detox/juice/short term intense diet



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited December 2014
    A seven pound gain could just be from going heavy on the carbs
    elphie754 wrote:
    Uh no. Carbs do not cause magical weight gain. Weight gain comes from eating calories over your maintenance.
    IIRC, 1g of carbohydrate holds 2-3g of water within the body. So yes, eating carbs causes weight gain. But it's only water weight, which goes away once the carbs are used for energy.
    mykaylis wrote:
    i'm not going to eat a whole head of lettuce. a whole bunch of spinach, a couple sticks of celery, 3-4 carrots in one day (because i would get sick of chewing). by juicing i get a whole bunch of nutrients (along with, admittedly, sugar and almost NO fibre)
    So by eating real whole foods, you eat less and get fiber (which helps digestion & satiety).
    Where's the drawback?

    You can't detox your body - it's a myth

    The detox scam: how to spot it, how to avoid it

    This calculator will tell you how many servings of various food groups to eat to maintain a given weight. If you play with the weight to get your BMI in a healthy range, then eat that much, you'll get to that weight.

    These worksheets from the USDA might help you understand how much to eat too.

    While you're there, also look at their weight management section.

    And do go read sexypants.

  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    luciloo2 wrote: »
    (I don't own any scales).

    This is your only issue. Get yourself a weight and food scale along with a set of measuring spoons/cups. Screw detox and cleanse!

  • Hi everyone, thanks for your replies. I am going to put some time aside and do some research as @MKEgal‌ has suggested. I still don't see what this issue is doing an aggressive diet for 5 days or so just to get my mind on track. As I said I was not looking to loose any weight from doing so. And after i would continue with a healthy eating approach as I do not expect to get to where I want to within a week or two. I totally accept it will take time and I know exactly how to do it, eat less, move more... I need to get my head focused and doing something drastic for a few days, that usually helps me shake things up and get back on track.
    Any who thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. Hope youve all enjoyed the holidays
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    luciloo2 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, thanks for your replies. I am going to put some time aside and do some research as @MKEgal‌ has suggested. I still don't see what this issue is doing an aggressive diet for 5 days or so just to get my mind on track. As I said I was not looking to loose any weight from doing so. And after i would continue with a healthy eating approach as I do not expect to get to where I want to within a week or two. I totally accept it will take time and I know exactly how to do it, eat less, move more... I need to get my head focused and doing something drastic for a few days, that usually helps me shake things up and get back on track.
    Any who thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. Hope youve all enjoyed the holidays

    So, what's the difference between "and aggressive diet" and "healthy eating approach" if you aren't looking to lose weight. I don't understand...
  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    edited December 2014
    There's nothing magical about crash diets. They aren't going to prepare to eat healthier, they're going to starve you and make you want to binge instead of eating correct portions of whatever foods you plan on eating once you're done. THAT is what's wrong with it. It's the exact opposite of preparing you.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    luciloo2 wrote: »
    JoanaMHill wrote: »
    We aren't being negative, we're being honest. You use the word "detox" and talk about "juice cleanses." The first once is a fallacy and the second is just asking for trouble. Most diets like that just get rid of water weight, which comes right back on once you're eating regularly, which just provides reason to be discouraged. You don't need to do anything special, and there's no such thing as a "kickstart" for your body.

    Thank you for your advice and I am aware of the effects of these. I want more of a kick start for my mind, I don't expect my body to change during it. Perhaps I didnt phrase it very well.
    Thanks anyway

    There's a lot of snark around here that's not against's just about past threads and topics that get people wound up. "Detox," "cleanse," and "juicing" are dirty words around here because they're ineffective in the long run. Try to ignore it.

    When I need something to pick me up and get me going in the right direction, I often go for a long walk/run and then have a big salad for lunch. It makes me feel virtuous and motivated to keep going. :)
  • AnitaCRice
    AnitaCRice Posts: 114 Member
    I've done a three-day "detox" diet of sorts before, where I followed a meal plan that cut out sugar, caffeine, most carbs, etc., to jump start healthy eating. I googled it and found one that was easy for me to follow It actually helped get me in the right mindset to eat healthily from there on out. I'm not one for cutting out any food or food group, but it did help with my motivation at the beginning.
  • luciloo2 wrote: »
    JoanaMHill wrote: »
    We aren't being negative, we're being honest. You use the word "detox" and talk about "juice cleanses." The first once is a fallacy and the second is just asking for trouble. Most diets like that just get rid of water weight, which comes right back on once you're eating regularly, which just provides reason to be discouraged. You don't need to do anything special, and there's no such thing as a "kickstart" for your body.

    Thank you for your advice and I am aware of the effects of these. I want more of a kick start for my mind, I don't expect my body to change during it. Perhaps I didnt phrase it very well.
    Thanks anyway

    There's a lot of snark around here that's not against's just about past threads and topics that get people wound up. "Detox," "cleanse," and "juicing" are dirty words around here because they're ineffective in the long run. Try to ignore it.

    When I need something to pick me up and get me going in the right direction, I often go for a long walk/run and then have a big salad for lunch. It makes me feel virtuous and motivated to keep going. :)

    Thanks, I notice that now! Didnt expect it all, being the first time I've ever posted here, or any online forum for that!
    Anyhow I got a spiralizer for Christmas so im gona go and make some vegetable "pasta" and experiment with some new recipies :)
  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    AnitaCRice wrote: »
    I've done a three-day "detox" diet of sorts before, where I followed a meal plan that cut out sugar, caffeine, most carbs, etc., to jump start healthy eating. I googled it and found one that was easy for me to follow It actually helped get me in the right mindset to eat healthily from there on out. I'm not one for cutting out any food or food group, but it did help with my motivation at the beginning.

    Still better than juicing. Who wants to blend out all the fiber and drink flavored sugar water for a week? I can't imagine that's good for anything other than making your blood sugar skyrocket.
  • AnitaCRice wrote: »
    I've done a three-day "detox" diet of sorts before, where I followed a meal plan that cut out sugar, caffeine, most carbs, etc., to jump start healthy eating. I googled it and found one that was easy for me to follow It actually helped get me in the right mindset to eat healthily from there on out. I'm not one for cutting out any food or food group, but it did help with my motivation at the beginning.

    Thanks! I will have to have a look
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    luciloo2 wrote: »
    luciloo2 wrote: »
    JoanaMHill wrote: »
    We aren't being negative, we're being honest. You use the word "detox" and talk about "juice cleanses." The first once is a fallacy and the second is just asking for trouble. Most diets like that just get rid of water weight, which comes right back on once you're eating regularly, which just provides reason to be discouraged. You don't need to do anything special, and there's no such thing as a "kickstart" for your body.

    Thank you for your advice and I am aware of the effects of these. I want more of a kick start for my mind, I don't expect my body to change during it. Perhaps I didnt phrase it very well.
    Thanks anyway

    There's a lot of snark around here that's not against's just about past threads and topics that get people wound up. "Detox," "cleanse," and "juicing" are dirty words around here because they're ineffective in the long run. Try to ignore it.

    When I need something to pick me up and get me going in the right direction, I often go for a long walk/run and then have a big salad for lunch. It makes me feel virtuous and motivated to keep going. :)

    Thanks, I notice that now! Didnt expect it all, being the first time I've ever posted here, or any online forum for that!
    Anyhow I got a spiralizer for Christmas so im gona go and make some vegetable "pasta" and experiment with some new recipies :)

    Sounds like a good plan!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited December 2014
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Patttience wrote: »
    Do a two day fast. And try the fast diet approach when you eat 500 calories a day. check it out on the fast diet website there is a forum also.

    I don't agree with juice fasts. Especially not for a week.

    No! Fasting for long periods of time is dangerous. This is dangerous advice.

    There's nothing even remotely dangerous about that advice.

    For those who are going to argue he is talking about Intermittent Fasting, reread the statement. There is no talk about days above 500 cals.

    The "Fast Diet" IS 5:2.


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited December 2014
    luciloo2 wrote: »
    I still don't see what this issue is doing an aggressive diet for 5 days or so just to get my mind on track.

    There is no issue with it. But this is MFP - no matter what you do, a bunch of people are going to *kitten* and moan about it.

    Do what works for you! :drinker:
  • Mr_Knight wrote: »
    luciloo2 wrote: »
    I still don't see what this issue is doing an aggressive diet for 5 days or so just to get my mind on track.

    There is no issue with it. But this is MFP - no matter what you do, a bunch of people are going to *kitten* and moan about it.

    Do what works for you! :drinker:

    Haha, thanks. I've learnt my lesson!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Patttience wrote: »
    Do a two day fast. And try the fast diet approach when you eat 500 calories a day. check it out on the fast diet website there is a forum also.

    I don't agree with juice fasts. Especially not for a week.

    No! Fasting for long periods of time is dangerous. This is dangerous advice.

    There's nothing even remotely dangerous about that advice.

    For those who are going to argue he is talking about Intermittent Fasting, reread the statement. There is no talk about days above 500 cals.

    The "Fast Diet" IS 5:2.


    Reread what they wrote. Telling someone to only eat 500 cals for long periods of time IS dangerous. It has obviously been flagged so much it has been "collapsed", so I'd hazard a guess other find this advice dangerous as well.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I really feel like I need a week of intensive detox or juicing or some sort to get me back on it and feeling really good again. If I have something to follow I will do it to the letter.
    I believe that if what you call " detox " will provide you with the psychological push to get back on program, by all means do what you think makes things easy or even possible for you.

    There it is in a nutshell. The "detox or juicing" thingies are NOT good for you but a short one won't hurt you. There is no reason to spend ANY money at all. Just use real food to make your shakes or whatever.

    We often underestimate the placebo effect. Science is finding it is very powerful, even when we intellectually know that there is not really cause and effect. For some folks, adherence to a strict regimen for a short period of time that would not work in the long term works as to set a mental boundary that makes it easier to maintain a long term regimen. We see these kinds of short ritualistic regimens in force whenever we watch professional sports. Be it the Packers Quarterback doing a ritual beard yank yesterday or the odd dances batters go through before stepping to the plate in Major League Baseball, if they win, it's worked, and that is all that matters.
  • TopazCutie
    TopazCutie Posts: 386 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    luciloo2 wrote: »
    I still don't see what this issue is doing an aggressive diet for 5 days or so just to get my mind on track.

    There is no issue with it. But this is MFP - no matter what you do, a bunch of people are going to *kitten* and moan about it.

    Do what works for you! :drinker:

    This. I think misery loves company applies around here. Some people just can't stand to see you losing weight so fast and label it as being unhealthy and that it won't last. I've learned to just do my thing and let the numbers speak for my methods.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    TopazCutie wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    luciloo2 wrote: »
    I still don't see what this issue is doing an aggressive diet for 5 days or so just to get my mind on track.

    There is no issue with it. But this is MFP - no matter what you do, a bunch of people are going to *kitten* and moan about it.

    Do what works for you! :drinker:

    This. I think misery loves company applies around here. Some people just can't stand to see you losing weight so fast and label it as being unhealthy and that it won't last. I've learned to just do my thing and let the numbers speak for my methods.

    Yep, that's exactly what's happening here. We are all so jealous of you Topaz! Especially with all those amazing pics in your profile...

    I'm so jealous that I, too, can't drink my food or crash diet. It really sucks being able to eat whatever I want in moderation. Maintenance sucks, too. Sigh.

    Nope, it couldn't possibly be that we believe that detox's and crash diets are a poor mentality for sustained health. Or that we are conscious of lurkers out there who might believe this thread (and your constant, inane, posts) are justification for unhealthy behaviors.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Patttience wrote: »
    Do a two day fast. And try the fast diet approach when you eat 500 calories a day. check it out on the fast diet website there is a forum also.

    I don't agree with juice fasts. Especially not for a week.

    WUT? Just no.

    The awesome part... that person signed up to be a noob guide. *face palm*
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    edited December 2014
    double post