Would anyone like to join me for a "Just for Today" goals for the month of January



  • cassidyamymommy
    cassidyamymommy Posts: 71 Member
    im in :)

    just for today i will...

    1. i will exercise for 30 minutes
    2. i will get my 8 glasses of water
    3. i will reach 7500 steps
  • AliluniqueLaura
    AliluniqueLaura Posts: 43 Member
    edited January 2015
    Just for today 1/2/14
    1. Drink 4 bottles of water
    2. Work hard at the gym
    3. Work in the yard
    4. Continue this "just for today".
  • mystic81
    mystic81 Posts: 23 Member
    Just for today (Jan 2/15), I will:

    1. Get in my 40 mins of walking throughout the day.
    2. Drink 100-120 oz of water.
    3. Log everything that I Eat/Drink/Exercise.
    4. Stay Positive throughout the day, including dealing with time crunches at work!
  • slindsey137
    slindsey137 Posts: 214 Member
    This is great! I wish I had found it yesterday!
    Just for today 1/2/15:
    1. Do today's workout, and yesterdays (because life got in the way yesterday)
    2. Stay in my goals
    3. Log -everything-!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    January 1st, 2015
    1. DO a minimun of 20 minutes of exercise, whether it be ellipitical, walking, or anything! :) Got in a small walk, but after just being sick for a week, this is at least a start!
    2. Focus on 8 glasses of water :) DONE!
    3. Log everything I eat! :) Even logged my mindless eating a handful of M&Ms
    4. Keep my sugar grams within MFP guidelines :) I was over by about 7 gms, but much better

    Just for Today...
    1. I will remember that sometimes I mistake THIRST for HUNGER. Drink a large glass of water, and wait 10 minutes before I go and get something to eat.
    2. Still not feeling all that great, but I will try and do at least 20 minutes on the ellipitical
    3. Concentrate on drinking WATER WATER WATER!!!

    I enjoy SO much reading everyone's posts! Thank you all -- keeps me coming back and staying on track one day at a time!
  • SusieDerkinsRocks
    SusieDerkinsRocks Posts: 30 Member
    Just for today I will track what I eat, follow my plan and move!!
  • YiayiaOf6
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Well, I weighed myself this morning, reset my weight. Yikes, How can weight go on so quickly! But I know what to do -- watch my sugar intake. So I added another thing for today

    JUST FOR TODAY, January 1st, 2015
    1. DO a minimun of 20 minutes of exercise, whether it be ellipitical, walking, or anything!
    2. Focus on 8 glasses of water
    3. Log everything I eat!
    4. Keep my sugar grams within MFP guidelines

  • YiayiaOf6
    I feel like the biggest fool. I spent hours trying to figure out how to comment. Lol! (Looking at the TOP VS THE BOTTOM). For a "post" key.
    Ok now that my embarrassing moment is out of the way.

    Just for today:
    1. follow Drs orders
    2. Listen to my body.
    3. Eat consciously
    4. Walk
    5. Do strengthening exercises.
    6. MEAN IT!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    YiayiaOf6 wrote: »
    I feel like the biggest fool. I spent hours trying to figure out how to comment. Lol! (Looking at the TOP VS THE BOTTOM). For a "post" key.
    Ok now that my embarrassing moment is out of the way.

    Just for today:
    1. follow Drs orders
    2. Listen to my body.
    3. Eat consciously
    4. Walk
    5. Do strengthening exercises.
    6. MEAN IT!!

    YOU DID IT!! Great! Thanks for joining us!
  • rhye
    rhye Posts: 104 Member
    Jan 2~
    Just for today I will:
    Log everything I eat.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    01/02 Just for today:

    3. "let it go" - not being able to keep a spotless house does not make me a bad person. I am not the only person living in this house and the only one working full time, I cannot do it all.

    I know for me also, I try to do to much. I now don't really worry about the small stuff -- taking care of our health is the most important thing we have!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm about to get my walk in but wanted to share this first:

    I don't go long without eating. I never starve myself: I grab a healthy snack.
    Vanessa Hudgens
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    patceoh wrote: »
    Thanks for the invatation.
    Just for today I will read some of the board for inspiration.
    Just for today I will try for 10 cups of water.
    Just for today I will log my food.
    Just for today I will do 20 minutes of exercise.

    Going to weigh in tomorrow,then on the 31st.lets do this!

    I read a magazine with a lot of healthy eating info,had 10 cups,of water yesterday,7 today.Food is logged & under my calorie allowance.Walked 40 minutes... fingers crossed to match it tomor. Pat

  • quiltlady77
    quiltlady77 Posts: 93 Member
    Jan 2nd- Stayed within my calorie allotment but over on my sugar. Did 60 min. of aqualates then lifted weights for 45 min. so guess I got my exercise in. Did not get enough water in but was close.
  • amdaless
    amdaless Posts: 12 Member
    I love this idea, and I am so glad I found this posting.
    Just for today:

    1) Log my food (check)
    2) Increase H2O intake (so so 4 gl.)
    3) Not eat bad carbs (did pretty well ate 1 pita w/ supper and tasted not even a tsp. of cake batter)
    PS the cake is not for me. :)
    4) Tell myself I am proud of myself for even doing this much.

    Good night to all, going to Lumosity to work my brain :)
  • vitasoy2014
    Great idea.
    I'll start off realistic for me. Just for today I'll have a glass of water when I really want chocolate :p
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    edited January 2015
    Just for today 1/2

    1. Get my morning run in! :)
    2. Get my 30 day shred - Day 2 in!:)
    3. Remember pounds go on EASIER then losing! :)
    4. Don't let stress control you focusing on diet and workouts! :)

    Just for today 1/3
    1. Get my run in EARLY!
    2. 30 day shred - Day 3
    3. Healthy dinner - (We're going out with friends)
    4. Drink LOTS of hot tea! I'm loosing my voice, ugh! I CAN'T GET SICK! :'(:'(

  • Pucks_and_Balls
    Pucks_and_Balls Posts: 95 Member
    Just for today 1/3, which is a rest day. (Saturdays always are.)

    1. Eat below my maintenance.
    2. Make a healthy side dish choice when we go out to dinner.
    3. Clean my room and start getting organized.
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited January 2015
    • run :D had a great one!
    • do the gold's gym band workout dvd I brought :\ well, unless I get inspired before bed ... unlikely ...
    • stay within calorie goals (been eating too much!) :( no, by one sugar free soy latte

    1. forgive myself that unusual situations make this harder and try again.
    2. RUN again!!
    3. stop eating before I am full!
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    JUST FOR TODAY, January 3, 2015
    1. Walk 10,000 steps today.
    2. Log everything I eat.
    3. Drink 4 glasses of water
    4. Continue to declutter my den

    JUST FOR TODAY, January 2, 2015
    1. Walk 10,000 steps today. :)
    2. Log everything I eat. :)
    3. Drink 4 glasses of water :)

    I am really enjoying this thread. Thanks!