20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • mcandeli
    mcandeli Posts: 12 Member
    Sunnyfarm wrote: »
    Hello team! What do you do when you crave sweets? I need to change my after lunch habit.

    I eat a high protein, VERY low carb bar (150-170 calories, 2g net carbs, 1g sugar). Atkins has some good ones and, if there's an Aldi's grocery store near you, they have a Millville Indulgent bar (caramel nut or chocolate coconut). Aldi's is a lot cheaper at $3.99/box. If you like a Mounds candy bar, the Aldi's chocolate coconut is almost identical!! Sometimes I only eat half a bar, depending on how many calories I want to use. Since they have protein, they are filling and stay with you and definitely satisfy the sugar craving. You can always freeze them.......takes a little longer to eat them! :smile:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Mummykate: I have the Wii Fit and do the tennis game also. It really works you. I also do the steps and boxing. I haven't got mine out yet this year. I used to keep track of my BMI on it too and my weight graph.
  • mcandeli
    mcandeli Posts: 12 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    Mummykate: I have the Wii Fit and do the tennis game also. It really works you. I also do the steps and boxing. I haven't got mine out yet this year. I used to keep track of my BMI on it too and my weight graph.

    I will have to try the boxing. Sounds like a good upper body workout!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    [quote="amclickner; 1 pound lost that is great yeah for mclicknerupper

  • mcandeli
    mcandeli Posts: 12 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    [quote="amclickner; 1 pound lost that is great yeah for mclicknerupper

    Thanks, Marie!!
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited January 2015
    amclickner wrote: »

    I eat a high protein, VERY low carb bar (150-170 calories, 2g net carbs, 1g sugar). Atkins has some good ones and, if there's an Aldi's grocery store near you, they have a Millville Indulgent bar (caramel nut or chocolate coconut). Aldi's is a lot cheaper at $3.99/box. If you like a Mounds candy bar, the Aldi's chocolate coconut is almost identical!! Sometimes I only eat half a bar, depending on how many calories I want to use. Since they have protein, they are filling and stay with you and definitely satisfy the sugar craving. You can always freeze them.......takes a little longer to eat them! :smile:
    barbiecat wrote: »

    :D Sunnyfarm, getting past a sweet craving takes some time....a first I had to drink a lot of water and then just get out of the kitchen. The longer I stay away from sweet and salty snacks, the less I crave them. Many people have a piece of fruit for dessert after a meal as a sweet finish.
    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I have no ideal Sunny. I do not crave sweet on this 1-1-1 diet unless I get a low blood sugar.But there is fruits just got to make some changes. Can't keep on doing the same old thing or you will be just like you are now.

    Thank you everyone. I'm working on balancing my macros. I have found that I'm not eating enough protien. I am also starting to drink more water. I'll let you know how it's going.
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good evening everyone!
    I don't crave sweets either but don't put a plate of cheese and sausage bites in front of me! I find that if I have cravings for anything I have to find something to distract my mind for a few minutes and it is gone. My WW leader says that what you crave like sweet or salt is your body telling you that there is an imbalance of needed nutrients in your body - I say that my body needs to shut up!
    - Not a good walking day for me. This weather needs to clear up! Momma - your FitBit could still show up tomorrow!
    - Good night...see y'all in the morning!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good mornging Challenger's I had a perfect eating day yesterday, Going for another one today too. got to get those scales moving down. I am tracking my food which I hate to do it just flusterate me to no ends. So don't know how long it will last. I don't mind writing it down but to look up the foods and there are so many to choose from.

    Have a great day.
    <3 Marie
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning and happy Saturday! Keep tracking Momma! Your frustration will pay off! I am proud of you for sticking to your plan!
    So been up for about an hour and my fitbit is my friend this morning...already up to 1500 steps! Turned on some lively 60's music and danced, walked and laughed for most of that hour! Today I will hit 5000! I know for many that is nothing but for this couch potato it will be a success!
    WI at noon!
    I am inspired by all the posters here! Although I knew my mom(Marie/Caliecat) has been a dedicated and very active poster I have not been. But with all this friendship and support why would anyone want to leave! Thank you! <3
    Now off for some water and a light breakfast before WI!
    Remember this today, No Matter What obstacles I put before me I am the only one who can overcome them - with a little from my friends! Smile on! (Sorry too much hippie music this morning)

    :D Alice
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello this place I was suppose to join you all yesterday but I totally forgot.
    Craving sugar those little cinnamon hearts do the trick for me. I take 20 put them in a shot glass and have them when needed. but never 20 a week. and 20 is only 50 calories.

    Well I'm doing ok.
    Here are my stats
    SW 210
    CW See what happens at tops Wed. will report on Thursday.
    GW Be happy with 150 more would be fine.

    Good luck to all and see you all shortly
    Linda in Northern Ontario. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, all!
    Marie..congrats to you for a wonderful day!
    Alice..thanks for your sunshine and happiness this morning!

    Today and tomorrow are my rest days from formal exercise. My plan is to grocery shop..seems like I'm in the store every other day now. I guess when you eat right you have to cook which means you run out of fresh veggies sooner! We haven't eaten out since before the holidays and I can't say I miss it. Even when you get a salad with grilled chicken, there's a ton of sodium in it...plus I can't say no to the bread basket.

    Anyway, have a wonderful day, everyone.

  • I am in :)

    Starting weight (Oct 2014): 202 lbs
    Current weight (December 30th, 2014): 175 lbs (down 27 so far!)
    Goal weight by Easter: 155 lbs (total: 47!)
    Overall goal weight (shooting for July 30th 2015): 120 lbs (total: 82!)
  • ironman1431
    ironman1431 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lin carpemtier I used to go to tops A great place to go. Some of their rules and regulations I did not like though. this is a nice friendly bunch of Challenger's group we have here A short time here I have already made many new friends.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015

    939425cdiy8p6frc.gif welcome to our group best of luck to you. glad to have you with us.Best of wihes making your goal.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am In

    , group whatever you want to call it.
    welcome to this thread. Best of luck in reaching your goal. it is a realistic goal for you.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I think I am caught up with the new members let me know if I overlook you. When you get my age your mind get a little fuzzy.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Alice and Connie thanks for dropping in. My Alice what energy this early in the morning

    Connie I love the bead basket too. When Alice and I go out to eat ever other Sunday she tells them no bread so we are not tempted
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,726 Member
    I would like to join! 20 pounds by Easter would be great!

    Starting weight - 145.8
    Goal weight - 125.8

    01/03 - 140.4 (the loss was a lot of water and puff, but I'll take it!)

    Thursday and Friday I managed over 20,000 each day. I completed my MFP challenges and worked out to a Kelly Coffey-Meyer DVD Thursday that kicked my fanny because I was too sore Friday to do it again! Still sore this morning, so I'm picking a different DVD to workout to today. Got over 8 cups of water down each day. Tracked all my food. I was under my calorie limit both days.

    I'm going for 15,000 steps a day, completing my MFP challenges, working out to one DVD, logging all my food, drinking all my water. That should pretty much fill up my day!! I will post my weight every Saturday.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Chris welcome Look like you had a good week. Wonderful
    Welome to our team. Be lookin to see next Saturday A few of us post everyday. to keep us infocus.
    marie..... I have a fitbit coming soon, to keep up with my steps