20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2015
    SW 192
    CW 183
    GW 163

    Well first day of the first week until Easter. We had dinner last night with friends and ended up
    eating Mexican so I was not surprised at the scale this morning. I will do better next week and am hopeful for a loss.
    My weigh in day will be Friday's.

    Good luck everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    pkmarlowe7 wrote: »
    I need to check out the one, one, one diet.
    it is a fabulous diet. pkmarlowe. Welcome to our group

    <3 Becky I must have missed that about your broken arm. So sorry
    we do have a new week a new a year lets be thankful.

    <3 I found this quote this morning

    Treasure Every Moment that you have, Yesterday is History
    Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift
    That's why It's called the Present!!
    Eleanor Roosevelt

    >:) ok I got my breakfast track in my Diary.Took me about an hour but got it done. worry about lunch later We will be off to the store in a few moments <3 Marie


  • CoCoLynn129
    CoCoLynn129 Posts: 6 Member
    SW 153.7
    CW 153.7
    GW 133

    Hey Everyone! My weigh in Day are going to be Fridays!! Thanks for all the motivation and support with all your comments! Good luck everyone! We can do it! :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 Welcome Lynn glad to have you with us.
    20 pounds by Easter challenge. look like we are having a wonderful support in this group We can't help but win this battle.
    Hugs <3 Marie.
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Had a good eating day today but no exercise :( had plenty of time to go out for a run but couldn't get my but off the sofa.
    This is my last post for this week as I'm going on a ski holiday early tomorrow so will get plenty of exercise while I'm away but will have little control over what is in my meals as we're staying in a catered chalet so will have to eat what's on offer, I'll just be happy if I don't put weight on.
    Hope you all have a good week and look forward to reading all your posts when I get back.
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Marie .... hope your fitbit comes soon I'm eager to know how you like it.
  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »

    kate Anic e crisp walk this morning. gosh you are brave, What is the temperature there and where is there? have a great day.

    I am in west yorkshire, UK! And according to the weather forecast, it was 4°C here this morning.
  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    amclickner wrote: »
    Thank you CalieCat. It has taken me since my youngest was born to get this far though, due to stopping and starting all the time. He turns 4 in July so its taken a long time. This time I am very determined though and want to get this weight off!

    I think I am going to get the wii out later as I have a couple of work out games - I have the wii fit game and a biggest loser game which get me moving when I cant go out walking. A few months ago though I slipped off the wii fit board and tore the ligaments in my ankle and I hav'nt used the wii since :open_mouth: so I'll have to be careful so I don't slip off again!

    MummyKate85 - the Wii is great! I weight train 3x/week and didn't think the Wii would do a lot, but the tennis game really gives me a workout - no fit board needed. Good luck!
    I don't have a tennis game on mine, or at least I dont think I do? Is it on the wii fit game, or on the sports one? I might have to get the sports one if it is on there.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am enjoying reading about your life. and where you are from.

    <3 linda have a good time sking. But please don't break an arm or a leg .I hope UPS deliver my fit bit today or I will be waiting next week fo it

    <3 kate that is really cold. It is cold here and Raining It reach 40 now but it is still cold and rainy here in My neck of the woods.

    I did get some walk in today. Did not get a motorize Chair to shopped in . then had to go to Walmart to pick up some medication so since I did so good at Kroger I would not get a motorize shopping cart at Walmart. made it just fine. tired but I made it. Would love to have my fitbit so I would know how many steps I took. I can do it.
  • emmawoodchuck
    emmawoodchuck Posts: 9 Member
    Just want to put out there that my new Fitbit is really useful! I've had and lost pedometers in the past as they just pop off your trousers. The Fitbit is so convenient you can forget you have it on. Personally I'm doing my 10 000 steps but I'm not eating the extra calories. If anyone is thinking of getting one I think they are worth the money. Walking 10 000 a day is totally 'doable'.

    And I managed to get out and ride my horse today for over an hour. A rare blue sky jan morning- good exercise and good for the soul!

    Hope you all are having a good diet day too.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I am enjoying reading about your life. and where you are from.

    <3 linda have a good time sking. But please don't break an arm or a leg .I hope UPS deliver my fit bit today or I will be waiting next week fo it

    <3 kate that is really cold. It is cold here and Raining It reach 40 now but it is still cold and rainy here in My neck of the woods.

    I did get some walk in today. Did not get a motorize Chair to shopped in . then had to go to Walmart to pick up some medication so since I did so good at Kroger I would not get a motorize shopping cart at Walmart. made it just fine. tired but I made it. Would love to have my fitbit so I would know how many steps I took. I can do it.

    Good for you, Marie!! You can do it and I bet you will sleep really well tonight!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie Glad you drop in. for lunch I had 1 cup of black eyes peas can I count them as a carb and a protein I had a cup of black eyes peas , a slice of cheese a cup of raw Sugar snap peas tea
    now it is time to have a snack and I am not hungry So if I am not hungry I am not going to eat. But will have my 3 main meals regardless.. you have been a blessing to me.
    hugs Maie
  • mcandeli
    mcandeli Posts: 12 Member
    amclickner wrote: »
    Thank you CalieCat. It has taken me since my youngest was born to get this far though, due to stopping and starting all the time. He turns 4 in July so its taken a long time. This time I am very determined though and want to get this weight off!

    I think I am going to get the wii out later as I have a couple of work out games - I have the wii fit game and a biggest loser game which get me moving when I cant go out walking. A few months ago though I slipped off the wii fit board and tore the ligaments in my ankle and I hav'nt used the wii since :open_mouth: so I'll have to be careful so I don't slip off again!

    MummyKate85 - the Wii is great! I weight train 3x/week and didn't think the Wii would do a lot, but the tennis game really gives me a workout - no fit board needed. Good luck!
    I don't have a tennis game on mine, or at least I dont think I do? Is it on the wii fit game, or on the sports one? I might have to get the sports one if it is on there.

    Hi! Yes, it's on Wii Sports. It also has bowling and some other things. They all give you a great workout. Good luck!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Amclickner how are you today
    <3 Marie
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Hello team! What do you do when you crave sweets? I need to change my after lunch habit.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have no ideal Sunny. I do not crave sweet on this 1-1-1 diet unless I get a low blood sugar.But there is fruits just got to make some changes. Can't keep on doing the same old thing or you will be just like you are now.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :D On Fridays I teach a line dance class in the morning and come home at lunch time starving. Today I fixed Morningstar Farms basil pizza burgers with a frozen vegetable and sliced tomatoes....it was easy to fix, a good balance of protein and carbs, and not too many calories.

    :D Sunnyfarm, getting past a sweet craving takes some time....a first I had to drink a lot of water and then just get out of the kitchen. The longer I stay away from sweet and salty snacks, the less I crave them. Many people have a piece of fruit for dessert after a meal as a sweet finish.

    :D Marie that's great that you went shopping without the motorized cart.

    <3 Barbie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Sunnyfarm wrote: »
    Hello team! What do you do when you crave sweets? I need to change my after lunch habit.
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I have no ideal Sunny. I do not crave sweet on this 1-1-1 diet unless I get a low blood sugar.But there is fruits just got to make some changes. Can't keep on doing the same old thing or you will be just like you are now.

    I have to agree with Marie, Sunny...I don't crave sweets either.
    We are eating 1 carb, 1 protein, and 1 fat for each meal (5). Whatever you choose to eat that is sweet, would be your 1 carb that meal.
  • tonetta51
    tonetta51 Posts: 22 Member
    Sunnyfarm wrote: »
    Hello team! What do you do when you crave sweets? I need to change my after lunch habit.

    When I crave sweets I eat one piece of candy or chew gum and drink lots and lots of water. It helps sooth the craving.
  • mcandeli
    mcandeli Posts: 12 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Hello Amclickner how are you today
    <3 Marie

    Hey, Marie! I'm great - thanks for asking. I hope you are well! Just weighed - 1 pound lost...I'll take it!

    CW 156.6
    Goal 137