

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Meg, beautiful picture. You look so young, and the baby is super cute.
  • Mrsbelindatrenaman
    Hello all

    Thought I'd say hello... first time user! Belinda's my name I was coxed into using myfitnesspal by my PT, and he has access... I've been seeing him for a few weeks and I really need to focus as he's costing a small fortune, so instead of wasting the money on having him, I need to stay focus on the cause!

    Is there anyone around Carina Heights/Carina/Carindale that would be interested in going to Clem Jones for Aqua aeorbics or for a walk for something of the like?

    Belinda >:)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :D No time to post, just wanted to say hi and welcome to baby Nikita o:)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Sylvia ... good idea.
    Meg ... sweet photo.

    Made the mistake of ordering lunch without checking the restaurant's website first ...
    My sandwich was the equivalent of my entire daily calorie goal! Needless to say, I did not stay anywhere near my goals today! Sheesh!

    But I did get the grass cut and leaves mulched (which the wind then took away) before our expected temperature drop tomorrow.

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hello, ladies... Just checking in, reading a bit before I go to work (security guard downtown patrol). I have so many layers on as it's to get down to -9 tonight :o . I will be getting lots of exercise in tonight though so I hope it keeps me warmer. Working on finishing up a re-style of a champagne gold satin gown for an upcoming wedding this weekend. Adding some plum & gold coloured brocade to up the drama a bit. I may post a picture if I can figure out how, lol. Hope you are all having success with your plans.

    Liana from British Columbia
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Megan, that little angel is so precious. I love the look on your face also. Glad she gained a teeny bit although maybe it would have scared your daughter a bit if she had been hospitalized. Is she nursing better now?

    Katla, I loved the way you equated your sailing knowledge to domestic relationship issues.

    My Dad, brother, husband and ex son in law all served in the service. My brother was a lifer. He worked on a nuclear sub and sometimes we never knew where he was. Many times they had to drop down to the bottom of the ocean in order not to be detected. He has been out for several years now and he has told us that he can never tell us what he did and where they went. My Dad was stationed in Guam repairing planes. He wanted to fly planes but he was colored blind. But he still told us some horror stories of the amount of blood in and on the planes as they came in. I have found that the longer my ex son in law have been divorced, the less I think about him. But he had 3 tours in Iraq while in the National Guard and I have found myself thinking of him often. Charlie, growing up in the Viet Nam era joined instead of being drafted. He wanted to be in the Navy and NOT the Marines. So he was trained as a medic and after a year the powers to be transferred him to the Marines! He never did any active duty though.

    It is freezing! Right now we have wind chill factor of 27. Had an issue with Cracker Barrel tonight. We had no idea that they were doing something to honor veterans but on the door and on each table they had a sign that all veterans got a piece of coca cola chocolate cake with ice cream. So I asked the waitress if Charlie could have piece for dessert. She said she had forgotten about it and had not been offering it to her tables. So when she brought it is was part of a white sheet cake, no ice cream. I questioned it and after several times pushing it with her she went back to see what the deal is. So she came back out, eventually, and said that the white sheet cake was what they are serving. I showed her the card on the table again and asked her to go back and check again. She came back and said that they had the chocolate cake but you had to pay for it. Well I am sorry miss, the card says complimentary. She just shrugged her shoulders. Charlie said to just take ti away and we left. So when I went to the cashier I told her about it since Charlie didn't want to push it. She got the manager out and he said that the chocolate cake was the offer but some people preferred white. So he brought him a piece of cake and ice cream in a carry out. He did get the name of our waitress.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    MNMargaret - I'd be exhausted!

    Belinda - Welcome! We're happy you are here. You will find a lot of encouragement on this site.

    Beth - Tomorrow is another day! I know it's disappointing to unintentionally eat over the caloric limit, but you did get some really good exercise---even if the leaves did blow away!

    Liana - Stay warm!

    Joyce, Indiana - All I can say is "wow" about your service at Cracker Barrell.

    Night all!

    Barb from South Louisiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a 20-40-60 workout on the treadmill. Basically, you go for 60 seconds at 4mph, 40 sec. at 4.5mph, then 20 sec at 5mph. We have a general meeting of the Newcomers tomorrow so I'll do Denise Austin's Boot Camp DVD.

    Barb - if I don't measure out my food, I know that I will definitely eat mindlessly. Vince is the same way as your dh. He has to have his cookies, cakes, etc. And guess who has to make them? I'm working on the self-control. WORKING. How I wish I could get rid of things that aren't good for us (like cookies). I do try to buy Doritos because I don't care for them. I was told tonight "you know what I'm snacking on -- these crackers" The unsaid implication being "I don't have any cookies to eat". Well, he does have jello that he needs to finish. Wish he'd have some and finish it up.

    Joyce - LOL extra steps!

    Cynthia - when I go to mahjongg on Monday nights, the lady who has it has two dogs. I swear they know my car! The minute I pull up, they want their lettuce ribs. I have them sit before I will give them to them.

    Sylvia - that's a really good idea about your blog posting the pictures. Good site. The only thing I would say is it sounds (to me, anyway) kind of funny to call a fast food place a "joint".

    henseybrown - welcome. Come back often.

    Meg - how wonderful that baby Nikita gained! She's so precious looking!

    Say, does anyone have experience with Prolia -- good or bad? I've been on Reclast for about 3 years now. According to my latest BDS, the osteoporosis isn't getting better -- but it isn't getting worse. I remember when I first changed to this MD he said that he'd recommend the Prolia when he heard that I was on Reclast. Now he sent me a letter saying that there doesn't seem to be much with the Reclast and he would suggest Prolia. I'm not sure why he's pushing the Prolia so much, is it that much better? I remember last year when I was supposed to go for the Reclast, how much trouble I had getting his office to work with me on getting it. Now it seems they're calling me and telling me that the order for the Prolia is still pending from the insurance company. They didn't do this with the Reclast. Is one better than the other?

    Exercised then came home and had breakfast, then went to the ceramics place and did a little bit more on my ladybug. I'll get it done yet. Then left and had to get gas, stopped at CVS to get a prescription for Vince, a lady at ceramics asked me to get somethings for her to take to Rummikub tonight so I had to stop at the food store, came home and made the massaged kale salad. Rummikub tonight. I have a feeling it'll be a late evening.

    Tomorrow we have a general meeting for the Newcomers.

    Went to Rummikub and when I got home Vince said to me "it's going to be a long night". Before I'd left one of Jessica's cats had labored breathing and she was taking it to the emergency vet up there. She has an appt with the vet down here Sat. but this couldn't wait. Well...it seems that Lance has fluid on his lung. There is no way Jess can afford the vet up there so she's driving to Hickory. Vince estimates she will be here around 3am. He told her that if she wanted to go straight to the emergency clinic to call us, we'll come and pick Shadow up. Or if she wants to come here first, it's totally up to her. She was (get this) concerned and wasn't sure she should call "and wake us up". Like she hasn't called at 3a.m. to say "I had a bad dream, are you OK?". We just told her that we're here for her, that's what moms and dads do. So...even tho I was really good at Rummikub I made brownies and then fudge for her, I suspect she's going to want something, and if not, she will want something to take home (OK I'll want something to give her). I don't think I'm even going to be bothered to put on my pajamas.

    Kathy from PA - where in PA are you? We used to live in Stroudsburg and then in Kennett Square.

    Barb - great choices at the store!

    Belinda - welcome! When you say "he has access", do you mean that he reviews your diary? If so, I'm impressed.

    Joyce - did your brother have top security clearance? Good for you standing up to that waitress and letting the manager know of the situation!

    Michele in NC
    who will probably be back sometime during the night
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi just a quick post - the days seem to be merging into one long nightmare. DH not doing too well at the moment. Not eating so not strong enough for any treatment.

    Living day to day, fearing the worst but hoping for the best - but things are not good.

    Thanks for all the kind wishes.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, he didn't have top clearance like Secret Secret Service, FBI, President but it was pretty high

    Viv, so sorry your hubbie isn't doing well yet. I hope they find an answer and get him on the proper path. I know you are bearing this pretty hard.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Meg Congrats! Awesome you two!
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Meg: both of you are super cute! Nikita’s lucky to have you as a grandma. Your hair’s so much longer than in your profile photo!

    Michele: massaged kale? I eat kale regularly but have never massaged it. Hope the cat is OK. How does the gas used to drive to Hickory compare to the cost of the vet?

    Viv: thinking of you. I know a bit of what it’s like when you’re in a kind of suspended time and things are not going well. (My husband died of heart failure about ten years ago.)

    Got a bunch of new genealogy leads yesterday and was so excited I didn't go to bed until 2 am. Needless to say, eating healthily just went right out the window. Looking forward to a better day today, though I'm tired and that usually "helps" me eat too much.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,824 Member
    Meg~what an adorable picture of you both, you need to change your profile picture as it doesnt look like you at all anymore..Nikita is a little doll...
    Barb~in Louisiana - we have a home in a 55 park that we go to for a few weeks at christmas time ,I only get 2 weeks vacation so we drive down as we take our 2 dogs with us...
    I havent really gotten into the swing of any holidays, I will be cooking for thanksgiving, and I dont know if my DFIL will be able to get out. hopefully they get the meds to the correct dosage so that he can function better...
    beautiful weather here the last few days, but the arctic cold will be here tomorrow.
    I am working Saterday until noon and then taking my dad with me down to our cousins memorial service about an hr away.. we will get to see our relatives that we dont see much, except at our age it is mostly funerals :'(
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Good morning all! :flowerforyou:

    Viv - So sorry you are having to go through this. I just send you my love and hugs. :flowerforyou:

    Meg- what a fab photo! I didn't recognise you - is it time to changed your avatar? :laugh: What a sweetie - and the baby is great as well. :tongue:

    Barb - Great that you've settled so well into this group. :flowerforyou: I really can't claim any special willpower regarding my eating habits. Even when I was a child I preferred savoury to sweet. It's not that I don't like sweet, I do, but I don't crave it and my first choice would always be salty or spicy. My DS#1 is the same so it is obviously a genetic trait - I am not superhuman ! ! ! ! !

    Katla - my bread is not so much a recipe as a process and that is why I am so proud of it! It has taken me three years to get it to look like that. I read many blogs and online articles and read Dan Lepard's book in order to perfect technique. My first efforts, and I was proud of them at the time, were pathetic by comparison. I do like the one third rye flour to give it that sour taste. The sour dough is wonderful toasted and used as a base for savoury toppings. I always weigh my slices carefully as it is very dense.

    We are planning to dye my hair roots this afternoon and, if it stops raining, we will get the yellow and mauve pansies planted in our big pot. Last year they were fantastic in the spring!
    Tonight's dinner is duck legs, roasted brussel sprouts, which I have not done before, and snow peas. I like to rub the legs with a bit of chipotle paste and allspice. DH will have new potatoes roasted with the duck.
    I did over 600 cals exercise today so have a bit of leeway. Hooray!

    Love to all. Remember to look after yourselves. :flowerforyou:

    Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :D Barb, my husband and I are best friends and like to be with each other more than with anyone else. I didn't get disciplined with food until I was 62 years old and had some sort of moment of clarity that I'd been using food as a friend and source of entertainment. That very day I began planning my food for the day including portion size and committing to follow the plan, no matter what. In time I eliminated foods that were high calorie, low nutrition and substituted nutrition dense foods, instead. I stopped eating for recreation. I told my friends to meet me for a walk, not a meal. At restaurants, I order exactly what I want and don't feel limited to what is on the menu. If a restaurant has a grilled chicken breast, a steamed vegetable and tomatoes as part of menu items, then I can order just those things without the sauces, butter, bread, etc. I found that I am an "abstainer"....one bite is too many and a thousand aren't enough so I stay away from an increasing list of foods and beverages.

    <3 Viv, I send hugs to you. I spent yesterday morning with my friend whose husband has been diagnosed with cancer in many parts of his body. She is committed to her eating plan and shared with me how she makes time to plan and prepare her food, exercise, follow her spiritual practices, as well as love and care for her husband. I thought of you as we were talking.

    :) It is freezing here this morning and I'll be wearing some extra layers when I walk the dogs. I can hear the wind chimes so it will feel even colder than the 32F/0C that the thermometer says.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful, chilly NW Washington
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,824 Member
    load of laundry done, ate bad stuff, so will get out and get some walking in, or jump rope for awhile..
    i have to become Barbie` and work with just eating things I know that nourish my body then mindlessly eating stuff that I shouldnt that is in the house.
    im back eating sugar, and that is truly bad for me,so will get back on track and get my body back to a low to no sugar body
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,824 Member
    well fresh sheets on the bed, and partially packed for Florida :D
    Viv~ dont know what more to say then my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours..
    will keep you both close in my thoughts...
    just had a english muffin :'(:# lordy cant stop eating.. move away from the food Al,move away from the food.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    edited November 2014
    I love how active this thread is! I can only check at work (shhhh) because no computer at home. I was out of the office yesterday and there are 3 pages of posts! LOVE IT! I'm thankful that I have the phone app so I can log my food/exercise every day even if I can't check the threads.

    Walking: It is cold here. Most days I still walk outside. But when it is raining or too dark we have been walking in Walmart. We are in a small town so Walmart is the biggest place around here. I'm sure their security dept is going crazy watching us weave in and out the aisles! So I know every single piece of merchandise at Walmart and can direct you to the appropriate aisle if you need anything. :smile:

    We had an all day training at the bank yesterday since it was a federal holiday. For lunch they only had pizza, chips, and dessert. I had one piece of pizza but that was it. Next year I'm bringing my own lunch. (I'm still at the "I don't want anyone to know I'm dieting" stage right now.)

    I'm up 2 pounds today. Grrr. But still sticking to the plan.

    Prayers for all of you who are struggling in relationships and other difficulties!

    Diana in Indiana

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    edited November 2014
    Bodi and Ritter. They truly love each other.m0h3if4l4vsp.jpg
    Hello Ladies.
    Its hard to keep up with all now that I am back to work. I am working with my therapist on getting back in touch with my creative side so I have a few new projects to work on at home. I am feeling a bit better. I hope you are all well.

    Hip Hip Huzzah to those that have accomplished great things no matter how small
    I am sending hugs and positive energy to all of you in need.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter in the chilly PNW
  • henseybrown
    henseybrown Posts: 7 Member
    Good Day to you all... wow this is an active message board! how wonderful <3 It's going to take me some time to read about you all.

    Thank you to those who acknowledged me, I hope to keep up here... I'll do my best.

    On to my issue... even after making the decision yesterday to start this, I didn't do a very good job taking care of my eating...ugh :( I get tired, and LAZY to do the right thing and will eat what's easy, which yesterday was pizza :o Also~ I'm not too keen on exercise, all those aches and pains (and excuses :p )

    today is a new day... begin (yet) again ;)

    Have a great day... enjoy your life :)