Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    What happened? We all went dead quiet for a couple of days. Is anyone else as nervous as I am about tomorrow's weigh-in? It's silly, I know, but I'm actually anticipating disappointment tomorrow. I don't have a specific number in mind, but somehow I feel like no matter what my actual loss is, I will have expected more.
    Does anyone else feel that they are struggling not to sabatoge themself? Like normally I am right on track but this week its like I am TRYING to fail .... like I know the weigh in is coming?
    I didn't feel like this...until I went out to dinner last night after a rough day and ended up about 1000 calories over my goal! Why do we torture ourselves like this? Anyway, from what I've seen, you guys all seem to be doing fabulously well! I'm sure none of you need it, but GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I'm nervous too!! I'm hoping for a 6lbs loss, which would mean slightly less then a 1lb a week average, but as stated before I'll be happy with anything!!! I'll be weighing in around 3p after I wake up. I can't wait to read everyone's post on their weight loss! We worked hard for this! WTG ladies :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ok lets start right now with the positive thinking...

    I am hoping for 3 ... but you know what I was freaking stuck before the LSD so if I lose anything I will be happy. My hardest thing is going to be to not sabotage myself tonight ... then it would be a self-fulfilling prophecy ya know!

    I cannot wait to see what everyone has done.

    For me... after Monday morning I am going to hide the scale until May 8th :)
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Um, I'm freaking out!!! :ohwell: I guess I have it in my head that I should have lost 20 lbs or something ridiculous like that!!! I've lost a whole size during this so it's not like I haven't made great progress... in reality I'd like to see 5-10 lbs gone, but no specific number.

    I, too, will be hiding my scale for 2-3 weeks until I weigh again after tomorrow... maybe my Cadbury and Reese Eggs will be worked off by then :laugh:

    Good luck everyone--I can't wait to see how awesome we've all done!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Um, I'm freaking out!!! :ohwell: I guess I have it in my head that I should have lost 20 lbs or something ridiculous like that!!! I've lost a whole size during this so it's not like I haven't made great progress... in reality I'd like to see 5-10 lbs gone, but no specific number.

    I, too, will be hiding my scale for 2-3 weeks until I weigh again after tomorrow... maybe my Cadbury and Reese Eggs will be worked off by then :laugh:

    Good luck everyone--I can't wait to see how awesome we've all done!!!

    Em - Ideally I would weigh in on May 14th (the day before the next race) but since I will be stuck in Pitssburgh for school at the mercy of their poor poor diet choices I want to weigh in before I leave ... I will be weighing in again when I return home... and then after that I think its getting hid again. I did much much much better with working out, decisions, etc without that number reinforcement!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Um, I'm freaking out!!! :ohwell: I guess I have it in my head that I should have lost 20 lbs or something ridiculous like that!!! I've lost a whole size during this so it's not like I haven't made great progress... in reality I'd like to see 5-10 lbs gone, but no specific number.

    I, too, will be hiding my scale for 2-3 weeks until I weigh again after tomorrow... maybe my Cadbury and Reese Eggs will be worked off by then :laugh:

    Good luck everyone--I can't wait to see how awesome we've all done!!!

    That's kind of where my head is at too. Realistically, I'm aiming for about 5-7 lbs (~1/week), but then sometimes I almost feel like it should be twice that. I'm also planning on sticking to every 2 or 3 weeks between weigh-ins. I definitely think not constantly thinking about "the number" helped me stick to my healthy eating and workout habits more consistently.

    Oooohhh...maybe we should allow ourselves 1 Easter candy treat per pound lost! No...I guess the idea is not to gain back all the weight by Monday morning! OK...I'll try to exercise (a little) self control.

    BTW emmaleigh: saw your blog...great job turning away from those fudge eggs! I only hope I'll be half as strong as that tomorrow!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I really have my heart set on losing about 7 pounds too, which is about a pound a week. I have eaten horribly the last few days though and have a lot of water retention going on too so I am not sure what the scale will say! I am at least reasonably confident that I am in ONEderland (I was at 201.6 at last WI) so that will be a victory for sure!

    Meant to post last night to say... my church ended up inviting all members to fast on Good Friday (until supper... at which I had Chinese buffet and didn't feel too guilty. I didn't plan on that, it was just the only place that wasn't swamped with people!). Anyway... I have fasted once or twice in the past but have not done so for YEARS... mostly because I knew that in the back of my mind I'd be hoping for some weight loss from it and not just focusing on spiritual reasons for doing so. Yesterday I was completely comfortable joining in. How or if it impacted the scale didn't matter. And it was a good experience. I think if I accomplished nothing else by the Lenten scale diet, being able to participate in that and not feel like weight/weight loss concerns were holding me back from being in the right frame of mind was a great outcome for me.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    So... apparently I did accomplish nothing else by the Lenten scale diet.

    WI this morning was 202.4... up .8 from 7 weeks ago. I know there is some water weight in there but not 7 pounds of it! Disappointed here. :(
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    So... apparently I did accomplish nothing else by the Lenten scale diet.

    WI this morning was 202.4... up .8 from 7 weeks ago. I know there is some water weight in there but not 7 pounds of it! Disappointed here. :(


    I'm so sorry you're feeling disappointed with your weigh-in this morning. Please don't let this discourage you. Be super-proud of your achievements and your progress thus far: 36 lbs off so far is a fantastic loss! And don't let your disappointment overshadow the significance of what you DID get out of this challenge. I'm not very religious, so please forgive me if I'm getting this wrong, but based on what you said about being able to participate in the fast with your church, the Lenten Scale Diet allowed you to focus on your faith in a way that you hadn't been able to in the recent past. It may not have be the goal you originally had in mind, but I'm guessing that's a far more important achievement for you than any number on the scale.

    Also, as you mentioned you had Chinese buffet Friday night, which likely had a good amount of sodium, maybe that's a big part of it. Given water and time, that will drop off by itself. Give yourself a week, you may be pleasantly surprised! Have a very happy Easter! :flowerforyou:
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Melody--I am with Miovlb6... probably water weight from the Chinese! And that can add up to TEN POUNDS, so in reality you could definitely be down. Check again in a few days and CHUG some water between now and then--good luck! :drinker: <--that's water ;)

    My weight-loss was HUGE! I'm kind of worried actually that I lost some muscle as well as fat, but I haven't had that checked since I began this 'journey' so I honestly don't know. 13.6 lbs lost :noway: I'm pretty pleased, but I have a new challenge starting with Emma tomorrow, so I'm hoping I don't plateau now!!!

    :heart: Great job to everyone who even lasted this long w/o that DAMN scale, and cheers to all of our successes (scale or NSV)!!! :heart:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Melody - I'm so sorry this didn't turn out well number wise. I guess it's just going to be another test for you to let it roll off your back and keep on going. As said before you accomplished some fantastic NSVs that you should be very proud off.

    Emily -- HOLY CRAP!!!! You really did work your *kitten* off!!!! FANTASTIC!

    I'm happy with my result. Not only am I feeling more relaxed about weight loss in general, but it's given me a different outlook on the numbers the scale spits out. I learned that when I'm feeling good about how I look I don't need any more vaildation then that. I lost 5lbs total going from 212-207. I can't believe I'm 6lbs away from hitting the 30lb mark!!! When I started this I had NO confidence, I NEVER thought I'd where I am today.

  • caitlinsmum
    caitlinsmum Posts: 55 Member
    Only got to weigh in today. Have lost 2.6 kg/ 5lbs ! That is a total of 18.8kg/42lbs/3 stone in exactly 6 months. I now have a 'healthy' BMI - for the first time in years ! I want to try and lose another 6 kg/13lbs and then see how I feel and what my body fat mass is at that stage. How often are you all going to weigh now after this experience? I really don't want to go back to weighing myself every day like I did before. I think I'm going to try and weigh every 2 weeks and see if that works ...
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Only got to weigh in today. Have lost 2.6 kg/ 5lbs ! That is a total of 18.8kg/42lbs/3 stone in exactly 6 months. I now have a 'healthy' BMI - for the first time in years ! I want to try and lose another 6 kg/13lbs and then see how I feel and what my body fat mass is at that stage. How often are you all going to weigh now after this experience? I really don't want to go back to weighing myself every day like I did before. I think I'm going to try and weigh every 2 weeks and see if that works ...

    FANTASTIC!!! Congrats on the HEALTHY BMI that is wonderful news!!!!!

    I am also shooting for every two weeks. I've already instructed hubby to hide the scale!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Only got to weigh in today. Have lost 2.6 kg/ 5lbs ! That is a total of 18.8kg/42lbs/3 stone in exactly 6 months. I now have a 'healthy' BMI - for the first time in years ! I want to try and lose another 6 kg/13lbs and then see how I feel and what my body fat mass is at that stage. How often are you all going to weigh now after this experience? I really don't want to go back to weighing myself every day like I did before. I think I'm going to try and weigh every 2 weeks and see if that works ...

    Great losses you guys! And caitlinsmum congrats on reaching a "healthy" BMI! I lost 10.4 lbs on the Lenten Scale Diet, and that moved me out of the "obese" BMI into "over" category. I just looked at my goals, and I see that even once I reach my target weight of 135 (still far, far away :grumble:), I'll still be "over" so, I guess I might need to re-evaluate and adjust my goal weight. I'm only barely over 5 feet tall, but I can't remember ever having been below 135. Then again, I can't really remember not having been at least a little chunky either, so I guess that makes sense...:laugh:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    197.6 lbs start of this challenge
    190.2 lbs currently

    I also made it out of the obese BMI range & am now just overweight! YAY! :bigsmile:

    I didn't treat myself with any Easter candy, but I did have some Grasshopper brownies with mint choc chip ice cream that was DE-LISH! :laugh:
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Well, I gained two pounds after 42 days of being extremely careful and then four days of serious exercise and serious eating. I was still tracking those last four days, but I hiked a lot (about 1000-1500 cals burned a day, acc. to HRM), and, well, it was spring break and I was in Arizona. I ate salty Mexican food like my life depended on it. Groan. It's gotta be just water weight, but I'm SUPER bummed because my body was looking GREAT before those few days in AZ, super tight and toned. I really need a kick in the pants to motivate me after not seeing the scale move in a month and a half.
  • firestopmike
    firestopmike Posts: 1 Member
    I found this old thread after googling the term "lenten scale diet" after seeing it on someone's scale today on another post.
    I'm in. Along with alcohol that I gave up. Wondering if this restarts thread