Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • Ok, my starting weight is 326, my goal is 210, my current is 320...thanks for letting me in!
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    Man, last weekend caused more damage than I expected. I had to make a decision. Either have several last minute workouts, or accept the fact that I screwed up. I didn't have much chioce in my food. I stayed with a friend and his famiily while out of town, and I'm convinved he does not drink water. Nothing but sodas! He has 4 kids, so while we drove up to Connecticut, how do I ask for a specific restaurant when he has an army to feed, Mcdonald's it was.

    SW: 275
    LWW: 248
    CW: 253
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    I've got a question I hope you can help me with. I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 259lb. I weighed myself after 30 minutes of excercise and weighed 255 lb. Which weight should I record? Should I take the average?

    I don't necessarily weigh myself the same time of day. It just depends when I have time.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Despite a short city trip, I managed to win back a little of the gain in weight last week. LWW 111.6 CWW 111.2. It ain't much but considering the numerous shots espresso, pizza and ice, I'm fine with it. Hope you fellow red liners all did some damage repair. After looking at the pictures taken, I was glad that I had already lost a few pounds, but am still committed to lose 20+ more. Good luck to you all next week. Cheers from a sunny sunday morning in Holland
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    I've got a question I hope you can help me with. I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 259lb. I weighed myself after 30 minutes of excercise and weighed 255 lb. Which weight should I record? Should I take the average?

    I don't necessarily weigh myself the same time of day. It just depends when I have time.

    It´s more how consequent you report your weight. I weigh myself in the morning when I get out of bed. This time you excercised, but what if you had a great breakfast or a brunch, would you report your weight just after you ate? Also if you report your first weight and manage this week to lose another few pounds, you will be high in the ranks next week..glory will be yours ;-)
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Let's call it 257lb this week for a 1 lb loss. Decided I would just average the two weights from my previous question.

    Did have a non-scale victory yesterday. I tried on a pair of shorts I have not worn for years that had a 38-inch waist and they fit!
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    133.9 Another gain. After reading alot of threads on MFP over the last few days I've decided that cutting out CV might not be the way to go in favour of just doing weights which I have done this week. This last two weeks have been very hit and miss, I've had a few days where I've not completed my food and exercise log and things have 'slipped' a bit. All breaks and celebrations are now over as we head in to April so watch out scales...another on-slaught is coming (I hope anyway :smile: )

    Stay positive...
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Well, it appears that plateau #2 has reared it's ugly head my way. Last week I had a 1 lb loss. I am calling this week as a 0 lb loss. I have been very dilegent with my exercises but have again not eaten nearly the amount of calories I should be eating and it is definately having it's effects. Tomorrow starts a new week.

    Last week 257
    current 257
  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    LWW: 383.4
    CW: 376.4

    Down 7 lbs this week. Another big week after a gain the previous week, while I am definitely stoked about the 7 lb loss I need to work on getting two good weeks in a row. It's been tough with weddings and weekend get aways every other week and I've got a bachelor party this coming weekend where I will have no access to a gym and will most definitely be surrounded by mass quantities of beer and grease so I just gotta stay strong and get all my workouts in before I head out of town. Hope everyone else has a great week.
  • mackoy809
    mackoy809 Posts: 36
    CWW 247 lbs
    LWW 242.5 lbs

    Gain 4.5 lbs just way to much family gatherings and parties. First time of gaining weight since joining mfp
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Gain 4.5 lbs just way to much family gatherings and parties. First time of gaining weight since joining mfp
    Too bad, I just beat you last week with this first time gain ;-) Don't worry, get up that Elliptical Trainer again and do some repair work this week. Still on for that challenge are you, know you can do it! Don't let me pass you :wink:
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Reporting in at 223.6lbs. From now on, I will report in on Saturday. It seems to be more accurate due to my Saturday eating habits messing up Sunday's readings. 17 weeks later, we are starting to lose some of our regulars. We keep getting new ones, but they aren't keeping track - perhaps they lose the thread. In any case, maybe after 20 weeks, we'll hit the reset button and start a new forum. I suppose that at some point, the forum reaches a posting limit anyway - anyone know it?

    Congratulations to pancho for once again taking a big drop (7 lbs)! Keep up the good work Men!
    May is here! Get outside this week and do some big cardio!


    Anyone have any ideas for topics this week? Feel free to share.

  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    How about making the last weigh-in for this forum the 28th May (4 more weigh-ins) then start fresh in June?

    Major offensive through out this month!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    fIn regards to the posting limit, I think it just turns into a new thread as a "part 2". I personally like the longevity of this thread. I think I am only 1 week behind you veterans that started this thread. I would like to see it go from beginning to end for me.

    As for a topic, how about the top 5 reasons we are on this journey? What motivates each of us?
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Agree with Tim. This thread is a recurring reminder for me to keep going. And with the competitive attitude of me, it works great for me. Besides over time I'm more and more interested in how you guys are doing and see your progress, little setbacks and NSV. It's becoming a routine in my sunday morning activities to enter the progress (or gain) and then check on monday during lunchtime if I ended on the podium.

    So, I vote for continuation,
    Grtz Edwin
  • Sorry, my first week and I am late reporting. Not in the habit. However, I'm still at 320.

    Hope you keep this thread going or at least have something like it because I can see how it will help!
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    This is a really tough time of year for me. Between school plays and other responsibilities, I'm not able to focus as much on myself as necessary. So I've decided to swear off the scale until MAY 20th. So I'll miss a couple of weigh-ins, but I'm by no means gone from the group. I'm going to a camp for a week Monday with the kids, and I have no control over the menu. So I'll just have to try and eat moderately. See you guys in a couple of weeks.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    This is a really tough time of year for me. Between school plays and other responsibilities, I'm not able to focus as much on myself as necessary. So I've decided to swear off the scale until MAY 20th. So I'll miss a couple of weigh-ins, but I'm by no means gone from the group. I'm going to a camp for a week Monday with the kids, and I have no control over the menu. So I'll just have to try and eat moderately. See you guys in a couple of weeks.

    Have fun, do what you can do in regards to eating and we'll see you when you get back.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Checking in a little early. Down to 256 lb.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Checking in on Mothersday, just before the breakfast my son and I prepared: LWW 111,2 CWW 109,8.
    Breaking news: According to several 3 lines of code software programs on the web (BMI calculator), I am no longer obese, YEAH!! Can't remember when that was the last time. Downside is that they show also your ideal healthy weight. Looks like I'm gonna stay here another decade ;-)

    Success to you all!
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