1200 Calories



  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    Rays_Wife wrote: »
    astrose00 wrote: »
    Rays_Wife wrote: »
    astrose00 wrote: »
    I eat 1200 calories. Not hard at all.....

    If I had known 1200 was so easy I would have done it before. My challenge has been keeping it off, not getting it off. I try to eat like bodybuilders do and it's worked for me in getting rid of fat. I wound up looking very lean and muscular, not skinny-fat. Unfortunately, I let work, injuries, couch potato boyfriend, etc, capture my interests and it took me away from a lifestyle I really enjoyed. When I'm maintaining, it will be tough to get in about 1800-2000 calories but I will probably try to stick to the same types of food with some more calorie dense foods added in (e.g. raisins, nuts, etc.).

    Also, I drink tons of water and for some reason I think it's really helped. Annoying side effect is always running to the potty and dry hands from washing so many times.

    Good luck.

    I'm sorry, but body builders eat a lot more than 1200 calories per day.

    I meant the type of food, not the quantity of food. And also eating smaller meals more often. No need to be "sorry". There are tons of fitness and figure models who eat at that level of calories when they are trying to burn fat. They are also considered bodybuilders.

    I see your point, however ... if they have a very low TDEE they might eat at that level. But if someone is lifting weights and having a high level of activity that most body builders do, their TDEE would be much higher. Large deficits IMO would not be conducive to retaining muscle while losing fat.

    I know that many of them are barely over 100lbs. I've seen ranges between 1200 and 1600 for these girls. For me, I tried 1200 and it's working. As I said, if I was feeling weak or hungry I would up it to 1450 because I know that works as well. But I sometimes struggle to get to 1200 because I don't eat calorie dense foods. When I was at 1450 calories, I had 2 servings of Oatmeal (half cup dry, each) twice a day. It was too much. So I've basically cut down the oatmeal and that's how I eat now at 1200 calories.
  • annaavalone
    annaavalone Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I just got back on myfitnesspal. I am about your weight and I'm 5'0 tall. It's a struggle but I try to eat oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, which really holds me over. I also drink a lot of tea and water which also help keep the cravings away. I try to fit in healthy snacks like a piece of fruit or celery and carrots to also curb the cravings. By the time I get to dinner I usually eat lean meats or fish with some veggies. So far it's been working but I'm also trying to fit in a new workout routine to really burn off the weight. But if you find that you are still hungry try adding in some exercise routines to burn off those extra calories. It helps.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    swaistle wrote: »
    I'm on 1200 and some days I actually struggle to get up to 1200.

    I have cereal with semi skimmed milk for breakfast, that barely goes over 200cals.

    For lunch this varies, but it tends to be either a soup or a jacket potato with cheese and beans. So that can be anywhere from 200-700cals

    For tea, I tend to have Birds Eye frozen chicken (any of them, original chargrilled, garlic & herb breadcrumb, battered chicken, southern fried breadcrumbed...) and Birds Eye Frozen Steam Veg all in all can total anything from just over 200-300cals.

    I ate like that from June to October and lost roughly about 35lbs.

    Gonna admit though, with the colder nights, I'm getting lazier and just wanna slouch and eat chocolate hahaha. But yeah it's do-able. :)

    P.s I'm 5ft3 was 213lbs and now down to 179lbs (thereabouts I keep fluctuating atm)

    Weekly weight loss goals should be different for those with a little bit to lose VS. those with a lot to lose. The reason for this is obese people can eat very low calorie diets and their bodies will still support existing lean muscle.

    When you get closer to goal a very low calorie diet will not support lean muscle efficiently and your weight loss will become fat+lean muscle.

    Pound per week goals
    75+ lbs set to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs set to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs set to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs set to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs set to lose 0.5 lbs range

    "Struggling to meet 1200?" it's very possible you are picking "filling" foods as opposed to high nutrition foods. Protein & fat are more calorie dense than veggies this and low fat that. Meeting protein and fat requirements are more important than maintaining a feeling of "fullness."

    I agree with this. I would like to lose 75lbs more. When I was much smaller, my goals were less aggressive. As my weight decreases, I will adjust my calories accordingly. Hopefully, by the time I get to goal, I am very close to where I need to be to maintain.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    I was hungry to start with... but not anymore. I drink plenty of water (surprisingly filling) and nothing else as I prefer to eat my calories! I keep my breakfast and lunch light, that way I can splurge at dinnertime and I try to leave room for a GoAhead biscuit at bedtime - just in case I need it! A typical breakfast would be a Slimfast shake, or 2 weetabix and 1/2 cup of milk, or porridge with fruit, or yoghurt and fruit, or a boiled egg and a slice of milk toast cut into fingers (240-300 calories). I also subscribe to Graze and get their low calorie snacks (the 'Light Box') - one pot in the afternoon is great! Putting healthy options in your fridge/cupboards/handbag is half the fight. Finally, I try to do some exercise, then I eat 1/2 these calories back! And the best thing about taking a walk etc is that it distracts me from craving food...
  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member
    I was given 1300/day when I first signed up. It just wasn't sustainable for me. I slowed my weight loss down to 1.5/week and now I have 1500 to work with. I usually end up eating between 1300 and 1400, but its nice to have that extra cushion just in case. If 1200 doesn't seem to be working, just slow it down and give yourself a few extra calories. The time will pass whether you're losing or not. If you end up overeating because you're restricting yourself too much, then you'll just be back to where you started!
  • emiliewoodford
    I eat 800-1100 a day on a ketogenic diet, and I feel great. I've gone from 170 to 130 since June.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I did 1250 when I first started and was significantly overweight and I'm glad I did. I didn't find it difficult --I was really motivated to get the weight off, not yet that active, and I ate a high volume of food because lots of veggies. But now I'm similar stats to you, 5'3, 133, with a similar goal, and I couldn't see eating that low. Partly because I'm a lot more active than I was, partially because I want to ease into maintenance and I'm not dissatisfied enough at my current weight to want to eat as strictly as I did to be satisfied at 1250 or less or sacrifice the exercise goals. Basically my focus is fitness more broadly than just losing.

    You can see what I did at the beginning if you look in my diary in the spring, but now I'm losing on 1650, for me now I have no interest in going lower.
  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    I was only able to eat 1200 calories by eating low-carb (less than 30 grams per day), which reduces appetite. I eventually found my sweet spot at 50 g carbs per day and 1500 calories.

    You may need some tweaking, that's normal. You might try lowering your carb intake (not to low-carb standards, just a bit less than you're eating now) for a few days. Then increase your calories to 1300 for a few days. Then try lowering your carbs again, etc. Eventually, you'll find a level that works for you. You don't have to be hungry all the time to lose weight. In fact, you probably can't sustain any weight loss if you don't eat enough.

    I could also be completely wrong about the carb thing. Some people are sensitive to carbs, others are not. The point is, try some different things. Remember also that the less you have to lose, the harder it is to lose it.
  • elainess14
    I am 5 foot 7 , weighed about 175lbs when I started and am 36 years old. When I signed up I was given 1200 calories per day and must admit I find it fine-sometimes in the evening I'm looking for a snack that takes me up to the 1200! I drink quite a lot of water which makes me feel more full as some people get confused between hunger and dehydration. I think 1200 calories is absolutely fine and if you spread it out through the day you can avoid feeling hungry at all. Since starting MFP 3 weeks ago I've lost 9lbs and feel great!
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    When I first started a few months ago, I stuck to around 1200 and did lose weight (and honestly wasn't super hungry). However, I decided to raise my calories to around 1620 and have also been losing weight, and it's been way easier on me. I try my hardest to get to 1620 daily, but mostly am happy if I at least fall in the 1200-1620 range - it just depends on how I feel that day! Started around 282 lbs and now am sitting in the 240 range.
  • PixieMidoriKitten
    PixieMidoriKitten Posts: 21 Member
    Vegetables, high-fibre foods, protein.
    And water/no added sugar squash.
    Walking whenever I get chance and the occasional jog with my husband (was more regular until the weather went a bit pants in the UK and it's dark before I even leave work now, never mind get home and get my running gear on).

    I have lost weight and gained muscle tone slowly but surely - I'm 4'10" and currently at 8st 2lbs, down from 9st 4 lbs at my biggest earlier this year (May, I think...)

    But please be careful not to go too low - we all have our own reasons for our goals, our own journeys to take and our own choices to make, but you need to make sure you're not cutting calories too low or aiming for an unhealthy position to start with.

    The very best advice I can offer is log everything properly for two weeks without really limiting yourself - use a heart rate monitor to get the exercise calories as MFP can be a bit generous, and weigh your food properly. Then look at what's really snaffling your calories that you can either live without or can sub-out with something different and make those tweaks for a week. If you are in a sedentary job but get a decent length of time for a lunch break then take a walk - even up to the top floor of your office building and back down again if there's no outdoor space for you to walk in; and if it's less than 15 minutes of low-effort exercise then don't log it - MFP will give you back many more calories than you have actually burned.

    Good luck and take care
  • NoMoreTwizzlers
    NoMoreTwizzlers Posts: 72 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi all -

    I'm wondering if anyone is a) actually able to eat only 1200 calories a day, and b) if so, is it really successful? How have you done it?

    I'm finding that I am pretty hungry with only 1200 calories; I've planned out my meals for tomorrow and I'm already over 1200.

    I'm 5'3 and 135 lbs, wanting to lose about 15lbs. I'm starting to get a little demotivated and am looking to hear your success stories.


    I'm at 1230 now and find it challenging but very doable. I was at 1200 for a couple months, but now I'm more active. I'm 5' 3", 216 (Weighing in today). I am losing to reach a 10% reduction in my starting weight right now. I ultimately want to get to 150. Having a 1200/1230 calorie allotment has really taught me to be a better cook and more conscientious of what I'm eating. When I go grocery shopping I read labels like a crazy woman. I've also swooped out several products because I read the label and found better alternatives.

    As far as your hunger, you should up your protein intake. That will keep you full longer. Try eating more almonds, grilled chicken breast, Greek yogurt, etc. that will help.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I've averaged 1200 calories per day for for about 3 months and I've lost almost 30lbs. I'm 5ft 3 and 28 yrs old.

    Make sure your eating plenty of healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, full fat dairy ) and protein (chicken, fish, eggs). The more "whole" foods you can incorporate the more full you'll feel. Like someone else mentioned above, eating 2 oreos will really not be the best choice ... better to pick something else that helps you feel full longer.

    I have an open food diary so feel free to browse. (As you can see I've had 2 weddings to attend in the last 30 days and even in spite of going over my calories on those days I'm still losing!)

    Starting out I found it easier to eat every 2 hours smaller snack meals. Now that I've been at it a few months I can go longer without feeling hungry so I tend to have 3-4 meals and can allocate more calories per meal that way.

    Here's some snack meal suggestions:

    Babybel Cheese (light swiss) 50cals
    1 medium pear - 70 cals
    Total: 120 cals

    Chobani Simply 100 Greek Yogurt (my favorite flavor is the pineapple) 100cals
    1 cup red raspberries 54cals
    Total: 154 cals

    1 cup raw veggies + 2 tblsp hummus - 140 cals

    1oz cheese slices + 5-8 crackers - 190 cals

    Handful of pecans (30grams) 138 cals

    Celery - 5 sticks - 11calories
    3 laughing cow cheese wedges 90cals (30 cals each)
    Total: 101 calories

    Panera - Chicken Noodle Soup - (you pick 2 serving) 90cals
    (Most progresso canned soups are very low cal for an even bigger serving)

    1 tablespoon natural peanutbutter and 1/2 a banana 180 cals

    Tuna Salad + crackers (sold in kits so you can't eat too many!) 210 cals

    Chicken Salad
    1 5oz can Kroger premium canned Chicken breast 120cals
    1 tblsp thousand island dressing 45cals
    Mix together and its a pretty yummy meal. You can use lettuce and make it a wrap or use a sandwich thin (I like the brownberry ones).
    Total: 165 cals as a lettuce wrap 265 calories including the sandwich thin.

    Egg Salad
    1 hardboiled egg - 78cals
    1 tblsp regular mayo 90cals
    1 tblsp dill relish 14cals
    1 tblsp mustard 0 cals
    Total: 182cals (you can add extra egg whites to this for lots of extra volume/protein and very few calories)

    Veggies with Cheese
    Steam Fresh Frozen Veggies - Broccoli & Cauliflower (1/2 bag) 50cals
    1/4 cup shredded colby jack cheese 80 cals
    Total: 130cals

    Zucchini Spaghetti
    Ground turkey browned and seasoned with italian seasoning & salt/pepper. 4oz - 180 cals
    Newman's own all natural maranara (1/2 cup) 77cals
    Zucchini Noodles (made with a spiralizer and boiled briefly) 66cals

    Chicken Taco Soup 1.5 cup - 240 cals
    2 tablespoons daisy sour cream 60

    Recipe for Chicken Taco Soup:
    1 onion, chopped
    1 (16 ounce) can chili beans in mild sauce
    1 (15 oz) can of red kidney beans
    1 (15 ounce) can black beans
    1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained
    1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
    2 (1.25 ounce) packages taco seasoning
    3 whole skinless, boneless chicken breasts
    This usually makes 12 servings. I freeze half and eat the rest for lunches.

    Balsamic Chicken Salad
    3 cups baby spinach - 23 cals
    1 tablespoon olive oil - 120 cals
    Balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons - 30 cals
    6oz chicken breast (Baked) 180 cals
    Total: 353 cals

    Silk vanilla almond milk (sweetened) 1cup 90cals

    Almond Breeze Chocolate Almond Milk 1cup 120cals

    Breakfast Scramble (I mix all together and cook in microwave scrambled) This is lower cals if you use just egg whites for one of the eggs, or if using low fat cheese)
    2 eggs 180 cals
    2 pre-cooked turkey sausage links (kroger brand) 70cals
    1 tablespoon Hormel bacon bits 25cals
    1/8 cup colby jack cheese 55 cals
    Total: 330 cals (This is lower cals if you use just egg whites for one of the eggs, or if using low fat cheese)

    Qdoba like Mexican bowls at home:
    Kroger - Beef Barbacoa (In the lunch meat /prepared meals cooler section) 1 serving = 150 cals
    Shredded lettuce 2 cups = 15 cals
    2 tablespoons sour cream = 70cals
    1/2 Diced Tomato 30 cals
    1/8 cup shredded cheese 55cals
    add a few olives, some black beans, corn or whatever sounds good... just count them

    Breakfast Sandwich (or breakfast meat roll-up if you don't want the bread)
    Simple Truth - Off the Bone Uncured Smoked Ham from the deli, 3 slices (really yummy)
    1 slice colby jack cheese
    1 egg white fried w/ salt and pepper (I use pam cooking spray so it doesn't add calories)
    One English Muffin/ Sandwich thin or Bagel Thin. (Optional)
    Microwave till cheese is melty
    Total 250 cals with bread - 150 cals without bread

    Yogurt Parfait
    1/2 cup chiobani plain yogurt - 65cals
    Slivered Almonds (30g) - 56 cals
    Dried cranberries 30g - 65 cals
    2 tablespoons honey/splenda or other sweetner) (cals depend on sweetener you choose)
    Total: 186 cals
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    Hello OP, I'm on the 1250 calories a day diet also. I find it rather easy after adding calories from a workout, but even just 1250 calories is quite simple too using low calorie, high protein foods such as egg whites and tuna.

    Just started 5 days ago, and I've already lost 2lbs, and I was set for only 2lbs/week.
  • amylynn82784
    amylynn82784 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all -

    I'm wondering if anyone is a) actually able to eat only 1200 calories a day, and b) if so, is it really successful? How have you done it?

    I'm finding that I am pretty hungry with only 1200 calories; I've planned out my meals for tomorrow and I'm already over 1200.

    I'm 5'3 and 135 lbs, wanting to lose about 15lbs. I'm starting to get a little demotivated and am looking to hear your success stories.


    I am eating 1200 calories per day and losing. Friend me and see my food diary!
  • Tea_Mistress
    Tea_Mistress Posts: 105 Member
    edited November 2014
    I can do 1200 cals for like a week but then I start to get so hungry I feel like I could eat everything unless I do lots of exercise to eat more. I found that eating at my bmr net(1360 for me) is so much better + I'm actually losing weight faster ! probably because I have the energy to actually move...

    Edited to say : I could do 1200 net when I was overweight because I had a lot energy stored in my fat ;) (I'm not a scientist) but you definitely get hungrier + need more as you get leaner
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    edited November 2014
    I started on 1200 and ate that like for about 5 months, lost about 27lb. I thought it was working great at the time but honestly I didn't *feel* great. I went up to about 1400 for the summer and lost well and felt better. Then I went back down for a while and got sick, had headaches, felt dizzy etc. Right now I'm eating at 1450, started meeting my protein goals and might even up my calories a tiny bit. I feel satisfied at this level, don't get dizzy and haven't been sick for months (which is odd for me).

    I was able to mentally hack 1200 when I had a lot to lose but with 15lb left I can't manage it. Doesn't matter anyway, I'm still losing at a higher number!
  • Irishsquid62
    Irishsquid62 Posts: 83 Member
    It's not difficult for me to do 1200 a day during the week. In fact I often net substantially less than that after my workouts are figured in.
    Weekends are another story. I often end up going over on the weekends. I don't worry about it. It has become routine.
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    I eat 1250 calories a day and I tend to fill up on fruits and vegetables, If you're eating meals that are consuming the 1200 right away, maybe take another look at the foods you are choosing?
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I did it for about 6 months with no problem before I started to up my calories to slow my loss. I found I was less hungry when I was bigger so it wasn't a problem. I could still do it now (if I really cut back my activity), it would just be weird to get used to it again after so long at a much higher intake.
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