If eating trash makes us sick, why do we keep eating it?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Mudler wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    Wow, this thread is still going? LOL, page 23 now!

    I think the overall lesson from it is, there is no one size fits all.
    I mentioned KFC as being bad, If I eat too much, I will get fat. Then someone aged 25 will reply, "I eat KFC all the time and I don't get fat".
    So, yeah, there is no magic formula

    Well, yes there is: eat less than you burn, ie eat at a calorie deficit.
    This is the magic formula that works for everyone.
    KFC is no more bad than anything else in that respect - if you eat too much you will get fat.
    - If a 25 year old, or anybody of any age for that matter, ate KFC every day but kept to a deficit, they would not get fat.

    And, yes, the poster who started the baking soda kerfuffle really did say baking soda was toxic; except she used the chemical name.
    Look back and you will find exactly that.

    OK, yeah, fair enough, you wouldn't get fat but you probably wouldn't be very healthy either.
    I think people get a bit hung up on Calorie intake v Health.
    Of course, being overweight isn't healthy but for me, personally it's about health as well.
    I can lose the weight but I also want to be more healthy.

    Thin people still die from being unhealthy.

    I think people get too hung up on extremes. Context and dosage are very important and usually get missed. If you eat anything in excess you will get fat. Is it 'easier' to eat highly calorific and palatable foods in excess - for many (most), yes.

    No one is disputing that eating only foods low in nutrients but high in calories is not the best for health. The point being made is that eating some of these, or some highly processed foods will not 'catch up with you in the end', is 'toxic' or any other dramatic assertions being made by certain posters.

    When people throw out completely wild and incorrect claims, they get called on it. When they post links that are to non credible sources, they get called on it. When the post links that actually support the opposite of what they say, they get called on it. You made a comment about lies...well, yes there were a lot in this thread. Intentional? Unlikely, but there nonetheless.

    Making incorrect statements and wild assertions, while on the face of it may seen harmless, it is not. Dieting is simple, but its not easy, and its harder for some than others. Telling someone that they cannot eat any fast/processed/'dirty' food at all if they want to be healthy and/or lose weight is just wrong and makes it all that much harder.

  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »

    Making incorrect statements and wild assertions, while on the face of it may seen harmless, it is not. Dieting is simple, but its not easy, and its harder for some than others. Telling someone that they cannot eat any fast/processed/'dirty' food at all if they want to be healthy and/or lose weight is just wrong and makes it all that much harder.

    @Sarauk2sf - This is a very good way to sum things up. Thanks! :)

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    Wow, this thread is still going? LOL, page 23 now!

    I think the overall lesson from it is, there is no one size fits all.
    I mentioned KFC as being bad, If I eat too much, I will get fat. Then someone aged 25 will reply, "I eat KFC all the time and I don't get fat".
    So, yeah, there is no magic formula

    Well, yes there is: eat less than you burn, ie eat at a calorie deficit.
    This is the magic formula that works for everyone.
    KFC is no more bad than anything else in that respect - if you eat too much you will get fat.
    - If a 25 year old, or anybody of any age for that matter, ate KFC every day but kept to a deficit, they would not get fat.

    And, yes, the poster who started the baking soda kerfuffle really did say baking soda was toxic; except she used the chemical name.
    Look back and you will find exactly that.

    OK, yeah, fair enough, you wouldn't get fat but you probably wouldn't be very healthy either.
    I think people get a bit hung up on Calorie intake v Health.
    Of course, being overweight isn't healthy but for me, personally it's about health as well.
    I can lose the weight but I also want to be more healthy.

    Thin people still die from being unhealthy.

    I think people get too hung up on extremes. Context and dosage are very important and usually get missed. If you eat anything in excess you will get fat. Is it 'easier' to eat highly calorific and palatable foods in excess - for many (most), yes.

    No one is disputing that eating only foods low in nutrients but high in calories is not the best for health. The point being made is that eating some of these, or some highly processed foods will not 'catch up with you in the end', is 'toxic' or any other dramatic assertions being made by certain posters.

    When people throw out completely wild and incorrect claims, they get called on it. When they post links that are to non credible sources, they get called on it. When the post links that actually support the opposite of what they say, they get called on it. You made a comment about lies...well, yes there were a lot in this thread. Intentional? Unlikely, but there nonetheless.

    Making incorrect statements and wild assertions, while on the face of it may seen harmless, it is not. Dieting is simple, but its not easy, and its harder for some than others. Telling someone that they cannot eat any fast/processed/'dirty' food at all if they want to be healthy and/or lose weight is just wrong and makes it all that much harder.

    This. All day every day....

  • Mudler
    Mudler Posts: 45 Member
    Precisely, hence the use of the word 'moderation'
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    fatcity66 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    fatcity66 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    fatcity66 wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    Poor food, poor health, poor diet is killing more people than Cocaine.
    This part, at least, is true.

    Is there data to back that up? Sounds absurd to me...


    Seeing as ischemic heart disease (heart attack) is directly related to diet the majority of the time, I would say so.

    That's interesting, let's look at the risk factors. Risk factors (dietary) include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and or triglycerides, diabetes and obesity. That's interesting because it's the obesity that is most directly related to high blood pressure. May or may not be related to cholesterol. Definetely related to diabetes. Food in and of itself does not make us obese though, over-eaitng and sedentary lifestyle (no exercise) make us obese.

    Other risk factors: tobacco use, age, family history, lack of physical activity, stress, illegal drug use, preeclampsia, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. None related to diet...

    So I would say heart attack is not directly related to diet at all...

    Then you're fooling yourself.

    Doubt it...

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Heart attacks.......related to all factors. Skinny people, obese people, tall people, short people, lazy people, very active people........when the black widow is coming for you, it's coming. Diet, lifestyle, genetics, all of it comes into play.

    I have had patients of all shapes and sizes that end up on the catheterization table.

    Exactly my point...
    Seems like exercising daily is your number one defense, and even that is no guarantee...
  • mtforrest07
    mtforrest07 Posts: 31 Member
    I feel that it is partly mind over matter. A lot of us tend to eat these foods because we are in the diet mentality and rebelling against the idea of eating healthy is a way to control the situation. Not to mention that junk food tastes good. But when you realize that you need to be in the mindset to eat healthy because you fill good( and that does not mean living on carrot sticks and lettuce) and you're not doing it because all these diets told you to do it, you'll be mentally free from this vicious cycle. Look into intuitive eating. The process for me about eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're satisfied isn't as important to me as recognizing how the food you eat makes you feel. I look at each meal and think "does it sound good? Yes. But will I feel like crap after I eat it? Absolutely." I care more about how I feel on the inside than I do about how that junk food tastes for the short time that I eat it.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I feel that it is partly mind over matter. A lot of us tend to eat these foods because we are in the diet mentality and rebelling against the idea of eating healthy is a way to control the situation. Not to mention that junk food tastes good. But when you realize that you need to be in the mindset to eat healthy because you fill good( and that does not mean living on carrot sticks and lettuce) and you're not doing it because all these diets told you to do it, you'll be mentally free from this vicious cycle. Look into intuitive eating. The process for me about eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're satisfied isn't as important to me as recognizing how the food you eat makes you feel. I look at each meal and think "does it sound good? Yes. But will I feel like crap after I eat it? Absolutely." I care more about how I feel on the inside than I do about how that junk food tastes for the short time that I eat it.

    I see this differently. If I feel like I can have that piece of cake in the fridge whenever I want, I don't feel the pull towards it as much as if I was telling myself, no and you can never have cake again. I do eat less of the calorie dense foods because I don't have the calories/macros to spare. But, foods don't usually make me feel bad. I can feel stuffed or sleepy after what I would consider a regular meal.
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    the carbs and crap in the food actually make you crave more of it, it is a vicious cycle.

    BUMP -- It's the food. I stopped eating dessert and sweet foods and after about three days didn't crave it anymore. About six weeks in, I thought "oh, now I can control my cravings so I can have those foods again!"

    Within weeks I was binging on desserts so badly I frightened myself. I was eating more than I'd ever eaten in one sitting and I felt like I had no control, like a drug addict.

    For me, the binge food is a combination of fat and sugar, so I avoid those kind of foods (basically, dessert).

    Find your triggers and stop eating them. After a couple of days, they will be out of your system.
  • Malteaster
    Malteaster Posts: 75 Member
    I feel that it is partly mind over matter. A lot of us tend to eat these foods because we are in the diet mentality and rebelling against the idea of eating healthy is a way to control the situation. Not to mention that junk food tastes good. But when you realize that you need to be in the mindset to eat healthy because you fill good( and that does not mean living on carrot sticks and lettuce) and you're not doing it because all these diets told you to do it, you'll be mentally free from this vicious cycle. Look into intuitive eating. The process for me about eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're satisfied isn't as important to me as recognizing how the food you eat makes you feel. I look at each meal and think "does it sound good? Yes. But will I feel like crap after I eat it? Absolutely." I care more about how I feel on the inside than I do about how that junk food tastes for the short time that I eat it.

    I agree, I tend to view junk food as being restricted so when I do eat it I tend to do it to excess, telling myself I will start again tomorrow. I find I need to avoid it so I lose the taste for it.

    I use a mixture of lemon juice and bicarb for removing limescale from the bathroom. Does that mean lemon juice is evil as well.

  • mtforrest07
    mtforrest07 Posts: 31 Member
    Moderation. That word is everywhere. I like chocolate and goodies and fast food as much as the next person...but I can also be smart about it. If I eat 10 fun size candy pieces am I going to feel like crap? Um yes. I don't want to feel like that so case closed. I literally eat whatever I want to eat. I don't go without a moderate portion of junk food or I'll feel like I'm dieting and I will eat too much of it later to make up for it. Then I'll feel crappy. Again it's all a balance. Throw out the diet thinking and eat what you want to eat while focusing on how you feel while eating it. It's not effective or productive to feel like a slug because you ate a huge piece of cake that's the equivalent of three slices of normal portions. I want to live and I also don't care anymore what traditional diets tell me I should eat. You only live once so don't restrict yourself to the point where you will blow it and binge eat the crap later. Just be happy and free of the mental strain of diets and diet thinking!!!
  • mtforrest07
    mtforrest07 Posts: 31 Member
    And last but not least...Just listen to your body :smiley:
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    Catsheep wrote: »
    So I have been having this thought quite frequently lately. I eat a bunch of junk (ie. fast food, candy, sweets, fried foods, etc.) and I feel really crappy afterwards. I feel sick to my stomach and lethargic and I swear that I will make sure that I don't feel this way ever again because it is so horrid. But then comes the next day and it's back to the desire of having all the junk again despite the knowledge of what the result will entail. So how does one break this cycle? I truly have a desire to live a healthy and active lifestyle but I feel like I am self sabotaging and trying to fulfill my subconscious self prophecy that I will fail. What are y'alls thoughts on this subject? If you have had any experiences dealing with this issue I'd love to hear about it.

    Take it slow. Junk food, and sugar addictions are much like drug addictions. Most can't just quit cold turkey. Don't even try. It causes stronger addictions and binge eating. Slowly cut down what you're eating, until you're not eating it anymore. The less you eat of it, the less crappy you will feel. I actually feel better after eating that stuff, because it is a true addiction of mine that I need emotionally, but I don't eat it very often anymore. I can actually resist it. It takes a lot of time, and willpower. Good luck.
  • jennilsf
    jennilsf Posts: 57 Member
    It contains chemicals that overload our brains and triggers our bodies to crave it, like a drug. Like someone else said- it's a cyclical. Once you stop eating it - ANY of it - for awhile, it won't even taste the same to you. In fact, I felt that quitting smoking (after 12 years of it) and kicking junk food were eerily similar experiences.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    If binging was because certain food(s) were addictive wouldn't we all binge on the same foods? Not some sweet, some salty, some starchy, whatnot? There is a specific type of food I have binged on and I am aware it can be an issue. I can also eat it in a regular portion. For me there are other things that contribute to binging like being hungry beforehand and that being the only item I am eating. For me, it feels like I have a hole in my stomach I can't fill. I can eat until I am overfull. Watching my calories/macros helps. And, I have to have some self control. Maybe just serve myself a portion and eat a meal with a variety of foods.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member

    Just throwing this out there vs the blind "yes it is true". And " there is no such thing"
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    JessieLMay wrote: »
    Catsheep wrote: »
    So I have been having this thought quite frequently lately. I eat a bunch of junk (ie. fast food, candy, sweets, fried foods, etc.) and I feel really crappy afterwards. I feel sick to my stomach and lethargic and I swear that I will make sure that I don't feel this way ever again because it is so horrid. But then comes the next day and it's back to the desire of having all the junk again despite the knowledge of what the result will entail. So how does one break this cycle? I truly have a desire to live a healthy and active lifestyle but I feel like I am self sabotaging and trying to fulfill my subconscious self prophecy that I will fail. What are y'alls thoughts on this subject? If you have had any experiences dealing with this issue I'd love to hear about it.

    Take it slow. Junk food, and sugar addictions are much like drug addictions. Most can't just quit cold turkey. Don't even try. It causes stronger addictions and binge eating. Slowly cut down what you're eating, until you're not eating it anymore. The less you eat of it, the less crappy you will feel. I actually feel better after eating that stuff, because it is a true addiction of mine that I need emotionally, but I don't eat it very often anymore. I can actually resist it. It takes a lot of time, and willpower. Good luck.

    People really love tossing the term addiction around.