everyone who needs to loose 50 or more pounds



  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    count me in :drinker:
  • Kateeliz
    Kateeliz Posts: 147 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm in!!

    And I like the check in idea!! But I will only be checking in every two weeks, the scale depresses me :laugh:
    I am concentrating more on how I feel, and my measurements :wink:

    Anyway.. my short term goal is just to look and feel better by March, my husband is deployed for a year, I haven't seen him in 6 months, and for his R&R in March we are going to Germany and Paris for two weeks :heart:

    Long term goal: to be HEALTHY!!!

    :drinker: Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • Hi all! Count me in too please! I just joined recently and I'm down 16 and have about 140 more to go :noway: Need all the help I can get! :happy:

  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi guys! I have recenlty joined and I think I have 88 pounds to lose! I am in Australia so for us its kilograms so the pound talk confuses me!! :tongue:

    I am ust eating right at the moment, following the diary, and making sure I stay in range, nexdt on mylist is to add exercise!
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone

    Count me in this group. I plan on dropping at least 50 lbs. I am not going to say that I am losing them because I don't want to ever find them again!!! It's all about lifestyle changes for me.

    Just joined this wonderful site in November and love it and all of the support it has to offer. What great motivation to succeed in my goals. When I look into a mirror I want to see the real me that has been hiding behind those extra pounds. I am starting to see a glimpse of her and cannot wait to see more. Keep up the good work everyone....
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I need to lose 82 pounds! I've seen people who've lost 100+ pounds and they did it! It took time but they did it! I'm just as strong as they are... and so are you.

    :heart: Oh you can SO DO IT TOO!!:drinker: :bigsmile: Especially since you're motivated and want it bad...and have made the decision that you can by posting with the wording you just did!:drinker: :heart: :drinker:
    You GO GIRL!:flowerforyou:

    WHOOPS....I'm reading the thread backwards and just now saw the date this was started....

    BUT.....everything above is STILL possible for any of us.....great to see this thread pop back up on the main board:wink:
  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    Can you guys give me a little bit of a run down on what you do on a daily basis to facilitate your weightloss? I am just keeping within the calories and drinking heaps. I am also getting heaps of headaches, have had one for 3 days, just about as long as I have been on my diet, do you think this is my body reacting to no junk food?
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Can you guys give me a little bit of a run down on what you do on a daily basis to facilitate your weightloss? I am just keeping within the calories and drinking heaps. I am also getting heaps of headaches, have had one for 3 days, just about as long as I have been on my diet, do you think this is my body reacting to no junk food?

    Sounds about right! Not sure if you were a pop drinker but caffeine can sure create withdrawel symptoms related to it...headaches would certainly be one.

    Keep it up:drinker: ....those chemicals and junk from the processed foods (containing loads of Sugar/Salt, unhealthy fats) you may have been eating before cleaning up your food choices are probably leaving your system and wondering why you've given them up!:laugh:

    YAY for you for making a wonderful choice to get healthy, I'm so proud of you!:flowerforyou: .... Keep up the water like it sounds like you're making a great habit of doing and those headaches and such will soon go away!:flowerforyou:

    Well what has made my journey in weightloss/healthier lifestyle more successful has been keeping my water drinking in place, excercise, ALWAYS ALWAYS making time for it FIRST (meaning allowing myself me time...really an important but often hard lesson we must all learn along the journey) and clean eating.:drinker:

    That's me in a nutshell...oh and trying HARD not to beat yourself up along the journey as we are not perfect and situations happen but the very next moment is a brand new one! :heart: Learning to trust yourself, listening to your healthy voice.....a few of the things that seem to be working for me....:drinker: :wink:
  • Tuovit
    Tuovit Posts: 10
    I need to loose 125 pounds and so far 79 more to go. I went to gym today to join the Zumba classes and doing that they gave everybody an applepie...:mad:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hey everyone, I am really thinking about joining Weight Watchers again. Maybe the face to face support is what I need. I am not saying I would leave this site, just do that as well. Are others doing that? Is it helping you? This may be kind of crazy . . . trying to get started again right before the holidays. Then again, it might be more crazy not to.

    I think starting before the holidays is the perfect time to start. If not you just might not even care about what you are eating, where as this way you will at least pay attention to what it is you are eating and then you have to make up your mind if it is worth it. I know that the holidays are tough. I have chocolate popcorn in my house right now that I am fighting against eating. Lucky Me

    That's some great advice Connie:flowerforyou: .... very true....begin this very moment to make a choice to become more aware of your surroundings...... and you will have a smoother Holiday experience with much less guilt and come January you will be well on your way

    ...doesn't mean you can't allow yourself treats..but being aware and making choices on WHAT treats you most want to put in your mouth (or in some cases on your body aka over indulgences...hee hee) is a biggee!

    Everyday we make decisions, tough ones, easier ones....be it food, family decisions, work decisions...something is always gonna come up...

    Getting in control of your food intake can make everything else in life a wee bit easier to handle as it comes along......we're more clear thinking and can create better choices in our life:flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I need to loose 125 pounds and so far 79 more to go. I went to gym today to join the Zumba classes and doing that they gave everybody an applepie...:mad:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter

    OMG!! lol Sounds like some strange choice game they might toss in on Biggest Loser Show:huh:

    Sorry that happened...I've now taken Zumba and used to enjoy watching the classes before I did, never did I see any apple pies....:laugh:

    Funny what some places do to keep their members coming back....AHHHAHAH....I'm only teasing....I have no clue what they were thinking....but it is a lil bit odd.:huh: :wink:
  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you so much for your advice fitness chick, putting myself first has been soemthing I have never done, especially now as a mother and working full time, I don't get a lot of me time, but my daughter is now of the age (4) that she can ride her bike along side me if she wants to!
  • ladyhawk
    ladyhawk Posts: 101

    I am 52 and need to lose 50lbs. I sure hope there is an over 50 group. It can be so much harder for our age group because everything slows down and makes it a bit more difficult.
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Yes, speaking from a personal perspective, I would agree about it being more difficult to take the weight off as we age. Having said that though I have found MFP to be an absolute saving grace. It has never been so easy for me to keep track of my food, exercise, weight and measurements. The message boards are very informative and the support system incredible. For all of us in the over 50 crowd...we can do it!!!!
  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    Well we are having our work christmas party today, so I plan to relax and go for a big long hard walk tonight, hopefully with a little running thrown in.
  • sumer_13
    sumer_13 Posts: 81 Member
    Good morning everyone....a newbie here...fitness chick you are so amazing....i sent you a email.i hope you didnt mind...I had lost 89 lbs and reached my goal in 2005 with DrPHil uwls plan...and kept it off for over a y ear .....well iam sitting here with 160 is m y what he calls my get realy weight ....i want to be 10 lbs below..which is 150 for goal.i w eight 209 now!! more than when i first joined.......I started to track my food and workouts..and stopped...then i recieved a email for my fitness pal telling me i havent been tracting ! ya!! so here iam going to get it right.I have no problem working out.......it is just iam flat lineing so to speak.....just gaining or sts..lose 2lb yoyo!!it has to stop....I need to do this for me!! no one else just me!! health , selfesteem,,,,,i need to get me back...thank you for hearing me out.....I just did not know where to go on the board.....thanks again and have a gr eat su nday

    Peace LINda
  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    So how is everyone? I am struggling right now, I have major sweet craving! Its weigh in day tomorrow so I won't indulge!!!
  • ACastle1
    ACastle1 Posts: 101
    I have 95 more lbs. to lose. Just fell off the wagon for a week but am getting back on track now.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Oops double post
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I have 57 to go....do you have an official weigh in day or something?
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