20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!
  • cmristine
    cmristine Posts: 15 Member
    I would like to join, too. Joined MFP a while ago, but slacked off after a herniated disc. 20 by Easter sounds realistic to me.
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    Happy new year. I am up for the challenge with you =-) I would like to aim for losing about 3 pounds a week up until Easter and then I will be my ideal weight. Anyone else up for the challenge feel free to add me.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy New year to you Connie
    Happy new year to all of you loser. this is going to be the year we lose this excess fat. Right?? RIGHT
    Look what walking will do.
    Marie- caliecat
    Mesquite, Texas
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    liannexxx wrote: »
    Happy new year. I am up for the challenge with you =-) I would like to aim for losing about 3 pounds a week up until Easter and then I will be my ideal weight. Anyone else up for the challenge feel free to add me.

    <3 (*) <3
    welcome Lianne glad you join us. that 3 lbs a week will b tought. One of our girls lost on an average of 3 lbs aweek Back in 2009name Barbie.She lost 58 lbs. well a little more than that but her doctor wanted her to gain a few lbs back on. She will be an inspiration for you she has maintain that lost for 6 years.
    Marie- caliecat
    Mesquite, Texas

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    cmristine wrote: »
    I would like to join, too. Joined MFP a while ago, but slacked off after a herniated disc. 20 by Easter sounds realistic to me.

    <3 (*) <3 Cmristine Welcome to our group of losers so glad you joined us. Let lose it "no matter what" Say it I am going to lose this " no Matter What:
    Marie- caliecat
    Mesquite, Texas
  • ywall2012
    Hi all, I start today, its absolutely pouring outside but I'm going to take the dog for a walk to get some exercise in. I have my fitbit so we'll see how many steps I manage to fit in today. Wish me luck
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    ywall2012 wrote: »
    Hi all, I start today, its absolutely pouring outside but I'm going to take the dog for a walk to get some exercise in. I have my fitbit so we'll see how many steps I manage to fit in today. Wish me luck

    <3 (*) <3

    Great on getting out in the rain for your walk. let us know how many steps you put on your fit bit this morning. . I am waiting to get my fit bit by UPS a late Christmas gift. but would not get out in the cold and freezing rain to walk, would have to do my walking inside. I used to Many years ago. So glad you join us.
    marie - caliecat
    Mesquite, Texas


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Happy New year to you Connie
    Happy new year to all of you loser. this is going to be the year we lose this excess fat. Right?? RIGHT
    Look what walking will do.
    Marie- caliecat
    Mesquite, Texas

    Yes, Marie...this is our year to get it off for good...here and NOW!
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    I'm in. :smile:
    Current weight: 202
    Beginning weight: 202
    lbs lost: 0
    ...lol...day one...
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Happy 2015! New year blessings to all!
    If positive attitudes lead to negative lbs ( and they do) this group will be happy and lighter this year!
    Momma I love the graphic of what walking can do - it will get me on the move today since the ice has not reached us. It will be hard but not impossible to hit my goal for today of 5,000 steps. Miss Thelma said she wanted nothing to do with this weather but her bladder will change her mind soon!

    ;) My scale is nuts! According to it this morning I have lost 2 pounds since yesterday but then when I went back to check again 5 minutes later and it showed no loss! See why I do not trust it? Saturday's WW scale is official - let's hope it is sane!

    Thanks to everyone for the friendship and support!

    SW 230
    CW 200
    GW 175 (short term goal)

    No Matter What...I will do this NOW!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    gemfrire wrote: »
    Happy 2015! New year blessings to all!
    If positive attitudes lead to negative lbs ( and they do) this group will be happy and lighter this year!
    Momma I love the graphic of what walking can do - it will get me on the move today since the ice has not reached us. It will be hard but not impossible to hit my goal for today of 5,000 steps. Miss Thelma said she wanted nothing to do with this weather but her bladder will change her mind soon!

    ;) My scale is nuts! According to it this morning I have lost 2 pounds since yesterday but then when I went back to check again 5 minutes later and it showed no loss! See why I do not trust it? Saturday's WW scale is official - let's hope it is sane!

    Thanks to everyone for the friendship and support!

    SW 230
    CW 200
    GW 175 (short term goal)

    No Matter What...I will do this NOW!

    <3 (*) <3

    My daughter and my best friend.
    . We will " finish the fight" ..... A Dallas Cowboy saying this year. I will adopt this saying for I have been fighting this problems way too long
    Lets all finish the fight by Easter or at least a great good start. I will have more to lose So some of us will need part 2 of this. We will need a good name for part 2 help me out.
    One that comes to my mind is Heading for Maintance for most of us will be there or a lot loser than we are now.

    good going Alice 30 lbs in 16 weeks. WW is good for you. keep it up.

    Momma Marie
    "Finish the Fight"

  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! :)

    Well I dread to think how many calories I consumed last night - I had wayyyy too much wine and nibbles :no_mouth: but it was a great night! I am starting afresh as of today and so far I'm doing well - I have a roast cooking and it smells soooo good. I have planned out all my food for today though so I should be able to stay on track :)

    I was going to go for a walk with my children, but the weather is dreadful here so it looks like we are going to be stuck indoors :(

    Oh and here is my info. Everyone else is posting it so figured I should too :)

    SW: 230lbs
    CW: 205lbs
    GW (this is a short term goal though): 170lbs
  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    I was just looking up when Easter actually is, to discover that it falls this year on my oldest daughters birthday! I told her and she is so excited about having easter eggs on her birthday ha!
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Thinking ahead Momma! I like having specific date to set our goal with. I think the 4th of July is about 13 weeks from Easter - so how about "Fit by the Fourth!"? As we become thinner (and we will) we will want to focus on becoming more fit. Just a thought!
    <3 love you!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Kate look like you are doing fine congrats on your lost. keep it up just remember to eat balance meals and drink plenty of water and exercise. you can walk in place. if the weather is too bad. Best of luck on your journey
    lets finish this fight
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    gemfrire wrote: »
    Thinking ahead Momma! I like having specific date to set our goal with. I think the 4th of July is about 13 weeks from Easter - so how about "Fit by the Fourth!"? As we become thinner (and we will) we will want to focus on becoming more fit. Just a thought!
    <3 love you!

    Sounds great to me, Alice!
    Like your mom said, " some of us will need a part 2" and that will be me.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Happy 2015 to all of you!

    Alice, I love the idea of Fit by the Fourth! Congratulations on your 30lb weigh loss!

    I will post my weight tomorrow, as that is my WI day. Hoping for at least no gain after a week with a few treats here and there. So glad the holidays are officially over. Time to get to business in a BIG way to meet the goal for this challenge!

    Hubby and I did not get a walk in yesterday, so we're going for a two-hour walk midmorning. It's a gorgeous but cold day here in MD. Had one egg and low calorie high fiber bread with avocado. YUM!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Connie, I will need Part 2 as well - Not being negative about not hitting our Easter goal - just knowing that this journey we are on will never end. We will always need to be aware of what and how we eat and how active we need to be. Glad there are friends to share the trip with!
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    ama3387 wrote: »
    I'm in!
    I weigh in on Mondays so the Cw is from 12/8