Beginners 30 Day Shred Challenge starts 4/17--CLOSED



  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    Level 2 day 1 complete! Those pendulum lunges with hammer curls killed my knees and all the planks...sheesh! I'm definitely feeling some different muscles. Will try to shred earlier tomorrow. 10:30pm is too late for me to shred. I did it but would be more effective earlier in the day.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Level 2 completed last night around 9. It was tough. I can't say I gave it my all as I was really dreading having to do it, but once I was done, I was glad I did it. Those cross shoulder raises are killer. I have some imporving to do all around on this one.

    I weighed this morning and was up a half a pound. I'm not stressing over it too much and am not surprised. I haven't done anything but Shred all week. Every night this week we've had house stuff to do - pick out/up furniture, get curtains, shop for doors, etc. By the time I get home and shred, dinner isn't until 8ish so there has been no time for anything else. And my husband has been sick and coughing all night, the storms have been terrible and my dog is freaked out, so waking up early has not been priority after semi-sleepless nights. I'm going home and shredding right after work tonight and then running a couple miles. Next week will be better! I was thinking about run/walking the mini marathon this weekend but fell down my steps last night and my hip/butt region is pretty sore. :sad: And yes I was sober. :wink:

    It's almost the weekend! And we are more than a third of the way through. Woo hoo!
  • tbrown5
    tbrown5 Posts: 15 Member
    Level 2 wasn't as scary as I thought it's be but it was definitely hard. I had to do the modifications on several moves (the second time through) but I'm sure it'll get better! I wasn't as sore as I thought today but I can tell I worked some new muscles! Keep it up everyone!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Woo hoo!! Day 12 down, Day 2 of Level 2 complete! I agree, level 2 is more challenging. And ditto to the anterior delt move with the chair squats and the V raises--they suck!! I dropped to 3 pound weights on those today because they were so difficult!

    I'm still having to modify some of the cardio moves due to hip pain. The MRI arthrogram that I had yesterday was a total blast. The radiology resident had to redirect the needle about 5 times before she got in the correct location! I survived, but the bad new is that I have a full tear of my superior labrum. My colleague thinks that I'll get better with PT, but I have to go to his guru in a town 30 minutes from home/work!! Damn hip. Damn running. He hasn't told me to stop doing my other activities, but I just can't do anything that bothers the hip. :sad:

    Ashley--no more falling down the stairs!!!

    Everyone keep up the good work--we're almost halfway there!!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I need 3 pound dumbells...good call. I just alternated arms.

    That sucks you have a tear Heather. At least you know what it is now and have access to lots of good peeps and stuff to help fix it. How did it happen? Just too much running?

    I am hoping my 4:00/4:30 meeting doesn't run over, but I think it probably is going to. At least it is near my house. We have friends coming over for dinner at 7 so I need the extra cardio!

    P.S. I'm surprised I'm not more sore. My hip flexors are a little sore. And not from my spill on the stairs.
  • afasnacht
    afasnacht Posts: 47 Member
    Day 12, Level 2 completed! Level 2 is killer! Those V-raises and all of the plank stuff is killing shoulders are like dying by the end...but I'm hoping the switch up will help me to see a loss!! I'm just proud of myself for sticking with this at this point!!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member

    @ Ashley--yep, too much running. Now mom can say "I told you so!" :wink:

    afasnacht--Keep it up you're doing great!!! It is totally frustrating when the scale doesn't move, but it WILL move at some point! Maybe your weight loss will be like mine--I won't lose much of anything for a couple weeks and then I'll have a big number. Not sure why. Just stick with it and keep drinking lots of water!!

    Day 13, Level 2 completed this morning. Some of the moves are getting easier, but I agree that the V raises suck!! But I guess if it wasn't hard it wouldn't be doing any good. :smile:

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Just think--two more days and we're at the halfway point!!! Congrats to everyone for sticking with it!! :smile:
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I've now lost 4 pounds since starting the Shred! I'm so pumped! I only have 5 pounds to go to hit my first goal and I have until the 15th to do it! I can DO THIS!!!! Thank you, Jillian Michaels! I'm sorry for all the bad names I have called you whilst you're kicking my rear into gear, but I appreciate all you're doing for me!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    I've now lost 4 pounds since starting the Shred! I'm so pumped! I only have 5 pounds to go to hit my first goal and I have until the 15th to do it! I can DO THIS!!!! Thank you, Jillian Michaels! I'm sorry for all the bad names I have called you whilst you're kicking my rear into gear, but I appreciate all you're doing for me!

    Ha Ha you are too funny!! I'm sure that Jillian will forgive you. :wink: And congrats on the 4 pound loss--that's great!!

    Day 14 overall, Day 4 of Level 2 is complete for me--woo hoo!!! Shredding was not what I wanted to be doing at 5:30 a.m. on a Saturday, but I'm on call so I have to work this morning, and the in laws are in town, so there was no other time. I think that this is getting easier. I'm burning fewer calories and I'm pretty sure I'm putting in the same effort.

    Hope everyone is having a fabulous day! Any others besides dayzeerock noticing more movement in the scale or the measurements? I'm down 1.4 pounds this week, 2.4 pounds overall (using my Thursday weight which is my official weigh in day). I'd be really happy to drop another 2.6 pounds for this challenge because 149.7 is the magic number to put me back in the healthy BMI range--and every pound from there is purely for vanity!! :wink:

    SW: 154.7
    Week 1: 153.7
    Week 2: 152.3
  • afasnacht
    afasnacht Posts: 47 Member
    So I'm totally at a loss, because I see so many of you losing lbs from doing the Shred and here I am since we started I gained 2 lbs back and I'm at the same weight I was last week again! :sad: How does this happen???? I thought well maybe it's because I wasn't drinking enough water, so all this week I've made sure I was drinking 8+ glasses of water a day and I've been measuring out all of my food since I thought well maybe I was guestimating to much....and still no loss! Help...what am I doing wrong...this is the most exercise I've done in months and I'm still not seeing any losses....what is going on!!! Any advice would be helpful!

    SW 177.8

    Wk #1 180.2
    Wk#2 180.2
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    I've had a gain as well..almost a pound. I'm just going to keep plugging away and hope the scale will stop being so stubborn. I'm trying some calorie cycling to see if I can jump start another loss. I think I was staying so close to 1200calories for so many weeks that my body's hit a stall.
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    I've had a gain as well..almost a pound. I'm just going to keep plugging away and hope the scale will stop being so stubborn. I'm trying some calorie cycling to see if I can jump start another loss. I think I was staying so close to 1200calories for so many weeks that my body's hit a stall.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Afasnacht--I posted my response to your status on your page, but basically I think it is probably your sodium. When I have a big sodium day it takes at least 2-3 days to get all the retained water away. That's why I weigh in on Thursday--all the damage from the weekend has resolved by then! :wink: Keep plugging away and the scale WILL start to move!! Also, judge by the way your clothes fit and maybe take a look at your measurements.

    Day 15 complete--halfway through Level 2!!!! How is everyone doing? Level 2 is still challenging but not killing me, so I think I'm making good progress. Just a few days and then we get to check out Level 3!!!

    I was thinking about taking measurements today, but then I decided not to. I don't want to be bummed if nothing has changed much. But on a happy note, I found my storage container with all my skinny clothes in the basement, and I tried some things on and I can get into almost all of them! They're definitely tighter than I would EVER wear out in public, but at least I know I'm close--probably just about 10 pounds away from fitting comfortably into them. Major NSV for me today!!! :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!!!
  • afasnacht
    afasnacht Posts: 47 Member
    Afasnacht--I posted my response to your status on your page, but basically I think it is probably your sodium. When I have a big sodium day it takes at least 2-3 days to get all the retained water away. That's why I weigh in on Thursday--all the damage from the weekend has resolved by then! :wink: Keep plugging away and the scale WILL start to move!! Also, judge by the way your clothes fit and maybe take a look at your measurements.

    Day 15 complete--halfway through Level 2!!!! How is everyone doing? Level 2 is still challenging but not killing me, so I think I'm making good progress. Just a few days and then we get to check out Level 3!!!

    I was thinking about taking measurements today, but then I decided not to. I don't want to be bummed if nothing has changed much. But on a happy note, I found my storage container with all my skinny clothes in the basement, and I tried some things on and I can get into almost all of them! They're definitely tighter than I would EVER wear out in public, but at least I know I'm close--probably just about 10 pounds away from fitting comfortably into them. Major NSV for me today!!! :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!!!

    Thanks so much! I will take that into consideration as I just added the sodium category to my things I see in my diary, so maybe that is the problem! Hopefully by trying to eat more fresh items my sodium intake will be lower! Thanks again for the great advice!
  • sweetage123
    sweetage123 Posts: 100 Member
    Just checking in to make it known that I'm still with ya :) I didn't actually do the shred this weekend but I did do separate cardio along with the No More Trouble Zones video and I'm fairly sore from that, so I don't think its going to affect my progress.

    Back to the Shred tomorrow though!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hello all. So I was bad yesterday and did not shred. I was totally committed to doing it every day, but yesterday it just didn't happen. Friday I did my shred and got a run in before our company came. Saturday I woke up and (slightly hungover and reluctantly) shredded while my husband and a friend in from out of town went and got coffee. I had every intention yesterday of doing it, but we had an early tee time (so did not shred before) that turned into meeting friends for lunch, and then they came over for some Spades, and then it was about 9pm and my allergies are acting up and all I wanted to do was watch DVR'd American Idol, so that's what I did. Apparently I burned about 800+ calories playing 18 holes of golf, so I figured I at least got a good burn in. And I'm sore from that today also. But I will be shredding tonight regarldess that I feel like crap. I'm also looking to get some running in this week as well; need to ramp up my cardio. I'm hoping for a pound loss this week since I was up 0.5 last week.

    Heather that's awesome about your skinny clothes! I put on a skirt and some shorts from last summer and they are a little loose on me so I was happy about that. Also had one of my BFFs that she can tell in my face I've lost weight. Yay!

    Everyone have a great week!
  • tbrown5
    tbrown5 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone! Is it just me or does Level 2 seem to be getting harder? I am still so sore the next time I go to do it (my arms and butt) that it affects the way I am do it. I can see the results of it but by this time in Level 1, I was ready to move on.

    A friend of mine (who has previously completed the shred) told me not to be surprised if the scale went up a little or stayed the same during Level 2 and not to get frustrated that it would eventually come off. That seems to be my case because I lost 4 pounds over the weekend, after nothing last week. I am hopeful it will remain the same tomorrow for my official weigh-in day.

    Heather..congrats on your skinny clothes fitting! That is so exciting!!!

    Ashley, no worries!

    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member

    Heather..congrats on your skinny clothes fitting! That is so exciting!!!

    Uh, fitting is a relative term! I can get them on, buttoned and zipped, but I look pretty damn slutty--they're definitely still too snug to be sporting in public!

    I noticed that I was more sore today, but yesterday I really focused on being way down in the lunges, squats, etc. Day 16 done, we're over the halfway point!!!! Only 4 more days of Level 2 and then we get to see what Level 3 brings. Has anyone snuck a peek at level 3 yet?

    Keep it up ladies, we're doing great!!!!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    We're in tech week for my kids' play here. I'm the assistant director and choreographer so it's crazy busy this week. I shredded at 6:30 am (not my usual routine. I usually prefer the elliptical first thing in the a.m. But doing the shred first made me push a little harder. I didn't have time to do my full 30-45 min on the elliptical but did sneak in a 20 min. walk with my 9 year old. I also ran the theater steps after dinner (Pizza Hut delivered to the theater ugg!)
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Woo hoo!!! Day 17 done! I'm getting better at making it through all of the stupid V raises, but Level 2 is still pretty intense for me. Hope I'm ready to move on to Level 3 in just a few days!

    Hope everyone is is doing well!!!!
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