1200 Calories



  • Thedutchesss
    OMG I know. The first couple of days I was sooooo hungry. I decided I wanted to lose weight but am not a healthy eating person. I just don't like fruit and veggies and I would hate any diet, resent it and crave chocolate if I would change it all. So I did not. I skimmed my breakfast from 90 grams of Kellogs K Light (which I love) to 30 grams with 300 ml of semi skimmed milk and 3 cups of tea (I don't like skimmed milk). Then I changed my lunch to sushi. I love me some sushi. Then I made the most drastic change: I changed every night dinner to eating 2 slice of toast only. This was the easiest. I have 2 kids, work 60 hours a week so when I go home I bath them, feed them and put them to bed and it's 8.30. I go to bed 9.30 so don't find the time to cook (kids eat main meal with hubby in afternoon). So yeah, this took some time getting used to but I am always around 1200 a day and have 2 snacks, mainly crisps (under 100 Kcal bags) and chocolate (around 100 kcal) in between meals. So just find something that works for you!
  • GloMoGo
    GloMoGo Posts: 1
    edited November 2014
    I'm on a 1200 calorie plan as well. I'm 5'5 and 170 lbs. My goal over the next 6-8 months is to lose 20 lbs. I had issues with a 1200 plan in the past because I didn't want to really change my eating habits. I wouldn't nix sugar, chocolate, and fast food, so my calories evaporated fairly quickly.

    I'm back at it and it's been far easier this time around. Cereal bar for breakfast with coffee and/or water. Fruit, cereal bar, crackers, or nuts for snacks. Salad for lunch with small portion of chicken (no dressing) and a potato or beans to get me through the day until snack time. Finish it out with a sensible dinner. Last night I had baked chicken wings and sauteed asparagus. Someone already mentioned this, but I'll reiterate it. Don't drink your calories!
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    edited November 2014
    Rethink your rate of loss goal. You can eat several hundred more calories/day if you settle for 0.5 lb week. If you do stick at 1200, try 4-5 meals day. I've learned that a 175 calorie "meal" fuels me for 3 hours without real hunger. 4 of those, plus a 500 calorie dinner,= 1200
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    edited November 2014
    i been eating 1200 cals almost everyday not a problem here. i don't plan my meals all the time just eat when iam actually hungry which is every 3-4 hrs . i try my best not to let my snack cals get above 250 cals .. often iam left hungry eating snack cals above 250.. snacks do not keep me full at all so i eat more food then snacks and that way iam not horribly hungry during the day >that's just me! b4 152lbs *losted 27 lbs * thus far landing me at 125 lbs in a year
  • Veriloquent63
    Veriloquent63 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a 63 year old guy. I've lost 65 pounds since July. Here's what has worked for me.
    • Measure portions and count everything. I think a lot of people eat more calories than they realize.
    • Don't eat too little. I eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day but never less. I've stayed consistently in the 1300 to 1500 calorie range. Eating too little will cause your body to go into a survival mode that resists what you're trying to accomplish.
    • DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST!! A good solid breakfast sets the tone of how you feel all day. I have something like a bowl of oatmeal with a fried egg on top and a (measured) glass of orange juice.
    • Find an activity you enjoy. It must be something you like to do. I got a bicycle and have rediscovered my city. I just love riding around all the back streets and neighborhoods that I would never have a reason to drive to. Progress at your own pace. When I got the bike in July, I had to stop for a couple breaks on a 2 mile ride. Yesterday I went 27 miles. It hasn't only helped me lose weight, it has improved my mood! Some people like to dance. Whatever activities you choose, have a passion for it.

    I hope this helps. Here is a quote I found that has helped me stay focused and motivated.

    “Freedom from obsession is not about something you do; it's about knowing who you are. It's about recognizing what sustains you and what exhausts you. What you love and what you think you love because you believe you can't have it.”
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I am set to 1200 cals as well. I started at 276 lbs on july 23rd. Today I am at 232 lbs. By the way I to am 5 feet 3 inches. I have found it hard to eat 1200 cals. There are days I am much less. I eat a lot of salad. I honestly do not work out yet due to having health issues. Green tea is a big help. I still eat "normal" food just much smaller amounts. To help fight hunger I drink a glass of ice cold tea. Drinking things that are ice cold burns more calories than hot. Good luck with your goal. I will say this if you are to hungry after trying the 1200 cals a day I would up it to 1400 calories. You would be shocked how a 200 calories increase will make you feel.
  • Dawmelvan
    Dawmelvan Posts: 133 Member
    edited November 2014
    I am set at 1240 and it definitely is hard, but not impossible! Because of a desk job, my activity is sedentary, so I eat back my workout calories. I aim to burn at least 200 cals throughout the day and have a 1400 calorie diet. I find that eating less processed food and mainly lean meats, fruits and veggies is what keeps me full and not feeling like I want to rip my face off. Eating at such a low calorie, I find that literally every single calorie counts, so little things like condiments i.e. ketchup is carefully measured and rarely used. Everyday I review my diary and if I'm over, I don't stress I just say to myself, "What could you have NOT eaten to stay under?" Usually I find it was something unfulfilling and not even worth it. GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS!
  • Dawmelvan
    Dawmelvan Posts: 133 Member
    edited November 2014
    " I will say this if you are to hungry after trying the 1200 cals a day I would up it to 1400 calories. You would be shocked how a 200 calories increase will make you feel. "

    ^^^^^ THIS ^^^^
  • Dawmelvan
    Dawmelvan Posts: 133 Member
    Oh and by the way, I've lost 42 pounds. It's worth it :-)
  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    edited November 2014
    If I only at 1200 calories a day, I would be hangry.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You probably want more body recomp than weight loss...look into strength training..such as convict conditioning (if you don't have access to a gym)...If you have access to a gym look into New Rules of Lifting for Women or Stronglifts

    Want to lift heavy things?

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group

    No...it won't make you bulky. :)
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Hi all -

    I'm wondering if anyone is a) actually able to eat only 1200 calories a day, and b) if so, is it really successful? How have you done it?

    I'm finding that I am pretty hungry with only 1200 calories; I've planned out my meals for tomorrow and I'm already over 1200.

    I'm 5'3 and 135 lbs, wanting to lose about 15lbs. I'm starting to get a little demotivated and am looking to hear your success stories.


    Eat at 1500 Calories, then burn 400 calories.
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    I did 1200 for a while and although I was "successful" it sucked and I was miserable. My husband insisted that I eat no less than 1400 each day (he successfully lost 100 pounds and has maintained it for years now) and I felt SO MUCH better! I'm 5'3 and when I was 135 pounds, I was usually netting around 1600-1700 and actively losing. I didn't get much lower than that, though, because I got pregnant. Basically, if you're miserable eating 1200, then eat more. Its your body's way of begging for more food.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    edited November 2014
    I eat 1200 calories. Not hard at all. I don't eat junk food and I don't cheat ever because I don't want to risk falling off the wagon. It's been really easy to just say no to anything that's not on my meal plan for the day. I've lost 27lbs since September 21 (about 2 months). I'm 5'8" and over 200lbs (but not for long!!!). I exercise 5x a week (cardio, weights) and don't eat back any of those calories either. I'm never hungry and I don't feel week. If I wake up too late on the weekends, I don't even get 1200 calories in. I eat higher protein meals. Add me if you'd like to see my diary. 1200 calories is a lot if you don't eat/drink empty calories. That takes commitment but I want to get healthy so it's totally worth it to me. If I was hungry, I would have no problem upping my calories. I'm definitely at a deficit and losing at a great rate. I just haven't been hungry so if it ain't broke...

    About 4 years ago, I was much smaller and lost 40lbs in 5 months eating 1450 calories/day. Diet was mostly the same but more fruit, complex carbs and lean protein to make up the difference. If I had known 1200 was so easy I would have done it before. My challenge has been keeping it off, not getting it off. I try to eat like bodybuilders do and it's worked for me in getting rid of fat. I wound up looking very lean and muscular, not skinny-fat. Unfortunately, I let work, injuries, couch potato boyfriend, etc, capture my interests and it took me away from a lifestyle I really enjoyed. When I'm maintaining, it will be tough to get in about 1800-2000 calories but I will probably try to stick to the same types of food with some more calorie dense foods added in (e.g. raisins, nuts, etc.).

    Also, I drink tons of water and for some reason I think it's really helped. Annoying side effect is always running to the potty and dry hands from washing so many times.

    Good luck.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    edited November 2014
    Oh, yeah and I eat 5 smaller meals a day. My last meal is low carb. I also go to bed at least 3 hours after my last meal. I work out at night, too. I should probably work out in the morning but I might change if I ever plateau and need a change.
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    My goal is 1200 so if I don't calculate correctly I have a little wiggle room. However, I am only 2 days in and find that I am hungry at dinner time. Which makes sense, because that is where I usually went overboard on calories. Hoping we both get used to this... and that our work and hunger pays off :)
  • dblanch2013
    It's difficult to eat at 1200. What has worked for me is eating less calories for breakfast and lunch: Breakfast about 200ish, a chobani yogurt and coffee, maybe some fruit; lunch about 300ish calories, five boiled egg WHITES (you can incorporate one yolk if you need something for taste) and three cups of steamed broccoli, maybe some fruit if have to have something sweet. Yeah, it is basic and fairly boring, but I am working so I don't have to much idle time to worry about it, and I try to look at the day as "buckling the belt". I work out after work for an hour. And then I eat whatever I want for dinner IN MODERATION and within my calories after the day and working out. It is satisfying and I have found I can wait for my large meal, which is about 900 calories after working out, so you have a lot of lee-way. But this is just me, and every person is different. You might like to divide your calories evenly. Personally, this has been enough to get me easily through the day and work outs. My body is not physically hungry during the day, but sometimes it is mentally hard because that food is not exactly satisfying. But, it has worked. Lost 26 pounds...ALSO! I do allow occasional cheats on the weekends. And sometimes I skip workouts. So, I think most important part is just an overall deficit in the long run. Or a lifestyle change. Also, keep in mind once you get to your goal weight, you will be able to eat more calories to sustain it but it will still be somewhat restricted, like 1700 calories a day, which is certainly better, but still easy to go over in today's world of delicious food! So, I think focus on the overall lifestyle change and don't worry if it takes a few months to get there because your goal seems to be more aesthetic anyway (which is perfectly fine, but no need to push it extremely hard if it isn't just for a health reason). Good luck!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    astrose00 wrote: »
    I eat 1200 calories. Not hard at all.....

    If I had known 1200 was so easy I would have done it before. My challenge has been keeping it off, not getting it off. I try to eat like bodybuilders do and it's worked for me in getting rid of fat. I wound up looking very lean and muscular, not skinny-fat. Unfortunately, I let work, injuries, couch potato boyfriend, etc, capture my interests and it took me away from a lifestyle I really enjoyed. When I'm maintaining, it will be tough to get in about 1800-2000 calories but I will probably try to stick to the same types of food with some more calorie dense foods added in (e.g. raisins, nuts, etc.).

    Also, I drink tons of water and for some reason I think it's really helped. Annoying side effect is always running to the potty and dry hands from washing so many times.

    Good luck.

    I'm sorry, but body builders eat a lot more than 1200 calories per day.

  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    edited November 2014
    Rays_Wife wrote: »
    astrose00 wrote: »
    I eat 1200 calories. Not hard at all.....

    If I had known 1200 was so easy I would have done it before. My challenge has been keeping it off, not getting it off. I try to eat like bodybuilders do and it's worked for me in getting rid of fat. I wound up looking very lean and muscular, not skinny-fat. Unfortunately, I let work, injuries, couch potato boyfriend, etc, capture my interests and it took me away from a lifestyle I really enjoyed. When I'm maintaining, it will be tough to get in about 1800-2000 calories but I will probably try to stick to the same types of food with some more calorie dense foods added in (e.g. raisins, nuts, etc.).

    Also, I drink tons of water and for some reason I think it's really helped. Annoying side effect is always running to the potty and dry hands from washing so many times.

    Good luck.

    I'm sorry, but body builders eat a lot more than 1200 calories per day.

    I meant the type of food, not the quantity of food. And also eating smaller meals more often. No need to be "sorry". There are tons of fitness and figure models who eat at that level of calories when they are trying to burn fat. They are also considered bodybuilders. I came up with my "diet" from reading books and magazines on these athletes.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm 5'3 also but 1200 makes me miserable. I'm a lot fatter than you at 189. I've got mine set at 1440. I also burn 300-500 calories 5 days a week at the gym and I eat back half of those calories...(ok, so maybe I drink those calories. I like my wine and beer). Any way, I'm still losing at a fair clip. It's hard when you are short. You don't get that much calories.
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