SODA - Biggest addiction



  • CCecersCeci
    Yes! It's so hard. I think we need to not buy it and practice self control.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Search diet soda. Been discussed to death about 15 times. You get to see the discussion without the personal interest
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    kace_kay wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    kace_kay wrote: »
    Yea, cause correcting misinformation is such a terrible She can make whatever decision she wants and that's completely fine for me, but why not give her all the information possible so she can make an informed decision. I guess you ladies would just rather live in the dark.

    I'm sorry, I didn't see where you gave any definitive proof that it isn't unhealthy. The point I was trying to make is that there's no proof to confirm either theory.

    There's definitive proof that aspartame isn't unhealthy just based on what it is. It's a combination of two amino acids found in most sources of proteins, and found in much much higher amounts than what you see in diet soda. Also, if something is inconclusive, saying you should avoid it makes no sense. It's nearly impossible to prove that something doesn't cause cancer based on the very nature of cancer itself, so saying that we should avoid anything unless we KNOW it doesn't cause cancer is severely flawed logic.

    Studies may suggest that aspartame doesn't cause cancer, but are there any in depth studies about any other side effects? What about the other *kitten* that is in sodas? The caramel coloring that is added has been largely debated to be a potential risk, as well. I'm not saying she should avoid it, I simply posed that maybe she should cut it out if she's having these concerns. Certainly you can't argue against water being a better alternative.

    OP. good luck with whatever you decide. If you're like me and your main source of caffeine is from soda, expect some symptoms of withdrawal. I don't drink tea or coffee, so my withdrawal headaches were outrageous. Excedrin Migraine was my only saving grace at the time (has 65 mg of caffeine in a dose).

    To be honest, I don't even drink diet soda because I can't stand the taste. I think it's disgusting. I will drink regular soda on some occasions but mostly I just drink water. I am just annoyed with the fear mongering when it comes to diet sodas. People want to look for small, specific things to blame when it comes to weight loss and health. You cannot blame artificial sweeteners, sugar, dietary fat, saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, etc as the reason people are unhealthy and or obese. People are obese because they consume more calories than they burn most days of their lives. People are unhealthy mainly because they are overweight. Most common health problems can be attributed to the fact that the body's systems are strained due to being overweight and obese. It bothers me when people look for a scapegoat instead of addressing the real problem. Don't blame a macronutrient, a subset of a macronutrient, a certain ingredient, etc for health problems and obesity. Sorry for the essay.

    Here, here.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, since you have so much weight to lose, and willpower can be hard to come by, why don't you use that willpower first to just lower your total calorie intake? Switching from regular to all diet soda will save you calories. Find other ways to make it easier to stick to your calorie goal. When you get to the point where your calorie goal is just the easy every-day way you eat, THEN focus on stuff that you may want to remove for health reasons. If you "give up" too much all at once, you are setting yourself up for failure. And losing the weight will already make you healthier. Good luck!
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Drink coffee vs soda if you have so much of a problem with it
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    edited December 2014
    I've never been a "regular soda" (sugared pop) drinker, but I do love Diet Coke. The only personally beneficial reason for me to cut it out or even cut back is the cost. So, I drink a lot of artificially sweetened home-brewed coffee, which is barely any expense at all, and if I had to choose, I definitely prefer coffee anyway.

    My husband doesn't like coffee so he still drinks a lot of diet soda, but our soda expense has been cut nearly in half simply because I love money and coffee a lot more than pop.

    I think as far as health goes, there are a lot more dire things and consumption habits you could be focused on. Cutting out regular soda - not because it is soda but because of the calories it contains - is a good start.
    IMO, any worrying about diet soda when your health issue is your weight is just a handy distraction that is keeping you from dealing with your real issues.

  • menosquinze
    I'm sure you've heard this before, but have you tried flavored seltzer water? It doesn't have the sugar or caffeine, but maybe you could supplement those with coffee and fruit and then cut them out as you adjust. Worth a try anyway, then you can see what works! At least the sugars would be real sugars as opposed to corn syrup or another empty sugar! Good luck! :) xx
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    This thread keeps popping up in my notifications and now I want a ginger ale. I have none.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    I went cold turkey in May 2008, and have only had a couple of sips since then - one on purpose to see if I still liked the taste of Diet Pepsi (I don't) and once or twice by accident, picking up someone else's cup by mistake.

    Pepsi was my favorite drink for years, but when I decided to lose weight back in 2000, I cut it out completely for about a year. Then I trained myself to drink Diet Pepsi because I have a major sweet tooth and that was a way to get a sweet treat without the calories. Drank that for several years. In November 2007, a multitude of factors (stress, minor car wreck, overseas flight) resulted in a sprained neck and all sorts of back/neck/shoulder issues. A few months later, my doctor and I identified Diet Pepsi as a hindrance to my recovery. The chemicals in the soda, along with the aspartame, acted as inflammatories, attacking my muscles and nerves. Inflammation was, and still is, a major source of my back and neck problems.

    Believe me, after being stuck in bed for days, being in such pain that you leave work in tears, hoping you'll make it home before the pain becomes so bad you can't drive, you'd go cold turkey on something that exacerbated that pain as well! It took almost 2 years to recover from that incident and subsequent regressions/reinjuries, but the memory of the pain is enough to keep me from going back to soda, diet or otherwise. I've also cut out all artificial sweeteners and am working on reducing my processed sugar intake to further manage inflammation.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    Oh .. it also causes people to get overweight, just drink water.

    How does a drink with virtually no calories cause people to get overweight?

    Why did this not happen to me? When I started trying to lose weight I switched from regular soda to diet soda and successfully lost at expected rate.
    Am I a special snowflake?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    melifornia wrote: »
    I went cold turkey in May 2008, and have only had a couple of sips since then - one on purpose to see if I still liked the taste of Diet Pepsi (I don't) and once or twice by accident, picking up someone else's cup by mistake.

    Pepsi was my favorite drink for years, but when I decided to lose weight back in 2000, I cut it out completely for about a year. Then I trained myself to drink Diet Pepsi because I have a major sweet tooth and that was a way to get a sweet treat without the calories. Drank that for several years. In November 2007, a multitude of factors (stress, minor car wreck, overseas flight) resulted in a sprained neck and all sorts of back/neck/shoulder issues. A few months later, my doctor and I identified Diet Pepsi as a hindrance to my recovery. The chemicals in the soda, along with the aspartame, acted as inflammatories, attacking my muscles and nerves. Inflammation was, and still is, a major source of my back and neck problems.

    Believe me, after being stuck in bed for days, being in such pain that you leave work in tears, hoping you'll make it home before the pain becomes so bad you can't drive, you'd go cold turkey on something that exacerbated that pain as well! It took almost 2 years to recover from that incident and subsequent regressions/reinjuries, but the memory of the pain is enough to keep me from going back to soda, diet or otherwise. I've also cut out all artificial sweeteners and am working on reducing my processed sugar intake to further manage inflammation.

    But this doesn't happen to most people and there is no mention by OP of anything like this - why should OP or anyone else quit something that does them no harm ( unless they just want to, for other reasons such as saving money)

    That's like saying everyone should quit eating peanuts because other people have an anaphylactic reaction to it.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I used to drink Coke every single night at work. Like 3 bottles. One day I just cold turkeyed it and started drinking bottled water instead. That was 10 years ago and I've never had anything except water since. And the occasional ultra skim milk when I have cereal.
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    edited December 2014
    I agree that fizzy drinks are bad for you. Whether that is right or wrong who knows yet. SO why don't you weigh yourself tomorrow (Monday morning first thing) and then cut out all fizzy drinks for one week. Carry a bottle of water around with you 24 hours a day so that you just drink that. That way even if you go out and you WANT to order a coke you will reach into your bag for your change....and see the water bottle. Then weigh yourself in a week on the Monday at the same time and see if it made a difference for you =-)

    If you want to lose water weight to motivate yourself wrap yourself in some cling film and get yourself in a sauna. That will motivate you. CARRY THAT WATER IN THERE THOUGH!

    Don't let people bring you down. There is mixed reviews on diet or full fat fizzy drinks. Just do what works best for you.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    liannexxx wrote: »
    Don't let people bring you down. There is mixed reviews on diet or full fat fizzy drinks. Just do what works best for you.

    I've never seen a single soda with even 1 gram of fat in it so I'm not sure what you're referring to...
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,210 MFP Moderator
    Hi guys!

    This thread has been cleaned up a little. Please remember to stay on topic in a thread, and debate cordially.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    liannexxx wrote: »
    Don't let people bring you down. There is mixed reviews on diet or full fat fizzy drinks. Just do what works best for you.

    I've never seen a single soda with even 1 gram of fat in it so I'm not sure what you're referring to...

    This phrase came up in another thread - apparently in some places regular soda is colloquially referred to as 'full fat' soda ( or fizzy drink or soft drink, whatever term is used for what Americans call soda)
    - People know it doesn't have fat in it, is just a figure of speech.
    - The same way skim milk is sometimes called skinny milk.
  • abbottkatherine
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    She already said she didn't want to drink diet. You don't think it is bad as regular but I'm sure she doesn't want to drink aspartame all day.
  • mrsKOrtiz
    mrsKOrtiz Posts: 949 Member
    Its hard!! But you have to start somewhere..
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    edited December 2014
    I have the same issue but its with Pepsi only. I can drink other kinds of pop (but not diet) and could not care less when I have another but I can't do that with Pepsi. I had my last one on July 20th and I still crave it sometimes. Aspartame gives me wicked headaches and is sickeningly sweet so those are two reasons I avoid it. I don't drink tea, coffee, milk, smoothies, hot chocolate or much of anything it was always Pepsi and water so now its just plain old water blah. And I do not like flavored water either.
    So I can understand your cravings, I did it cold turkey because I am not able to just have one once in a awhile. I've tried that and within a week its back to 2 litres plus a day. You can do it, it's hard but it does get better and just keep talking to yourself hat yes you can do it.
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    Seems to me that drinking anything in giant quantity is probably not a good idea, especially from a mental standpoint. Since you are trying to be healthier why not start by cutting back on regular soda, transitioning to diet soda and then maybe limiting yourself to a couple a day. Replace some of your "drinking" with water, iced tea, hot tea etc. No one needs to be "addicted" to a two liter bottle of soda but life's too short to pass on a good fountain soda!