The excluding elitist approach to fitness pisses me off. Rant warning.

Okay, so I stopped at the outdoor gym to do some squats the other day. However the 77lbs bar that I wanted to use wasn't on the rack. So I asked MatchoBoy(TM) to give me a hand. Natrually, being MatchoBoy(TM) he had to haul it uphimself. (Even though I was standing there, ready to lift it in one end) Then he frowns at me, and in a snorky voice goes "Don't wear yourself out." while he's turing his back on me. What? Seriously? Does my 180lbs body look fragile? And just because Im not fit that must mean that I have no idea of what I'm doing? Really MatchoBoy(TM), do I need to get a t-shirt that says "Not fit but know my *kitten*"? And even if I didn't know, or felt unsure, if you really want to help someone with all your fitness expertise, why not just kindly ask how it's going? I'm really tired of this attitude that you sometimes meet as an unfit person in this game, why not lend each other a helping hand, some advice and encouragement but no, instead you get excluded if you don't look the part. This elitist approach to fitness really honestly, just pisses me of. And yes, this was a bit of a rant. But I really think it's one of the things that makes people afraid to join the gym or start working out, and it's quite sad. And if you are out there, just starting to run, do yoga, work out, lifting weights whatever it is - you sure as hell can do it! It's not rocket science and you are going to be awesome. :)

Ps. MatchoBoy(TM) was rather lacking in bicep curl technique as well. Think I should have pointed that out to him? ;) Ds.


  • Haha! Waow, the word that rhymes with fit was actually censored. I guess you can all figure out what it's suppose to say. :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm confused. There is a bar that is 77 lbs? I did not know that. And if you can lift it, why did you need help to lift it? Did you thank the guy for helping you out?
  • Yeah, well it was in kg, I just converted it. And of course I thanked him! I might have done a rant, but I'm actually quite nice. :) And since it's an outdoor gym it's a solid bar, so it's quite hard to get the heavier once up safely into the rack alone.
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    does he look like he skips leg day?
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    ™ ?? lol, sounds like a cool guy. why would you give him any of your energy?
  • I'm not sure, he was wearing sweatpants. :)
  • Pattunia
    Pattunia Posts: 9 Member
    LotusAsh wrote: »
    does he look like he skips leg day?

    Haha that's so spot on.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    edited October 2014
    Oh look a mean people thread. LOL.

    So this projection and rather elitist/critical post was based on one thing he said?

    So, what DO you know about curl technique?

    LOL. It's a tuesday...
  • mackeyj
    mackeyj Posts: 11 Member
    One time, at the gym, a guy was polite and tried to help me set up a squat rack.

    So I was a *kitten* to him.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Are you sure you aren't reading into it too much?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member

    Do you perhaps mean macho? Though I've heard of matcha tea. Was he drinking any tea?
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    So did you get his number? Or is this about something else?

    because we know he is single. lol
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    mackeyj wrote: »
    One time, at the gym, a guy was polite and tried to help me set up a squat rack.

    So I was a *kitten* to him.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    It's probably not worth it to get so angry.
  • Haha, yes. I confess to making a rant here. But have you never met this kind of attitude before? This was just a small, to me semi funny scenario, but I find that sometimes there is this really excluding attitude, I remember bringing one of my best friends along to the gym a long while back (He's this nice skinny guy) and one big guy comes up to him and snorts and tells him to use the pink weights. So okay, that guy was just an *kitten* and I guess you find them everywhere. But, in some of these places there has been an intimidating atmosphere if you're a newbie, and I just think that's a bit sad.
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    There's a man at my gym who comes over to help me put weights on the bar when I dead lift. I lift more than he does, but I still let him put the weights on my bar for me. If he wants to be my personal assistant, I'm not going to argue.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    tisseltass wrote: »
    Haha, yes. I confess to making a rant here. But have you never met this kind of attitude before? This was just a small, to me semi funny scenario, but I find that sometimes there is this really excluding attitude, I remember bringing one of my best friends along to the gym a long while back (He's this nice skinny guy) and one big guy comes up to him and snorts and tells him to use the pink weights. So okay, that guy was just an *kitten* and I guess you find them everywhere. But, in some of these places there has been an intimidating atmosphere if you're a newbie, and I just think that's a bit sad.

    I think I got a lot happier when I stopped analyzing everything someone said or did. I mean, I still get upset sometimes it's totally normal, but I just ignore the hell out of everyone at the gym. I'm easily the heaviest person on the weight floor at my gym by a good 50lbs and I have an anxiety disorder and everything so it could have been intimidating for me. But people are gunna be jerks everywhere, ignoring them makes them frustrated, and that's always a fun game.

  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    See...I read that in the same tone as "break a leg"

    I live in a happy bubble. It's nice here. The unicorns bring me cheese.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    tisseltass wrote: »
    Haha, yes. I confess to making a rant here. But have you never met this kind of attitude before? This was just a small, to me semi funny scenario, but I find that sometimes there is this really excluding attitude, I remember bringing one of my best friends along to the gym a long while back (He's this nice skinny guy) and one big guy comes up to him and snorts and tells him to use the pink weights. So okay, that guy was just an *kitten* and I guess you find them everywhere. But, in some of these places there has been an intimidating atmosphere if you're a newbie, and I just think that's a bit sad.

    This happens in every aspect in life. It could be a coworker, a friend having a bad day, the just one person, let it go. Most people don't go out of their way to exclude or be mean, so I wouldn't call it a fitness problem. In regards to what happened to your friend, I'd call that an *kitten* problem and, unfortunately, they come a dime a dozen. It usually stems from some deep-routed insecurity.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm honestly not seeing an issue sounds like you're angry about you get pissed when guys hold the door open for you? I mean, you can probably do that yourself too...

    I'm honestly not seeing an "attitude" here other than yours. I think it's highly possible that your perceptions =/= reality. I see a lot of that in any gym...people perceive that other people are looking down on them or making fun of them or whatever...when in reality, nobody gives a rats and are barely aware of your presence.