I don't think I can do it



  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Have you thought about cutting down the cardio and focusing more on lifting? What struck me firstly about your OP was that the level of cardio seems to correlate with the hunger?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    I hate lifting. I like cardio. It's not going to happen, honestly. I still make myself lift because it's good for me but frankly I'd rather do laundry or dishes, and that's saying a lot.

    I don't know about the fat thing though. I mean, a piece of cheese doesn't fill me up that much for 120 calories, and I had full fat breakfast sausages with eggs yesterday, and it didn't seem to help a whole lot either (I had 75g of fat yesterday and went to bed hungry, but it wasn't the 'bad' hunger so I didn't care). I've switched away from fat free yogurt and low fat cheese, and don't buy the 97%/99% fat free meat anymore, I try to eat more nuts, but I guess I'm nervous because it's quite a big calorie jump to increase it more than that (plus really I naturally don't eat that much fat in my diet, as I used to have stomach/reflux issues made worse with fat, and they've gone away since I started eating less of it). Seriously I don't know anymore, lol. Plus my doctor tells me to eat fat free stuff because of my cholesterol, which drives me nuts. Maybe I need a new doctor... again.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I don't think many people realize what hormonal hunger feels like. It's so overwhelming to the point where you can't see straight. You can't just muscle through it, distract it or trick it with water or some kind of low calorie filler. You need to eat until you are stuffed and gagging for it to finally leave you alone.

    Have you considered PCOS? You can have regular periods and normal blood work and still have it. I do. May be something worth checking.

    I know you said you would never try it, but sporadic IF is the only thing that worked for me to manage this hunger. On days when my appetite is not too great I have a fast day and eat around 500 calories and it feels easy since I'm barely hungry. Just that manageable empty stomach kind of hunger, not the "I want to climb up the walls" kind. It takes about 5 fasts of this kind for it to get easy. On hungry days I just eat enough not to be hungry even if that's over my maintenance.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    Well when I tried IVF 8 years ago we did all kinds of tests and bloodwork and everything was fine, so I don't know about PCOS. But yeah I'll mention it to my doctor at my next appointment for sure.

    I try to do what you're doing, and eat as little as possible on days when I'm really not hungry, but I typically I end up eating 1500 calories minimum still, I don't think I could less (that's 600 under my TDEE), pretty much to make up for the days when I overeat (usually 200-300 calories over, when I go more than that it's typically just my own fault for lack of willpower). That's how I managed to have a small deficit overall last week.. somehow LOL.

    But yes, those hormonal hungers are just plain nasty. I had them before I lost weight too (although not as often) and seriously I would have to eat a whole box of pasta and a jar of sauce to get rid of them (typically only carbs work, so now I just go for the carbs instead of trying to make it go away with fat and protein - I know it won't work).
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I see an interesting patern in your diary that actually parallels my own experience and I'm not all the shocked to see it either. It seems that on the days leading up to your over eating you are eating protein/energy bars as part of your diet.

    I'm planning on doing a simple experiment this week, now that I'm finished my pack, to not eat any bars. I've noticed that my calories have gone way up since eating them, not that it's an issue with me since I'm trying to bulk a bit, but care to try this with me? Perhaps it's because these bars aren't real food and our bodies are telling us they want more real food. Just a thought and something that probably wouldn't hurt to test.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Whenever I'm hungry and it's not time to eat I eat something small like 5 cashews. It stills the hunger so it goes away. I do it as soon as I notice I'm hungry.

    As I've done that, the cravings have gotten less and less frequent. It's almost like teaching your body to trust you to feed it when it's hungry so it doesn't have to panic (yes, I know it doesn't work like that, but it is how it feels). (I already talked above about the carb thing and I see other people have too so won't repeat it).

    Then I religiously eat meals on time and make sure I log so I know I'm eating enough. Now that I don't have a lot of body fat to draw on, when my body tells me it's hungry, it's serious.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Have you thought about trying something new? Eat at your TDEE every day. The one you've calculated versus trying to eat 1500 calories one day and then binging a bit one day a week. You might actually have a higher than you think TDEE (with weight lifting 3x a week plus a few days of cardio, I'm at 2400 calories and I'm almost 46 yrs old)- I've been testing mine out for a few months, going up slowly, 100 calories per week. I'm only now gaining weight (1 lb over the month -so I know I'm over by around 250 calories per week which is not much daily). My next move is to stay at TDEE and be religious about the counting...weighing everything and being as precise as possible. So I will then have a really good idea of my TDEE and try to stick around that. On my hungry days (and I do have them), I eat a LOT of carrots and drink a LOT of water. I keep my protein above 100 grams and don't worry about anything else. Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    edited November 2014
    I see an interesting patern in your diary that actually parallels my own experience and I'm not all the shocked to see it either. It seems that on the days leading up to your over eating you are eating protein/energy bars as part of your diet.

    I'm planning on doing a simple experiment this week, now that I'm finished my pack, to not eat any bars. I've noticed that my calories have gone way up since eating them, not that it's an issue with me since I'm trying to bulk a bit, but care to try this with me? Perhaps it's because these bars aren't real food and our bodies are telling us they want more real food. Just a thought and something that probably wouldn't hurt to test.

    I lost 50 pounds eating Quest bars though, so it's a bit odd.. and I just started eating them again maybe 2 weeks ago? I don't even count the Clif bars, I've only bought 4 because I wanted to try the flavors.

    I'll try eating a couple nuts and more carrots when I get hungry, we'll see if it helps. For my TDEE the main reason I don't think it's that higher is that I would be losing weight if it was higher, while I've just pretty much maintained (although I only gained half a pound last month when I thought I would gain more than that, but it's going to take more time to make sure). But I'll have a better idea in a few day, although my lowest weight day will probably be after Thanksgiving so it's going to mess up the numbers... (my lowest weight is always one week after the end of my period, and that's what I base my weight loss/gains on).
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    I don't know nearly as much as some of the fine people that have posted a reply....but here is what I can tell you. I lost 30 lbs between mar and oct, not a huge lose by any stretch, but I am thrilled with the results I got out considering I didn't put too much in. In Oct I really lose motivation, and I keep trying to talk myself into getting back on track, but I have been eating to maintain since then, and I haven't put back any of the weight. I over eat some days and I under eat on others....but is all balancing out with out my paying too much mind to it. You seem to know what you should/shouldn't eat, and have been maintaining for 3 months (even when you want to lose).....so maybe your body is happy where it is, maybe you aren't meant to hit 130...I would probably recommend getting comfortable at your current weight for another 3 months....enjoy your damn waffle when you want a waffle and don't let anyone make you feel bad.....just don't enjoy waffles every single day for a month and wonder why you've started gaining again :wink: It sounds so much more like its a mental struggle then a physical one right now.....so back off for a bit, find your happy medium and then decide if that last 3-5 lbs is worth the agony you are putting yourself through. Good luck!!!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Never going to try IF. I workout in the morning, and I'm starving by 8am so... no.

    Well, that's a good open mindset to have.

    I ate breakfast all my life until about 6 months ago. The first couple weeks switching to IF were tough while my hormones adjusted. Since then, breakfast doesn't even cross my mind, even if I do morning workouts. Heck, I ran a half marathon last weekend fasted. I was hungry when I got home, but I was totally fine during the race. And having all my calories split between only two meals? The most awesome thing ever.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    JTick wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Never going to try IF. I workout in the morning, and I'm starving by 8am so... no.

    Well, that's a good open mindset to have.

    I ate breakfast all my life until about 6 months ago. The first couple weeks switching to IF were tough while my hormones adjusted. Since then, breakfast doesn't even cross my mind, even if I do morning workouts. Heck, I ran a half marathon last weekend fasted. I was hungry when I got home, but I was totally fine during the race. And having all my calories split between only two meals? The most awesome thing ever.

    Well, good for you. I never ate breakfast until I started losing weight. Then I realized that not snacking until 10pm at night made me hungry in the morning. Bottom line, what works for you might not work for everyone. I'm totally fine working out without food at 6am, but I typically don't work out for a good 3 hours after waking up, and that's not possible. I don't do well on my workouts when I'm hungry.

    I mean, there's being open minded and knowing that some things are not doable long term, and I'd rather not do those things, unless I really HAVE to because of some life threatening issue or something. And I guess I'm getting a bit tired of IF people trying to push their lifestyle on everyone else.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    make sure you are eating enough fat. fat helps keep you full longer I eat 50% carbs, 25% protein, and 25% fat

    Good Luck

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JTick wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Never going to try IF. I workout in the morning, and I'm starving by 8am so... no.

    Well, that's a good open mindset to have.

    I ate breakfast all my life until about 6 months ago. The first couple weeks switching to IF were tough while my hormones adjusted. Since then, breakfast doesn't even cross my mind, even if I do morning workouts. Heck, I ran a half marathon last weekend fasted. I was hungry when I got home, but I was totally fine during the race. And having all my calories split between only two meals? The most awesome thing ever.

    Well, good for you. I never ate breakfast until I started losing weight. Then I realized that not snacking until 10pm at night made me hungry in the morning. Bottom line, what works for you might not work for everyone. I'm totally fine working out without food at 6am, but I typically don't work out for a good 3 hours after waking up, and that's not possible. I don't do well on my workouts when I'm hungry.

    I mean, there's being open minded and knowing that some things are not doable long term, and I'd rather not do those things, unless I really HAVE to because of some life threatening issue or something. And I guess I'm getting a bit tired of IF people trying to push their lifestyle on everyone else.

    people are just trying to help... you have a reason why none of the suggestions works for you... i'm not sure what you expected from this thread?
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JTick wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Never going to try IF. I workout in the morning, and I'm starving by 8am so... no.

    Well, that's a good open mindset to have.

    I ate breakfast all my life until about 6 months ago. The first couple weeks switching to IF were tough while my hormones adjusted. Since then, breakfast doesn't even cross my mind, even if I do morning workouts. Heck, I ran a half marathon last weekend fasted. I was hungry when I got home, but I was totally fine during the race. And having all my calories split between only two meals? The most awesome thing ever.

    And I guess I'm getting a bit tired of IF people trying to push their lifestyle on everyone else.

    And I guess I'm getting a bit tired of you constantly having excuses. All of your threads are full of helpful posters offering suggestions, and you refute every. single. one. of them.

  • JaneECS
    JaneECS Posts: 71 Member
    I also consider that although there is a physical issue here, that there might be a need for a bit more PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) The trouble is, you can change it, but you have to learn techniques for how to do so. Check out The Secret or Landmark Education. I haven't even read all of the book, or done all of the the course, but I live with someone who has and I follow them both on Facebook, and my life is remarkably changed for the better, because I am learning (note learning, not learned, there is always another thing to learn) that I control my thoughts, they don't control me. For me, this has been the most liberating experience of my life. Check it out, try it out. Let us know.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    JTick wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JTick wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Never going to try IF. I workout in the morning, and I'm starving by 8am so... no.

    Well, that's a good open mindset to have.

    I ate breakfast all my life until about 6 months ago. The first couple weeks switching to IF were tough while my hormones adjusted. Since then, breakfast doesn't even cross my mind, even if I do morning workouts. Heck, I ran a half marathon last weekend fasted. I was hungry when I got home, but I was totally fine during the race. And having all my calories split between only two meals? The most awesome thing ever.

    And I guess I'm getting a bit tired of IF people trying to push their lifestyle on everyone else.

    And I guess I'm getting a bit tired of you constantly having excuses. All of your threads are full of helpful posters offering suggestions, and you refute every. single. one. of them.

    Totally agree. Misery loves company, I guess?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    JTick wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JTick wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Never going to try IF. I workout in the morning, and I'm starving by 8am so... no.

    Well, that's a good open mindset to have.

    I ate breakfast all my life until about 6 months ago. The first couple weeks switching to IF were tough while my hormones adjusted. Since then, breakfast doesn't even cross my mind, even if I do morning workouts. Heck, I ran a half marathon last weekend fasted. I was hungry when I got home, but I was totally fine during the race. And having all my calories split between only two meals? The most awesome thing ever.

    And I guess I'm getting a bit tired of IF people trying to push their lifestyle on everyone else.

    And I guess I'm getting a bit tired of you constantly having excuses. All of your threads are full of helpful posters offering suggestions, and you refute every. single. one. of them.

    Because as I said... I've been on these boards for almost 2 years and it's given me a lot of time to figure out what works for me and what doesn't. I posted partly because I was wondering if I was alone, and apparently I'm not, which I guess makes me feel better (although sorry for the others).

    Besides, it's not true, I don't refute everything. There are a lot of good points, and I've said so (and I've actually tried a lot of the suggestions here). If anything, it confirms that my hormones just suck because a lot of the time, I pretty much do everything right, and I still get hungry (or I do everything wrong and I don't get hungry). But I'm sorry that me not wanting to do IF is considered 'refuting everything'. Would you stop eating meat/start eating meat (if you don't) or some other huge lifestyle change you really don't want to do just because someone told you to try it? how would you feel if they told you that you were closed minded because you don't want to try it? That's how I feel about it. Just let it go. And if my threads annoy you that much, please, do yourself a favor and stop reading them. I post to find people who get it, and you obviously don't.

    Anyway, thanks for the helpful advice everyone - and I will try again to eat less carbs for a while.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    (or I do everything wrong and I don't get hungry).

    just out of interest what is the 'wrong' stuff that you do that stops you being hungry??
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    edited November 2014
    Francl27 wrote: »
    (or I do everything wrong and I don't get hungry).

    just out of interest what is the 'wrong' stuff that you do that stops you being hungry??

    That time I had a piece of cheesecake as my lunch. Or had waffles and ice cream for breakfast, then a lot of pancakes as a snack and had no problem staying under my calorie goal. Or all those days I had oatmeal with a bit of hazelnut butter for breakfast and was full for 5 hours. Heck when I was still eating at a 500 calories deficit I would eat 'nutrition bars' (Kind or Luna or something) twice a day and still be well within my calories.

    I'm not saying it's eating that stuff that stops me from being hungry. Just that more often than not, what I eat really does not seem to impact my hunger one bit (but again I'm not going to eat plain toast or just a waffle for breakfast most days because I know that would be a very bad idea, lol). I do realize though that if I eat more carbs, it leaves less calories in case I get hungry later, and that's the reason why I try to limit them.