Challenge Group (New Members Welcome!!!) 4/25-5/1



  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Funny thing about this water thing is that I am averaging 16oz-20oz less than normal lol weird!
  • beloslover
    MON –Exercise: Y (61 mins)~ Ounces of Water: 120 oz
    TUES – Exercise: Y (56 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 120 oz
    WED – Exercise: Y (82 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 80 :(
    THU – Exercise: Y (280 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 156!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 4/7
    Digging a hole today... Tonnes of water!!!!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    oooh can I join please I wondered off a bit and need to get back on track- I see I am too late for this week (although I will still do the challenge even just for the next couple of days but will be ready and raring to go Monday morning 2nd May :) Is there anything you need fom me or just for me to fill in what I do each day?
    Good luck everyone hope you are all doing well :)
  • hannahh13
    MON –Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 24 oz
    TUES – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 90 oz
    WED – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 80 oz
    THU – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 70 oz
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
  • kumarprabhat
    MON – Exercise: Y (45mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 85
    TUES – Exercise: N (Gym closed) ~ Ounces of Water: 90
    WED – Exercise: Y (55 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 100
    THU – Exercise: N (have hurt my left knee after falling from bike :grumble: ) ~ Ounces of Water: 100

    Heading out for party tonight as need to watch closely what I drink and eat. :huh:

    Number of Days Exercised: 2/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 4/7
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    MON – Exercise: YES (45 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 112
    TUES – Exercise: YES (30 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    WED – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    THU – Exercise: YES (40 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 3/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 4/7

    Tonight I am going to a wedding. I'm definitely going to the gym beforehand and definitely am drinking water but I have to say I'm a bit nervous!!! Also I had such a bad day on Wednesday that I am having such an off week this week and had a bad weigh in today so I'm a bit down. :(
  • rachelthefinn
    MON –Exercise: Yes (52 mins of p90x) ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    TUES – Exercise: Yes (90 mins of p90x) ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    WED – Exercise: Yes (60 mins of p90x) ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    THU – Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: 64
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 3/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 3/7
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member

    I did NOT want to work out this morning, but ended up doing 45 mins running on the treadmill while I watched the Royal Wedding (I told myself I couldn't watch it unless I was on the treadmill). Feeling great now, especially with how easily the time passes with something to watch, and have rewarded my efforts with a bought iced green tea (I usually make it myself here at the office).

    @caitysparkles: It's awesome that you're planning ahead for the festivities tonight, and talking up your strategy for the day/evening. That's something to be proud of. Life always will throw curveballs, so just roll with it and plan as best as you can. If you falter, just pick yourself up and keep on keeping on. You can do it!

    Have a great Friday everyone!

    MON –Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 84
    TUES – Exercise: Y (trainer, 60 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 100
    WED – Exercise: Y (30 mins tm, 15 mins elliptical) ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    THU – Exercise: Y (trainer, 60 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 100
    FRI – Exercise: Y (45 min tempo run, tm) ~ Ounces of Water: ## (already at 40…sucking it down!)
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 4/7
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    MON –Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) 22 min elliptical 23 min bike
    TUES – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 88 (11 cups) 22 min ellip/10 min bike/13 min walk
    WED – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) 30 min elliptical 15 min bike
    THU – Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) rest day
    FRI – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) 50 min gym
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 5/7
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    this mornings run was not easy it was only 18 min....i thought i didnt have time to run....but then decided every little bit i got in a little run...
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Funny thing about this water thing is that I am averaging 16oz-20oz less than normal lol weird!
    That happens with me sometimes when I set really specific goals for myself. Sometimes, it's just better when I go with the flow on some things. I was getting more water before this week too, but I'm also a little busier than last week.
    THU – Exercise: Y (280 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 156!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    beloslover... :noway: :drinker:
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    MON –Exercise: YES (Walk - 45 min.) ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    TUES – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    WED – Exercise: YES (Turbos Jam-20 min. and High impact Aerobics - 40 min. ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    THU – Exercise: YES (wALK -30 min. & Turbo Jam - 20 min. ~ Ounces of Water: 84.5
    FRI – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 3/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 1/7
  • beloslover
    MON –Exercise: Y (61 mins)~ Ounces of Water: 120 oz
    TUES – Exercise: Y (56 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 120 oz
    WED – Exercise: Y (82 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 80 :(
    THU – Exercise: Y (280 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 156!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    FRI – Exercise: Y (150 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 5/7
    Wow. Done the exercise for 5 days! Kind of hard :) Cant wait for the next two to not try so hard :)
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    MON –Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 120ozs
    TUES – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 120ozs
    WED – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 128ozs
    THU – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 104ozs
    FRI – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 104ozs
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 5/7

    Shawnalee-Get to drinking that water!

    Beloslover-WOW! That is a lot of water!

    Madamelaporte-Of course you can join! I’ll post the link to next week’s thread Sunday evening.

    Kumarprabhat-hope you enjoyed your party and didn’t eat/drink too much :)

    Caitysparkles-Great job planning! Enjoy the wedding!

    Mjslazak-Congrats on pushing through and getting that workout in this morning!

    Nachisdoll-Great job finding time to get a run in!
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    MON –Exercise: Y (JD2, JM RI30, hiking, gardening) ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    TUES – Exercise: Y (Zumba & hiking) ~ Ounces of Water: 156
    WED – Exercise: Y (JM RI30 & hiking) ~ Ounces of Water: 144
    THU – Exercise: Y (Gardening) ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    FRI – Exercise: Y (JM RI30, gardening) ~ Ounces of Water: 144
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 5/7
  • tbever
    tbever Posts: 173 Member
    MON –Exercise: Yes 54 min. treadmill ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    TUES – Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    WED – Exercise: Yes 32 min treadmill 13 min stairs ~ Ounces of Water: 92
    THU – Exercise: Yes 46 min treadmill walking ~ Ounces of Water: 40
    FRI – Exercise: Yes 56 min walking 35 min Spin class ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 4/7

    I'm not exactly sure of the water intake for Friday, but I am pretty sure it was over 80!
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    MON –Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) 22 min elliptical 23 min bike
    TUES – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 88 (11 cups) 22 min ellip/10 min bike/13 min walk
    WED – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) 30 min elliptical 15 min bike
    THU – Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) rest day
    FRI – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) 50 min gym
    SAT – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 just (10 cups) 25 min walk 20 min elliptical
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 6/7

    yah exercise completed. 1 day to go to guzzle the water. some days it was a struggle others easy
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    I have really enjoyed this challenge. made me push myself. thanks so much. Cant wait to see what next weeks challenge is and to weigh in just to see how I went
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    MON –Exercise: Yes 80 mins~ Ounces of Water: 80, maybe a tad bit more, but definitely not less
    TUES – Exercise: Yes 55 mins ~ Ounces of Water: 80+
    WED – Exercise: Yes 45 mins ~ Ounces of Water: 85
    THU – Exercise: No (work banquet) ~ Ounces of Water: 80ish
    FRI – Exercise: No (no time. sad) ~ Ounces of Water: 138 (rocked the water!)
    SAT – Exercise: Yes 45 and more later today ~ Ounces of Water: 60 at 11:30am, more to come :)
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 5/7

    2 days in a row - feelin' good!
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    MON –Exercise: YES (WALK - 45 min.) ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    TUES – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    WED – Exercise: YES (Turbo Jam-20 min. and High impact Aerobics - 40 min. ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    THU – Exercise: YES (WALK -30 min. & Turbo Jam - 20 min. ~ Ounces of Water: 84.5
    FRI – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    SAT – Exercise: YES (WALK - 90 min.) ~Ounces of Water: 84.5
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 2/7