eating before bed



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Bombshell are you saying reading is a problem for you and you had prefer videos to grasp the factual concept that a calorie is not always a calorie as in all calories are not equal?

    Once again, a calorie is a's a unit of measurement.

    OK we are getting somewhere now. That is true in a lab.

    LiveLaughLoveEat1 where you logic is failing you on this site we are talking about humans which are all different in the way the body can use calories from different foods.

    You would say there are the same number of BTU's in all 87 octane gasoline in your town. I will accept that as a fact.

    You also claim that gallon of gas will make all cars travel the same number of miles before its energy is consumed.

    LiveLaughLoveEat1 this is where you logic fails you. Some cars may only travel 10 miles and others may travel 40 mile on a gallon of a gas. Yet you state a gallon of gas is a gallon of gas so all cars will run the same distance.

    Just read some of the links and the fact that inside the human body different calories can be very unequal in powering the body and brain cells.

    Other readers are getting the picture and understand you are wrong when you say a calorie of food is functional equal to every other calorie of food that goes into your body.

    Those links that are in no way looking at confirmation bias based on the search cirteria!

    How about linking a long term study that shows a difference in fat loss that does not have the subjects ad lib eating.

    No one is saying that some foods are not better than others re satiety. No one is saying either that TEF is not different between the macros. That has nothing to do with CICO.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    psulemon wrote: »
    You can eat whenever you want. Total calories is all that matters. When you eat and frequency have no impact on weight loss.

    psulemon how long are you going to be stuck on that false concept that only 'total calories is all that matters"?

    Sure eating before bedtime when you metabolism wants to slow down is less than idea but sometimes is hard to avoid. Typically it is best to not eat after 5 pm if you go to bed 9-10 pm my scales tell me. :)

    If I am wrong about meal timing, then provide the science.

    In terms of metabolism, it varies depending which part of the sleep cycle you are in:

    And by no means does it suggest that you stop burning calories. And considering most people sleep less than a third of their day, it will be a non issue. And there is tons of anecadotal evidence out there that suggest eating late at night doesn't affect weight loss. Ed and myself are perfect example.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    apparently the laws of math and physics do not apply to Gale…

    Gale - can you eat 10,000 calories a day of the "right" calories and not gain weight…?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    To the OP: eat whenever and however many meals work for you as long as you stay in a calorie deficit. If a large meal before bedtime does not cause sleep problems, do it if it works in your schedule. Yes, your metabolism slows down when you sleep, but it perks right up again when you wake up so as long as you are metabolizing more calories than you ingest over a 24 hour period, you will lose.

  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    you love to mock people who seem pretty damn successful for being clueless?

    I am not mocking anyone. All am saying you are dead wrong that all calories put into the human body are equal in performance based on research.

    What are to talking about when you say "people who seem pretty damn successful"?

    Weight loss in humans is not just a simple macro. The macros are like the software models that predict where a hurricane is going to make landfall, at what time and at what wind speed.

    The macros give expected ranges but do not predict down to the oz of weight loss six days or six months down the road. They are very helpful just as are the hurricane path predictions.

    Now if a calorie was a calorie then macros would be more accurate in making weight loss predictions but a calorie is not a calorie always in placed in a complex human body.

    Does this help you as it does other readers?

    The biggest issues are that you constantly pop into threads saying everyone is wrong but you never actually provide supporting evidence. We ask you to show us it is the way you say, you respond with show me it's not. It doesn't work that way.

    When you do provide links they don't even support what you're saying. And they are always about low carb or diabetes. Many of us aren't diabetic and don't do low carb so how about you knock that off. Then we read the links and the have nothing to do with the conversation. You don't even read the links yourself.

    You have stated many time "when I was younger I also believes blah blah blah", you then apparently learned stuff. The question is when did you learn new stuff? The 80s? Because you are really out of touch with the present. It's as if you haven't bothered to keep up with the times and that's what makes it annoying to debate you. You are stuck in the past.

    And as far as who has been successful goes, basically everyone in the thread you are debating has been. You have shown absolutely nothing.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I eat whenever the heck I want. Including IN bed, before sleeping.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    What a funny thread. Sounds like the old dumb me.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    What a funny thread. Sounds like the old dumb me.

    Right!? I say that about a lot of threads now, it's nice that I've learned so much though. I used to think "I'm so glad I researched THAT before I posted something".
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    The two issues I've faced with eating before bed are indigestion and acid reflux. Not weight gain.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Look, GaleHawkins posted!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    you love to mock people who seem pretty damn successful for being clueless?

    What are to talking about when you say "people who seem pretty damn successful"?

    I would say one of them is Ed - a loss of 312 lb's seems pretty successful to me. B)

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    you love to mock people who seem pretty damn successful for being clueless?

    Now if a calorie was a calorie then macros would be more accurate in making weight loss predictions but a calorie is not a calorie always in placed in a complex human body.

    Does this help you as it does other readers?

    Which other readers would they be??

    just curious as everyone is disagreeing with you, yet you consider yourself so helpful.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Look, GaleHawkins posted!

    You could do some filthy photoshop with that gif.

    On topic, I pretty much consider any of my waking hours as hours left until I can sleep again, so I guess if I never ate before bed...I'd never eat at all. Also, I work evening, so I do almost all my eating at night. Hasn't hindered me none.

    Well...Yes of course, that too B)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Oh look, its night time and here I am eating in bed AGAIN!
  • indianwin2001
    indianwin2001 Posts: 296 Member
    This thread is funny--20 people are right and 1 is wrong
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited November 2014
    you love to mock people who seem pretty damn successful for being clueless?

    What are to talking about when you say "people who seem pretty damn successful"?

    I would say one of them is Ed - a loss of 312 lb's seems pretty successful to me. B)

    Why would I mock Ed who I do not know. I congrat Ed for that loss and all that set a goal and get even 10% the way there because they set a goal and did something positive for themselves. I think this thread may have related to some making a false statement that a calorie is a calorie and I posted links supporting a calorie is not always a calorie?

    Been hauling hay today so my memory may be wrong on this subject being an old man per LLLE. :)

  • indianwin2001
    indianwin2001 Posts: 296 Member
    Galehawkins--Why does your ticker say ZERO pounds lost and 59 to go?-Have you lost ANY weight? If you have you might want to update that and if you haven't ....
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited November 2014
    you love to mock people who seem pretty damn successful for being clueless?

    What are to talking about when you say "people who seem pretty damn successful"?

    I would say one of them is Ed - a loss of 312 lb's seems pretty successful to me. B)

    Why would I mock Ed who I do not know. I congrat Ed for that loss and all that set a goal and get even 10% the way there because they set a goal and did something positive for themselves. I think this thread may have related to some making a false statement that a calorie is a calorie and I posted links supporting a calorie is not always a calorie?

    Been hauling hay today so my memory may be wrong on this subject being an old man per LLLE. :)

    Except..a calorie is a calorie. Are you saying Ed and Psulemon (not to mention a few others who have posted in agreement with CICO and have lost significant amounts of weight/are at goal) are wrong in how they lost weight?

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    you love to mock people who seem pretty damn successful for being clueless?

    What are to talking about when you say "people who seem pretty damn successful"?

    I would say one of them is Ed - a loss of 312 lb's seems pretty successful to me. B)

    Why would I mock Ed who I do not know. I congrat Ed for that loss and all that set a goal and get even 10% the way there because they set a goal and did something positive for themselves. I think this thread may have related to some making a false statement that a calorie is a calorie and I posted links supporting a calorie is not always a calorie?

    Been hauling hay today so my memory may be wrong on this subject being an old man per LLLE. :)

    I didnt say you had mocked him - I was just answering your question "What are to talking about when you say "people who seem pretty damn successful"?" as to one of the people they were talking about aas being successful on this thread was Ed.

    and a calorie is a calorie is not a false statement any more than a mile is a mile or a kilogram is a kilogram or any other unit of measurement is that unit of measurement.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    you love to mock people who seem pretty damn successful for being clueless?

    What are to talking about when you say "people who seem pretty damn successful"?

    I would say one of them is Ed - a loss of 312 lb's seems pretty successful to me. B)

    Why would I mock Ed who I do not know. I congrat Ed for that loss and all that set a goal and get even 10% the way there because they set a goal and did something positive for themselves. I think this thread may have related to some making a false statement that a calorie is a calorie and I posted links supporting a calorie is not always a calorie?

    Been hauling hay today so my memory may be wrong on this subject being an old man per LLLE. :)

    No - you brought up the whole calorie is/is not a calorie topic...the actual topic was about meal timing, and stayed that way until you got involved.

    Also, you did not post links to 'prove' that a calorie is not always a calorie.