Small victories...what are yours?



  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Congratulations to everyone who was able to resist "Halloween Treats." That's awesome and really hard to do!
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    cnadiger wrote: »
    I completed my second round of C25K Week 1. I'm ready to start week 2 today....

    What is C25? Congratulations are starting week two of your exercise program!
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member

    Very proud of this! :)
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    mrsmay1986 wrote: »
    cnadiger wrote: »
    I completed my second round of C25K Week 1. I'm ready to start week 2 today....

    What is C25? Congratulations are starting week two of your exercise program!

    Couch to 5k. It's an app that has a program that can help you work up to completing a 5k!
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    I was out with friends last night and someone ordered a nacho platter. I had 4 or 5 chips only, and when I got home I made my own "healthy" nachos so I could satisfy the rest of my craving. One serving of tortilla chips, 4 Tablespoons of salsa, and a smattering of fat free shredded cheese. Hey, you said "small" victories :)
  • ajravanos
    ajravanos Posts: 40 Member
    when i was 14, i begged my mom to buy me this dress that was way too small for me. so small, in fact, i couldn't even pull it half way down my arms while trying to put it on over my head. i wanted it for a few reasons a) it was really pretty & b) i wanted to have it for when i lost weight (thinking that was going to be a big motivator for me to eat right & exercise. unfortunately, at 14, it wasn't). i'm turning 29 soon, & i've always kept up with this dress over the years. it's still so pretty, i just couldn't get rid of it. three days ago i had a random urge to see how tight the dress was now -- & to my surprise, not only did it fit, it was too big. i'm not a crier by any means, but i completely lost it in that moment. it was such an awesome feeling :)
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    Put my belt on and realized I needed to go to the next hole as the one I was in was still a bit loose.
    Damn Son, I was on the last hole. May need to invest in a new belt, or start drilling holes.
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    My son says it's cool that I am working out.
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    had to dig out my jogging outfits from last winter recently due to the cold snap that came earlier than expected down here in Georgia. when I went to put on one of the outfits, I was super shocked to see how huge and baggy it was on me!!! It thrilled me so much :smiley: Hubby says he wants to buy me a few new ones, but I said no for now because this is the first time in more than 15 years that I've been able to wear something that's baggy! It's feels pretty darn good and I wanna savor it for a while still :wink:
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    ajravanos wrote: »
    when i was 14, i begged my mom to buy me this dress that was way too small for me. so small, in fact, i couldn't even pull it half way down my arms while trying to put it on over my head. i wanted it for a few reasons a) it was really pretty & b) i wanted to have it for when i lost weight (thinking that was going to be a big motivator for me to eat right & exercise. unfortunately, at 14, it wasn't). i'm turning 29 soon, & i've always kept up with this dress over the years. it's still so pretty, i just couldn't get rid of it. three days ago i had a random urge to see how tight the dress was now -- & to my surprise, not only did it fit, it was too big. i'm not a crier by any means, but i completely lost it in that moment. it was such an awesome feeling :)

    This is absolutely incredible and brought tears to my eyes! I'm so happy for you. That is truly an amazing accomplishment!
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    BettJo64 wrote: »
    had to dig out my jogging outfits from last winter recently due to the cold snap that came earlier than expected down here in Georgia. when I went to put on one of the outfits, I was super shocked to see how huge and baggy it was on me!!! It thrilled me so much :smiley: Hubby says he wants to buy me a few new ones, but I said no for now because this is the first time in more than 15 years that I've been able to wear something that's baggy! It's feels pretty darn good and I wanna savor it for a while still :wink:

    I completely know what you mean! The whole clothing aspect of this journey is amazing. It feels so good when clothes that were tight on you are baggy. It's almost like you can't believe it! Recently, I was able to take my work pants off and on without unzipping or unbuttoning them. It was such an amazing feeling. Good luck on your journey!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Feeling like I'm in the Normal Club. For example, going out w/ friends and knowing I will be comfy in the tightest spot in the car or restaurant. If I get something on my shirt and a friend says "Oh you can borrow one of mine" I can actually accept and be comfy in their shirt.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    Yesterday, we went to IHOP for lunch and instead of the stuffed french toast, hot chocolate, hash browns, eggs, and sausage I usually get, I had the Simple and Fit veggie omelet with a fruit cup and hot chocolate. I didn't even get to finish because I was stuffed!

    Then, last night, I had a single fun size pack of M&Ms instead of all of my kids' halloween candy ;)
  • FlatWet
    FlatWet Posts: 109 Member
    I stopped to try a sample of froyo (even though I swear it's like... 40 degrees out) and I was able to assess and realize that I didn't actually want to eat it. That the reason that I was considering was a) habit and b) emotional.

    And then I walked away. :)

    (also don't know if this is a victory or not, but a lot of my clothes look really bad on me now... baggy)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I had a small victory yesterday. I went to the cafe at work with the intention of buying crappy fried food, look at it, and decided it was not worth it and went back to my desk empty handed.

    This morning I did a group workout run by a trainer. This is way out of my comfort zone (runner and lone exerciser by nature). I went, met a few new people, did the entire workout and now I feel great!
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    1. Went to Mexican restaurant and left half the food on my plate
    2. Climbed 4 flights of stairs without much effort
    3. Only slightly sore the day after: running around the house after a field mouse, moving fridge out twice + stove out once, moving couch + chair all around the living room, and (on a totally unrelated note) trying my first plank & first real push-up


  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    mrsmay1986 wrote: »
    Today I had what I like to call a "small victory."

    I resisted one of my all time favorites at work...carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!

    We have a birthday cake each month for the employees here at work. I could not believe I was actually able to slice the cake for everyone...see it...smell it...and resist.

    Do I sound crazy? Or do you have small victories as well?

    Saying no to a food that's not healthy just feels so empowering!

    Tell me yours!
    I helped my daughter with her crawl strokes today - I used to be on the swim team 20 years ago and have never swam consistently ever since. Actually, I might swim maybe 3x a year.
    - Anyway, a swim coach there was giving private lessons, and she watched me and asked what team I was swimming for. I could not believe my ears!! Made my day :)
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    I went to the gym every day (Mon-Fri.) The past two weeks.
  • DotPett
    DotPett Posts: 181 Member
    I have resisted the Reeses Peanut Butter cups sitting a few feet from my desk this week! Yes!!
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Yesterday one of my volunteers (I'm a volunteer manager) told me I'm starting to look like a whole different person, and today I had an awesome workout, even though I didn't want to go at first, I'm glad that I made it there