Opinions / Experiance on Low Carb, High Fat, Moderate Protein Diet

dancafc1995 Posts: 25 Member
edited November 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi guys so this is my first week at being on a Low carb mod protein high fat diet, according to the scales i have lost around 2 pounds so i know something is going correctly. I honestly do not have a lot of weight to lose as i am 19 years old, 5 foot 9, 158 pounds, im really doing this as i want to shed a bit of belly fat but also change my diet to one that i can sustain and make myself healthier in the long term. This first week has not gone to bad, i seem to be filling up a lot quick on High fat, Moderate protein and Low Carb, Before this week by the time i reached around 2000-2300 calories i would be hungry for more sweets, biscuits, that sort of thing, but now its like my body knows when it is naturally full. An example of the sorts of foods a have been eating are -
Steaks, Lean meats, Eggs, Fish such as Sardines or Tuna, Full fat mayonnaise, Peanut Butter, Almonds, Walnuts, and Vegetables and salads such as Tomatoes, Iceberg lettuce, Cucumber, Carrots, that sort of thing. Most days i try to keep my carb intake anywhere from 20g to 50g of carbs, Fat usually is around 90g - 120g a day and protein is around 150g - 180g a day. So what do you think guys? is this diet working for any of you, can you give me any tips?, i would appreciate any feedback thanks, Dan :) also my diary is open.


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    edited November 2014
    I've been at keto-level for 5 mo. (20g net carbs)
    If you have trouble, you might want to lower protein and raise fat. As in switch your protein and fat ranges. But if what you are doing right now is working for you, leave it be for awhile longer. Changes may take 2 weeks for you to get enough info to tell if the tweak is working.

    Make sure you get enough electrolytes. Your workout performance will suffer if you don't. And you will generally feel run-down.

    And remember, calories do count.

    I'm not sure whether or not your aim is just low-carb or ketosis but you might want to check out the low-carb or keto groups here. They've got some knowledgeable folks.

  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    don't get me wrong, I love nuts -

    but, I need to warn you that most nuts break down into Omega 6 fats (not the good omega 3) - so be really careful not to rely on them as a daily protein/fat source. if you do, it may be detrimental to your cholesterol readings over the long-term.

    having a meat and oil source in every meal will help with hunger, stick to healthy oils - grass fed butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil...

    noticed the lack of breakfast - is this the norm? ... if you start the day nourished, you might not need to snack on nuts so much to get you through to the other meals.

    Nothing wrong with adding in eggs, canadian bacon, real bacon and dozens of other protein and fat sources to kickstart the day and energize you.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    This type of diet isn't something I can try. I'm supposed to go low fat. But if your doctor approves, then you should stick with it! Good luck!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited November 2014
    My experience has been this: I drop a nice amount of weight...8-ish pounds...and then it all just comes to a grinding halt unless I then reduce my calories too. For me, no matter how low-carb I go, calories do still ultimately count.

    Everyone's different, though. My BIL lost something like 40 lbs. low-carbing. He gained it back when he went off the wagon, but then again, that's pretty much true of any eating plan/diet...you go off the wagon and the weight comes back.
  • dancafc1995
    dancafc1995 Posts: 25 Member
    edited November 2014
    Do you think i could remain in ketosis eating around 20g to sometimes 50g a day?. im around 160 pounds and only want to lose 3 to maybe 5 pounds. When i achieve my goal i will consistently eat around 50g carbs a day
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    well, I guess I need to ask the reason why you're interested in ketosis? Usually people think of that type of carb restriction because they have gross amounts of fat to lose. In your situation, it seems to be a bit overkill. If you take up a good weight-training routine, you'll tone and show muscles in no time, without having to go through the difficulties of keeping to such a restricted carb level.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    I also hesitate to tell anyone to eat ketosis levels unless a last resort. Take into account how many people went the Atkins diet route lost tons of weight, and then as soon as they added carbs back, the weight fell on them like crazy.

    I'm not saying low carb is bad, but when you go to the low ketosis levels, it's very difficult to come out of that type of restricted type diet and not gain. and, for a 5 lb fat loss, totally not worth that future battle.

    why not start your low carb process with 100 carbs, with no grains, and no processed foods. See how your body reacts to it - and, if you don't lose in a few weeks - then consider a stricter regimen.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    vegetables and good nutrition is your ultimate friend. the protein/fat parts are just to help with satiety and offer control mechanisms for cravings.

    Nutritious= good

    Ketosis - for someone who does not need to lose weight, (obese people) - possibly ok. It doesn't make sense to use this method if you're already close to your ideal weight...
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Do you think i could remain in ketosis eating around 20g to sometimes 50g a day?. im around 160 pounds and only want to lose 3 to maybe 5 pounds. When i achieve my goal i will consistently eat around 50g carbs a day

    It depends. Some people can but when I used to be on an LC board, it seemed like the majority had to be at 40g or under, with a fair percentage needing 25g or under to get/stay in ketosis.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    RoseyDgirl wrote: »
    I also hesitate to tell anyone to eat ketosis levels unless a last resort. Take into account how many people went the Atkins diet route lost tons of weight, and then as soon as they added carbs back, the weight fell on them like crazy.

    I'm not saying low carb is bad, but when you go to the low ketosis levels, it's very difficult to come out of that type of restricted type diet and not gain.
    and, for a 5 lb fat loss, totally not worth that future battle.

    why not start your low carb process with 100 carbs, with no grains, and no processed foods. See how your body reacts to it - and, if you don't lose in a few weeks - then consider a stricter regimen.

    That's because they are eating too many calories, not because they started eating too many carbs.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Do you think i could remain in ketosis eating around 20g to sometimes 50g a day?. im around 160 pounds and only want to lose 3 to maybe 5 pounds. When i achieve my goal i will consistently eat around 50g carbs a day

    It depends. Some people can but when I used to be on an LC board, it seemed like the majority had to be at 40g or under, with a fair percentage needing 25g or under to get/stay in ketosis.

    I agree. I don't do as well when I fluctuate my carbs too high personally. You'll have to figure your personal threshold. But that meams keeping them consistantly low for 1 to 2 weeks to get there in the first place. I don't recommend raising it until after that time.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    edited November 2014
    So what do you think guys? is this diet working for any of you, can you give me any tips?, i would appreciate any feedback thanks, Dan :) also my diary is open.

    It has worked really well for me. I've dropped about 30 pounds and am within a normal weight for my height. Recently, I did my annual labs. My doctor said she wished her other patients had the same great labs. A1C was superb. LDL/HDL/triglycerides were amazingly good. They were so solidly in the range you want to be in. I have never had triglycerides that low (60) or HDL (good cholesterol) that high or a blood sugar average that low (5.0).

    I wouldn't test right after you start keto. It takes a while for your body to stabilize on this, so test after you've been on it for several months or you'll get wacky results.

    I match my exercise intensity to how many carbs I've had. If I had too many carbs (I eat about 30 grams a day) then I up the intensity of my workout.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    I've been eating this way for years, and it's worked great for general health.
    Why is your protein so high? Unless you're a juicing pro-bodybuilder, I'm pretty sure that's not doing much for you.

  • melissagb1016
    I have heard a lot about the low-carb high-fat diet. I've hit a frustrating plateau on a general low-calorie diet while exercising 5 days a week, and I'm willing to try a different approach like this one. Any feedback on how this has gone for others would be greatly appreciated! Also, does this diet cause high cholesterol or any other issues? Thanks!
  • zSandman
    zSandman Posts: 76 Member
    I have heard a lot about the low-carb high-fat diet. I've hit a frustrating plateau on a general low-calorie diet while exercising 5 days a week, and I'm willing to try a different approach like this one. Any feedback on how this has gone for others would be greatly appreciated! Also, does this diet cause high cholesterol or any other issues? Thanks!

    And to OP as well:

    I have done 5 % carbs/ 65 % fats/ 30 % protein . It took me 3 days for my body to get into ketosis. I lasted a full 1.5 weeks lol

    Cholesterol is variable but for the most part, most people on keto say that it either decreases or says the same. A study here shows decrease : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19641727

    Keep in mind, you will be consuming foods high in HDL and low in LDL. LDL levels are what you should worry about.

    I felt lethargic, and sickly the duration of this diet. My gym performance suffered greatly without carbs, however a lot of people swear by it after the induction phase. I didn't make it that far lol.

    What I dislike is if you are used to eating carbs, which are usually dense foods, fats are not as satiating as you can consume one tablespoon of olive oil and that would be a good 200 or so calories vs a bowl of oatmeal with the same amount of calories.

    If you exercise frequently, it may be hard without carbs as they are your body's main source of energy.

    I feel like any diet can produce almost the same results without such a drastic change in lifestyle. Keto empties out your stores of glycogen which in turn decreases water weight, giving the illusion of increased weight loss.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I did it - way back when

    Lost weight easily with minimal fuss

    Put it all back on in an amazingly short time when I started to eat carbs again and then put on even more weight

    So if you're not sticking to this for life - be extremely careful when you reintroduce your carbs
  • eraser51
    eraser51 Posts: 63 Member
    well been there :)
    lost 33kg on atkins and tried nutritional ketosis for 3 months but lost nothing anymore..

    I also wrote to Tim Noakes and he said I should try a higher protein amount which I am doing now and therefore I also lowered kcal.... so seems to work :)

    try that.. "banting" can also be higher protein.. several bodybuilders said to me higher protein is better cause ketosis isnt necessary for fat loss and the body has to use fat from your body itself.. if you just feed fat externally your body will use less or nothing from itself
  • foxyplayon
    foxyplayon Posts: 9 Member
    edited December 2014
    Great to hear all your stories.

    I was very skeptical with this LCHF diet until I went on it and continually investigated its claims. I have been on it since Friday 14th November 2014. My current weight is 97.8kg down from 100kg.

    I felt very lethargic in my 2-3 weeks, sometimes called "Atkins Flu" (similar to zSandman describes). Took 4 days of training off and slept. Cramping in the stomach and constipation. One day I ate my usual diet of high carbs (hoping to improve the constipation and lethargy) and felt a little better but learnt more about the Diet, finding out that I had the "Atkins Flu" from the Atkins Diet.

    My vitals that I have been measuring have improved (yet to have regular blood analysis) including my Blood Pressure has improving low risk safe limits (128/73 HR40). I have had hypertension most of my life (sporting one at that) and have been taking meds for it for quite a long time (>10 years) due to my father also suffering the same. My BP has never been this good.

    I am a relatively very tall large active paddler training for the Australian National Dragon Boat "Auroras" team to compete in the World Championships in August 2015. My coach before I secured my selection said he wanted me to be 95kg and have a six-pack and I was only a borderline selection. For more than 6 months leading up to the 3 day intensive selection trials on the 1st November 2014 I set MFP to 93kg goal weight starting at 104kg. Followed it religiously occasionally just going over my calorie count. During the selection camp I only got to down to just over 100kgs weight. The MFP calorie in and calories out stopped working for me? This meant my body weight bench marks tests were going to be hard as testing is based on lifting your bodyweight on Pull Ups, Bench press, situps, beep test and Paddling in a TK1 adapted kayak boat. I luckily made the the team and so my target is still to get to the 93kg weight soon and to have that 6-pack.

    My doubts about the LCHF have been overcome with continuous research. I discovered that there are political reasons why the last 30 years of medical and health advice has deemed FAT the villain and the Carbohydrates as the healthy option. I have totally reversed my thinking, now with my nutrition pie chart report being dominated by villain red with a dash of blue carbohydrate. Most notable is that I don't feel the need to snack even when I am training twice a day 3 times a week and once eery other day. I have more energy and enjoy the fatty meals of scrambled eggs, bacon with all the fat, nuts, full cream milk, berries yogurt, cream, cappuccinos with a tsp of Stevia. Baked a New York Style Cheesecake for my wife's birthday, the cauliflower rice is interesting, cheese and butter on my vegetables.


    Originally saw the diet on an Australia science program called
    "Catalyst - LOW CARB DIET FAT OR FICTION" Thursday, 13 November 2014 http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/4126228.htm.

    Other resources that have cemented my thoughts and belief are


    The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance by Jeff Volek & Stephen Phinney
    zSandman - I recommend this one for you as an athlete.

    Why We Get Fat: And What to Do about It by Gary Taubes

    I Quit Sugar for Life by Sarah Wilson

    Cereal Killers http://www.cerealkillersmovie.com Highly recommended that you watch this first
    Fat Head www.fathead-­‐movie.com

    Tim Noakes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IYVIdztWWs&feature=youtu.be&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3F

    Grant Schofield http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9Ovfw7mKR0

    Gary Taubes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDneyrETR2o

    David Perlmutter “Grain Brain” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2c2Oq-­‐Pi2o

    Wiliam Davis “Wheat Belly” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbBURnqYVzw

    Jeff Volek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC1vMBRFiwE

    Peter Brukner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMuD4Z-­‐Oxys

    Peter Attia – diabetes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMhLBPPtlrY

    Robert Lustig–sugar

    Mary Vernon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaquSijXJkQ

    I need somebody to show me some resources to despute my findings as I'm quite convinced otherwise.

    Succeeding to date LCHF dieter and MFP user
  • Charlottesometimes23
    foxyplayon wrote: »
    Great to hear all your stories.

    I was very skeptical with this LCHF diet until I went on it and continually investigated its claims. I have been on it since Friday 14th November 2014. My current weight is 97.8kg down from 100kg.

    I felt very lethargic in my 2-3 weeks, sometimes called "Atkins Flu" (similar to zSandman describes). Took 4 days of training off and slept. Cramping in the stomach and constipation. One day I ate my usual diet of high carbs (hoping to improve the constipation and lethargy) and felt a little better but learnt more about the Diet, finding out that I had the "Atkins Flu" from the Atkins Diet.

    My vitals that I have been measuring have improved (yet to have regular blood analysis) including my Blood Pressure has improving low risk safe limits (128/73 HR40). I have had hypertension most of my life (sporting one at that) and have been taking meds for it for quite a long time (>10 years) due to my father also suffering the same. My BP has never been this good.

    I am a relatively very tall large active paddler training for the Australian National Dragon Boat "Auroras" team to compete in the World Championships in August 2015. My coach before I secured my selection said he wanted me to be 95kg and have a six-pack and I was only a borderline selection. For more than 6 months leading up to the 3 day intensive selection trials on the 1st November 2014 I set MFP to 93kg goal weight starting at 104kg. Followed it religiously occasionally just going over my calorie count. During the selection camp I only got to down to just over 100kgs weight. The MFP calorie in and calories out stopped working for me? This meant my body weight bench marks tests were going to be hard as testing is based on lifting your bodyweight on Pull Ups, Bench press, situps, beep test and Paddling in a TK1 adapted kayak boat. I luckily made the the team and so my target is still to get to the 93kg weight soon and to have that 6-pack.

    My doubts about the LCHF have been overcome with continuous research. I discovered that there are political reasons why the last 30 years of medical and health advice has deemed FAT the villain and the Carbohydrates as the healthy option. I have totally reversed my thinking, now with my nutrition pie chart report being dominated by villain red with a dash of blue carbohydrate. Most notable is that I don't feel the need to snack even when I am training twice a day 3 times a week and once eery other day. I have more energy and enjoy the fatty meals of scrambled eggs, bacon with all the fat, nuts, full cream milk, berries yogurt, cream, cappuccinos with a tsp of Stevia. Baked a New York Style Cheesecake for my wife's birthday, the cauliflower rice is interesting, cheese and butter on my vegetables.


    Originally saw the diet on an Australia science program called
    "Catalyst - LOW CARB DIET FAT OR FICTION" Thursday, 13 November 2014 http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/4126228.htm.

    Other resources that have cemented my thoughts and belief are


    The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance by Jeff Volek & Stephen Phinney
    zSandman - I recommend this one for you as an athlete.

    Why We Get Fat: And What to Do about It by Gary Taubes

    I Quit Sugar for Life by Sarah Wilson

    Cereal Killers http://www.cerealkillersmovie.com Highly recommended that you watch this first
    Fat Head www.fathead-­‐movie.com

    Tim Noakes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IYVIdztWWs&feature=youtu.be&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3F

    Grant Schofield http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9Ovfw7mKR0

    Gary Taubes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDneyrETR2o

    David Perlmutter “Grain Brain” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2c2Oq-­‐Pi2o

    Wiliam Davis “Wheat Belly” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbBURnqYVzw

    Jeff Volek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC1vMBRFiwE

    Peter Brukner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMuD4Z-­‐Oxys

    Peter Attia – diabetes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMhLBPPtlrY

    Robert Lustig–sugar

    Mary Vernon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaquSijXJkQ

    I need somebody to show me some resources to despute my findings as I'm quite convinced otherwise.

    Succeeding to date LCHF dieter and MFP user
    Pete Evans?

    Lol...sorry but this sounds like the stuff he peddles. Grain brain, wheat belly, I quit sugar, Lustig, etc.

    When I'm on my laptop, and not iPad, I'll post some evidence to the contrary...unless someone beats me to it.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    zSandman wrote: »
    I have heard a lot about the low-carb high-fat diet. I've hit a frustrating plateau on a general low-calorie diet while exercising 5 days a week, and I'm willing to try a different approach like this one. Any feedback on how this has gone for others would be greatly appreciated! Also, does this diet cause high cholesterol or any other issues? Thanks!

    And to OP as well:

    I have done 5 % carbs/ 65 % fats/ 30 % protein . It took me 3 days for my body to get into ketosis. I lasted a full 1.5 weeks lol

    Cholesterol is variable but for the most part, most people on keto say that it either decreases or says the same. A study here shows decrease : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19641727

    Keep in mind, you will be consuming foods high in HDL and low in LDL. LDL levels are what you should worry about.

    I felt lethargic, and sickly the duration of this diet. My gym performance suffered greatly without carbs, however a lot of people swear by it after the induction phase. I didn't make it that far lol.

    What I dislike is if you are used to eating carbs, which are usually dense foods, fats are not as satiating as you can consume one tablespoon of olive oil and that would be a good 200 or so calories vs a bowl of oatmeal with the same amount of calories.

    If you exercise frequently, it may be hard without carbs as they are your body's main source of energy.

    I feel like any diet can produce almost the same results without such a drastic change in lifestyle. Keto empties out your stores of glycogen which in turn decreases water weight, giving the illusion of increased weight loss.

    No diet is for everyone. I've lost almost 70lbs doing Keto (I would say that about 5lbs was water weight), have loads of energy, exercise 5 times a week with no difficulty, and find the food very satisfying. It has decreased pain and chronic fatigue. I struggled for 17 years trying to do less "drastic" plans (ie simple calorie counting) and continually failed. For whatever reason, my body is very happy with this drastic plan. I didn't even have enough of a Keto-flu to bother mentioning. 3 days and I felt great and started working out. I find it very sustainable. But we are all different. Low-carb wasn't for you. That's ok. That doesn't mean that it doesn't work well for others. Simple, less drastic plans work well for many, but they also fail for many. I don't think it matters how you get there, as long as it improves your health and you do get there and stay there.