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Midsummer Meltdown - 4/25 thru 6/21



  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    My week's loss is only .8, but it is still a loss, so I'll take it.

    As for the current challenges..I already messed up on the eating out..done that tonight..lol...ooops...

    and, for the strength training, I am currently doing the ChaLEAN Extreme, so that is definitely a part of my routine :-).
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    haven't had 1/5 lb loss in 1 week since I first started, so I'm very happy about this result!
    that was supposed to be 1.5 lb loss not 1/5
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    So bummed.. I didnt lose a thing.. I ate under my calories.. I worked out.. nothing... just makes me feel like eating a Big Mac. why not??
  • stefv86
    stefv86 Posts: 60
    Lost half a pound!
    SW: 206
    CW 205.5

    Not much, but I ate Chinese yesterday, and that probably ruined me.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Great challenge this week Catie! Eating in, I can do (mostly) but what about my Sunday splurge - Thai food??? I don't wanna give it up :sad: . Weights, I can do, great idea.

    My weigh in this week, wait for it, wait for it..... no change at all. Start weight was 128. Current weight is 128. Boo Hiss. However, I did take my measurements last week AND I lost 2" from my waist and 2" from my hips. So, all this work is definitely making a difference and I'll take it. Even though I'm a slave to the scale.

    Congratulations to everyone who saw some positive changes this week! Sounds like many of us did very well and I'm thankful for this challenge and all of you peeps to keep me motivated and accountable. Yay MFP!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    So bummed.. I didnt lose a thing.. I ate under my calories.. I worked out.. nothing... just makes me feel like eating a Big Mac. why not??

    But you didn't gain, right?? So that in and of itself, is a VICTORY!! Don't eat a Big Mac...first, it will probably wreak havoc on your insides. Second, you don't REALLY want it, do you? I know it's hard...TRUST ME, I know. But you did great!! You worked out!! You stayed under calories!!! Don't let that Big Mac control you, you're stronger than a piece of processed meat!!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Lost half a pound!
    SW: 206
    CW 205.5

    Not much, but I ate Chinese yesterday, and that probably ruined me.
    Yay for a half pound!! And boo to Chinese food and all that sodium!! :explode: Water Water Water!!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Lost half a pound!
    SW: 206
    CW 205.5

    Not much, but I ate Chinese yesterday, and that probably ruined me.

    I wanted to say the exact same thing! I hope you're right, and it's the sodium from the Chinese food that prevented me from losing more. :tongue:
  • slackeyj
    slackeyj Posts: 68
    So bummed.. I didnt lose a thing.. I ate under my calories.. I worked out.. nothing... just makes me feel like eating a Big Mac. why not??

    I know it is discouraging but look on the bright side, no gains either! Must be doing something right. Some weeks its just like that. I find when I don't sleep enough, I have a much harder time losing. Drinking water usually helps me get better numbers, as well as getting enough rest. Also, if you are doing cardio try adding a little sprint here or there. Intervals will help you burn more calories long after the workout is over. Good luck!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    to those who didn't see the progress they wanted this week: cheer up, stick with it and you'll see results. I know it's hard to keep going when you don't see what you want to see, but this is about long-term change and real change, the change that counts takes time. I know that just a few weeks ago I went through the same thing - little to no loss for 3 weeks straight, then VOILA 1.5 lbs. Now I feel like I can tackle the world.

    So give it your all this week and know that no matter what the scale says, you are investing in the most important person you know - YOU and in the end you'll be a better you for it! :flowerforyou:
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    You all are such awesome motivators when people are feeling discouraged and I ♥ you for it!
    I really feel like my mojo took a nosedive when I moved, my routine totally broke up from all the chaos and the eating of fast food. I forgot how bad fast food made me feel, my body hated me and I felt horrible, and that's absolutely no joke, I don't know how I ate so much in the past and didn't think twice about it! I'm so glad to be back on track and back into the routine and I couldn't have done it without reading everyone's encouraging words!
    I just want to let everyone know that losing slowly is seriously the best way for you to learn good habits for a lifetime, so stick with it! My loss has been slow since joining MFP in January, sometimes slower than others, but I feel so much better about myself and I look at befores and afters, and what a difference a few pounds makes! So keep on keeping on, slow and steady wins the race, the tortoise and the hare, you get the picture!

    All the losses are incredible this week and I'm so proud of how far you all have come! I'm also proud of everyone who stayed the same or even gained...you are still here and that's what matters!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    ATTENTION: I think I'm going to take this week off of this challenge. I've been having such a hard time with my new workouts for the month and I need to focus on them so they don't keep me discouraged and I think having less stuff to keep track of will help. I will weigh-in though on Monday. Good luck to you all on this week's challenge!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hey, I just wanted to put this out there, because I know we have a lot of first time challenge group people. We're on 19 pages, and when we fill up 20 pages worth of posts, it will continue to a 'new thread'.

    Look for this, at the bottom of page 20, when it fills...
    < continued at this topic >
    < last part of this topic is here >

    It will actually probably be in the posting of whomever is the last person to post on that page.

    Like this: (this is a post from our last challenge)

    EPIC FAIL on the sodium today!! Killer day at work, didn't get to eat until almost 2:30, and by that time I was STARVING and grabbed a polish dog, and bun, and cheese sauce and fried onion/jalapeno straws and more cheese sauce...wahhhh wahhhhh
    BUT, I came home, jumped on the treadie and then did some weights after, so YAY for that!!
    @aab1-You'll get that, girl!! I'm far too inconsistent with my exercise to ever reach that '5 week' mark...something I am working on though happy

    Great job to everyone!!! Oh, and Jillian's 6 pack abs is KILLER, but I love it!! sad (that's me crying in pain, LOL)
    Take care heart
    Edited by LeslieRoyale on Thu 03/31/11 09:20 PM
    < continued at this topic >
    < last part of this topic is here >

    :heart: I hope that was understandable!! We don't want to lose anyone!!! :heart:
  • jennxx7285
    jennxx7285 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to join now' can I still join?! =]


    50lbs to lose =\
    I would really love some help & support ! Plz add me jennxx7285@yahoo.com

  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi Jennxx - of course you can join!! We do weekly (Tuesday thru Monday) food & exercise challenges which are posted by Monday evenings. Each Tuesday, post your current weight. I'm tracking everyone's progress and will post each week an updated list of how the group is progressing.

    With your next posting, share with us what you're setting as your 6/21 GW.

    Here's this week's challenge....
    *****CHALLENGE FOR WEEK 2 (5/3-5/10)*****

    OK, guys, I hope those of you from the last challenge don't mind that I'm recycling some of this. It's been a while, and I think they're good ones.

    For the food challenge, try to prepare all of your meals at home this week - no eating out or grabbing food on the go. I find that when I'm able to do this, I'm much more aware of what's going into my body and how many calories I'm consuming. I know that many people work, but that doesn't mean you can't pack a meal or two and bring them with you.

    As far as exercise is concerned, incorporate weight/strength training into your exercise routine this week. Whether that's actual weights, sit-ups, push-ups, resistance training, whatever, mix it up a little and work on something other than cardio.

    I hope everyone likes that! Let's kick next week's butt!!

    *****CHALLENGE FOR WEEK 2 (5/3-5/10)*****

    Welcome and Good Luck on meeting your goal!!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    OK...I'm looking for a little help from anyone that can provide it.

    In getting ready to post the first week's update, the list is going to be very long and I'm not sure what the best method will be to post it correctly. I've gotten the suggestion of using Photobucket but I've never used that website & am unsure as to how to upload an excel file to that website.

    If anyone can help me, send me an email on my MFP page. I would REALLY appreicate it!! Thanks in advance!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I got lazy last night (aka my kindle came in the mail and I decided to download and read the first book in the Hunger Game series) so i didnt get to BFBM. I did it tonight. I dont think the moves were as challenging as say the 30 day shred.. but I think thats a good thing. I had no problem getting through the circuits and my heart was PUMPING. I think the abs are a tad bit overdone (though when I have a six pack in 30 days I wont be complaining :laugh: ) It did take until the 3rd circuit for me to start getting winded (but there are 7 circuits, so plenty of time for me to feel being out of breath) and I did expect to sweat more than I did considering its probably 90* in my house. But all in all i'll stick with it. And i'm sure when I come on tomorrow i'll be whining about how much pain i'm in and how this kicked my booty....

    for now..:yawn:

  • ccounts282
    ccounts282 Posts: 2 Member
    Midsummer meltdown results from Tues 5/3/11

    SW 245.6
    CW 244.6
    GW 230.0

    Lost one pound
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I got lazy last night (aka my kindle came in the mail and I decided to download and read the first book in the Hunger Game series) so i didnt get to BFBM. I did it tonight. I dont think the moves were as challenging as say the 30 day shred.. but I think thats a good thing. I had no problem getting through the circuits and my heart was PUMPING. I think the abs are a tad bit overdone (though when I have a six pack in 30 days I wont be complaining :laugh: ) It did take until the 3rd circuit for me to start getting winded (but there are 7 circuits, so plenty of time for me to feel being out of breath) and I did expect to sweat more than I did considering its probably 90* in my house. But all in all i'll stick with it. And i'm sure when I come on tomorrow i'll be whining about how much pain i'm in and how this kicked my booty....

    for now..:yawn:


    I have JM's BFBM and I have yet to make it all the way through the workout. I'm quite fit, at least I thought I was and it's killer. I do it about 1 day or so a week (I like to mix it up), but I'm thinking I should commit to 2 days per week. My goal is to do the entire thing through without breaks in the next week. Hopefully I'll make it through alive.

    Another note: The scale was not nice to me this morning, saw a 1.5 lb increase in weight. Actually weighed more this morning than when I went to bed. How is that even possible. But I'm not letting that get me down, it's a beautiful day in Boulder, I have a dress on (which is rare to say the least) andI'm keeping a positive attitude. I know this "gain" is a fluke and in the next day or so my number will go back to normal. Just going to revel in the sundress in the sunshine and drink tons o' water! :drinker:
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    Hi all!

    Yesterday was a GREAT day for me. I ate within my calories and rocked my workout! I don't eat out a lot so I will steal the idea of trying to eat more whole foods and reduce the amount of processed stuff I eat. Like many others, I do have plans to eat out this week for mother's day. I won't lie and say I'll keep it healthy but I will try not to over indulge. I'll also be sure to hit the gym so my mother's day meal won't completely ruin all my hard work.

    I have to say I am super grateful for the challenge. Reading everyone's posts, progress and even disappointments helps keep me motivated, excited and reminds me to keep perspective. I have to say that before joining this challenge the scale had not moved in 4 weeks so I am very please with my 1st week weight loss and hope for more of the same. I think the water really helped. I've always been a water drinker but obviously I wasn't getting enough.

    Take care :flowerforyou: