Lose 5 pounds in December Open Group



  • Truittmark84
    Truittmark84 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey, I got an idea. Don't start a motivation and support group aimed at losing weight and then quit halfway through the month.

    Just saying. This group is not about staying the same weight. It is about losing weight. If you want to start another group do so. If not, please stop discouraging others from attaining their goals. You know, the ones that are committed.

    To you Falcon, you could easily still hit your goal, you have 2 weeks to lose 5 lbs. At your weight you could do it.
  • Kettle_Belle14
    Kettle_Belle14 Posts: 246 Member
    Last month I made goal, so why not :D ?

    SW: 162
    CW: 141.4
    GW: 136

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month 12/01: 141.4
    12/06 Sat: 139.2
    12/13 Sat: 138.0
    12/20 Sat:
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday):

    Total weight lost:

    2 more pounds to go!!! :D

  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Hey, I got an idea. Don't start a motivation and support group aimed at losing weight and then quit halfway through the month.

    Just saying. This group is not about staying the same weight. It is about losing weight. If you want to start another group do so. If not, please stop discouraging others from attaining their goals. You know, the ones that are committed.

    To you Falcon, you could easily still hit your goal, you have 2 weeks to lose 5 lbs. At your weight you could do it.

    So far allot of people have already stated they are struggling. I think Falcon's idea is to encourage those who are struggling to at least maintain their weight instead of giving up and gain weight through out the holiday season.

    No the group is to lose 5lbs in one month, which is not honestly possible for everyone here. Some people might make 2.5lbs for the month and some could make 10lbs, we are all at different points here. I want to see people's goal be less about the scale and more about keeping on trying and reevaluate eating and exercise when goals are not being meet. The only true failure is never trying again.
    Falcon wrote: »
    It's getting hard to resist everything, that's why I plan to visit the gym a couple of times this week, if not three to four to have some intense workouts.

    I dropped three pounds (of waste. Yes it was waste and excess water weight) yesterday just in time for the Church dinner. Now I'm sitting back at 287 this morning. I know if I have some intense workouts over the next couple of days will definately help keep things from sliding. I can pick up my regular routine inbetween and after the holidays are done.

    Well I weigh in daily. My weight fluctuates from my low up towards 3 pounds and back again. I do full diet breaks every 8-9 weeks and they happen to be planned over events and holidays so far. This helps me from feeling deprived during those times, among other things.
    The best advice I can give to anyone, is figure out your maintenance cals and just do not go over those (daily or weekly avg) when you are struggling. Working out is great, but the biggest part of weight loss is the eating. You can not out work a bad diet. However keep working out, I know for me, it helps me feel better.

    My motto, keep moving forward. Everyone can do it!!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    edited December 2014
    Falcon wrote: »
    It's getting hard to resist everything, that's why I plan to visit the gym a couple of times this week, if not three to four to have some intense workouts.

    I dropped three pounds (of waste. Yes it was waste and excess water weight) yesterday just in time for the Church dinner. Now I'm sitting back at 287 this morning. I know if I have some intense workouts over the next couple of days will definately help keep things from sliding. I can pick up my regular routine inbetween and after the holidays are done.

    Well I weigh in daily. My weight fluctuates from my low up towards 3 pounds and back again. I do full diet breaks every 8-9 weeks and they happen to be planned over events and holidays so far. This helps me from feeling deprived during those times, among other things.
    The best advice I can give to anyone, is figure out your maintenance cals and just do not go over those (daily or weekly avg) when you are struggling. Working out is great, but the biggest part of weight loss is the eating. You can not out work a bad diet. However keep working out, I know for me, it helps me feel better.

    My motto, keep moving forward. Everyone can do it!! [/quote]

    Christmas dinners are impossible to not go over the maintenance cals. I say it's worth it. You can always make up for it the next couple of days.

    I'm at the point where I need a bit of a break right now anyways. I've been going steady since the end of May. I had a nice intense workout tonight. It feels like I'm not slowing down in that area at all and this is usually the time I would so. I'm more determined this time.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    SW: 194.4 at the beginning of this month
    CW: 190.4
    GW: 187 by the end of the month

    I had to buy three new outfits and I am NOT happy. The outfits are beautiful, but too big!No time like the present.
    I am working out while cutting calories, so I know it will go slower because I lift free weights kind of heavy and I have to eat enough so I don't feel yucky. Plus I am so sore, I KNOW I am holding water for damage repair. My shape is pretty good, just too ample right now....
    So far so good Penny! You don't have a lot to lose, so it may go slow for you as well, so don't give up!
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 237.5
    CW: (Current weight) 205.9
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 199.9

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (12/01 Monday): 205.9
    12/06 Sat: 205.2
    12/13 Sat: 203.5
    12/20 Sat:
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday

    Total weight loss: 2.4
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    SW: 161lbs
    CW: 138 lbs (as of 12/01)
    GW: 135 lbs

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (11/01 Monday): 138 lbs
    12/06 Sat: 137.4 lbs
    12/13 Sat: 137.4 lbs (Actually weigh-in: Tue 12/16)
    12/20 Sat:
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday):

    Total weight lost: 0.6 lbs

    No change from last week. But...it was TOM (hence, the late weigh-in, I don't weigh in during that time, ever), so I count NO BLOAT as a win. We shall see what Saturday brings.
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    SW: 180.1 pounds
    CW: 144.5 pounds
    GW: 140 pounds

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of month (Mon) 1/12: 144.5 pounds
    Sat 6/12: 144 pounds
    Sat 13/12: 145.4
    Sat 20/12:
    Sat 27/12:

    End of Month Wed 31/12:
    (total pounds):
  • Truittmark84
    Truittmark84 Posts: 25 Member
    My point was that the goal of this specific group is to lose 5 lbs in December. Halfway through the month, someone says, "Hey, let's not lose weight this month. Let's just maintain weight this month." I come to this group specifically to see my success and others success for my motivation. Do some struggle? Yes. I'm ok with struggle. Admit failure and move on. Don't accept failure for the entire month.

    Falcon, Your statement is that you plan to overeat for holiday meals. Overeating is fine. Its hard for me to eat more than 2000 calories in one meal, unless im gorging myself. If you cap out at 2000 calories in one meal and dont eat anything else that day you should still be losing weight (barring other issues that I dont know about) I managed to eat my fill at Thanksgiving (twice) and still lose weight. Don't say its not possible to do. Instead do it. I understand you weigh daily. I also weigh daily to log weekly. So I understand the frustration of a day or two of plateau, but stay under your calories and exercise and the weight will come off. Nothing but love for ya, just trying to give you another perspective.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Nobody accepted failure for the entire month. If you can at least maintain your weight during a tough time, you have exceed at that. Some many gain weight during this time and fall off the wagon.
    Lets not keep singling anyone out and keep this about how much weight we have lost during the week. Keep up encouraging others without the debate of what they should be doing. We are all here to lose weight this month with different goals and ideas on how to do so.
    So putting this aside..........
    We have 3-4 days till Sat. Keep up the good work everyone. Keep focused on your goals. Remember your reasons to lose weight when faced with a tough time and march on!!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I know it wasn't your intention but I feel like I just got singled out.

    I'm not frustrated, it was well worth it because I don't get to like that very often.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    SW: 248
    CW: 197
    GW: 192

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (12/01 Monday): 197
    12/03 Wed: 195.3
    12/10 Wed: 197.3
    12/17 Wed: 195.5
    12/24 Wed:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday):

    Total weight lost: 1.5 pounds
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Theres a party tonight, food and bowling :D can't wait

    I kept my cals to a bare minimum just so I can have wriggle room tonight.
  • miinorawr
    miinorawr Posts: 120 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 13st 8
    CW: (Current weight) 12st 11
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 12st 6
    UGW ; 9st 7

    Start of Month (11/01 Saturday): n/a
    12/06 Sat: 12st 10
    12/13 Sat: 12st 10
    12/20 Sat: 12st 9 - woo hoo! Back on the downwards trend :D
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday):

    Total weight lost in December: 2lb :)

    Overall loss: 13lb! Almost at that first stone lost
  • weavernv
    weavernv Posts: 1,555 Member
    SW: 184
    CW: 151.6
    GW: 148

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (11/01 Saturday):
    12/06 Sat: 147.9
    12/13 Sat: 148.8
    12/20 Sat:
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday):

    Total weight lost:

  • SW: 169
    CW: 163
    GW: 155

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (11/01 Saturday): 165
    12/06 Sat: 163
    12/13 Sat: 160
    12/20 Sat:
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday)
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 237.5
    CW: (Current weight) 205.9
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 199.9

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (12/01 Monday): 205.9
    12/06 Sat: 205.2
    12/13 Sat: 203.5
    12/20 Sat: 202.6
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday

    Total Loss: 3.3
  • IndigoSue13
    IndigoSue13 Posts: 99 Member
    SW: 228
    CW: 198
    GW: 193

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month 12/01: 198
    12/06 Sat: 197
    12/13 Sat: 195.6
    12/20 Sat: 196.2
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday):

    Total weight lost:

    Well I've mostly been eating at a maintenance level this week, so it's no surprise that I didn't lose weight. It's been a stressful week, and for a few days I fell back into some old habits that I haven't done since I began this journey on 7/21. Not only didn't I lose, I gained a little. I suspect this is due to water retention (TOM). Still, I'm not happy. BUT, I'm getting back on track, and will not let stress affect my food choices for the next week! Hope everyone else has had better luck this week. :)
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 197.4 (06/02)
    CW: (Current weight) 167.8 (12/01)
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 162.8
    OGW: (Overall goal weight) 150-155

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (12/01 Monday): 167.8 (Monday was TOM so that number was a little higher than was trending for the week, but had to be honest with what showed up on the scale...LOL)
    12/06 Sat: 165.8
    12/13 Sat: 162.4 (This is somewhat abnormal...losing 5 lbs in 13 days, especially since I am so close to my goal weight. My weight stalled for several weeks then BOOM, I keep losing. My birthday is 12/16 so I may be adding a couple pounds from my birthday dinner at Maggiano's Italian Restaurant. LOL).
    12/20 Sat: 162.8 (leveling off after that sharp drop last week..still doing great)
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday):

    Total weight lost: 5.0 lbs

    Good luck everyone!
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    edited December 2014
    SW: 161lbs
    CW: 138 lbs (as of 12/01)
    GW: 135 lbs

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (11/01 Monday): 138 lbs
    12/06 Sat: 137.4 lbs
    12/13 Sat: 137.4 lbs (Actually weigh-in: Tue 12/16)
    12/20 Sat: 136.2 lbs
    12/27 Sat:
    End of Month (12/31 Wednesday):

    Total weight lost: 1.8 lbs

    I'm a slow and steady loser, so this 1+pound in less than a week is welcome. I shall see what the holiday vacation brings. Going to a ski resort, and I WILL eat all the foods (moderately). However, I will also do ALL the outdoor activities (cross-country ski, snow shoeing, general snow shenanigans with the kids). This next week is about fun activities and sharing time with extended family.

    Wishing a blessed holiday/winter season/New Year to all of MFP!