Midsummer Meltdown - 4/25 thru 6/21



  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Checking in: Exercise done, water a work in progress. Had a great day at work, but still find it very challenging to drink while working.

    I'm ready to see what happens at tomorrows weigh in, good luck to everybody.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Wow, I can't believe the first week is ending already! I've stayed on track with my exercise, although I did really have to force myself through it today! I've got at least 8 cups of water each day and I think 10 on most.

    I can't wait to see the next week's challenge, this is really helping me keep on track. Thanks everyone!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Yesterday was a day of two halves for me. As i said i went out for my walk to avoid the wedding. Walked 8-9 miles in the freezing rain. Lets just say i'm stubborn and dont really know the meaning of the word common sense. :bigsmile: When i eventually got home, dripping wet and actually shaking, my mother practically force fed me pizza. She'd cooked it and god forbid you should refuse food she put effort into. (even if that effort is taking it out of the packet and putting it in the oven) It just really annoys me no one eats the food i make from scratch...:explode:

    I don't even want to know what the salt content of that was.
    Sorry for the ranting, today has been a better day though, i'm more in control.

    you think maybe you can have a heart-to-heart with your mom about your need to take care of yourself, body and needs? Maybe if she hears you say what she CAN do to support you, her daughter who she loves more than anything in the whole wide world, she'll get it. Another option is to get your Dr involved. I'm assuming here that your Dr believes it's healthy for you to lose weight, and maybe your Dr can talk with your mom about why it's medically important for you to get healthy and what your mama can do to be a help to you?

    Good luck, sometimes our families who just want the best for us, don't quite know how to be the most help as opposed to hinderance

    Thanks for the advice. Yeah my Doctor want's me to loose weight so does my rheumatologist...Mum and me have never had a very close relationship i was always a daddy's girl. She's always 'tried' to loose weight and because she always give in she tries to drag my sister and me down with her.

    Failed to get all the water in today but managed to get 44 mins of exercise and 8 cups of water.

    It's so hard when you're loved ones aren't on-board, I know I've been there. But take comfort in knowing you have all of these beautiful people to support you. Keep the battles with your mom to a minimum by eating just tiny amounts of the food she makes for you so you don't crush her heart, then fill up on healthy stuff. Balance, balance, balance. Friend any and of us that you want, we'll be here for you through thick and thin! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Well I've had a pretty good weekend overall. Got in all my exercise, didn't stray too much on the food front, and I've even managed to keep up on the water!

    On the exercise front I've decided today I'm going to sign up for a 10k run on Memorial Day (the Bolder Boulder for anyone around here). I've never done a race before, but I do normally run for exercise. The race seems so daunting for some reason! There's something about that set start and finish that makes the distance seem impossible. Well, at any rate if anyone has any first time race tips please share! I guess I should start some type of trainig although I honestly don't really know where to start except go out and run-so I guess that's what I'll be doing for the next 4 weeks!

    you're not just in anywhere's-ville, CO, but you're in BOULDER???? ME TOO!!!!!!! Ran the Bolder Boulder for the first time nearly 3 years ago, as the BB and I turned 30 on the same day. I wasn't planning on running this year, as we are not turning 33 on the same day and I'm just not there physically yet. Looking toward next year though
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    3rd post in a row = I've been out of this thread for too long (you miss one day around here and there's so much to catch up on!). Lovin' the good vibe around here and people's courage to admit their shortcomings and struggles . I have found that sharing these kinds of things in the challenge forum really helps me when I'm struggling.

    Here's my deets for the week:
    exercise: 5/7 - already walked for 15 mins, about to do my workout with my neighbor of about 30 minutes, and will have my 5th for the week
    water: 7/7 water is easy for me since I live in a dry climate at a high altitude (you can't live around where without massive amounts of water. but I realized that I had slacked off of water for a bit and when I pushed it back up for this challenge, the lbs started melting away again. Hello water, good bye plateau!:drinker:

    Things are looking good for a big number (for me) for weigh-in tomorrow. I almost never have more than a 1lbs loss/week and if things go the way they looked before the weekend, I'm gonna be on cloud 9 tomorrow morning.

    Ailene - thanks for a great challenge this week. It was an awesome way to start us off strong! Catie - looking forward to your challenge this week. I know it'll be a good one!
  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    Monday----Workout out complete!!! All 87 min of back and chest from the p90x series!! I actually got all my water in today also!!! Great day today just hope tomorrows is just as good!!!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    *****CHALLENGE FOR WEEK 2 (5/3-5/10)*****

    OK, guys, I hope those of you from the last challenge don't mind that I'm recycling some of this. It's been a while, and I think they're good ones. :wink:

    For the food challenge, try to prepare all of your meals at home this week - no eating out or grabbing food on the go. I find that when I'm able to do this, I'm much more aware of what's going into my body and how many calories I'm consuming. I know that many people work, but that doesn't mean you can't pack a meal or two and bring them with you.

    As far as exercise is concerned, incorporate weight/strength training into your exercise routine this week. Whether that's actual weights, sit-ups, push-ups, resistance training, whatever, mix it up a little and work on something other than cardio.

    I hope everyone likes that! Let's kick next week's butt!!

    *****CHALLENGE FOR WEEK 2 (5/3-5/10)*****
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    Catie! You're killing me! LOL. I work in sales and my boss actually requires us to have lunch appointments. :sad: I will eat in on my personal time though!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Wow--all food at home!! I'd better get shopping...

    This is actually going to be rough since I already have several things going on that involve meals (isn't it amazing how often people get together and eat?), but this isn't about being perfect, just trying to improve!

    Thanks for the new challenge. I can't wait to see my weight (woo boy, I must be tired!!)

    Good luck to everyone--think light thoughts.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I got out in the yard to do 40 minutes of exercise today, walking and carrying a weighty fertilizer/moss killer spreader with my left arm. Water is almost done for today.

    Catie, those are two great challenges! I don't usually go out to eat (yesterday was a big treat) and I always take my dinner to work (hospital cafeteria is too expensive with not enough healthy options for low carb eating) so I should be able to make the food challenge easily. My recent exercise has been yard work, so that nearly always includes an element of strength training.
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    i think this will be a good challenge.. I definetly need to add some strength training ..
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Great great great challenges Catie! I feel like we've been going out too much, it was so like that all weekend with kids here, McDonalds and pizza. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow and that is perfect. Need to get back into the clean eating for sure.
    And I need to work on strength training, I don't want to lose these newly found muscles! Walking with Leslie starts again tomorrow!
    Good luck tomorrow everyone! Not sure how I'll do after this crazy weekend but if I didn't do good, it's a new week and I'm getting back into my routine more than ever! This seems like our biggest thread yet, so many postings! I hope we all keep our momentum and continue to talk about our struggles and triumphs!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    The new challenges look really good. I really do need to start adding some strength building exercises!
    Ok it looks like i'm going to be the first to weigh in.
    SW 257
    CW 256
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Oh Great challenges! I hardly ever eat out and this week I have a work meal for my partner and my son's birthday! Will be eating sensibly anyway.

    Will weigh in the morning - Wednesday my time but hate weighing late in the day :)
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    hi guys
    26/04/11 sw 179.8lb gw 169lb
    03/04/11 cw 181.4lb
    doh!!! gain 1.6lb

    damn long weekends away and royal weddings it all started with cream teas and pimms on friday and went down hill from there ending in a fry up for breakfast and mixgrill for tea yesterday.
    cant believe im back in the 180s it really is time i got my mojo back i need a few killer weeks.

    love the challenges thanks catie

    you guys have all been doing so fab keep it up guys.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Morning guys! Hope everyone is doing well!

    SW 287.6
    CW 284.6


    I was doing not so great for a a week but I'm back on track now!! Bring on a challenge!
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    SW 186
    CW 151.5
    GW 148
    I like this weeks challenges... we don't eat out alot and I incorporate circuit training alot in my workout.
  • leslieanna15

    Not as drastic as I would like, but hopefully not eating out will pull me out of this slump!! I also gave up diet drinks last week, so I'm hoping that will make a difference. Good luck everyone :)
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Good morning,

    SW 165.8
    CW 165
    GW 155

    Down 0.8 Not the pound I was looking for, but I will take it.

    Thanks Ailene for last weeks challenge it has really helped my water consumption, and Catie, love the challenge.

    Hope everybody knocks it out of the park this week.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Good Morning
    SW 200.5
    CW 199
    GW 190
    I am going to start back to exercising next week my back is feeling better just want to make sure that i start out slow next week !