How do you react when a stranger randomly compliments you?



  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I Love getting compliments and will say Thank You! (probably with a big grin on my face!) :smiley:
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I say thank you but I'm my worst critic. So if it's something I've accomplished, I'm flattered but in my head I can't help but point out all of the things I could've done better.
  • LazyCatPame
    LazyCatPame Posts: 112 Member
    Terribly. Compliments are the kind of thing that make me stay indoors in a very dark place
  • CarolinaAcorn
    CarolinaAcorn Posts: 418 Member
    I say thank you and usually tell them they're very sweet.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I used to be suspicious of compliments, but as I've aged I now know how precious they are, so I always say "thank you" with a big smile. :)
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    It does not happen, but if it did, I would run away, or hurt them in some way if I could not get away from them
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    Say thanks cause it makes my day 10x better
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    edited November 2014
    Surprised and uncomfortable but also grateful. I also feel this way when it's someone I know.
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    its never happened so i cant say lol
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    That depends. Is it a genuine compliment, or is it something we social strings attached.

    Usually, it's a smile and a "Thank you."

    Unless it's got undercurrents that don't deserve thanks. Then I am temporarily deaf.
  • bloozing
    I've gotten compliments on clothes randomly

    Say thanks and keep it moving
  • Isagirl72
    Isagirl72 Posts: 44 Member
    I am learning to be grateful, normally I blush and fall silent look away etc...
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
  • Chaotic_Weevil
    Chaotic_Weevil Posts: 199 Member
    As long as it's not sleazy, or screamed at me as I'm trying to walk down the street, I generally find it to be a nice thing.

    Honestly, the best compliments for me have always been about non physical things- when somebody has called me smart or funny or kind. Those ones make me happiest
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    All of the compliments I get are really awkward, but I still usually just say thank you and carry on with my life because I was taught to always use your manners.
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    Well, I'm awkward, soooo, even though I don't mean to, I usually somehow find a way to undermine the compliment.

    "I like your outfit"

    my awkward response:
    "Thanks it was on sale..."


    Generally followed by me wondering wtf is wrong with me.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I say thank you and hope they don't say anything else, especially if it is a guy.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I always think they're crazy lol. When I was in Cuba on my honeymoon a Canadian guy told me I was beautiful. It was weird, he kind of turned round and stared at me, and said 'wow, you're really beautiful'. Um, ok.
  • blackcrossknight
    blackcrossknight Posts: 26 Member
    Drunk, or just just hollering obnoxiously, I just blow off after a quick turn of head to make sure it was aimed towards me. A compliment on the other hand, 'oh! You look nice! Lost a lot of weight' isn't too uncommon while I'm out walking (Everyone here walks or bikes) and I just kinda of awkwardly '....uhh.. thanks?' I have no idea how to talk to strangers. I feel bad sometimes, because I can take and appreciate a compliment, but it comes out unsure and and awkward like I'm questioning them and can't take the compliment lol.