Who reads books?



  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I read about a book a week. Novels, romance, Times best sellers, old classics. I love them all and always have. I try to instill that love of books into my kids, but I dont think it is working sadly.
  • Ren0913
    Ren0913 Posts: 58
    I have always loved reading. A really early reader when I was little. And when my siblings and I were in elementary, mom would let us get as many fiction books out of the library as we wanted as long as we got one bibliography. I know that we all benefited from this. I love fictions, any kind. Mostly fantasy, adventure and thrillers. Not too big on the romance novels... I love historical fiction too. I do read non fiction from time to time, but fiction is for my pleasure reading. Really like Dean Koontz and Dan Brown. When I was in high school, it was amazing to me how many people didn't understand words that seemed simple to me, or that didn't like reading at all. I was always ahead in the books we read as well. I adore reading
    I do have a nook, but I use that mainly when I'm traveling. Also during work, I can put my regs on it which frees up a lot of space :D
    But I love a good book. I love to curl up and read it, anywhere, inside the house on a chair or in my bed, or outside in the summer, sitting on the porch, or laying in the grass ^_^ Just the thought of it makes me happy. I can't wait to go read now...
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    Those statistics are sad, but not really surprising. I work in an office with only college grads, 10 of us from 23-60. Two of us read regularly. A couple more have read one book in the last year, the rest probably don't remember the last book they read after college. I think its sad, but I've always enjoyed reading as has my entire family. (I did take a 4-5 year break after college.)

    I read in waves. I spend a lot of my spare time working around the house and I do watch a few TV shows (love DVR!), but I read a lot also. I read about 30 books a year on average. I love to read. Wife and daughter also read a lot. My 12yo daughter reads a ton of books, probably 2/week. We have two kindles which means I do most of my reading on actual books and I love the library.

    I've asked for my own Kindle for my birthday/father's day because Kindle is going to start allowing library books. So excited about that!

    Anyone else here use Goodreads? Its a website to track your books and kinda like facebook for book readers. There are groups with monthly reads and discussion and tons of user reviews. I've read several books because they were on Goodreads that I wouldn't have read otherwise.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have been addicted to reading since I was 4 years old. My mother used to nag at me that I would burn my eyes out, reading so much. I've always dragged a book around and had one or two in reserve. I have several bookshelves full of books (and authors) I can't part with. My 22yr old son reads actual books occasionally, preferring to read the 'net. My 15yr old daughter refuses to read anything at all, including cooking instructions and labels. My D5 is turning out to be very much like me....loves to read and be read to. I read to all of them growing up, interesting how different they turned out.

    My partner/spouse reads as much as I do, but his tastes are slightly different (sci-fi, fantasy).

    I use the Kindle now, because I can carry around dozens of books at once and it takes up very little space. I do have at least one printed book going, for trips to the beach/camping/hot-tub sitting.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    So what’s to blame? A shift in popular entertainment? The dominance of the screen over the printed page? Are books just less interesting than they used to be? Or are we, as a society, getting … dumber?

    What do you think?

    Part of this is just people looking back through the lens of history. People in in 50-70 may have read more, but not much more. I am an avid reader, have been for as long as I can remember. But also for as long as I remember people have been saying to me "why do you read so much or wow you read a lot of books". I believe that reading books has been slowly diminishing since the advent of radio and TV.

    As for are we getting dumber as a society, I feel that that is the same old song of "things were better when I was young. Kids were respectful, crimes was less, the world was a simpler place", which has been said by many people over many generations.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Also big fan of Dan Brown and Ken Folliett.

    Dan Brown is ok, but I love Ken Follett. Pillars of the Earth is one of my favorite books ever and resides on my "keepers" shelf.

    you've read World Without End, I assume? It was fantastic!!! Follett is wonderful. I have never loved (or hated!!!) characters so intensely.

    I read very early (Dad taught me at 2), have always loved reading, would prefer Barnes & Noble gift card to almost any gift...

    I won't think of an e-reader. I just don't like the concept, I don't want another gadget, What would I do with all my nice bookmarks!? No thanks, not for me. I don't read more than one at a a time, so the "carrying ten books" thing doesn't apply to me.

    Right now I just started Atlas Shrugged. IDK if I buy into these concepts fully, but it is a very interesting read, and one to check off the "I should have read this by now" list LOL. I'm working my way through the books I feel like I *should* read, and I alternate with what I call "candy books". For example, a candy book would be a Palahniuk, one I can rip through and enjoy quickly. A quickie.

    I found my most favorite book of all time because of the sensation that, "it's a classic, I should read it".....East of Eden. Magnificent.

    One of those stats that didn't bug me at all was the one about percentage of books read to completion.
    I have ZERO problem abandoning a book. If I make it through a good portion of the book and I'm forcing myself, and not enjoying it, I'll give it one more chapter. Then, if nothing has improved, goodbye!! I won't torture myself with it if I'm not enjoying it. I started on The Shipping News, struggled through 2/3 of it, and at this point I just do not care if he drowns in the damn bay. It's a "should read" because it won the Pulitzer, and the language is beautiful in places, but the story....meh. Goodbye Shipping News.

    One candy book I just finished was "The Help" I liked it so much, until the end. I found it to be so unlikely how everything just wrapped up in a tidy bow...I felt like the ending was SO unrealistic. I won't spoil the book for anybody, but that's NOT how it would have turned out in real life.
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    Shocking stats. I LOVE to read! I try to pace myself because I'd blow my budget on books! And I mostly buy books on my Kindle. I love that thing. You can download the next book right away on the device. No need to go to the store. You can set up a wishlist right on Amazon. It's nothing like looking at a computer screen at all. It doesn't hurt your eyes and I get sucked into the story just as easily. It weighs about the same as a paperback. You can type in notes and bookmark pages if you want to. You can also store over a thousand books on that thing! It has enhanced my reading experience. (And no one knows what book you're reading :wink: ) Don't poo poo it unless you've tried it.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I just prefer having a copy of a book that smells like new paper, being able to loan it or give it to a friend, the old-fashioned appeal of a fresh book with intact spine. I use bookmooch and paperbackswap a lot, and I couldn't do that with e-books.

    I can tell that the devices offer some nice benefits, but they don't intrigue me enough to accept the drawbacks I perceive.

    I don't hate them or anything, but I have made it very very clear to my husband, "DO NOT BUY ME THAT THING" haha just in case he gets ambitious. I just don't want one for myself.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I just prefer having a copy of a book that smells like new paper, being able to loan it or give it to a friend, the old-fashioned appeal of a fresh book with intact spine. I use bookmooch and paperbackswap a lot, and I couldn't do that with e-books.

    I can tell that the devices offer some nice benefits, but they don't intrigue me enough to accept the drawbacks I perceive.

    I don't hate them or anything, but I have made it very very clear to my husband, "DO NOT BUY ME THAT THING" haha just in case he gets ambitious. I just don't want one for myself.

    Agreed! I like to turn pages. I also buy all my books at thrift store for about $2 or less. My mom always wants me to read these great books but they are on her Kindle so she can't loan them to me. What good does that do me?!