Beginning runner using C25k



  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    Definitely. I think if I were to repeat the same thing, day in day out, and have to wait weeks to see any physical impact, I would have given up on week 1.

    Having other achievements to measure gives a wonderful feeling of satisfaction.
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    Definitely. I think if I were to repeat the same thing, day in day out, and have to wait weeks to see any physical impact, I would have given up on week 1.

    Having other achievements to measure gives a wonderful feeling of satisfaction.

    Absolutely true. In a very real way, it makes me excited for my next workout because I like the challenge of the timed run. Once I complete a day and whether I felt it was easy or hard I look at the next challenge with anticipation.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    The running slow thing is what got me when I first started running. I was always running too fast, even following the C25K program. End result was shin splints and no running.

    I learned a proper pace for me through trail running. I used to live in the mountains and there was no such thing as a flat trail. This forces you to go slower since you are essentially climbing up a mountain.

    One thing that I don't think you touched on is the importance of stretching after you run. My muscles get tight and stretching is paramount for not being sore the next day and allowing me to continue running. Also tight calves contributed to my shin splints, by stretching them after a run I am preventing the return of them.
  • Pangea250 wrote: »
    I love your posts! I have done C25K. Twice. The first time, I was 234 lbs, so I know it is definitely do-able when you are overweight.

    Your goals are fantastic. I had done similar. I added another shortly after starting when I realized I was running w a grimace on my face. When I made a conscious effort to wipe that look of pain off my face, it really helped. And I remember well that realization when I was running 3 minutes IN A ROW lol.

    I also made my workout the full 3.1 miles each day, adding a good walk when the "official" workout was over. It's a good measurement of progress. Just don't be afraid to repeat days (or weeks) as necessary. Not everyone can move forward at the same rate.

    Friend rec coming your way!

    Thank you for posting! I am about 250 pounds and I was wanting to start the C25k but I thought I might just be too heavy to get through it. I was about to post a question asking how heavy people were when they started but I can see anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

    Good work to the OP too! Your doing a great job!!
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    edited November 2014

    Thank you for posting! I am about 250 pounds and I was wanting to start the C25k but I thought I might just be too heavy to get through it. I was about to post a question asking how heavy people were when they started but I can see anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

    Good work to the OP too! Your doing a great job!!

    When I started exercising by walking on September 1st, I weighted 272 lbs. When I started the C25k program on October 7th I weighed about 259. I am 6' tall and this is about 80 lbs overweight for me. I am down to about 248 now. So with C25k I have lost 11 lbs in 5 weeks.

    Originally I didn't plan on running until I got to 240. I was worried that running with all this weight would really mess up my knees and hips. But as I was doing so much walking I felt I could push it to the next level. I found the C25k program and started it up. Luckily enough, my body has held up.
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    Program: C25k Week 6 Day 1
    Date: 11/11/2014
    Start time: 6:55 pm

    • Complete run portions of program
    • Increase my pace

    Distance: 3.1 miles
    Duration: 52:36 (8th out of the 16 I have done)
    Ave Pace: 16:58
    Change from last attempt: -02:39
    Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -06:22
    Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18: 48:28): +04:08

    This day was 5-mintue jog, 8-minute jog, then 5-mintue jog.

    I have to admit that from the very beginning I was not feeling this one. My legs felt tired before I even started and I think my warm-up was a little too much. My feeling is that I am still tired from everything I had done over the weekend. I am now back to my normal routine, which gives me about 48 hours of rest between runs, so hopefully the fatigue will go away.

    I still completed all the run portions and my pace was in the middle of what I had done previously. Considering how tired I felt, this isn’t too bad.

    On to W6D2 which is two 10-mintue jogs. The funny thing is that before I completed my 20-mintue run this would have intimidated me a bit, but after that, I feel confident in my ability to complte this day.

    I just wanted to point out that as much as I talk about my pace, it still isn’t my primary focus. My primary goal is completing all run portions, and the end game is to run an entire 5k start to finish, regardless of how long it takes me.

    Goal Achievement:
    • Complete run portions of program
    o Completed all the run portions. Like I said above, my legs were very fatigued, but I pushed past it and was able to complete all portions.

    • Increase my pace
    o I think I over did my warm-up a bit which increased my fatigue. Looking at my ½ mile split times, they aren’t too bad (for me). Even with the walk portions my slowest was 18 min/mile and the fastest was 16:21. Those were for 1/2 mile splits, if I look at my fastest times within those, some are under 10 min/miles, which I will admit I need to slow down on right now, my goal is for running to be around 14 min/mile or so right now.
  • Hey guys,
    I'm doing W2D2's almost 1a.m in Kenya. I was just looking through your posts and really. .I'm grateful for the motivation I get from you all. .it's been raining hard in Nairobi so outside runs are a bit tricky.... treadmill it is.. keep it up people :)
  • AShannon54
    AShannon54 Posts: 111 Member
    Keep going strong! I enjoy following your posts.
  • tropic80girl
    tropic80girl Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you for your post. Your experience sound a lot like mine and it was very discouraging. I too would find my self quitting before the run was over then reaching for an inhaler. I will take the advice and slow it down. BUT the good thing was when I got off the treadmill and felt guilty for not running as I wanted I got on the elliptical (which I hate and usually kills me) and it was surprisingly easy compared to trying to run anymore that day.
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you for your post. Your experience sound a lot like mine and it was very discouraging. I too would find my self quitting before the run was over then reaching for an inhaler. I will take the advice and slow it down. BUT the good thing was when I got off the treadmill and felt guilty for not running as I wanted I got on the elliptical (which I hate and usually kills me) and it was surprisingly easy compared to trying to run anymore that day.

    I always take two puffs off my inhaler before I go out. The few times I forgot I regretted it. I do not know if it was psychological or truly physical, but it always seemed that my breaths came harder and my lungs felt heavy (if that makes any sense).

    Slowing down was a huge thing for me. I was always more of a sprinter than distance runner, so when I started C25k I was running at an 8-9 min/mile pace… weighing 270 lbs., which is about 100 lbs. overweight for me. I would go about 30 seconds and just collapse with my lungs gasping for air and my legs burning. So I slowed it down (WAY DOWN) to about 18 min/mile and was able to complete the first day and every day since then.

    Over the last 5 weeks my average running speed has increased, when I look at my splits for when I am running I am usually around 14:30-16:00 min/miles. I know my run times are not consistent but I am not a trained runner and sometimes I get a little intimidated by the longer runs (although after doing W5D3, the 20-min run, I know I have the ability to do this).

    I have never really been a treadmill guy (for some reason they always kicked my keister, probably the same reason as above, running too fast) but I have always loved the elliptical. For whatever reason I could crank the elliptical up and while my legs would burn and I would sweat buckets, it never bothered my lungs, and that was awesome.
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    Program: C25k Week 6 Day 2
    Date: 11/13/2014
    Start time: 7:34 pm

    • Complete run portions of program
    • Increase my pace
    • Take advantage of terrain

    Distance: 3.1 miles
    Duration: 49:28 (3rd out of the 17 I have done)
    Ave Pace: 15:58
    Change from last attempt: -03:08
    Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -09:30
    Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18: 48:28): +01:00

    This day was two 10-minute jogs.

    This was the last day where there is a break in the running. From this point on it is all continuous runs. Starting on W6D3 I will do a 22-minute run, which will be the longest I have ever run in my life. I realized that when I did my run to get out of boot camp 21 years ago, we ran for about 10 minutes, granted the pace was a lot faster, we did 1.5 miles in that time. So this 22-minute jog will be the longest I have ever run.

    I felt pretty good this day, I had my third best time. I might have been able to beat my fastest time, but I was a bit winded and tired towards the end of the run. The amusing thing to me is that I recorded my fastest time (W2D3) the same day my wife did the run. I guess I need competition to bring out my best. So here is hoping that when I do the 5k on December 20th and see all the people out there running it will inspire/motivate me to push myself.

    On this run as usual during minutes 2:30-4:00 my body was screaming to stop, and my mind almost listened, but I kept going and was able to finish the portions. My back hurt a bit and during my 3-minute walk I had to stretch it out. Usually when I bend down to (try to) touch my toes, my back will pop a few times (almost as if the vertebrae are going back to where they belongs) and I feel a lot better.

    I am also noticing a new problem when I try to run at a faster pace. I do admit it is a bit embarrassing (while awesome at the same time). I now have lost 46 lbs. and have loose skin at the bottom of my belly. When I pick up my pace and run faster it bounces and after a bit becomes pretty painful, I imagine it is like if a woman ran without a sports bra on. I am going to go to a waistband this weekend and hopefully that will help. I will report back on whether it does or not, so if anyone else is having this problem they can get a bit of info. Overall it is a good problem to have!

    Goal Achievement:
    • Complete run portions of program
    o Completed all the run portions. Felt good and I am gaining more confidence in my ability, which is think is a huge thing here.

    • Increase my pace
    o I did pretty good on this one. I think I have my warm-up dialed in, not too much, not too little. My run speed is still pretty inconsistent, but as I detailed in the loose skin portion above, I slowed down a few times because of the pain. I think that I can ‘run/jog’ at my slow pace (about 17:30 min/mile) for a very long time so what I am trying to do is increase my pace and if I start to get fatigued stop being the hare and become the tortoise. I don’t know if that will help in the end, but we will see.
  • red_90
    red_90 Posts: 28 Member
    I followed (and am following again) the program as it was laid out. I remember the sudden increase and being convinced I couldn't do it. There's no problem if you can't, just repeat the week.
    I completely agree with AShannon54 above - the challenge is mostly in my mind.
  • AShannon54
    AShannon54 Posts: 111 Member
    wulfax wrote: »
    Program: C25k Week 6 Day 2
    Date: 11/13/2014
    Start time: 7:34 pm

    ...The amusing thing to me is that I recorded my fastest time (W2D3) the same day my wife did the run. I guess I need competition to bring out my best. So here is hoping that when I do the 5k on December 20th and see all the people out there running it will inspire/motivate me to push myself.

    The race atmosphere is very exciting. I have done three 5k races (one unexpectedly while still on the C25K program and two after I graduated) and each race I achieved my new personal best time. Just like running becomes addictive, so does participating in races. A new setting, a new course and a whole bunch of people with the same goal as you!

    Also, on a similar note it is nice to run with another person sometimes. I do like the solidarity of my runs. However my husband did the C25K after I graduated and now we run together when schedules and kids allow it. I do find myself a bit competitive with him. He has a longer stride but I have better endurance.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Sounds like you are doing great! I'm on week 3. It sounds like you are pretty fast to me. I guess I'm pretty slow.
  • AShannon54
    AShannon54 Posts: 111 Member
    wulfax wrote: »
    Program: C25k Week 6 Day 2
    Date: 11/13/2014

    I am also noticing a new problem when I try to run at a faster pace. I do admit it is a bit embarrassing (while awesome at the same time). I now have lost 46 lbs. and have loose skin at the bottom of my belly. When I pick up my pace and run faster it bounces and after a bit becomes pretty painful, I imagine it is like if a woman ran without a sports bra on. I am going to go to a waistband this weekend and hopefully that will help. I will report back on whether it does or not, so if anyone else is having this problem they can get a bit of info. Overall it is a good problem to have!

    Although I am not a guy, I have similar issues. I am at a total loss of 120 lbs. I had issues 'up top' and found a very supportive sports bra but I also have loose skin at the bottom of my belly.

    I went from baggy sweat pants in the beginning to tighter spandex-ish pants. I wore them a little high and my shirt covered it so it didn't look bad. Then, as I lost even more weight I bought even tighter 'running tights'. These looked terrible on me at first but now (after even more weight loss) they look good and keep things in place.

    However, for my husband, he is a boxer man and not into tights. He too was having issues with things 'staying in place'. I did a bit of research online and found positive reviews for - 'Under Armour Men's The Original 6-inch Printed Boxerjock Boxer Brief'. I bought his on Amazon. There is also a 9-inch version that goes a little further down the leg. This is now the only underwear he uses on his runs.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 650 Member
    Bumping to finish reading later. Awesome stuff so far!!!
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    AShannon54 wrote: »

    However, for my husband, he is a boxer man and not into tights. He too was having issues with things 'staying in place'. I did a bit of research online and found positive reviews for - 'Under Armour Men's The Original 6-inch Printed Boxerjock Boxer Brief'. I bought his on Amazon. There is also a 9-inch version that goes a little further down the leg. This is now the only underwear he uses on his runs.

    Thanks for the tip, I am a boxer guy myself (i know TMI) :blush: . I will go out and see if I can get a pair this weekend. If they work out will get a few more.
  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    Today I completed W2D2.

    I had a few days away with work during the week, and though I took my stuff and went fr a run one evening, I had half the time and a badly lit environment so i did half of what I should.
    To make up for that, I repeated W1D3 yesterday, and then back to continuing W2D2 today to get back on track.

    I'd like to know from people's experiences though - when did you start noticing a change in a) stamina - or was it too gradual to notice, and b) your body shape/weight?
  • MattNorrisUL
    MattNorrisUL Posts: 100 Member
    LazyButHealthy, I think you'll notice considerable cardio difference after week 4 is over. As for body shape/weight, it all depends on your calorie in take.

    But back to the OP's post...

    You're doing great! I went out yesterday on a free run ( It wasn't on my running schedule but I felt like running so I decided to fire up the old Couch 2 5k app and I scrolled over to the W6D3 since that's your next run. I decided to check my stats from the last time I ran it then I ran it again. Nowadays, I have shed almost 3 minutes off my mile average.

    Good luck on your 22 minute run!
  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    wulfax wrote: »
    Program: C25k Week 6 Day 2
    Date: 11/13/2014
    Start time: 7:34 pm

    • Complete run portions of program
    • Increase my pace
    • Take advantage of terrain

    Distance: 3.1 miles
    Duration: 49:28 (3rd out of the 17 I have done)
    Ave Pace: 15:58
    Change from last attempt: -03:08
    Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -09:30
    Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18: 48:28): +01:00

    This day was two 10-minute jogs.

    This was the last day where there is a break in the running. From this point on it is all continuous runs. Starting on W6D3 I will do a 22-minute run, which will be the longest I have ever run in my life. I realized that when I did my run to get out of boot camp 21 years ago, we ran for about 10 minutes, granted the pace was a lot faster, we did 1.5 miles in that time. So this 22-minute jog will be the longest I have ever run.

    I felt pretty good this day, I had my third best time. I might have been able to beat my fastest time, but I was a bit winded and tired towards the end of the run. The amusing thing to me is that I recorded my fastest time (W2D3) the same day my wife did the run. I guess I need competition to bring out my best. So here is hoping that when I do the 5k on December 20th and see all the people out there running it will inspire/motivate me to push myself.

    On this run as usual during minutes 2:30-4:00 my body was screaming to stop, and my mind almost listened, but I kept going and was able to finish the portions. My back hurt a bit and during my 3-minute walk I had to stretch it out. Usually when I bend down to (try to) touch my toes, my back will pop a few times (almost as if the vertebrae are going back to where they belongs) and I feel a lot better.

    I am also noticing a new problem when I try to run at a faster pace. I do admit it is a bit embarrassing (while awesome at the same time). I now have lost 46 lbs. and have loose skin at the bottom of my belly. When I pick up my pace and run faster it bounces and after a bit becomes pretty painful, I imagine it is like if a woman ran without a sports bra on. I am going to go to a waistband this weekend and hopefully that will help. I will report back on whether it does or not, so if anyone else is having this problem they can get a bit of info. Overall it is a good problem to have!

    Goal Achievement:
    • Complete run portions of program
    o Completed all the run portions. Felt good and I am gaining more confidence in my ability, which is think is a huge thing here.

    • Increase my pace
    o I did pretty good on this one. I think I have my warm-up dialed in, not too much, not too little. My run speed is still pretty inconsistent, but as I detailed in the loose skin portion above, I slowed down a few times because of the pain. I think that I can ‘run/jog’ at my slow pace (about 17:30 min/mile) for a very long time so what I am trying to do is increase my pace and if I start to get fatigued stop being the hare and become the tortoise. I don’t know if that will help in the end, but we will see.

    This is so impressive, well done!

    between the fitness and the weight loss, your determination and progression is brilliant.

    I was thinking of you on my run today - on one of the intervals i was running up over a fly-over (it's my local park that goes up over a main road) and though it's the route I always take the intervals are slightly longer - I was thinking of our conversation recently about the longest we've run. I'm currently at the longest I've run since I played sports in school. I look forward to getting to your point where I'll run for the longest ever in my life!

    Keep it up, and keep posting!