Fed Up Documentary



  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    I agree that it's completely down to the individual to control what and how much we eat, but there is truth in the fact that the big food corporations don't care about our health. They'll market anything as healthy just to sell it when it's actually complete synthesised cr*p. Of course you need to take personal resposibility on educating yourself about what's healthy and what's not but it's not made any easier with all the conflicting information out there.
    It's true, they didn't force feed you anything, whatever you ate was your choice… Either way, good to know you started to do your own research. Educate yourself then follow whatever feels right to you! Good luck.

    Of course they don't care about your health, it's not their job to care about your health, it's your job to care about your health. You're the one that should be educating yourself about nutrition and doing the research and deciding what to eat. It's a corporation's job to make money, and people overeating doesn't make corporations evil, it makes those individual people ignorant and weak. People deserve the EXACT body that they get, nothing better, nothing worse. If you read a random article about nutrition with zero citations and take it at face value, then you're not doing a good enough job. Read actual scientific papers about nutrition and make informed decisions.

    This should be a sticky. Everyone in this world wants to blame everyone but themselves: it's always the fault of the food company, the drug company, the soda company, the booze company, but never the fault of the person shoveling it into their face. I would have always been heavy due to meds i was on but i got this big by stuffing my face and it's not their fault.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I really don't like all the snark that's why I stay away from the forums. Stay positive and follow your own intuition and data about what makes you feel good. I started out on here 3 years ago eating a standard american diet. Now I'm a vegan and eat no processed foods or refined sugars and I feel so much better and my overall fitness has improved as well.

    i would be curious what "data" you have that our society is somehow built around a sugar addiction, and what data you have about mentioned "sugar addiction"….
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I think mulberry has left for the evening…but great rebuttals sara...

    She said she'd come back and look at all the replies tomorrow, I guess we'll see if she was telling the truth...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    Muffie22 wrote: »
    LOL OK. Well I must be a scientific anomaly having lost 35lbs and still eating ice cream, full-fat dairy, cake, meat, etc etc but at a slight calorific deficit over the course of a year...

    You're also 25 years old.

    What about MFP user Sarauk2sf? She's in her late 40's and has managed to lose weight and recomp her body while including (in moderation) full fat items like ice cream, dairy and such.

    Not everyone can (or will) follow the type of regime that Sarauk follows. I have arthritis and must be very careful as to the type and amount of exercise that I do--but, within that parameter, I have made a drastic change in my health and appearance. :)

    LOL. She strength trains 3x a week. That's it. No cardio/nothing else and she has a desk job. How is that different than from what most follow? In fact, it's less than what most people try to do.

    A lot of cardio can actually be counter-productive to the aging female body. Cardio is "catabolic"--that is, it tends to be decrease lean body mass. Weight-lifting, on the other hand is "anabolic"--that is, it tends to increase lean body mass. Which one do you think is better for increasing the flagging metabolism of the aging woman? I actually don't do a lot of cardio--just enough to keep my cardiovascular system healthy. She may have a better metabolism than I have to start with--many, many women are not so fortunate. It is estimated that about 40% of post-menopausal women have thyroid problems (as do I).

    So first you infer that she has a rigorous training schedule most can or won't do as a reason she's able to be as she is. But now that it is "revealed" she does something that is actually average and doable, it's got to be her "better" metabolism (insinuating that it's something she's always had)???


    Okay then.

    Was she ever more than 20-30 pounds overweight?

    I believe she lost about 40-45 lbs.

    I think that some weight-lifters believe that you can lose all the body fat you want to with just weight-lifting alone. I have yet to see that happen with me but I certainly have improved A LOT.

    Its not that some weight-lifters believe that you can - you actually can. Now, due to your arthritis, you may not be able to rely on it without additional non-resistance training and keep your calories up high enough to get better nutrition, but it certainly can be done.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I really don't like all the snark that's why I stay away from the forums. Stay positive and follow your own intuition and data about what makes you feel good. I started out on here 3 years ago eating a standard american diet. Now I'm a vegan and eat no processed foods or refined sugars and I feel so much better and my overall fitness has improved as well.

    Or you can go ahead and trust science and facts instead of how you feel...

    Congrats on eating vegan and staying away from processed foods for no logical reason...
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Butrovich wrote: »
    I blame the filthy rich corporations that manufacture forks. Have you noticed that everyone in America who is overweight eat with forks? Meanwhile, the CEOs of those corporations are making BILLIONS! But you don't hear about that in the media....why? Because the fork manufacturers have paid them hush money. Stop using forks and you will lose the weight!

    Sorry. I felt like blaming someone other than myself too.
    That's the dumbest argument I've ever read on here.

    Not actually the dumbest... but it's in the running.

  • eatmindfully
    eatmindfully Posts: 93 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    I really don't like all the snark that's why I stay away from the forums. Stay positive and follow your own intuition and data about what makes you feel good. I started out on here 3 years ago eating a standard american diet. Now I'm a vegan and eat no processed foods or refined sugars and I feel so much better and my overall fitness has improved as well.

    Or you can go ahead and trust science and facts instead of how you feel...

    Congrats on eating vegan and staying away from processed foods for no logical reason...

    The facts are in the movie. And in everything in the scientific journals that tells you a plant based diet is the best for overall health and cancer prevention. Sorry if you find that threatening. yeash. Enjoy being so right all the time
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Muffie22 wrote: »
    LOL OK. Well I must be a scientific anomaly having lost 35lbs and still eating ice cream, full-fat dairy, cake, meat, etc etc but at a slight calorific deficit over the course of a year...

    You're also 25 years old.

    I'm 34 and eat whatever I please, and I'm in the best shape of my life. I'm an anomaly too I guess?

    Well, good for you! You are not a post-menopausal, obese women.

    Quit moving the goalposts.

    How is that "moving the goalposts"? I have always been discussing post-menopausal, obese women.

    You've blamed everything but Obama for your weight gain. It's like playing whack-a-mole with your layered misinformation.

    No, I blame my previous lack of information. Now I know how to be healthy. Do you really want to argue with my success?

    Apparently you are trying to argue with mine...or at least imply I am special. I can assure you, while I am fortunate not to have metabolic issues and to be healthy, I have not had my own fair share of set backs in my past.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I really don't like all the snark that's why I stay away from the forums. Stay positive and follow your own intuition and data about what makes you feel good. I started out on here 3 years ago eating a standard american diet. Now I'm a vegan and eat no processed foods or refined sugars and I feel so much better and my overall fitness has improved as well.

    i would be curious what "data" you have that our society is somehow built around a sugar addiction, and what data you have about mentioned "sugar addiction"….

    You don't think our society has a sugar addiction ?

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Muffie22 wrote: »
    LOL OK. Well I must be a scientific anomaly having lost 35lbs and still eating ice cream, full-fat dairy, cake, meat, etc etc but at a slight calorific deficit over the course of a year...

    Good point we are all different. I am guessing you are under age 60?

    Crap - do I only have 13 more years where I can eat ice-cream?
  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Butrovich wrote: »
    I blame the filthy rich corporations that manufacture forks. Have you noticed that everyone in America who is overweight eat with forks? Meanwhile, the CEOs of those corporations are making BILLIONS! But you don't hear about that in the media....why? Because the fork manufacturers have paid them hush money. Stop using forks and you will lose the weight!

    Sorry. I felt like blaming someone other than myself too.
    That's the dumbest argument I've ever read on here.

    Not actually the dumbest... but it's in the running.

    Read between the lines, that comment reeks of sarcasm. :smile:

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm 42 and I can say with all certainty that it's a lot harder to lose weight now then it was when I was in my twenties!
    I lost the weight after both my pregnancies and my body bounced back and looked like it did before babies. Now I've lost weight again and body does not look the same as it did back then!!

    I find it easier...I have more knowledge and patience and discipline now.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I really don't like all the snark that's why I stay away from the forums. Stay positive and follow your own intuition and data about what makes you feel good. I started out on here 3 years ago eating a standard american diet. Now I'm a vegan and eat no processed foods or refined sugars and I feel so much better and my overall fitness has improved as well.

    i would be curious what "data" you have that our society is somehow built around a sugar addiction, and what data you have about mentioned "sugar addiction"….

    You don't think our society has a sugar addiction ?

    no I don't…

    society has an overeating/laziness problem…sugar has nothing to do with it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    Muffie22 wrote: »
    LOL OK. Well I must be a scientific anomaly having lost 35lbs and still eating ice cream, full-fat dairy, cake, meat, etc etc but at a slight calorific deficit over the course of a year...

    You're also 25 years old.

    What about MFP user Sarauk2sf? She's in her late 40's and has managed to lose weight and recomp her body while including (in moderation) full fat items like ice cream, dairy and such.

    Not everyone can (or will) follow the type of regime that Sarauk follows. I have arthritis and must be very careful as to the type and amount of exercise that I do--but, within that parameter, I have made a drastic change in my health and appearance. :)

    LOL. She strength trains 3x a week. That's it. No cardio/nothing else and she has a desk job. How is that different than from what most follow? In fact, it's less than what most people try to do.

    A lot of cardio can actually be counter-productive to the aging female body. Cardio is "catabolic"--that is, it tends to be decrease lean body mass. Weight-lifting, on the other hand is "anabolic"--that is, it tends to increase lean body mass. Which one do you think is better for increasing the flagging metabolism of the aging woman? I actually don't do a lot of cardio--just enough to keep my cardiovascular system healthy. She may have a better metabolism than I have to start with--many, many women are not so fortunate. It is estimated that about 40% of post-menopausal women have thyroid problems (as do I).

    So first you infer that she has a rigorous training schedule most can or won't do as a reason she's able to be as she is. But now that it is "revealed" she does something that is actually average and doable, it's got to be her "better" metabolism (insinuating that it's something she's always had)???


    Okay then.

    Was she ever more than 20-30 pounds overweight?

    I believe she lost about 40-45 lbs.

    I think that some weight-lifters believe that you can lose all the body fat you want to with just weight-lifting alone. I have yet to see that happen with me but I certainly have improved A LOT.

    I feel like the two of us are having two different conversations. I definitely was not (in this or any thread) arguing that all you need to lose any amount of body fat is lifting.

    I think all that's being pointed out here is that there are certainly women on this site who are in their 40s, were once overweight/obese, exercise moderately, and haven't had the need to cut out food groups in order to lose fat.

    My understanding is that certain types of diet are better for people with thyroid issues, but I don't think that necessarily carries over to the rest of the population.

    Those in their 40s will find that their bodies change a great deal once they reach menopause. And I have not cut out food groups. I eat carbohydrates, fats and proteins just like all the rest of you. I would be the last person to say that what applies to me applies to everyone.

    Please..enough with the blanket statements.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I really don't like all the snark that's why I stay away from the forums. Stay positive and follow your own intuition and data about what makes you feel good. I started out on here 3 years ago eating a standard american diet. Now I'm a vegan and eat no processed foods or refined sugars and I feel so much better and my overall fitness has improved as well.

    i would be curious what "data" you have that our society is somehow built around a sugar addiction, and what data you have about mentioned "sugar addiction"….

    You don't think our society has a sugar addiction ?

    no I don't…

    society has an overeating/laziness problem…sugar has nothing to do with it.

    ^Agreed, plus a problem with accountability

  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I really don't like all the snark that's why I stay away from the forums. Stay positive and follow your own intuition and data about what makes you feel good. I started out on here 3 years ago eating a standard american diet. Now I'm a vegan and eat no processed foods or refined sugars and I feel so much better and my overall fitness has improved as well.

    i would be curious what "data" you have that our society is somehow built around a sugar addiction, and what data you have about mentioned "sugar addiction"….

    You don't think our society has a sugar addiction ?

    no I don't…

    society has an overeating/laziness problem…sugar has nothing to do with it.

    Boom! Mind. Blown. :smiley:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I think mulberry has left for the evening…but great rebuttals sara...

    Thank you. Caught up through page 4 lol.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Butrovich wrote: »
    I blame the filthy rich corporations that manufacture forks. Have you noticed that everyone in America who is overweight eat with forks? Meanwhile, the CEOs of those corporations are making BILLIONS! But you don't hear about that in the media....why? Because the fork manufacturers have paid them hush money. Stop using forks and you will lose the weight!

    Sorry. I felt like blaming someone other than myself too.
    That's the dumbest argument I've ever read on here.

    Not actually the dumbest... but it's in the running.

    Read between the lines, that comment reeks of sarcasm. :smile:

    You are right about blaming others though..I'll give you that. People will never advance until they accept responsibility for putting themselves in the situations they are in.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Butrovich wrote: »
    I blame the filthy rich corporations that manufacture forks. Have you noticed that everyone in America who is overweight eat with forks? Meanwhile, the CEOs of those corporations are making BILLIONS! But you don't hear about that in the media....why? Because the fork manufacturers have paid them hush money. Stop using forks and you will lose the weight!

    Sorry. I felt like blaming someone other than myself too.
    That's the dumbest argument I've ever read on here.

    Not actually the dumbest... but it's in the running.

    psssst....they were joking.