12lbs by Christmas!!



  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    edited November 2014
    can I just ask .. I would love to lose 12lbs by xmas .. but how do you do it without not eating.. x.. I'm currently fasting 2 days a week (still eating some but lower cal.count) I don't think I can do more than streamline what I am doing..x.. does anyone have any ideas?

    two and half pounds a week should get you down to 12 pounds by Christmas, that's if you follow and keep the cheating to a minimum, it's doable if you weigh over a certain amount. Those closer to their goals will not be able to do it, but if they even get closer to their goals, it's still good progress either way.

    Considering I weigh 286.2, 12 pounds by Christmas would be awesome because it would get me below the 50 pound weight loss marker but I'll settle for eight to ten. Just under 44 pounds gone still have 126 to go. I'm one pound short from being at the quarter mark, will be looking forward to when I reach my halfway goal next.
  • I'll give it a go!
  • I'm in!
  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    Made it my first 24 hrs with food & exercise on track to make the 12 lbs by Christmas. It seems that by committing to others, it has helped me be accountable. I even signed up for an extra class on Monday for Yoga. My biggest challenge in the past has been to stop the night binges. I have a hike planned for today. Check in tomorrow, good luck to everyone signed up!
  • Mufflana
    Mufflana Posts: 18 Member
    Ok, fell off wagon as went away unexpectedly but am back on....this challenge IS acheivable by those of us, like me, with a lot still to lose. I appreciate why some people want to advise that it is too big a goal etc but it doesn't matter if none of us make the 12 but even get half way....it is progress and this helps motivate us....so I am aiming for 12 but ANY loss will be gratefully accepted by me at least ☺️
  • kufahlaatc123
    kufahlaatc123 Posts: 61 Member
    Weighed in today down 4.2. Only 7.8 to go before Christmas to get to #12.
  • mjones1000
    mjones1000 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Mufflana wrote: »
    Ok, fell off wagon as went away unexpectedly but am back on....this challenge IS acheivable by those of us, like me, with a lot still to lose. I appreciate why some people want to advise that it is too big a goal etc but it doesn't matter if none of us make the 12 but even get half way....it is progress and this helps motivate us....so I am aiming for 12 but ANY loss will be gratefully accepted by me at least ☺️

    well said :)
  • moniquecp12
    moniquecp12 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in too!!!
  • Mufflana
    Mufflana Posts: 18 Member
    Weighed in today down 4.2. Only 7.8 to go before Christmas to get to #12.

    Great results, thanks for letting us know, it all helps to push us forward......
  • I'm in
  • Sn0wy71
    Sn0wy71 Posts: 12 Member
    So how is everyone doing on weight this week , hope everyone is hitting their goals ;-)
  • I'm in! No promises but I'll give it a whirl!!! :#
  • I am in!!
  • Lorri127
    Lorri127 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in!! I'm reaching for 10, so if I can do 12 that would be awesome. HERE WE GO!! :) (feel free to friend me as well)
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I'm already down six pounds since this thread was made, so I'm halfway there :D
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    Just weighing in!

    SW - 194.4 (on Nov 9th)
    CW - 191.0 (nov 21st)
    GW - 182.4 (Hopefully by Dec 25th!)

    Lost: 3.4
    Lbs left to lose: 8.6!

    33 days left before Christmas!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Falcon wrote: »
    I'm already down six pounds since this thread was made, so I'm halfway there :D

    *thumbs up*

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Mufflana wrote: »
    Ok, fell off wagon as went away unexpectedly but am back on....this challenge IS acheivable by those of us, like me, with a lot still to lose. I appreciate why some people want to advise that it is too big a goal etc but it doesn't matter if none of us make the 12 but even get half way....it is progress and this helps motivate us....so I am aiming for 12 but ANY loss will be gratefully accepted by me at least ☺️

    Unless you let falling short of the goal derail you from long term sustainable progress towards a bigger, more reasonable goal...

    ...or you do things that are not conducive to longterm success in order to read this short term goal...

    ...or you meet the goal and declare "mission accomplished!" and then take a "break" from progress for a few months/years.

    So yeah, as long as it is reasonable and supports the longterm goal, then absolutely, great idea. Otherwise, it might actually be counterproductive. Just something to consider.
  • kufahlaatc123
    kufahlaatc123 Posts: 61 Member
    Mufflana wrote: »
    Weighed in today down 4.2. Only 7.8 to go before Christmas to get to #12.

    Great results, thanks for letting us know, it all helps to push us forward......
    thanks for the props. It feels good to know that I maybe helping push someone else forward.