Sixers Holiday Challenge Week 1



  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Poor hubby Pedal, he'll be fine though. They recover alot fast than us. My hubby had done a few years ago and recomends it to his friends.

    I went to the gym this morning with my Mom and boy did I feel out of shape. I was ready to quite and her behind was RUNNING!:noway: I did do almost an hour and a half though, and it did feel good. Tonight I plan on drinking, I'm celebrating my 30th birthday a week ahead. LOL.

    Well I did lose this morning. Went from 211 to 209. But TOM ended and it was really bad and heavy this month. Hopefully I can keep it off for Tuesday's weigh in.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today. Later.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hello ladies... congrats to all!

    My start weight- 224
    Current weight 224

    I ate alot yesterday and did 30 min on treadmill. I think I was still under 1800 calories though. I hope.

    Today was shopping day. I had my favorite apple...from Rocky Mountain Candy store: Apple Pie Apple.... to die for. I split it w/ mom and sister.

    Food today: Leftovers!

    Take care ladies... need to keep looking for a job and a place to stay in Va.

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hey guys!! I know... my fist day I didn't check in. We ended up heading to the family's house ahead of time. Unfortunately, I cant weight in since my scale is at college and Im home for break.

    The bad news... while away my grandparents like to shove food on us like crazy. So the past two days haven't been the healthiest.

    The good news is that I have a new goal for myself.

    No more eating after 8pm because when I eat after 8 I don't tend to stop. I keep going and going and going... not good.

    So the meals for the day.

    Lunch: Cheesesteak and chips.
    Dinner: Rockfish, broccoli and asparagus.

    O and my name is Nicole. I will check in officially on Tuesday with my weight and possibly my measurements if I have time.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Wow, SO much to catch up on!!!

    Thanksgiving was good, Im still at my sisters til possibly Sunday. Weighed this morning, down to 180 on my sisters scale.

    SW- 183.2
    CW- 180 (Have to recheck when I get home)

    I get to go pick up my oldest sister at the airport in the morning, Im happy I havent seen her since June!!

    Im loving everyone's new pictures- Cathy, Kristin and Amy!!!

    Okay well Im about to watch a movie and do some decorating- and enjoy a white chocolatini :love:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend :)

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Ladies,

    Pedal, Sounds like your not feeling so down about your tummy anymore. You look so great and your tummy will probably be the next thing to slim down. Hope your DH is feeling better soon, and you're enjoying that new freedom:wink: It was so easy it was to overeat on Thanksgiving & enjoy a couple drinks, then have it stretch from Wednesay through Friday. I was thinking about how well planned out you were for your Thanksgiving dinner and you did so well and what a remarkable thing that really is to be able to plan and carry it out. Kudos to you.:smile:

    Kristen, Down a pound after Thanksgiving. You did great.:happy:

    Cathy, Love the new photo you are looking fabulous.:smile:

    Tamm, Thats progress on tracking calories for the holiday, sharing your favorite apple pie, and shopping is exercise too.:bigsmile:

    Connie, Good job on staying the same for yesterdays weigh in:happy:

    Hope everyone had a good and safe holiday. I weighed in today @ 3:00am just before I got up to go shopping. I was up 2 pounds, this is my biggest gain since I started this in august. It's time for me to really get on the ball. I am not changing my ticker today, I will hope for a better day on Tue. I don't know how all of you stay so comitted all of the time.

    Planning is key so here is my plan for tomorrow.
    1: coffee w/creamer, light soy milk & raisin bran
    2: orange
    3: Lean cusine turkey
    4: banana & natural peanut butter
    5: chili
    6: popcorn

    Exercise: shred dvd
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    wow everyone has done so good (haven't they shanell?) i am so proud of y'all:flowerforyou:
    new pics are great. everyone is changing....looking good.....
    yes, it was alot of food. anyone want leftovers???
    thanks so much for the great comments guys.

    well, iam coming clean. ate yesterday and today. went to shanells tonight and drank. haven't drank in years. a big glass of one and than another of a different one. i ended with diet dr. pepper. today is the first time i haven't writen down what i ate. it feels strange, yet freeing.....we did go to the gym as she said.

    well, tired, so good night.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks Deb, self-esteem is such a work-in-progress, isn't it! I really appreciate your encouragement and thoughtful words! :flowerforyou: I've been slipping up way too regularly for the last couple of months really, and I need to take this more seriously again. We can do it! :bigsmile:

    Cathy, fessing up and moving on is the right choice! And we balance life, right? :happy:

    Kristin, I meant to add what a great new picture that is! Adorable :smile:

    I have a really fun day lined up for tomorrow!!! I get my big work out in the morning (1h 15m aerobics and strength class then my C25K plus biking there and back) while Ava and Leith have dance class. Then Ava and I are going out for lunch, just the two of us, and going to see the Alberta Ballet's performance of the Nutcracker. She's got a new dress to wear... so fun! I got her the tickets for her birthday because we haven't had a good Mama-Daughter date in a while! I'm looking SO forward to the whole day. Should be fabulous :heart: I just hope Leith has a fun time with his daddy - I don't know if they'll be able to go to the park or anything... Kyle is still pretty sore. They'll find a way :smile:
    So here are my meals for tomorrow:

    1: egg whites, salsa & skim milk cheese on sodium-free Ezekiel toast, 1 cup OJ
    2: 1 hard-boiled egg (after workout)
    3: almond burger w/ peanut sauce at the restaurant Ava and I will go to (THANKS big morning work-out!!)
    4: 1 apple & chocolate protein shake made w/ 1 cup skim milk
    5: left-overs from today: bean, lentil, chicken & vegetable stew concoction (I am going to try to formulate a recipe - it was a total make-as-you-go creation and it was absolutely delicious!)
    6: 1/2 banana with 1 tbsp almond butter

    I hope I do as well as today - not a single morsel out of place! Another tactic I'm going to try with myself to curb this FRUSTRATING "a few days on a few days off" garbage is starting fresh each day not only when I've slipped up but most importantly when I have had a "gold star" day like today. Today's success won't matter at all if I bomb tomorrow!

    Off to fold laundry now... I hope everyone has a great weekend!! I'll check in late tomorrow if I can :bigsmile:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    mornin' ladies....
    rainy and bluh today here. suppose to rain all day. DH brought in the Christmas stuff yesterday while i was at the gym. so plan is to finish putting that up and wrapping a few gifts i already have. now i don't have to find a place to hide them. just plan on staying home.

    i agree pedal ""no more on/off days"" almost like yo-yo dieting. we aren't doing that we are changing our lifestyle. i guess this is part of the learning. i just need to learn that life can be enjoyed sometimes and not let it continue to an everyday way.
    pedal....enjoy your day with ava.

    well, time to get dressed and start getting this stuff put up so i can put the crates back out in the shed.

    back later, cathy
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi ladies!!

    Wow! how much I miss when I'm not online for one day!!! I'm back at my mom's after being at my grandparents for a couple days and unfortunately can't report the best news. I definitely overate too but hopefully will get back on track, especially when I go home on Sunday. I'm not going to weigh in until Tuesday because I don't think I'm getting accurate readings from scales here that I would at my own house.

    New pics look great everyone!! Sorry I can't read all personals right now, I promise when I get back on Sunday I will be back in full force. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey girls! Not much time to catch up! Yesterday was okay...we ended up having a dinner at noon and then ordered pizza later in the even FEEL heavier today. But I got up this morning and went to a great spinning class. The rest of the day I'll be out and about with my brother and sister. So, should be okay. I'll check back later today or tomorrow!

    Have a great Saturday!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hey Kristen, You are off to spinning class to burn off all of those pizza calories, so don't worry about it. You're doing great.

    Pedal, cathy, Amy and anyone else who feels they slacked off over the last few days. That is exactly why we need eachother. We know how hard it can get doing this without all of our girl power! The holidays are always a big challenge, not to mention life just gets in the way sometimes too. At first it feels good to fall back into the old habits of not tracking calories, skipping exercising, and enjoying those special foods we don't get to have all year long. Eventually it will catch up and won't feel good anymore; the clothes won't fit, we won't have energy, we will not feel good. We need to learn to juggle all of these things and get eachother back on track sooner rather than later. Hope this helped. :flowerforyou:

    I'm working on drinking my water right now, I'm at about 3 cups so far. I got my exercise in for today and have stayed with my plan for the day so far. I am also thinking about my plan for tomorrow. What are you doing to get back on track?

    Have a great day ladies. You have all come so far and I think your awesome!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I got up this morning and went to a step class at 8 this morning. It felt good. The gym was closed Thursday and Friday. They are going to be closed 3 days at Xmas. I hate that. My gym is actually the rec center here in town. It is just as good as a gym and cheaper. So Jan 1st they are having a 5K run and walk. I think I will do it. I will have to walk about 90% of it though but it will be my first time doing a 5K and I think a great way to start off the new year. Tomorrow is the last day of the Fall Fitness Challenge they have had going since the beginning of October. For every 30 minutes of exercise we get 1 point. You can get up to 6 points in a week and you have to get 45 points I think it was to get a tshirt. I know its not much but I worked hard for my 45 points. The challenge was actually fun and motivating. I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    you are so right deb....we just need to regroup now and not wait until next tues or when ever. i have regrouped today. went out for lunch (tried new place) and when tummy said full i stopped and got a to go box. i did always have everyone in the back of my mind, that helped me not to totaly pig out. which i would have done. would have ended up in the bathroom most of the time.
    just thought of something while i was cleaning today. i have my recumbant bike sitting in the little foyer (cause of son being in the spare room) and from there i can see the tv. why don't i just get on it and pedal for awhile while watching tv. duhhhh. so i will do that today. at least it will keep me moving and burn a few extra cals. i will wear my HRM to see what it would be for 30 mins. i am not talking about going all out, just pedal.
    well, off to finish up some cleaning and rest.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Good Afternoon Everyone,

    I"m sorry I haven't typed in a couple of days but I don't have a personal computer. I've been catching up on post and I have to say that you ladies are great motivators. i decided to log on today because I was feeling fat and yucky like Rhiannon except it wasn't my abs it was my thighs and arms. I got upset because I was having a discussion with soem of my family members on Thanksgiving that spilled over into today that reminded me of how fat I was. I also saw a picture of myself at a time that I didn't think I was that heavy but I look Huuuuuuge to myself and I'm wondering how Huuuuuge I look now cause I know I'm heavier than 2 years ago.

    Reading your post helped me snap back into reality and I reminded myself not to reflect on the past but to keep pushing forward.

    I forgot who's post this was but I think that rewarding yoursel at every goal is a great motivation.
    Thanks to who ever this is...sorrry::smooched:

    180lbs by 12/16/08...New Hair Color!! White Blonde Baby!!
    175lbs by 1/1/09...New Workout DVD's
    160lbs by 2/15/09...New iPod Shuffle!
    150lbs by 3/18/09...Night out with the Girls...

    I have been reading your post and I meant to ask last challenge but what is C25k?
    i have not done so well this week. I let my emotions control my eating habits. BUT I PROMISE I WILL BE BETTER THIS WEEK!!!

    My goals for this week are
    1. write down my menu and post it on construction paper to keep myself accountable
    2. read and type on the thread daily
    3. to do cardio twice a day starting Mon.
    4. drink 10 glasses of water a day

    Thank you for listening!
    Keep pushing:happy: :happy:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning sixers. How is everyone doing this weekend? I've been doing. I went to the gym with mom on Friday and my tummy muscles are still hurting today. Plus, my arm muscles are a little sore. That trip to they gym sure made me miss it. I had a membership to a ladies only gym, but it had shut down earlier this year, so I cancelled my membership, because the gym they were sending people to was to far out of my way and this one was right in front of my neighborhood. I wish I could afford it and me and hubby could do it together. That would be fun. Oh well, I'll just have to do my best at home.

    Don't have any foods planned for today. I'm not good at planning, but will try to get better. I'm still wanting to get under 200 by New Year's. I am so close I can see it.

    Well, just wanted to pop in and say hi. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.
    :flowerforyou: Shanell
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good MOrning everyone,
    My knee is sore but not as sore as yesterday. I think when I went walking/jogging on Friday I may have stretched it out to much or something I dont know. I had heat on it yesterday after I got home from my step class. I am going to the gym no matter what today . I dont want anything to interfere with it. I will just maybe do the elliptical and stay away from the treadmill then. My hubby bought me a Polar F6 for xmas. I just have to wait until I get it in the mail. I have a strapless HRM right now and I love having one and seeing my calorie burn. I think having one with a contunuios heart rate will be so much better now. I am going to wear it one night just to see how much I burn while sleeping.

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Ladies! I hope that everyone is having a good weekend. I think I am going to rest from fitness today. Maybe just one dvd or treadmill.

    Take care! :flowerforyou:
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hey everyone! Checking in. I did fairly well yesterday ... was out shopping all day so didn't eat a whole lot in between meals! Always a plus. Then dinner came ... and let's just say ... I can't wait to go back to school because my family does not like to eat healthy or keep healthy food in the house no matter how much I ask them to. :grumble: They know that if they cook cheeseburgers I can't possibly eat just one. I did walk around a ton yesterday and only ate a grapefruit for lunch though so I'm not beating myself up over it too much. Today is a new day. Don't have a plan for the meals yet.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Once I get back to school I should be able to check in every day instead of every other or so.

    And the rewarding thing is a great plan. I'm gonna think of things and add them to my next post.

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning! Well, my spirits are still high despite having weighed in this morning and seeing 175.8 :noway: It MUST be muscular water-retention or something because I have definitely not gone over cals and have been really good with everything. Funny though, when I was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready (another impromptu and delicious dish of sweet quinoa porridge) I was thinking 'well, it's not the choices I'm making because I've done really well the last few days in particular and even if this does stick for a few days, the only way to see progress is to keep on truckin'. Knowing that I'm making good choices makes seeing a little gain so much easier to stomach because there's no reason for me to beat myself up. That mindset feels like progress!

    I was going to do my usual Sunday morning at the gym (C25K then step class) but yesterday during my 1h45m session I was feeling really depleted and this morning I have to listen to my body and not my mind - I was really excited to go today (I even loaded my iPod up with new tunes last night!) but my body is begging me for a rest. So I think I'll do something gentle like just a walk or something to keep the blood circulating to my tissues and call it a rest day. I have a busy week of work-outs anyway. I'll just have to re-do my menu to cut the 400 cals I was planning on burning :wink:

    Shanell, that must be so frustrating about the gym. It's great when you've got a gym you really like and it must have been such a bummer when it closed! Great that you had a good work-out with your Mom though!

    Tamm, enjoy your rest day!

    Connie, I hope you take it easy on your knees. Please listen to your body and don't push it... better to have to rest for 1-3 days than to sustain an injury and be out for a couple of weeks or more!

    tjones, the C25K is a very gradual running program designed to get people off the couch and progress to running 5k. You can google it and get the schedule :happy: I had really wimpy knees and this has helped me pace myself rather than going too hard too soon and getting injured.

    Cathy, yay for regrouping! We are all making amazing over-all progress and good for you for finding extra ways of getting some exercise in! How did the bike go?

    Deb, thanks for your great words again! It really is important to remember that we can make better choices NOW and not think about the weigh-ins as much. I think it's a little too easy to think 'well, I've screwed up this weigh-in so what's one more slice of cheese' (or whatever the case may be).

    Kristin, how was the day with your brother and sister? Fun I'll bet :bigsmile:

    Amy, AmyLou, Allie, Cass, Lauryn, Robin... I hope you're all having a great weekend!

    I am so grateful for you guys and the support and motivation you offer!! The software on this site is amazing but it's half the battle for me... you guys are absolutely an essential ingredient to my success!
    Have a great one ladies :flowerforyou:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good morning-afternoon Ladies,

    Connie, I love my polar 6, it is a great motivator. Too bad you have to wait til Christmas. I like your attitude about going to the gym & nothing is going to interfere.

    Tamm, If resting from fitness is just 1 dvd or the tredmill- you are really doing good at your fitness. Enjoy your break, you know if your body needs it.

    Hey Shanell, planning the food is time consuming and gets to be a pain in the A**, but it really is what works for me.

    Tjones, It's kind of weird how Thanksgiving and family time can be hard & enjoyable at the same time. I felt that way about this year more than ever, but I am not wasting my time dwelling on it. Let's just focus on the future. We can do it. The C25K is a website about running, I want to check it out but have not had time yet. I will have to look through the posts from last challange to find the site for you. No time today, tomorrow, or maybe even this week though. I will get a break after the 8th and if you remind me then I will find it.

    I have exercised on the tredmill today already, am working on drinking my water (only at 2 cups), have a food plan in place for today and tomorrow. Remember ladies weigh in is right around the corner. Let's all get back on track together. I have a recipe for dessert that looks healthy & easy, but I don't know the calorie content. I have not tried it yet, but will go to the store this week to get nectarines & try to find the greek yougert.

    • Cook Time 10 min Level Easy Yield 4 servings
    10 min
    15 min
    • 4 nectarines, pitted and cut into 8ths
    • 4 tablespoon honey, plus more for drizzling
    • 1 cup Greek yogurt
    Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
    Core the nectarines and cut into 8ths. Take 4 (12-inch) pieces of foil and divide the nectarines in the middle of each foil sheet. Drizzle the nectarines with the honey and fold foil over creating a packet. Place packets on a baking sheet and in the oven for 10 minutes. Once nectarines are soft remove the nectarines from the packet. Serve on a 4 plates and top with 1/4 cup Greek yogurt. Drizzle with honey and serve.

    1; Oatmeal, coffee w/ creamer (Double today)
    2: Bran muffin & skim milk
    3: Lean cusine & orange
    4: popcorn
    5: pasta W/ chicken breast, mixed veggies, & bountifuls dressing
    6: skim milk & biscotti

    Have a great day everyone:happy: