everyday.. grilled chicken, spices, eggs and spinach. It got old really fast.
    Some people say no dairy but I drank regular milk because to me almond milk is gross. I also missed ice cream.

    ditto here, i got stuck in a cycle of eating the same food over and over.
    dairy and grains are actually difficult to remove if you are accustomed to it as it is in so many foods and dishes so you have to learn how to substitute. i think the reason i could not sustain this diet was the elimination of two large food groups. Essentially i think paleo is a restrictive way of clean eating.

    best of luck, some people love paleo and do well, but it was not for me
  • cedes100
    cedes100 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been Paleo for about 9 months. I read a book called it starts with food and found it to have very good information about changing to what they call whole30. Which is a 30 day plan of removing all dairy grains processed food and sugars. For me it was hard at first but I would make big batches of food and freeze them so I could just take it out when I didnt feel like cooking.
    The main thing I realized was how sensitive I was to different food once I tried to eat them here and there. For me I had so much more energy and just felt better overall when I'm eating paleo. If you end up trying it good luck hopefully you like it. And feel free to message me if you have any questions and ill try and answer best I can :)
  • Ravenous4Captain
    Ravenous4Captain Posts: 144 Member
    Thank you all for your advice! I will definitely research it a little more during the week :smiley:
  • Captaincove
    Captaincove Posts: 26 Member
    The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body by Sarah Ballantyne, Phd. is an excellent book on the Paleo way.
  • Tigelo
    Tigelo Posts: 2
    I've just started two weeks ago and am doing pretty well. I've only lost 4 lbs, but plan to stick with as long as possible, but hope to make it a life-long lifestyle. Meal planning has been essential for me. I spend Saturday or Sunday morning, looking for recipes and planning meals for the week. Make a grocery list and get everything needed. It has been hard and I have allowed myself to not be perfect. I figure if I am following it 90 % of the time that is better than before. I listen to podcasts when I'm in the car instead of music. Mark's Daily Apple, PaleoHacks, Rob Wolf. I've watched documentaries like 'Hungry for Change' and 'The Perfect Human Diet'. The info they provide really motivates me to stick with this. Again I'm pretty new to this too. But my advice is plan, educate yourself and don't be hard on yourself if you slip up. Just keeping working at it. It's getting easier everyday for me and I though I've only lost 4 lbs, clothes fit better already. I can tell the bloat and inflammation have decreased alot. I took before pictures and will take pictures again at 4 weeks to see how my body has changed. Good luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why not just eat at a moderate calorie deficit and move/work out more? Paleo is not some magical diet that is going to cure all your problems...
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body by Sarah Ballantyne, Phd. is an excellent book on the Paleo way.

    i just finished reading this book cover-to-cover. i had to re-check it from the library because i was still reading it when it was due! EXCELLENT book. i am going to buy it.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    Since joining MFP and hearing about the paleo diet I have been reading up on it. It's very restrictive, and not science based. But, if it helps keep you on track and you feel you can eat in this restrictive manner long term, then give it a try. Restriction works for some people.
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    Check out primal diet too.. a little less restrictive. But I totally agree.. you have to plan your meals and make time to actually make your meals. There are also some great paleo primal groups on mfp.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    syren527 wrote: »

    If any of you MFPers have changed to the Paleo way of life, can you give me some pointers/advice? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated :smiley:

    my daughter has to be gluten-free so in my research for her dietary needs, i came across paleo. i have to say, my life has not been the same since we started. first of all, i had insomnia my entire life and paleo has all but CURED it. i sleep like a rock!! it is truly amazing. i don't get foggy brain anymore - i am a smart woman, but there were times when i would literally trip over my words trying to think of what to say. there are alot of intangibles, too...things that i "know" i'm feeling better, but can't really put my finger on it. we have been doing it for about 2.5 years.

    we don't get bored at all with food. there are TONS of choices. i wasn't "strict paleo" at first, and we still ate beans & rice, but i have since dropped those from my own personal diet (although my daughter does still eat them) simply because i found out i have an autoimmune disease and i am trying to correct some health issues.

    if you are simply trying to lose weight, you must remember that you still have to eat within your calorie goal and exercise, etc. (yes, i'm sure someone will knock me and say exercise isn't necessary for weight loss...) paleo is not an end-all be-all for weight loss, BUT IT DOES HELP. right now, i am struggling to lose (actually i am gaining) due to some health issues, but i honestly feel that my weight gain would be far greater if i weren't paleo.

    i tried to do keto for a while, but it did not agree with me. i lost alot of strength and darn it, i needed a banana! LOL

    read read read. it is a wonderful WOL - not a diet in the traditional sense of the word. the only thing is - you really can't "cheat" on this diet (alot of people have cheat days, etc.) because it takes a while to get the gluten out of your body, and if you have some, you have to start all over again to get optimal results. GL :flowerforyou:

  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    why not just eat at a moderate calorie deficit and move/work out more? Paleo is not some magical diet that is going to cure all your problems...

    how is this helpful?
  • ImmaZombie
    ImmaZombie Posts: 84
    edited October 2014
    I did Paleo for a couple months. Lost a lot of weight. Now I do it kinda half-*kitten*. Mostly count calories. With Paleo, I found if I wanted to cook things, I did better on it. Pinterest was my friend -- "paleo recipes". Also found a bunch of paleo recipe sites I like. It's an awesome diet. You don't have to count calories on it. Just do your research, be willing to cook, and you should do well. :) Good luck.

    ETA: I also do a lot of my foods gluten-free even though I'm not 100% paleo.
  • Amberbcox
    My brother and sister in law are primarily Paleo. It has done wonders for her tummy troubles -- cut down on running to the bathroom after meals, etc. He moved from Atkins to Paleo. They love it. There are several books they've recommended to me and the hubby:
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    Amberbcox wrote: »
    My brother and sister in law are primarily Paleo. It has done wonders for her tummy troubles -- cut down on running to the bathroom after meals, etc. He moved from Atkins to Paleo. They love it.

    i totally agree with tummy issues. i had alot of problems, although i honestly just thought they were a normal part of growing older, but once i dropped gluten, those troubles were GONE!

    also, i forgot to mention in my other post about "gluten-free products"
    try to stay away from those for the most part. most are just a way to make money. eat whole foods and stay away from packaged foods for the majority of your food. if you want spaghetti, you could choose a GF pasta, or if you are wanting an occasional treat, you could do GF brownies/cookies (my daughter loves those) but on the whole, you want to just eat real whole food.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    why not just eat at a moderate calorie deficit and move/work out more? Paleo is not some magical diet that is going to cure all your problems...

    how is this helpful?

    It is helpful because the reasons for eating paleo are important. Some people are not aware that it's just a different way of creating a deficit. It's not magic. And, this is really an important point, for the vast majority of people, it is NOT sustainable. And, every time I say that, 20 people come in and say they've been doing it for X years. Awesome. But, MOST people cannot keep it up. It's far too restrictive for normal everyday life.

    Most people that are successful with it, have to do it due to dietary reasons. Like they can't eat diary or gluten, or something. But, people who can eat all that stuff have a really hard time with it.

    If you simply, instead, prioritize protein and minimize carbs, without calling it anything but healthful eating, it's easier. Much easier. And, if you eat carbs, or corn, who cares. I love corn, and I think the reasoning is stupid. And, I dislike the name. There are no paleo foods in todays world. So, it's not the same thing.

    Also, the idea of it is lame. Paleo people ate what was available to them. They didn't eat a specific diet, and the people from different regions had different diets, due to the food that was available.

    Are you also going to eat grubs? Because Paleo people ate a lot of grubs.

    you took the words right out of my mouth...


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    why not just eat at a moderate calorie deficit and move/work out more? Paleo is not some magical diet that is going to cure all your problems...

    how is this helpful?

    so you are saying it is not helpful to tell the OP to just create a calorie deficit and get a moderate amount of exercise????

    what is more reasonable; 1) create a calorie deficit, restrict nothing, and work out/move more; 2) try to replicate a way of eating that has been extinct for over 10,000 years...?
  • Peanutmanak47
    Peanutmanak47 Posts: 75 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    why not just eat at a moderate calorie deficit and move/work out more? Paleo is not some magical diet that is going to cure all your problems...

    how is this helpful?

    It is helpful because the reasons for eating paleo are important. Some people are not aware that it's just a different way of creating a deficit. It's not magic. And, this is really an important point, for the vast majority of people, it is NOT sustainable. And, every time I say that, 20 people come in and say they've been doing it for X years. Awesome. But, MOST people cannot keep it up. It's far too restrictive for normal everyday life.

    Most people that are successful with it, have to do it due to dietary reasons. Like they can't eat diary or gluten, or something. But, people who can eat all that stuff have a really hard time with it.

    If you simply, instead, prioritize protein and minimize carbs, without calling it anything but healthful eating, it's easier. Much easier. And, if you eat carbs, or corn, who cares. I love corn, and I think the reasoning is stupid. And, I dislike the name. There are no paleo foods in todays world. So, it's not the same thing.

    Also, the idea of it is lame. Paleo people ate what was available to them. They didn't eat a specific diet, and the people from different regions had different diets, due to the food that was available.

    Are you also going to eat grubs? Because Paleo people ate a lot of grubs.

    I agree with this.