Would anyone like to join me for a "Just for Today" goals for the month of January



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    Well, I weighed myself this morning, reset my weight. Yikes, How can weight go on so quickly! But I know what to do -- watch my sugar intake. So I added another thing for today

    JUST FOR TODAY, January 1st, 2015
    1. DO a minimun of 20 minutes of exercise, whether it be ellipitical, walking, or anything!
    2. Focus on 8 glasses of water
    3. Log everything I eat!
    4. Keep my sugar grams within MFP guidelines
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    This is something I need to remember to make my goal: I want to be @ my lowest maintenance with by March 2, my 54th birthday!

    "There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something you do it only when it is convient. When you are commited to something, you accept no excuses, only results." Kenneth Blanchard

    Love this!!!
  • Just for today!
    1. I will log everything I eat.
    2. I will drink 8 glasses of water
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    I love all the posts, and so happy to have new posters! The posts keep me encouraged as well.
  • skjones0323
    skjones0323 Posts: 53 Member

    Just for today I will try very hard to stay under my calorie goal!
  • Karen_135
    Karen_135 Posts: 2 Member
    I love this thread! I think it is exactly what I need to keep me motivated. I will try to commit to three challenges for my "just for today" posts. I will have a mental challenge; a food/drink challenge; and an exercise challenge.

    1. I will accept myself as I am. I will think about improving my health, not losing weight or looking skinny. My worth is determined by my attitude, not a number on a scale or a dress size.
    2. I will plan my meals for next week today so I have time to shop and prep before I get too busy.
    3. I will get out for a walk today.
  • welshpoppy
    welshpoppy Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks Joan

    1.I will log everything I eat
    2. I will walk for 300 minutes
    3. I will drink 8 glasses of water
  • barnumboy
    barnumboy Posts: 20 Member
    Great inspiration!
    Today I will:
    1 - Workout (DONE)
    2 - Log all meals and stay within limits
    3 - Plan meals/workouts for the week and shop for healthy foods
  • wmsndh
    wmsndh Posts: 1 Member
    Just for today, I will:

    1. Log everything I eat
    2. Walk 10,000 steps
    3. Drink 8 oz. of water
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Just for today I will

    1. Walk at least a mile (DONE)
    2. Drink no soda
    3. Log everything I eat
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Just for today 1/1/15:

    I will log in everything I eat (even if I mess up)
    I will drink more water
    I will make a plan for how to incorporate more activity into my life
    I will be grateful for as many things as I can think of and record them for future bad days. (gratitude app on my phone)
    * I am grateful for MFP friends that are supportive and positive
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    amunet07 wrote: »
    Just for today 1/1/15:
    * I am grateful for MFP friends that are supportive and positive

    Me too, amunet07! and super grateful for this thread that keeps me focused on one day.

  • Luv this!
    Just for today I will:
    1. Take a starting picture
    2. Avoid food temptations-especially sweets (lied help me)
    3. Exercise
    4. Log EVERYTHING- no cheating :-)
    Feel free to friend me. The more support the better!!!!
  • Zendoodlebug
    Zendoodlebug Posts: 9 Member

    Just for today is shall

    Eat better
    Log my food
    Don't lie to myself
    Drink more water
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for the invatation.
    Just for today I will read some of the board for inspiration.
    Just for today I will try for 10 cups of water.
    Just for today I will log my food.
    Just for today I will do 20 minutes of exercise.

    Going to weigh in tomorrow,then on the 31st.lets do this!
  • As of 1/1/15 I will keep track and log all food I eat. I will also measure my food and prep food for work. Exercise daily!
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    JUST FOR TODAY, January 1st, 2015
    1. Get my Fitbit set up and complete at least 5000 steps
    2. Log everything I eat.
    3. Read other inspirational ideas
  • lgarfield406
    lgarfield406 Posts: 2 Member
    Just for today...
    I will drink my water, increase my fresh food intake and move!
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    morkiemama wrote: »

    Overall, I did well yesterday. Unfortunately, I got off work late and was unable to fit in a cardio session. I am going to try to make up for it today by doing 1 hour instead of 30 minutes!

    Just for today 12/30/14 I will:

    1. Stay within my calories :smile:
    2. Complete 1 hour of cardio :( (but trained on 12/31)
    3. Snack on healthy options :smile:

    Missed participating on New Years Eve 12/31/14 because I worked late and then had to go be social before tax season eats my soul.

    Just for today 1/1/15:

    1. Forgive myself for the mistakes made NYE and NYD. :smile:
    2. Log it all, because it is just as important to log the bad. :smile:
    3. Last year was rough, so be positive about the new year. :smile:

    Just for today 1/2/15:
    1. Stay within my calories
    2. Do some sort of activity
    3. Grocery shop to restock healthy options
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,747 Member
    edited January 2015
    Just for today 1/1/15 I will:

    1. The scale WILL not discourage me! :)
    2. Remember how I got here with consistency WITH my diet & exercise! :smile:
    3. No eating after 7:30!
    4. Get morning run in, NO EXCUSE!:)

    Happy New Years everyone, may this next year bring happiness and good health!

    Joan, thank you so so much for starting this thread! I NEED to STAY focus, EVERY morning I NEED to start out on a right note! Once the day starts it seems like too much is going on to make time for me!

    Monday, I had an accident but I'm a lot better, yay! A little over a month I will be relocating back to Washington State! The final a details were made this week so now all that's left is to get my moving sale started, yikes!

    Sorry about not reading all the new posts but I love how this thread is helping everyone!

    "If I can do this for JUST ONE DAY, well, maybe that one day will lead to another day, an entire week, an entire month, and this will help me to develop better habits for my life, taking this one day at a time." Joan :):).

    Just for today 1/2

    1. Get my morning run in!
    2. Get my 30 day shred - Day 2 in
    3. Remember pounds go on EASIER then losing!
    4. Don't let stress control you focusing on diet and workouts!

    Well day one gone and was successful so now on to focusing on DAY TWO! ONE DAY AT A TIME!

    I love this one " 3) Read something motivational each morning so I think about it when I exercise."
  • Pucks_and_Balls
    Pucks_and_Balls Posts: 95 Member

    1. Make healthy snack choices.
    2. Complete The Biggest Loser Power Sculpt Week 1, Day 1
    3. Remember to fuel before workouts so I can perform my best.
  • quiltlady77
    quiltlady77 Posts: 93 Member
    Jan 1st
    I will drink more water, at least 6 glasses but will aim for 8. (got in 6-7)
    I will exercise at least 30 min. today (did 40 min. )
    I will stay within my calories (done)
  • What a wonderful idea! :-)
    Today I will
    Log my meals
    Not eat after 8pm.
  • emilyeatsanddrinks
    emilyeatsanddrinks Posts: 624 Member
    Joan, I absolutely love this idea! I will join you for sure. Be back tomorrow with a plan! :)
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    • Not complain about how cold it is, and go for a nice morning run with my partner, starting the new year off right!! :D Yep! well, it was afternoon but he was watching football.
    • In spite of being away from home, eat sensibly and choose healthy foods :) Mostly. Not too bad.
    • come back here at the end of the day and report on how I did. :D

    Just for one day, 1/2/15:
    1. run
    2. do the gold's gym band workout dvd I brought
    3. stay withing calorie goals (been eating too much!)
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    1/1/15 Just for today:

    1. log everything I eat :) yup
    2. do 5 minutes of meditation :) yup
    3. will not allow the scale to reflect who I am :) didn't really cross my mind

    Happy New Year!

  • skjones0323
    skjones0323 Posts: 53 Member

    Just for today I will

    1. Stay under my calorie goal.
    2. Avoid refined sugar
    3. Get my steps in
  • cyn196890
    cyn196890 Posts: 71 Member
    well back now after a brake .. so just for today
    1 .. log all i eat
    2... fit exercise in for 30 min ..
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Im back at it too now that the holidays are over and family and friends are back at their own houses. So im ready to take on the new year and the new me

    Just For Today....

    I will give myself complements along the way
    I will drink a bunch of water to start flushing out the holiday sodium explosion
    I will log everything

    Happy New Year everyone.
  • juliax2015x
    juliax2015x Posts: 4 Member
    just for today stick my cal's ,25 minutes on my just dance and to log it all
    happy new year to you all