Anyone else just getting started and have about 50-60 lbs to lose?



  • I started in June of 2014 but didn't get motivated until Sept. I was up to 218 and the biggest I have ever been in my life. I started using an elliptical machine and doing some light strength training and finally got into a routine. I am down to about 180 now but still have a long way to go. I would love to be in your group and will do my best to encourage and help keep you motivated. Good luck!!
  • bliles84
    bliles84 Posts: 2 Member
    Anyone else having trouble adding friends? I can't seem to send friend requests to anyone.
  • Tashamarie55
    Tashamarie55 Posts: 17 Member
    Me! I am currently about 205, and looking to get to 150 (and probably a little more after that, but 150 is my first major goal!). I would love new friends for motivation and support! I plan to log daily, and my dairy is open :) Please feel free to add me!!
  • top_mom
    top_mom Posts: 59 Member
    Please add me as well.. need to get back on track.. very similar goals!
  • joriding
    joriding Posts: 1 Member
    Ugh...274 ...started yesterday.... Need to get below 200...199 is my goal! :)
  • cheeftaylor
    cheeftaylor Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah - started 4 days ago on 261 hoping to get to 196. Thats.......counting on fingers...... lots,
    Sounds impossible but it is definitely doable and I have to believe that!
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    280 looking at 200
  • geisslerj
    geisslerj Posts: 1 Member
    Peaked at 209, now at 188, aiming for below 150. First time I've shared those numbers (at least the first two!) with anyone, but this feels like a safe place since so many of us are in the same boat. Together, we can do this!
  • innerexp
    innerexp Posts: 32 Member
    Good morning all! I'm in the same boat :) Highest weight was 222, current is 193, goal is 122 (I'm 5'2"). I would love to add friends that are trying to lose 50+ lbs this year! Good luck to us all!
  • adkjo1968
    adkjo1968 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Sounds like I'm in the same boat as all of you. Just getting started on Fitness Pal. I would love to join you all on the journey. I need to lose between 40-50 pounds too. I have lots to learn. I would love to add friends as well. Good luck and happy new year!

  • kcewf
    kcewf Posts: 1
    I am at about 245 and shooting for 185. I am 5'10" and 60 years old. I would love to find a friend who is also tall, "mature," and in the same weight zone. It would be fun. Best wishes to all of you! Our bodies will forgive us very quickly if we start treating them right.
  • I am as well! The biggest thing for me is motivation. I always start, but then I get busy with school or I am too tired to do anything. Last year I did a workout for a good two months but then I stopped
  • ChloeJames120
    ChloeJames120 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Guys my names Chloe, I'm new to this site I'm losing weight for health reasons, I'm currently 177 aiming to be between 120 - 140 feel free to add me i could do with some help and support Good luck everyone <3:) x
  • McGristy
    McGristy Posts: 61 Member
    Always looking for new buds! 34F, starting weight 210, current weight 195, goal weight 145!!
  • paswilmington
    paswilmington Posts: 2 Member
    i'm in...just started jan 2nd and need set a goal of 60 lbs @ 5bs/month. Maybe having company will help it stick this time.
  • carlxo21
    carlxo21 Posts: 143 Member
    BUMP! I am 25 years old, 180 and would like to get down to about 120-130 (I am 5'4). The best shape of my life I was at 118 with a rock hard body. Since turning 21 I discovered my love of booze, I am also a huge foodie so the weight has really crept on. Some pretty intense hardships made me comfort eat my way up to where I am now. I've been on MFP for years and never stuck to it. This is going to be the year! add me = )
  • MadamPlum
    MadamPlum Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, me! I lost 50 pounds a couple of years ago and unfortunately have troughed my way back up to 187 pounds again! Have 55 pounds to lose. Feel free to invite me.
  • jessieandcharlotte78
    jessieandcharlotte78 Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am in the same boat. I started at 340 last november. By Jan. I was 300 but I was using the Omnitrition drops, which are a scam btw. I lost all that because they have you eating 500 calories a day. My brother showed me this app this Thanksgiving and I have lost 18 lbs. My tricks are exercise everyday, marking down a lesser number in the calories burned exercise calculator, and marking down EVERY BITE thats goes in your mouth. I couldn't believe how much I was eating until I actually saw it. My goal is 220 so I have about 60 lbs left.
    Keep up the good work, it's is one of the hardest things to do but if it were easy, it wouldn't be worth it.
  • FatMama_33
    FatMama_33 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey me too! I weighed in at 209 at the drs on 12/31 and need to get to 150. I've decided my first goal is to 175, but ultimately 150.
  • Mythrain1
    Mythrain1 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello all. Im at 200 also, would like to be in the 140s, but anything is better at this point.