What time do u stop eating ?



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I don't eat in my sleep, so I don't choke. Otherwise, a bulk of my calories are eaten in the evening because I prefer it this way.

    Eat in a way that makes you feel best...your body functions 24/7, irregardless of when you eat.

    I'm supposed to stop about 3 hours before lying down due to reflux, but I don't always.

    Then you lie in the "what makes you feel best" ;P

    Obviously, if it makes you feel yucky to eat so close to bed, dont.

    The misconception that gets tossed around is "if you eat before you sleep you won't burn it off and it'll get turned to fat"

    At least, that's what I've seen to nauseum on the boards.

    If that were even remotely true, I'd have never lost 53 lbs. Or gotten to where I am now. I enjoy my Talenti pints watching anime right before bed and I'm not about to stop :wink:

    Just had Talenti! Trying to decide to go back for 50 more grams with my remaining calories or not...

    Must know flavor..... for science! :D my favorite is chocolate peanut butter cup and sea salt caramel :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Those are my favorites too. I opted for the mediterranean mint for a little less cals. Not as good, but still yummy.

    Mmmmmm, mint. I bought the gelato pops in that flavor and I think it's going to be my new thing. Tonight, though, was a Skinny Cow sandwich because I wanted to be a little conservative with my calories today.

    They sell them in pop form? It's Talenti?


    I've had the sea salt caramel pop...at first, I was skeptical because there's only 3 small pops in there but.... OMG LOVE!!

    I eat pints in sittings, so husband compromised with me.... Edy's pumpkin pie ice cream quarts...last me three days for the price of one Talenti xD


    Yeah, the three pops for $5 is a concern. For ice cream bars, I had been eating Magnum Mini Double Caramel, which has nearly the same calories (190 vs 200) and come six to a box.

    I need to find out if Edy's makes a Slow Churned Pumpkin Pie. All that takes up my freezer is that and Talenti!
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    To the OP: unless you have conditions like heartburn/acid reflux that affect you, it doesn't matter when you stop eating. Your body can't tell time.

    This. I try to stop eating after 6:30 or 7 but that's purely due to the acid reflux. Before I was diagnosed I'd eat right up till bedtime and still lost weight just fine.
  • shortnsassy1981
    shortnsassy1981 Posts: 154 Member
    I usually eat between 7:30 am and 430 pm. I am insulin resistant and have thyroid issues. I can eat more calories and lose/maintain weight if I keep myself in a window like this. But if I am out with friends or on vacation etc, I don't sweat eating later. I just usually will see a fluctuation in my weight for a few days. If I make it a habit, I have to decrease my daily caloric intake to lose or maintain. I choose to eat more in a shorter time span :)
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm insulin resistance tooo
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    I usually eat between 7:30 am and 430 pm. I am insulin resistant and have thyroid issues. I can eat more calories and lose/maintain weight if I keep myself in a window like this. But if I am out with friends or on vacation etc, I don't sweat eating later. I just usually will see a fluctuation in my weight for a few days. If I make it a habit, I have to decrease my daily caloric intake to lose or maintain. I choose to eat more in a shorter time span :)
    I have insulin issues toooo
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    I stop eating before I turn the light off to sleep, but not always. I generally have my last small snack with my before bed reading. It's my nighttime ritual. Where did you get the idea that food sits in your stomach all night? Just because you are asleep doesn't mean that all of your body processes go to sleep as well.
    Because your body takes 6-8 hours for your food to even go thru the stomach line so if you sleep then yeah lol but i trust what u say thanks !
  • I eat dinner at 6pm. For no particular reason. I'm just hungry at that time.

    But your body doesn't stop working while you sleep. If it did, it means you're dead.

    I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. That tells me that my liver is still working in my sleep. If my liver is still working, why wouldn't my digestive track be?

    There's also a reason why you weigh at your lightest in the morning. Because you have digested most of (if not all) the food of the previous day during the night.

    Just logic.
  • JLCrunch
    JLCrunch Posts: 46 Member
    I personally don't eat after 7 because the bulk of my calories does come with dinner and going to sleep with a very full stomach often makes me nauseous. Other than that, I try to lay off the sodium in the evening as to avoid waking up bloated and puffy.
  • freeoscar
    freeoscar Posts: 82 Member
    I was listening to The Gist podcast on Slate yesterday and they were discussing this study (have to pay for more than the abstract). The results of the study are that timing DOES in fact matter in weight loss. But it's not absolute (as in, eat by 7pm), but more as it aligns to your individual body clock (circadian timing).

  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    I stop eating different times each day. It all depends on the day. My husband and I eat dinner together no matter what. Sometimes it's at 6pm, sometimes it's at 10pm. It all depends when my husband gets out of work. He never has the same schedule!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I usually save enough calories for a nightly snack (usually ice cream or popcorn) and I have that around 9pm.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I try to make it a hard-and-fast rule to stop eating around the time I start snoring.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hell, I'm not even home by 7 on most nights...

    I usually eat dinner around 8:30/9:00 and I'm in bed by 10. It's never been an issue.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I try to make it a hard-and-fast rule to stop eating around the time I start snoring.

  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I don't eat in my sleep, so I don't choke. Otherwise, a bulk of my calories are eaten in the evening because I prefer it this way.

    Eat in a way that makes you feel best...your body functions 24/7, irregardless of when you eat.

    I'm supposed to stop about 3 hours before lying down due to reflux, but I don't always.

    Then you lie in the "what makes you feel best" ;P

    Obviously, if it makes you feel yucky to eat so close to bed, dont.

    The misconception that gets tossed around is "if you eat before you sleep you won't burn it off and it'll get turned to fat"

    At least, that's what I've seen to nauseum on the boards.

    If that were even remotely true, I'd have never lost 53 lbs. Or gotten to where I am now. I enjoy my Talenti pints watching anime right before bed and I'm not about to stop :wink:

    Just had Talenti! Trying to decide to go back for 50 more grams with my remaining calories or not...

    Must know flavor..... for science! :D my favorite is chocolate peanut butter cup and sea salt caramel :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Remember, as you savor each bite...it's all in the name of science! I've seen it but never tried it. May have to get a pint when I get paid again.

    the sea salt caramel is like an orgasm in your mouth.

    Why would you buy food that tastes like spunk that?
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    I stop eating before I turn the light off to sleep, but not always. I generally have my last small snack with my before bed reading. It's my nighttime ritual. Where did you get the idea that food sits in your stomach all night? Just because you are asleep doesn't mean that all of your body processes go to sleep as well.
    Because your body takes 6-8 hours for your food to even go thru the stomach line so if you sleep then yeah lol but i trust what u say thanks !

    This is just too funny for words!

    Lol oh is it?

  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I stop eating before I turn the light off to sleep, but not always. I generally have my last small snack with my before bed reading. It's my nighttime ritual. Where did you get the idea that food sits in your stomach all night? Just because you are asleep doesn't mean that all of your body processes go to sleep as well.
    Because your body takes 6-8 hours for your food to even go thru the stomach line so if you sleep then yeah lol but i trust what u say thanks !

    This is just too funny for words!

    Lol oh is it?

    The question is really why do you think it matters?
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    I stop eating before I turn the light off to sleep, but not always. I generally have my last small snack with my before bed reading. It's my nighttime ritual. Where did you get the idea that food sits in your stomach all night? Just because you are asleep doesn't mean that all of your body processes go to sleep as well.
    Because your body takes 6-8 hours for your food to even go thru the stomach line so if you sleep then yeah lol but i trust what u say thanks !

    This is just too funny for words!

    Lol oh is it?

    oh, it's very funny...lol...

    Creeeeep lol
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    I stop eating before I turn the light off to sleep, but not always. I generally have my last small snack with my before bed reading. It's my nighttime ritual. Where did you get the idea that food sits in your stomach all night? Just because you are asleep doesn't mean that all of your body processes go to sleep as well.
    Because your body takes 6-8 hours for your food to even go thru the stomach line so if you sleep then yeah lol but i trust what u say thanks !

    This is just too funny for words!

    Lol oh is it?

    The question is really why do you think it matters?

    No the question is why do want to know why I think it matters lol
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I stop eating before I turn the light off to sleep, but not always. I generally have my last small snack with my before bed reading. It's my nighttime ritual. Where did you get the idea that food sits in your stomach all night? Just because you are asleep doesn't mean that all of your body processes go to sleep as well.
    Because your body takes 6-8 hours for your food to even go thru the stomach line so if you sleep then yeah lol but i trust what u say thanks !

    This is just too funny for words!

    Lol oh is it?

    The question is really why do you think it matters?

    No the question is why do want to know why I think it matters lol

    Because you presented the information as if it were significant. We're trying to understand the significance.