This will make you think twice before eating that Halloween Candy!



  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    That attitude toward food and exercise is beyond unhealthy.


    That kind of shame surrounding what I eat is what led to an eating disorder that I am still in recovery from.

    I'd rather just eat the candy and not feel ashamed for eating it.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Terribly unhealthy to think like that. Celebrating a holiday eating a bunch of whatever I want while staying on my goals before and after that day won't ruin my diet. Like I read somewhere else: 1/365 days (and maybe if you count all the special occasions where you "screw up" you get to 15/365... again, no big deal if you do things right).

    Unhealthy to think like that? No, actually it is unhealthy to eat like that. I wouldn't advocate an alcoholic have a few drinks during the holidays. But, if that works for you. For me, I don't like to fail a few times a year on purpose. Overcoming the temptation is a success. Success motivates more success. Failure just brings you down.

    Of course, if you just want to lose weight and healthy eating is of no concern, then just eat all you want on those days and cut back on your calories the next, right?

    And as far as depriving yourself of that craving... lol. Just give into them, then. Let me know how that works for you later on. Skip the gym when you don't "feel like it" and dare not push yourself. It might hurt. Get those milks and cookies out.

    And the worst comparison award goes to.........
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Terribly unhealthy to think like that. Celebrating a holiday eating a bunch of whatever I want while staying on my goals before and after that day won't ruin my diet. Like I read somewhere else: 1/365 days (and maybe if you count all the special occasions where you "screw up" you get to 15/365... again, no big deal if you do things right).

    Unhealthy to think like that? No, actually it is unhealthy to eat like that. I wouldn't advocate an alcoholic have a few drinks during the holidays. But, if that works for you. For me, I don't like to fail a few times a year on purpose. Overcoming the temptation is a success. Success motivates more success. Failure just brings you down.

    Of course, if you just want to lose weight and healthy eating is of no concern, then just eat all you want on those days and cut back on your calories the next, right?

    And as far as depriving yourself of that craving... lol. Just give into them, then. Let me know how that works for you later on. Skip the gym when you don't "feel like it" and dare not push yourself. It might hurt. Get those milks and cookies out.

    And the worst comparison award goes to.........

    for realz…..
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Terribly unhealthy to think like that. Celebrating a holiday eating a bunch of whatever I want while staying on my goals before and after that day won't ruin my diet. Like I read somewhere else: 1/365 days (and maybe if you count all the special occasions where you "screw up" you get to 15/365... again, no big deal if you do things right).

    Unhealthy to think like that? No, actually it is unhealthy to eat like that. I wouldn't advocate an alcoholic have a few drinks during the holidays. But, if that works for you. For me, I don't like to fail a few times a year on purpose. Overcoming the temptation is a success. Success motivates more success. Failure just brings you down.

    Of course, if you just want to lose weight and healthy eating is of no concern, then just eat all you want on those days and cut back on your calories the next, right?

    And as far as depriving yourself of that craving... lol. Just give into them, then. Let me know how that works for you later on. Skip the gym when you don't "feel like it" and dare not push yourself. It might hurt. Get those milks and cookies out.

    alcohol and halloween candy are not even on the same level..

    talk about comparing apples to oranges...

    Challenge accepted


    Can you fit an orange in an apple?

  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    edited October 2014
    Candy does NOT fit into my daily calories, because of my piggish nature.
    I am one of those who had to completely give up certain candy and sweets and booze...
    If others can work them into their macro's and calories, great! I was unable, and I eat a ton! My average daily consumption is around 4000 calories. The reason candies, sweets and booze won't fit is this insane craving. Once I get going with junk foods, I just don't stop.
    After a few painful failures, I declared NO MORE!
    And over 2 years, I reached my weight goal. Everybody needs to do whatever they need to do to be a success.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    edited October 2014
    50sFit wrote: »
    Candy does NOT fit into my daily calories, because of my piggish nature.
    I am one of those who had to completely give up certain candy and sweets and booze...
    If others can work them into their macro's and calories, great! I was unable, and I eat a ton! My average daily consumption is around 4000 calories. The reason candies, sweets and booze won't fit is this insane craving. Once I get going with junk foods, I just don't stop.
    After a few painful failures, I declared NO MORE!
    And over 2 years, I reached my weight goal. Everybody needs to do whatever they need to do to be a success.

    can I have your candy then? lol
    I got rid of it
    I had to, because I never crave it until I eat that first bite.
    Those final kids were rewarded! I was like Monty Hall toward the tail end of trick-or-treating. And for you...the whole bowl!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Kelli850 wrote: »

    Is it really worth the calories?

    Other than the Skittles? Yes.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    So if the OP has a problem with those little fun size bars, I am wondering what she would think of what we are giving out this year:

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Ok, here's my second thought: wtf
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Kelli850 wrote: »

    Is it really worth the calories?

    Other than the Skittles? Yes.

    I won't touch Skittles until they put lime back in original

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    If your point is eating candy every day fits into your meal plans then I see nothing wrong with it other than the possible health issues it may (yes I said MAY not WILL) cause you down the line just like the health issues eating at McDonalds, Wendys, etc, etc that I did caused me although I did lose 100 pounds eating at those places. Ultimately although I lost weight it taught me how to eat wrong and bad stuff so it was a setback.

    Since I am not in your group "won't set us back" I'll just say sorry I'm funny for responding to someone trolling the forum and I do in all honesty wish you well.

    This is just silly.
    Unless you have a medical condition or an allergy you will not get any health issues from eating a small amount of candy every day, like a chocolate frog after dinner or similar. Or eating mcDonalds or Wendy's now and then.
    Doing this as part of an overall healthy diet is not setting anyone back or 'eating wrong'

    And anyone saying above is not trolling the forum :s

    And I don't even celebrate Halloween.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    As an aside, it's irritating when infographs like this surface, saying you need to work off your food choices.
    I think people forget BMR exist, and there's no need to work off every piece of candy or "junk" food you decide to eat. If we had to burn off every calorie we ate and then some, there would be a true weight crisis in this world.

    Yes all these charts only apply if you eat something OVER your calorie allowance - not WITHIN Your allowance.

    Ie if you fit it in, using, you know, portion control, then you don't have to do any more exercise at all.
  • MJ_Watson
    MJ_Watson Posts: 180 Member
    So if the OP has a problem with those little fun size bars, I am wondering what she would think of what we are giving out this year:



    OP, sorry but I'm not giving up my Halloween candy! I don't care how many burpees I have to do!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I actually find it mentally healthier to gorge on halloween. I do still feel guilty, but when I get on the scale the next morning and find I have not gained all of my weight back, it helps to rid my head of false perceptions.

    It is like it is healthy to still be able to eat "junk" and move on...get myself to the gym the next day, eat healthier, etc. This is real life.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Personally, that much candy worth it...No. I'd rather save 400 calories and eat a whole pint of frozen yogurt (which I did this week). Also, that work out doesn't look too bad.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Terribly unhealthy to think like that. Celebrating a holiday eating a bunch of whatever I want while staying on my goals before and after that day won't ruin my diet. Like I read somewhere else: 1/365 days (and maybe if you count all the special occasions where you "screw up" you get to 15/365... again, no big deal if you do things right).

    Unhealthy to think like that? No, actually it is unhealthy to eat like that. I wouldn't advocate an alcoholic have a few drinks during the holidays. But, if that works for you. For me, I don't like to fail a few times a year on purpose. Overcoming the temptation is a success. Success motivates more success. Failure just brings you down.

    Of course, if you just want to lose weight and healthy eating is of no concern, then just eat all you want on those days and cut back on your calories the next, right?

    And as far as depriving yourself of that craving... lol. Just give into them, then. Let me know how that works for you later on. Skip the gym when you don't "feel like it" and dare not push yourself. It might hurt. Get those milks and cookies out.

    It's not a failure if you chose to eat it.

  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I want to take that damn chart and set it on fire
