2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • dc1745
    dc1745 Posts: 69 Member
    I am open to volunteering as a mentor as well. Just one person please.
    I have hired a fitness trainer for the past 4 months and have increased my muscle mass by a significant amount.
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    I'd be happy to be a mentor.

    Hi newbies,

    I'm Danielle, and I've lost 50 pounds so far by focusing on the numbers and maintaining a deficit in the least-dramatic way possible. I don't really consider myself to be on a diet even though I eat considerably less than I did previously. I workout pretty much every day, and my workouts usually include some form of cardio exercise with weight lifting 2-4 days a week. I also do Yoga.

    I'm all about living an active lifestyle and making things an experience, and I think that the key to reaching/maintaining a lower body weight is to focus on living your best life. When you really think about what you want for yourself and how you'd be living in your "ideal" life, it's easier to cultivate the habits that will support that lifestyle.

    Oh, and I'm usually kind of peppy. Lol ;)

    (Note: If you go through my food diary, I did take a logging break Dec 23-Dec 28 due to the holiday excitement. That's not normal for me.)
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    edited January 2015
    Has found her noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants.
    I'll bite, I'll take 2.

    I've been a member of MFP for almost 3 years (new account - wanted a fresh start).
    I don't log anymore but might start sometime after the New Year if I must.
    I run, lift, and ski. I'm broken but working on not being broken anymore and I've made great progress. I mostly run these days but I still love to lift. I bake and cook. I believe in moderation and only cutting things out that are disgusting (like pork and kale) or allergic to (like pepperoni and pumpernickel). I eat all teh foods - ocassionally too much of them but I've changed my mindset quite a bit since joining MFP in regards to food and my body. Lifting has done a lot of that.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This thread is great...

    ...for so many reasons.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited January 2015
    Has found her noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants.
    I would be happy to mentor a few newbs.

    My name is Stef. I have a 14 month old baby. I gained 42lbs during my pregnancy, and it took me 9 months to get back into shape with lifting, tracking my cals and breastfeeding. I also have PCOS (non-insulin resistant).
    Currently I am on a gain/bulk cycle to put on some mass. I love to eat, I love to bake and cook. If you are severely restricting your cals or cutting out food groups we may not be a great fit, as I love to eat everything in moderation. This is a lifestyle change for me and I have never felt better.
    I workout at home (which is challenging but I get it done) doing heavy lifting and yoga mostly.

    You can check out profile, my diary, pictures etc. and send me a message. Please tell me about yourself and why you think we will be a good fit.

  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    edited December 2014

    I would also like to mentor a person or a few, depending.

    I have been here at MFP since May and have lost over 60 pounds with at least 150 to go. I have a long history of body image issues and yo-yo dieting which I have been determined now to conquer once and for all.

    You'll see me here on MFP every single day, logging my food and activity every single day. Hopefully you're someone who is very serious about what you'd like to accomplish and will dedicate some time and effort – that's the only way to get it done. That's not to say I don't have fun! I sure do! That's also not to say I am perfect, because I am far from it. I am interested in what I am doing as a life-long pursuit, and so I eat and move accordingly, in ways that are sustainable. I don't have off-limits foods at all, though I try to limit true "junk" made of nasty, unpronounceable ingredients. I read labels. :)

    I don't believe in "cheat" days, and the use of that term in relation to food bugs me. I eat what I want mostly when I want to, but I watch portions and try to keep balance.

    I use the Pact app as well as a Misfit Flash – love gadgets and data.

    I am gradually building up my physical activity and loving it. I weigh about 310 now and have been doing Couch to 5K for three weeks! I also love hiking and want to get into kayaking, snowshoeing, and cross country skiing eventually. One day, I'm going to learn to surf.

    Sorry this is long, but if any of it appeals and you want a real cheerleader who will tell it to you straight, PM me and we'll see if it's a fit. :) I'm in it for the long haul. How about you?

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I will be a mentor; for those interested in lifting, strength training, body composition, etc.
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    I'll happily adopt people that want adopting.
    a bit about me.
    I'm chrissy and i have been on this site for quite a while. I have lost a fair amount of weight using it and I have now reached the point where I feel happier and more confident in myself and am in the best shape of my life.
    I do a lot of strength training and yoga and cardio is a minimal part of my program.
    I try and eat as clean as I can but I am happy so long as my macros are as close to goal as possible.
    any other questions, feel free to pm me.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I'll mentor someone, preferably girls. My profile has my story in it :)
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    I'd be happy to mentor one or two people.

    I'm 52, female, 5'4". I started on MFP in August 2013. My original goal was to lose 20 lbs, or about 10% of my start weight, for health purposes, as I was just over the line between moderately and severely obese, and was starting to see some troubling blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure numbers. I was surprised in some ways by how quickly and consistently the weight came off just from logging and tracking. I lost a bit over 30 pounds by the end of 2013, and another 10 pounds in 2014, and along the way saw great improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

    My current goal is to lose another 22 pounds to get down to the high end of the healthy/normal BMI range for my weight, and then reassess. I'm really not in a hurry. I feel like going slowly is helping me learn how to maintain the weight loss, which (statistically) seems to be harder than losing it.

    I don't eliminate or restrict any categories of food, although I try to pay attention to getting sources of soluble fiber, monounsaturated fats, omega-3s, potassium, magnesium, and calcium -- mostly I pay attention at the level of grocery shopping, rather than thinking about it when planning every single meal. I don't worry about my macros other than total calories, protein, and fiber. I eat meat (all types: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, fish, shellfish), dairy, and eggs, but probably eat smaller quantities of meat and dairy than in the SAD (standard American diet). Many of my meals, and even entire days, don't contain meat, dairy, or eggs, so I would probably be a good fit for anyone embarking on a vegetarian, vegan, or plant-centered diet. But even though I do a lot of cooking from whole foods, I do eat packaged and "processed" foods, and I eat wheat, so I might not be a good fit for someone with a goal of eating "clean."

    My exercise while I've been on MFP has mostly been walking, dancing (both in my living room and ballet, etc. classes), a little running, and strength training. I also take the occasional yoga class, and practice yoga a bit at home as well. I started shifting from machines to more free weights this fall, but a bout of bronchitis pretty much sidelined me for November and December. I'm looking forward to getting back in the gym now that it seems like I'm just about recovered.

    Send me a message if you think I'd be a good fit for you.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Hello All,

    I live in Fort McMurray Alberta and I would be glad to help a couple of people to the best of my knowledge. I have been on MFP for 40 weeks now and have lost 75 lbs. I work a sedentary job so therefore my calories are set low at 1500 a day to strive for 2Lb weight loss a week. When I started at 270 lbs I was able to eat 1920 a day (+exercise). I will be re-evaluating my weight loss goals in 8 weeks and may slow my loss to 1lb a week until I reach my goal of 170 lbs (just in time for summer).

    Although my calorie goals are low, I do strive to eat back my cardio calories (Eliptical & Jogging) but do not subtract my weight & core training calories. I have chosen to eliminate (nearly eliminate) certain things from my diet as they are calorie rich and mean I am not able to eat as much. I do not eat out very often and when I do I try to chose things that are lower in calories and substitute potato/rice for extra green veggies, and just squeeze lemon on my garden salad, etc.....that means I have calories left over for beer which is well worth the sacrifice to me.

    To stay on my friends list you have to log on every single day, you need to accurately log your food and that means measuring and weighing everything. I have adopted the MFP program and try my best to follow it as the developers have set it up. I think it is extremely important to control your weight loss to 2lbs a week maximum, but at the same time I think you should be striving to lose at least 1lb a week in order to stay motivated by results.

    If you pick me and want to use my motivation and support then I am here for you, but if you are only on here to post flattering angle selfies on a daily basis, talk about going on drinking parties, flirting with guys/girls then that's now what I am on here for. If you don't log in daily I will bust your balls, if you don't log your food consistently then I will bust your balls If your goal is to lose weight and you show no progress after 3 to 6 months....then I will likely drop you.

    To me this is serious stuff, and you have to take it serious if you want the change in your body and life.

  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    edited December 2014
    I would like to volunteer to mentor a couple people.

    My name is Miranda. I'm 25 26 years old and stand at 5'5. I work a full time (10 hours a day) desk job. I'm married with 4 awesome puppies (no kids for me) and currently have a 453 day streak on MFP. I struggled with my weight my whole life until I joined MFP and started losing weight in October 2013. It took about 7 months to drop 42 pounds. I have been maintaining that loss for the last 7 months or so.

    I log daily unless I'm on vacation but even while on vacation I still check in daily. I've taken the last two weeks of the year off but will be back to logging daily January 5th. Though I have been maintaining for a while, I'm going to switch back up to losing as soon as I start logging again. My goal is to lose about another 7lbs.

    I tend to follow IIFYM more than anything. I don't deny myself food, I just make it fit in my day and I almost always save room for a treat at the end of the day. I love Taco Bell and eat it every Friday and Sunday (if not more). My husband and I also love AYCE sushi and normally go a couple times a month. I make all this fit as I need to but understand that a day here and there over is no big deal.

    I started strong lifts a few months ago and have fallen in love with lifting. Thanks to my fitbit I also love walking. Though I am trying to lose a few more pounds, my main goal is looking the way I want. The number on the scale means very little to me and watching the inches drop off the tape measure is much more rewarding.

    I try not to judge but I will speak up if I see something that looks unsafe (like netting super low everyday). We're here to lose weight but we're also here to be healthy and starving yourself is never healthy! If you think I can help support you, send me a FR with a short message as to why/how I can support you best!

    My other interests include: Vegas, Tattoos, geeky/nerdy things, movies (rocky horror, evil dead, fight club, 90% of all musicals ever made (currently working on my musical inspired sleeve to represent all my favorite musicals)), spreadsheets/charts...
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I'm in, for a few, particularly women in my age group 40+ or younger is fine too. I'm better with exercise than diet, because I've pretty much maintained my size throughout my life with study exercise and movement in general.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I'd be willing to take on some noobies. I've been on MFP for 2 years now. I've lost almost 80lbs (although put some of those back on during the holidays!). I'm 44, married with 2 active in sports teenagers. I work full and part time and try to work out 5 days a week, although it doesn't always pan out. I eat around 1600 calories plus some of my work out calories. Have around 40 more pounds to lose. My theory is that it takes 3 months for this to become a life style. If you can make it through those first 3 months, it becomes easy, it's just part of who you are and what you do. I yo yoed many, many times before being successful this time around. I've learned a lot about myself and love my new active lifestyle. Hate how I feel when I eat like crap consistently and don't work out. I'm not a Nazi about food but I do choose to eat less processed foods and do believe that working out is also important. While you can lose weight without making those choices, I still don't think that you're becoming healthier. I don't believe in diet pills or "diets", just counting calories and exercising. I also believe in keeping my friends list more manageable. I'm very busy, sometimes all I find time to do is go through and like posts but I do try to comment and be encouraging. I'm only willing to take on a few people so that I can actively try to be helpful.
  • beastcompany
    beastcompany Posts: 230 Member
    Happily will mentor one or two individuals.
    Open to working with males or females and in either phase of training (bulking, or cutting).


    No formal training/certifications.

    Simply time & effort understanding the various aspects of the process, and properly applying them to my training & nutrition.

    Results are my credentials.
  • jsrmpulido
    I would LOVE to be adopted. Im 5'4 21 years old and 240 pounds. I had my son back in February and when he had to have surgery i gained back 25 pounds that i lost. Hes a happy baby now and im not! I need to loose 100 pounds. Anyone who would want to adopt this little noob?
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    Olivia wrote: »
    Welcome to the 2015 Adopt-a-Noob Discussion!
    New members

    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.
    ^^^ New members, please note the above instructions and send a private message or friend request to volunteer mentors instead of posting to this thread. You will most likely get a quicker response via PM or friend request. Cheers! CyberTone
  • MissKahli85
    I am a noob just signed up today....I could use a mentor is one would like to mentor me!!!! I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I will be a mentor. I joined here March of 2011 weighing almost 200 pounds. I was ready to lose the weight and took over 80 pounds off in less then eight months. I struggle with keeping the weight off. I will be 48 very soon. Although I haven't checked in here everyday for the last almost four years, I have checked in daily for almost a year and intend on being here daily. I appreciate the importance of having supportive friends who will hold me accountable and therefore in turn try to be a good friend.
This discussion has been closed.