2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • markalicious1
    markalicious1 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm more of a noob! I have been on here on and off for a couple of years, but I want to seriously commit, i just need to find the motivation. I'm a 22 year old Canadian single college student. I'm not bad looking or I'm not that over weight. Hopefully this doesn't come off as inappropriate but i would prefer a slightly older female mentor. Not because thats what i'm into but because I've never had a girlfriend in my life. Basically I need insight on relationships, which is the whole reason I'm loosing weight in the first place. Im kinda hoping this mentor will be more like friend thats not scared to tell me the cold hard truth. I hope this won't just be about weight loss, I think it will be good to have someone to talk too. Sometimes the people in your life just don't see the things obvious to a complete stranger. Weight loss is my main goal but the rest would definitely be a bonus!
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    I would be happy to mentor up to 3 female newbies. I am 25, 5ft 3 & maintain my weight between 102-105lbs. I work within the fitness industry in a marketing capacity and my own lifestyle is fairly active and varied in terms of exercise & I follow what I consider to be a healthy diet with no restrictions on any types of food.
  • liveyenna
    liveyenna Posts: 104 Member
    Noob reporting in for duty!
    I have a MFP account since 2012 but back then I quickly gave up. In November I started again and I already lost 5kg/10lbs. I want to stay committed and maybe a mentor is what can help me. Also; I have been overweight my whole life thanks to unhealthy habits I copied from my parents. They always eat a lot of meat, sauces, sugars, etc. and their portion control is not in control at all. It was pretty hard to change that at the beginning and the holidays were also killers but now I'm getting little by little back on track.
    There's only 1 more thing I have to confess: I am pretty terrified by imagining how I will look healthy as if I have never been even close to a healthy body.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I'm up for mentoring... I've been on here for almost 3 years and have learned a lot. I remember starting out and being lost & overwhelmed... I got beat down on the forums for asking questions and it sucked... I'm an avid biker and reluctant runner. I enjoy lifting, but don't do it as often as I'd like.

    Here is my bit about me......I was always a small girl who thought she was big, unitl college when I became big without realizing it. I lost a bunch of weight (fad Adkins diet and trainer) for my wedding, and gained it back plus a little more, and a little more. At 5'1" I had reached a top weight of about 185-200lb, my cholesterol was over 300 and I was sick and tired all of the time (picture in profile). Then I got pregnant, and this changed my life. I did not want to perpetuate the poor habits and negative body image I was taught to another generation. I try very hard to live a life I'm proud of, I'm active and fit, but I've never really evaluated my diet until now mostly because it seemed a cumbersome task. MFP helped me put the final touches on my image makeover!

    SW on MFP: 150
    CW: 125
    GW: 125 hit 8/24/2012
    New GW: 110 or <20% BF whichever...- Not sure this is even possible...
    I've hit 110, but stay closer to 112 and my %BF is around 19%. 10/6/14..

    Currently, I'm back at 120... I can't maintain race weight in the off season. Ahhh, I'll get back there in the spring...
  • plm209
    plm209 Posts: 222 Member
    Volunteering to mentor one or two newbies. Willing to coach women or men. Prefer coaching people with less than 30 lbs to lose. If you have more than 30 to lose you don't need a coach, you just need to track calories. Prefer people focused on getting in shape and not just losing weight.

    About me - Been on here for over 5 years and have gone from fat to thin to muscular. I went from 243 lbs and not an ounce of muscle to around 200 lbs with still no muscle. Decided I wanted to be bigger, so gained some weight and packed on the muscle. Now I typically gain 10-15 lbs during the winter and lose it in the spring and summer. I'm currently at 225 and my goal for this year is to be 200 lbs and shredded for the summer.

    My coaching style - lift weights, throw in some cardio and "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM) eating. Try to get most of my calories from "bro foods" but the occasional candy bar or burrito won't kill me. If you trust me, I'll get you in shape.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I'd like to offer up this blog post as a resource for mentors and mentees starting off:

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I would be happy to mentor an MFP newbie. I'm Denise, 52 years old, and I lost the weight I needed to lose 2-3 years ago and have maintained that loss since then. MFP gave me the tools, information, and support that I needed to get off the diet roller coaster permanently. But, just as importantly, I am responsible for my new healthier, happier self because I did the hard work that is losing weight.

    I would particularly like to mentor a middle aged person like myself who understands that if they don't prioritize their health they likely won't be around to play with their grandchildren or see them graduate from high school. I also truly believe that wanting to lose weight isn't enough. To be successful, a person needs to be ready to change, the commitment to change, the ability to change, and the tools to change (that's MFP).

    I will not mentor someone who's looking for magic pills, magic formula, magic cleanse, or magic beans to lose weight. There are no shortcuts to anything worth achieving. I do not want my time wasted. But for the right person, I think I could help. MFP helped me transform my life and I'd love to help someone else do the same.

    Best wishes and welcome to everyone!

  • amariepooch
    amariepooch Posts: 10 Member
    So I am a noob :) kinda. I've been here before but really fell back. I am a gamer girl. I have played WoW for 6 years. During those 6 years I've had 2 sons and gotten married through all of that and some extreme issues with food during my pregnancies I gained weight like CRAZY I am looking to lose around 70 pounds and definitely need some accountability.

  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I would be willing to help one or two. I'm 49 years old, I run and I lift. My philosophy is to eat foods that I enjoy in moderation with an eye towards keeping my macronutrients close to what they should be. I know that there are great successes as well as an occasional slip up because I have seen them both. I am no nonsense and I would not be a good fit with someone who is very sensitive. I will tell it like it is, supporting hard work and a low tolerance for excuses.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    edited January 2015
    I will volunteer.

    There are days I still feel like a n00b. I have been at this since 2007. I have had my ups and downs, weight wise and otherwise. I feel I made some amazing connections here last year for the first time ever and those people helped me realize a lot of things about myself.

    I love yoga first, lifting, running, and just goofing around. I don't follow a strict don't eat that diet because they don't work...for me anyway. I should mention I am brutally honest at times and also, I am an atheist. I am not everyone's cup of tea. I am 34 years old, married with two young boys. I am proof that if you want something, you WILL MAKE TIME FOR IT. And I do. You must take care of yourself before you will be any good for the people around you. Self love!
  • JustGiaD
    JustGiaD Posts: 21 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am willing to be mentored!!! Preferable someone who has lost a significant amount of weight as I have 160 lbs to lose!
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    I would like to volunteer to mentor a couple of new members.

    I am 21 and a university student so I know a bit about working to budget, but I also know that if I want something, then I work it in every now and then. A total carb-oholic and carnivore. Meat is lower in calories and keeps me fuller so the carnivore is the side I indulge most often.

    I vary between 1,200-1,500cal depending on my week. Sometimes I'm not hungry after 1,200, sometimes I want a bit more.

    I don't a lot of exercise aside from walking into town and I occasionally skip rope in my room (probably to the annoyance of the person in the flat below me, but I've never had any complaints). I prefer to have a deficit in food.

    I'm an insane foodie who enjoys cooking so am happy to exchange recipes and suggestions. The freezer is my friend!

    Please do not add me as a friend if:

    -You intend to 'diet' on minimum calories per day
    -You're diary is closed to friends, be accountable for what you've eaten. You wanna eat those fifty burgers? Do it and own it, then move on.

    Leave a message in the comment box when adding- the more the merrier.

    Become a healthier, happy you!! :)
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    edited January 2015
    @lauratheresebliss @markalicious1 @liveyenna @amandajorgensen2 @AFormerFatGirl1
    Olivia wrote: »
    Welcome to the 2015 Adopt-a-Noob Discussion!
    New members
    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.
    ^ New members, please note the above instructions and send a private message or friend request to volunteer mentors instead of posting to this thread. You will most likely get a quicker response via PM or friend request. Cheers! CyberTone
  • Strange_magic
    Strange_magic Posts: 370 Member
    I'm available to mentor! Lost a total of 75 lbs.. some gained back LOL! However I am aware of how to get rid of it. Working mom of two kids
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I volunteer as Tribute!!

    Hi, I lift, do yoga, cook most of my own meals, understand the basics of food and weight loss. I follow IIFYM (if if fits your macros) and enjoy vodka!
  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    I would be willing to mentor a few people that are interested in increasing strength/size. Would definitely enjoy working with "hard-gainers" like myself; Been training for 5 years, finally figured out how to consistently add muscle to my frame which previously seemed to do whatever it could to prevent gains, despite following advice from all kinds of fitness sources for a long time. Would be awesome to help others out who experienced the same issues I had.
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    I will gladly be a mentor for a couple of folks!
  • an111111
    an111111 Posts: 16 Member
    hi just wondering if there is anyone available to mentor me from ireland or uk as it would be easier as we would be in the same timezone , otherwise all friend requests are apreciated as i do need the support , ive been yo yoing for years and want to get back on track . thanks a million aine
  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    I would happily mentor a couple people!

    I lost the bulk of my weight during the ending of 2013- beginning 2014. Since then I have changed my goals from weight loss to just being fit. I have found love for lifting heavy (something I wish someone told me to do sooner) and I still hate cardio(:

    I think it's possible for anyone to lose weight, you just gotta find the right rhythm. So add me if you want!(:
  • ash_me
    ash_me Posts: 2
    i would like to have a mentor who can help me and push me to lose weight ... If I keep going like this I will have diabetes 2 so any help will be appreciated
This discussion has been closed.