women who dont shave



  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I mean imagine if women didn't shave their pleasure regions as well?! No one would mate with them - it'd be disgusting.

    I seriously don't see your point.. I'm not just talking armpit hair either, under the chin, armpits, legs, pleasure regions, the tail/lower back.. I mean this needs to be maintained and maintained well -
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm going to stop shaving, thanks to this thread.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Normal healthy psychologically stable men like women who behave femininely and imho body hair is a masculine trait - because simply men have more facial and body hair then their counterpart.. it is that simple. so if women want a normal healthy man then they can accommodate this SOCIAL NORM.
  • summer92008
    I definitely believe that if you don't want to shave and are comfortable with it, more power to you.

    HOWEVER, I personally would feel like a gross man if I didn't shave lol. I know a lot of people don't shave during the winter, but I do. I guess I just never thought about why I wouldn't shave in the colder months.

    Sure, I'm pretty much always wearing pants, but I can't stand rubbing my hand or arm against my leg and feeling hair. I shave my legs every other day and use baby oil gel on them and they stay soft all year long. I also always shave under my arms. Once again, I just see it as a necessity. I also shave...the other regions of my body on a regular basis lol.

    I just feel like if I sweat, those hairs are going to hold on to the scent that much more. I personally find it not so lovely looking, but that's just me.
  • sarahb2023
    I live in Santa Cruz, California and theres a LOT of hippie ladies who do not shave. Im totally used to seeing it and it doesnt bother me at all but personally I like smooth legs
  • ToddPa12
    ToddPa12 Posts: 61 Member
    To each their own.....not one bit bothered by it at all! Different is good!
  • maddyk91
    maddyk91 Posts: 193 Member
    chicks that don't shave are disgusting - what would you think if guys didn't shave their chest and groom their pleasure region?!

    Talk about a double standard!!

    Dont gaf what my boyfriend does with his chest and pleasure region hair.

    Ironic your name is mrtolerable

    I mean honestly I don't know if my gf would gaf either - but I respect her enough to groom myself just as she grooms herself.

    Hair is dirty and disgusting and I'd say women with unkempt body-hair would fall under the same two adjectives describing hair.

    Ill see myself out of this thread.


    Kinda over how this thread got taken over by mean-spirited haters. Im not dirty or disgusting for being a part of the female gender with no hair removal. I am a human being making choices for my body that actually have nothing to do with my hygiene. I shower, i use D.O. for any B.O., as well as perfume for fun.

  • summer92008
    rbfdac wrote: »
    To each their own, but personally, I think it's disgusting. If I let my leg hair grow for a few days for lack of time to shave, they get caught in my pants legs and pull, they rub up against the sheets and pull, if I'm sitting on the couch with shorts and my legs touch, it's scratches. Just horrible. And arm pits-- I suppose since I grew up in a generation of seeing absolutely no arm pit hair, I just find it horribly unattractive and associate it with being "manly" (blame society if you wish).

    Now men, I prefer "manscaped", but no shaving for them! I want it trimmed and kept up, but not hairless!

    This is exactly how I feel. I grew up seeing shaving as a necessity. I feel more feminine, soft, and just all around better about myself if I shave regularly.

    On the other hand, my boyfriend has a full on fluffy beard that I love, and he doesn't shave anything. There's just something about my "hairlessness" and his hairiness that I like together lol. I just feel feminine and he seems more masculine with hair; which is why I guess I want to make sure I don't have hair and he does.
  • maddyk91
    maddyk91 Posts: 193 Member
    edited December 2014
    I mean imagine if women didn't shave their pleasure regions as well?! No one would mate with them - it'd be disgusting.

    I seriously don't see your point.. I'm not just talking armpit hair either, under the chin, armpits, legs, pleasure regions, the tail/lower back.. I mean this needs to be maintained and maintained well -

    Also this is just ludicrous. For being "MrTolerable", you're pretty intolerable.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I mean imagine if women didn't shave their pleasure regions as well?! No one would mate with them - it'd be disgusting.

    I seriously don't see your point.. I'm not just talking armpit hair either, under the chin, armpits, legs, pleasure regions, the tail/lower back.. I mean this needs to be maintained and maintained well -

    Really? Because my husband and I "mate" at least four times a week and I don't shave my lady bits.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Normal healthy psychologically stable men like women who behave femininely and imho body hair is a masculine trait - because simply men have more facial and body hair then their counterpart.. it is that simple. so if women want a normal healthy man then they can accommodate this SOCIAL NORM.

    Body hair is a male trait. LOL

  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    There is something about it in my mind that makes it seem unclean to not shave, I just personally would never do it and don't find it attractive. Although hairy men are a different story.. who knows
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I love these kind of threads where if you disagree with the norm, you're the enlightened, morally correct one, and everyone else is just a stupid sheeple. Pssttt that's intolerant of you :wink:

    I shave. I'm blonde so you can't see it anyway, but I love the feel of my sheets on smooth skin.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Capt. Obvious swooping in! It all comes down to a choice. Some choose out of necessity and some have no choice. The society/culture you live in has to do with it. As Shakespeare said: To be shaved or not to be shaved that is the question.
  • Dared2Evolve
    Dared2Evolve Posts: 2,803 Member
  • maddyk91
    maddyk91 Posts: 193 Member
    I love these kind of threads where if you disagree with the norm, you're the enlightened, morally correct one, and everyone else is just a stupid sheeple. Pssttt that's intolerant of you :wink:

    I shave. I'm blonde so you can't see it anyway, but I love the feel of my sheets on smooth skin.

    Nah I get it if people thinks it is unattractive but I was more miffed at the malicious adjectives he used to describe the people who don't shave. That's where I interpret him as intolerant. :)
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I mean imagine if women didn't shave their pleasure regions as well?! No one would mate with them - it'd be disgusting.

    I seriously don't see your point.. I'm not just talking armpit hair either, under the chin, armpits, legs, pleasure regions, the tail/lower back.. I mean this needs to be maintained and maintained well -

    Really? Because my husband and I "mate" at least four times a week and I don't shave my lady bits.

    Thanks for sharing!

  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    maddyk91 wrote: »
    chicks that don't shave are disgusting - what would you think if guys didn't shave their chest and groom their pleasure region?!

    Talk about a double standard!!

    Dont gaf what my boyfriend does with his chest and pleasure region hair.

    Ironic your name is mrtolerable

    I mean honestly I don't know if my gf would gaf either - but I respect her enough to groom myself just as she grooms herself.

    Hair is dirty and disgusting and I'd say women with unkempt body-hair would fall under the same two adjectives describing hair.

    Ill see myself out of this thread.


    Kinda over how this thread got taken over by mean-spirited haters. Im not dirty or disgusting for being a part of the female gender with no hair removal. I am a human being making choices for my body that actually have nothing to do with my hygiene. I shower, i use D.O. for any B.O., as well as perfume for fun.


    it does not surprise me at all to see this thread turn into a mass of judgement and disgust

    its slightly disappointing but mfp disappoints all the time you will get use to it

    btw I also do not shave , shower daily ...but i dont wear deodorant because i dont like it ...still not gross & dirty though! :smiley:

  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    I actually like body hair on women. I also like it when people make choices about their body because it's what they prefer, and not because they feel pressured by others. Personally, I only shave when and if I feel like it. There is nothing inherently gross about body hair, and there is nothing wrong with shaving it either.