Divorce Horror Stories....



  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    Divorced my ex and found out some years later after we got divorced that she had never divorced her previous husband so our marriage was never legal in the first place. I gave her everything just to get out of the marriage and left with just my clothes. Unfortunately, we had children and now I have no parental rights at all because parentage was never established prior to the divorce. Had to go back to court to force her to comply with an order for genetic testing to prove that they were my kids. Come to find out, they weren't. I'm still required to pay child support even though I have no visitation or custody rights. She had been cheating on me with her ex while we were dating after the guy got kicked out of the military for drug use, sold all of their household possessions and disappeared on her. Needless to say, it was almost 15 years before I trusted another woman enough to even consider getting married again.
    If true, this story wins so far.

    Very, very sad, but true. She tortured me for years with a parenting plan (that pretty much gave her everything she wanted and sent me to the poor house paying support) that was not even legal. Didn't know people like this existed in real life. That's what I get for "falling in love" at the age of 19.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    Divorced my ex and found out some years later after we got divorced that she had never divorced her previous husband so our marriage was never legal in the first place. I gave her everything just to get out of the marriage and left with just my clothes. Unfortunately, we had children and now I have no parental rights at all because parentage was never established prior to the divorce. Had to go back to court to force her to comply with an order for genetic testing to prove that they were my kids. Come to find out, they weren't. I'm still required to pay child support even though I have no visitation or custody rights. She had been cheating on me with her ex while we were dating after the guy got kicked out of the military for drug use, sold all of their household possessions and disappeared on her. Needless to say, it was almost 15 years before I trusted another woman enough to even consider getting married again.
    If true, this story wins so far.

    I so agree with this one
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Joannah700 wrote: »
    Mine hasn't even started yet.

    Can't start until the house is appraised. Can't start until the bathroom is finished being remodeled (the 3 hour tour of bathroom remodels).

    I'll just keep an eye on this page though...
    What state?

    California...you practice in California?
  • mfleeg
    mfleeg Posts: 137 Member
    My fiancé is a divorced man.

    His story reminds me a little bit of wilsoncl6's. My fiancé was married and had a child with his ex-wife, who had cheated on him before in their relationship but he thought marriage might help. She was about four months pregnant when they got married and unfortunately, their son was born and passed away from a birth defect called congenital diaphragmatic hernia. About six weeks later, he catches her cheating on him by realizing she has a $700 phone bill talking to this guy... so they get legally separated and he gets deployed to Iraq where she is trying to talk to him about reconciliation while he is there. He considers it because at the time he thought that it was the "right thing to do" to honor his son, but.... she becomes pregnant with the other guy's baby while he is deployed despite saying, "No! Not talking to that guy!" The guy has NO high school diploma, GED, job.... at the time, it was to be his sixth kid with five women before turning 23! ... he is now at seven kids with five women.

    Then, she memorized his debit card information and leaked about $3,000 of his money from his bank account to buy stuff for the new boyfriend and kept all of the stuff they had for their son.

    For a while, every year, she would email him angry that he wouldn't talk to her about their shared experience, like he owed her anything! Some people.....

    ...at least I'm an upgrade? :wink: LOL!
  • Hockey_Winger
    Hockey_Winger Posts: 1,164 Member
    edited November 2014
    I have never understood why the courts continue to enforce the you still have to pay child support even though you were deceived and those aren't actually your kids rules...

    No divorce horror stories from me. We went through mediation and it was probably the only time in years we actually agreed on anything.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    mfleeg wrote: »
    My fiancé is a divorced man.

    His story reminds me a little bit of wilsoncl6's. My fiancé was married and had a child with his ex-wife, who had cheated on him before in their relationship but he thought marriage might help. She was about four months pregnant when they got married and unfortunately, their son was born and passed away from a birth defect called congenital diaphragmatic hernia. About six weeks later, he catches her cheating on him by realizing she has a $700 phone bill talking to this guy... so they get legally separated and he gets deployed to Iraq where she is trying to talk to him about reconciliation while he is there. He considers it because at the time he thought that it was the "right thing to do" to honor his son, but.... she becomes pregnant with the other guy's baby while he is deployed despite saying, "No! Not talking to that guy!" The guy has NO high school diploma, GED, job.... at the time, it was to be his sixth kid with five women before turning 23! ... he is now at seven kids with five women.

    Then, she memorized his debit card information and leaked about $3,000 of his money from his bank account to buy stuff for the new boyfriend and kept all of the stuff they had for their son.

    For a while, every year, she would email him angry that he wouldn't talk to her about their shared experience, like he owed her anything! Some people.....

    ...at least I'm an upgrade? :wink: LOL!

    I hate cheating, but when people cheat on their S.O who is deployed in the military infuriates me to no end. They're over there fighting for your freedom and you're banging other people. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Sounds like you are a heck of an upgrade from this turbo sl*t.

    Sorry to everyone who has had a crappy divorce. My sister's divorce was finally finalized. It was drugged out forever because her ex kept lying about how much money he made, his retirement, and lied about how he still had his job, but was actually fired from it in January but then found a new job and never bothered to tell anyone so they wouldn't take child support out of his new check. After reading this, as much of a douchenozzle her ex is, she didn't have such a horrible time.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    edited November 2014
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    Divorced my ex and found out some years later after we got divorced that she had never divorced her previous husband so our marriage was never legal in the first place.

    Same thing happened to me! And he was stilling screwing around with the other wife during our marriage. Thanks for sharing that because now I don't feel like the world's biggest sucker! We can share the title. I only found out during the divorce proceedings when a girlfriend of his showed up at my house trying to collect money he owed her and spilled the beans.

    It turned out to be a blessing because, after I kicked him out and he realized I wasn't going to take him back, the IRS suddenly slapped a lien on my property and home. Turns out he had a huge tax debt from the years prior to our marriage that he had kept hidden from me throughout our marriage. When I was able to annul the marriage, IRS had to stop coming after me for his debts.

    That was 15 years ago. I've stayed single.

  • SuninVirgo
    SuninVirgo Posts: 255 Member
    What a sad post
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Mine wasn't a horror story because I made sure it didn't turn out that way. I let him have the house and most of what was in it and just started over fresh on my own. It took less than 4 months and was not very expensive because it was not complicated.
  • sparkynazca
    sparkynazca Posts: 169 Member
    edited November 2014
    My ex husband and a (female) friend kicked me out of our shared apartment when I was living in Alaska, over 4000 miles from anyone I knew. I had no car, spent my first night in Walmart's bathroom sleeping. It was the best thing that ever happened to me, crawling my way back into a motel, then a boarding house, then an apartment, learning I could be self sufficient. I was a better person after I struggled. Not having a car sucked, I had to walk four miles to work and it was a harsh Alaskan winter that year. I got pnuemonia without health insurance and that sure was expensive! Especially when I had two weeks of bed rest and couldn't work.

    It was still five years after that before I managed to divorce him. I couldn't find him! Ugh.

    It was interesting that I managed to pay all of his old medical bills (being garnished) before he showed up.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    socalkay wrote: »
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    Divorced my ex and found out some years later after we got divorced that she had never divorced her previous husband so our marriage was never legal in the first place.

    Same thing happened to me! And he was stilling screwing around with the other wife during our marriage. Thanks for sharing that because now I don't feel like the world's biggest sucker! I only found out during the divorce proceedings when a girlfriend of his showed up at my house trying to collect money he owed her and spilled the beans.

    It turned out to be a blessing because, after I kicked him out and he realized I wasn't going to take him back, the IRS suddenly slapped a lien on my property and home. Turns out he had a huge tax debt from the years prior to our marriage that he had kept hidden from me throughout our marriage. When I was able to annul the marriage, IRS had to stop coming after me for his debts.

    That was 15 years ago. I've stayed single.

    Sorry you had the same experience. I wish I had found out during the divorce proceedings. She raked me over the coals for years before the truth came out. I swore that I'd try marriage only once and never again if it didn't work out but not so much. Took a long time to regain trust but I managed. I'm sure you will too eventually. I just learned to be picky and to pay attention to warning signs.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    If I had a pin through my head and was an ugly stick I'd be pretty sad too.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    edited November 2014
    Joannah700 wrote: »
    California...you practice in California?
    No. Too much of a commute. :)

    But... a gorgeous one. Well, where I live.

    So it sounds like I'm going to be married for ages until this divorce starts. Bad news for me? His brother is a lawyer...and so is his sister in law.

    My sisters decided to become retail managers, teachers, HR recruiters and witch doctors.

    This makes me fear a bit. Just a bit.
  • Gingersfit
    We went through mediation and that part went ok. It took us 6 years to get into mediation because after we separated, I was involved in an accident and had a personal injury lawsuit going. Even though all the money was for pain and suffering, he wanted some of it. I made him an offer (a certain % up to $20k) but he didn't want to take a chance on it turning into a million dollar lawsuit or whatever and him missing out on a windfall. So, it was either wait out the lawsuit settling or he was going to rake me over the coals for alimony.

    Moral of the story? PRENUP!
  • Strange_magic
    Strange_magic Posts: 370 Member
    He was a doo doo head and a mean man.

    We got a divorce. We had a mediation(Thumbs up) and decided on 50/50 custody.
    He's still a doo doo head, he wants us to move to Virginia and we refuse.
    BUT he's a reasonably good father to my babies so I let him live. I help him out when he has to travel, and he doesn't help us out because he's never home when he doesn't have them but I don't care.

    I think we are a divorce success story(I had to post a non horror story.