100 + pounds to lose anyone?



  • marykay1999
    marykay1999 Posts: 10 Member
    I have at least 140 lbs. to lose (according to the calculations of a nutritionist). I guess if I followed height/weight for BMI, the nutritionist is right. I look at that number and feel overwhelmed. Anyone wanting to add me, please do so.
  • I'm her and need to lose one a hundred but would be thrilled with 50. I need motivation and encouragement.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I started with 300lbs to lose and am down 248 3.5 years later. I am still here plugging along :) I love to encourage people. Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • I have 105 pounds to lose!! Starting my weight loss journey today!!! I am excited and nervouse all at the same time!! Feel free to add me! :D
  • lorbie49
    lorbie49 Posts: 38 Member
    I would like to lose 110-120....add me :)
  • lovingrn
    lovingrn Posts: 27 Member
    103 lbs. to loose. I am married with a wonderful family. I am diabetic, with a bad knee, a full time job, and working on my master's degree. I am determined to become healthy and could use as much support as possible. Anyone on this post is welcome to add me as their friend.
  • kristinhowell
    kristinhowell Posts: 139 Member
    I started with 160 to lose, have 66 left.

    Good luck to OP and everyone responding.
    Can add me if you like - I like friends.
  • damika424
    damika424 Posts: 7 Member
    I have over 100 to lose as well. Thru God, determination, focus and lots and lots of prayer we can do it!!!!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I started last January (2014) with 110 to lose.
    Had gotten rid of 73 of those by the end of last year. When I look back, I'm still amazed.
    You (all of you) CAN do this!

    Persistence, stubbornness, stick-to-it-iveness... whatever you want to call it, get some.
    Just don't give up. If you give up, things won't change. If you keep trying, they can change.
    Screw up one day? That's one day. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, figure out what you need to change, change it, & do better next time.

    Also, make changes a little at a time.
    - Don't suddenly go from eating 3000 cal/day (to support a 300 lb person) to 1500. Maybe start with 2500 for a month or so, then when you stop losing weight, drop another 100 calories.
    - With exercise, start where you are, with what you can do. Walk to the end of the driveway if that's all you can do right now. Do it again in an hour. And again. And do it tomorrow. Next week, do it twice. The next week, walk to the neighbor's driveway. You get the idea.

    Set small goals: every 5 lb, every time you drop 1 BMI number, etc.
    Find rewards that you can attach to those goals: cute socks, new earbuds, a walk in a state park you've been meaning to visit, a massage, a movie, a bubblebath with candles & a novel.

    Take measurements. I do mine every 2 weeks.

    Take pictures. Even if you never show them to anyone else, you _will_ want to see your own progress. And I bet when you get 50, 75, 100 lbs down you'll want to share them, cringe-worthy as they are.

    I did a blog post about motivation.

  • me too!! add me
  • Jbinmx
    Jbinmx Posts: 2
    I need to lose over 100 too! Add me!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I've started the New Year by doing a 10 day smoothie cleanse.
    ArmyofMom wrote:
    I am doing a cleanse as well.
    What exactly are you "cleansing" yourselves of?
    And how are you doing that, more than what your body usually does to remove waste (liver, kidneys, skin, lungs)?
    I have more than 100 pounds to lose. I have no support. I just have family that laughed at me the other day when I said I lost 6 pounds. They made it like the scale is wrong. Little do they know I have lost over 40 pounds.
    How awful they did that to you!!! :angry: :sob::unamused:
    Good for you for achieving so much this far, all on your own!!! :awesome:
    Most of my support is here, too. I do check in with my doctor every couple of months.
  • jmdefronzo
    jmdefronzo Posts: 1 Member
    Would love to add some new friends for support and encouragement. Have lost 30 lbs since mid October. Goal is another 100 +. Feel free to add me :)
  • ArmyofMom
    ArmyofMom Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2015
    @MKEgal, I am doing a vegan cleanse for 6 days. The nutrients in the shake I drink help cleanse the liver and kidneys. I have seen my triglycerides go from 300 to 120 and my cholesterol from 230 to 178. Many foods can help you help your body function at its best. I like the cleanse because it helps me not crave junk food as a I start a clean eating program. You can cleanse more slowly by cutting out processed foods and fried foods. Adding in garlic, tomatoes, asparagus, avocado,spinach, lemon carrots and cilantro. Just to name a few "cleansing " foods.

    I only have one kidney so making sure I give my body all the help it can get is number one priority. Weight loss is part of that.

  • iridescentblue
    iridescentblue Posts: 12 Member
    I'm looking to lose 90-100 more, welcome to add me :) I do have a low-carb/keto focus in case anyone here is looking for that sort of thing!
  • willow232
    willow232 Posts: 2 Member
    I have 170 lbs to lose. Please add me too. I have done Atkins but don't like the restrictiveness of it. A daunting task ahead but my joints need some relief, Its nice to know there are many of us ready to work together. :wink:
  • Shazie1966
    Shazie1966 Posts: 4 Member
    I would like to lose 75 lbs and hopefully 55 lbs by June. May I join please
  • I have 100lbs to lose too. Just started yesterday, but as my sister is getting a professional family photo taken in the summer I need to get a few stone off by then! Feel free to add me!
  • mburton67
    mburton67 Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose 100+ I would love to journey with you too...you can never have enough friends
  • believefsc
    believefsc Posts: 49 Member
    I've lost 51 pounds so far and want to lose another 100. Anyone feel free to add me if you're active on the site and want to change your way of life! I login every day, have an open diary and love to support and motivate!