Smoothie Diet



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Wow so much has happend since I've last logged in. So let's get to it! Since I don't have the time to quote everyone, Ill sum it up here. I appreciate everyone's opinion even though some of them seem to be rude and unnecessary. As far as my wrapping goes I am still going to continue doing that because it's actually something I feel is working for me. Until I feel like its a waste of my time then I'll stop. I actually do agree with some people when they said that just eating smoothies alone isnt healthy. I changed my diet last night and I'm starting something new this morning. I don't think one particular diet works for everybody! I think you have to switch some stuff around, whatever works for your body! So I'm still going to be on here looking for good recipes and if anybody know any good workouts to get rid of love handles I would love to hear it lol. Everybody have a blessed day oh yeah. It's my birthday yay lol.

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Happy Birthday.... start lifting for fat loss. Wraps do absolutely nothing for you.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Wow so much has happend since I've last logged in. So let's get to it! Since I don't have the time to quote everyone, Ill sum it up here. I appreciate everyone's opinion even though some of them seem to be rude and unnecessary. As far as my wrapping goes I am still going to continue doing that because it's actually something I feel is working for me. Until I feel like its a waste of my time then I'll stop. I actually do agree with some people when they said that just eating smoothies alone isnt healthy. I changed my diet last night and I'm starting something new this morning. I don't think one particular diet works for everybody! I think you have to switch some stuff around, whatever works for your body! So I'm still going to be on here looking for good recipes and if anybody know any good workouts to get rid of love handles I would love to hear it lol. Everybody have a blessed day oh yeah. It's my birthday yay lol.


    My thoughts also.

    Wraps just dehydrate you. When you drink water, it'll replenish what you lost. But yeah, good luck with that.

    NDJ gave you very solid advice. Losing weight is math. Calories in < Calories out. That is very everyone.
  • You fail at diets because diets are junk.
    Don't diet. Change your lifestyle. Diet's never work. You can't do something for a short amount of time and expect your body to remain the same. You need to keep at it. Eat healthy and exercise. The minute you stop, the weight will come back.
  • KayMar73 wrote: »
    You fail at diets because diets are junk.
    Don't diet. Change your lifestyle. Diet's never work. You can't do something for a short amount of time and expect your body to remain the same. You need to keep at it. Eat healthy and exercise. The minute you stop, the weight will come back.

    I agree.. Learning a lot theseast couple of days.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member

    If you work out for X minutes but sweat a bunch, all that's really happened is that you've worked out for X minutes because water weight always comes back. If you work out for X+10 minutes and sweat moderately, you will have burned 10 more minutes of calories. Or 20. Or however many more minutes you're able to do when you aren't on the verge of heat exhaustion.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    603reader wrote: »
    abatonfan wrote: »
    I know a lot of people are going to hate my answer, but you do not need to go on a specific diet to lose weight. It's all about Calories in versus Calories out. You don't need to eat exclusively smoothies to lose weight, and, especially when you're looking into losing a large amount of weight, you need an option that you know you can sustain on for months/years afterwards.

    I cant thonk of a single reasonable person who would hate this answer.

    OP its about creating sustainable habits to carry with you for the rest of your life. A crazy fad diet - like an all smoothie diet - isn't sustainable.

    But setting a reasonable calorie deficit and eating the foods you love in moderation is. You dont need to give up chocolate cake nor do you need to only consume smoothies. Its all about balance and sustainability.

    some people need a break from chocolate cake...a reset. this does not make it a fad. 2 weeks of nutritous smoothies is not a bad idea.

    2 weeks of ONLY smoothies, not meeting your calorie or macros is a bad idea. I'm sorry there's just no such thing as a 'reset'.

    If it's not sustainable for the rest of your life then it IS a fad diet. It's also a fad diet because you'll lose the weight, but gain it back.

    No it is not a fad just because it is not life long, things serve a purpose. It can help some people break a sugar addiction so they can go back to regular eating. If you want to get technical you could survive on my smoothies and I lost 120 lbs and started with 2 weeks of whey smoothies with fruit yogurt and coconut oil, I have maintained 4 years this April, so your sweeping statements were not the case with me.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    603reader wrote: »
    abatonfan wrote: »
    I know a lot of people are going to hate my answer, but you do not need to go on a specific diet to lose weight. It's all about Calories in versus Calories out. You don't need to eat exclusively smoothies to lose weight, and, especially when you're looking into losing a large amount of weight, you need an option that you know you can sustain on for months/years afterwards.

    I cant thonk of a single reasonable person who would hate this answer.

    OP its about creating sustainable habits to carry with you for the rest of your life. A crazy fad diet - like an all smoothie diet - isn't sustainable.

    But setting a reasonable calorie deficit and eating the foods you love in moderation is. You dont need to give up chocolate cake nor do you need to only consume smoothies. Its all about balance and sustainability.

    some people need a break from chocolate cake...a reset. this does not make it a fad. 2 weeks of nutritous smoothies is not a bad idea.

    2 weeks of ONLY smoothies, not meeting your calorie or macros is a bad idea. I'm sorry there's just no such thing as a 'reset'.

    If it's not sustainable for the rest of your life then it IS a fad diet. It's also a fad diet because you'll lose the weight, but gain it back.

    No it is not a fad just because it is not life long, things serve a purpose. It can help some people break a sugar addiction so they can go back to regular eating.

  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    abatonfan wrote: »
    I know a lot of people are going to hate my answer, but you do not need to go on a specific diet to lose weight. It's all about Calories in versus Calories out. You don't need to eat exclusively smoothies to lose weight, and, especially when you're looking into losing a large amount of weight, you need an option that you know you can sustain on for months/years afterwards.

    so much this …

    and wrapping yourself, really???

    OP here is what you need to do:

    1. ditch the smoothies and the wraps.
    2. get a food scale and weigh/log/measure everything that you eat.
    3. eat real food and eat the foods that you like. you do not need to restrict something just because you think, or someone tells you, it is "bad". so yes, you can fit ice cream, some pizza, etc into your diet just make sure it meet your calorie/macro/micro goals.
    4. if you want to work out/run/move more etc….if you do, find a program and stick to it. This is not necessary for weight loss, but will help with overall health and body composition.
    5. Use MFP to create a calorie defict. Set it to one pound per week loss.
    6. repeat until you get desired results..

    weight loss does not have to be self torture. Ten years ago I went from 210 pounds to about 170 pounds and i never used a wrap or did a smoothie diet…

    This, this, THIS! Sustainability is key. You'll be amazed and proud you can lose weight and get healthy without pills, contraptions, or giving up your favorite foods. Good luck!

  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    I'm surprised by everyone's reactions to smoothies. From the information I looked up I honestly thought a smoothie could be equivalent to meal if you made it the right way. Guess I have a lot to learn.
    If you are going to do that for one meal watch your total fiber for the day, that can mess up your digestion and back things up if you don't get enough. How about a quest bar for breakfast, good protein and fiber. At least add bananas and berries, things like that which give you good fiber and make sure to have enough protein, have some balance.
    oh yea quest bar rather than protein filled greek yogurt (23 gr) per cup ,fresh fruit ( fiber) and fat releasing spinach, and potassim and probiotic packed bananas. Go on with your bad self with your smoothies, they sound yummy!

    I'm sorry fat releasing spinach? Where does one find that in the store? Also probiotic packed bananas...
    This article is from science daily, the latest in research and scientific news.

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    A spinach extract containing green leaf membranes called thylakoids decreases hedonic hunger with up to 95% -- and increases weight loss with 43%. This has been shown in a recently published long-term human study at Lund University in Sweden.

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    Hedonic hunger is another term for the cravings many people experience for unhealthy foods such as sweets or fast food, a common cause of obesity and unhealthy eating habits. The study shows that taking thylakoids reinforces the body's production of satiety hormones and suppresses hedonic hunger, which leads to better appetite control, healthier eating habits and increased weight loss.

    "Our analyses show that having a drink containing thylakoids before breakfast reduces cravings and keeps you feeling more satisfied all day," says Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson, Professor of Medicine and Physiological Chemistry at Lund University.

    The study involved 38 overweight women and ran for three months. Every morning before breakfast the participants had a green drink. Half of the women were given 5 grams of spinach extract and the other half, the control group, were given a placebo. The participants did not know which group they belonged to -- the only instructions they received were to eat a balanced diet including three meals a day and not to go on any other diet.

    "In the study, the control group lost an average of 3.5 kg while the group that was given thylakoids lost 5 kg. The thylakoid group also found that it was easier to stick to three meals a day -- and they did not experience any cravings," said Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson.

    The key is the feeling of satiety and suppression of hedonic hunger, vs homeostatic hunger that deals with our basic energy needs. Modern processed food is broken down so quickly that the hormones in the intestines that send satiety signals to the brain and suppress cravings cannot keep up. The green leaf membranes slow down the digestion process, giving the intestinal hormones time to be released and communicate to the brain that we are satisfied.

    "It is about making use of the time it takes to digest our food. There is nothing wrong with our digestive system, but it doesn't work well with the modern 'pre-chewed' food. The thylakoids extend digestion, producing a feeling of satiety. This means that we are able to stick to the diet we are meant for without snacks and unnecessary foods like sweets, crisps and such," says Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson.

    Story Source:

    The above story is based on materials provided by Lund University. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

    Journal Reference:
    1.Caroline Montelius, Daniel Erlandsson, Egzona Vitija, Eva-Lena Stenblom, Emil Egecioglu, Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson. Body weight loss, reduced urge for palatable food and increased release of GLP-1 through daily supplementation with green-plant membranes for three months in overweight women. Appetite, 2014; 81: 295 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2014.06.101

    Cite This Page:


    Lund University. "Spinach extract decreases cravings, aids weight loss." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 September 2014. <>.

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    Related Topics

  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    oh and anyone knows bananas have probiotics thats why the brat diet is used for sick stomachs. get edumacated ans stop being so snarky, it makes you look bad.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    oh and anyone knows bananas have probiotics thats why the brat diet is used for sick stomachs. get edumacated ans stop being so snarky, it makes you look bad.

    Yeah.... No. Not even close. The BRAT diet is recommended because those food are binding, not because they contain probiotics. Fresh fruit DOES NOT contain probiotics. If any physician tells you this, dump them quickly and find a new one.

    Probiotics are microorganisms. They are typically found in dairy products but can also be found in fermented food and beverages. If your fresh fruit has microorganisms in it- DON'T EAT IT!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm pretty sure bananas have PREbiotics, something like 1gram per average size banana. But PRObiotics..... No.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    OP, Since it seems like you're being active in this thread and actually reading the replies and considering them let me give you my 2 cents.

    Okay, first of all you said that you have tried diets in the past and always failed. I think by trying this smoothie diet you are setting yourself up for yet another failure.

    The most important thing you need to focus on during this phase where you first start tracking is to stick to your calorie goal AND continue to eat foods you KNOW you will eat long term. Don't like salads? Then for god's sake don't try and eat only salads. Don't like not eating a smoothie for every single meal? Then don't try and do a smoothie diet!

    It's imperative that you re-teach yourself how to eat the foods you love while monitoring the appropriate amount of calories. If you're not going to stick to this diet long term than any weight you may lose will only come back. There are going to be days where you eat pizza, or sweets, etc. You need to learn how to keep these things in your diet and adjust the rest of your meals accordingly.

    My advice would be to eat the things you enjoy and track them! It will start to click right away which items you would rather splurge on or not. For example you might really enjoy a PB&J for lunch but then you might ask yourself "Hmm, i think i'd rather have something else because i know the PB&J wont make me full and it's high in calories" or "Maybe i'll have something lower in calories for lunch because i know i'm having pizza for dinner", so on and so forth.

    I hope this helps. good luck!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    This article is from science daily, the latest in research and scientific news.

     Print this page

    A spinach extract containing green leaf membranes called thylakoids decreases hedonic hunger with up to 95% -- and increases weight loss with 43%. This has been shown in a recently published long-term human study at Lund University in Sweden.

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    Biodiversity hotspot
    Leaf vegetable
    Permian-Triassic extinction event

    Hedonic hunger is another term for the cravings many people experience for unhealthy foods such as sweets or fast food, a common cause of obesity and unhealthy eating habits. The study shows that taking thylakoids reinforces the body's production of satiety hormones and suppresses hedonic hunger, which leads to better appetite control, healthier eating habits and increased weight loss.

    "Our analyses show that having a drink containing thylakoids before breakfast reduces cravings and keeps you feeling more satisfied all day," says Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson, Professor of Medicine and Physiological Chemistry at Lund University.

    The study involved 38 overweight women and ran for three months. Every morning before breakfast the participants had a green drink. Half of the women were given 5 grams of spinach extract and the other half, the control group, were given a placebo. The participants did not know which group they belonged to -- the only instructions they received were to eat a balanced diet including three meals a day and not to go on any other diet.

    "In the study, the control group lost an average of 3.5 kg while the group that was given thylakoids lost 5 kg. The thylakoid group also found that it was easier to stick to three meals a day -- and they did not experience any cravings," said Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson.

    The key is the feeling of satiety and suppression of hedonic hunger, vs homeostatic hunger that deals with our basic energy needs. Modern processed food is broken down so quickly that the hormones in the intestines that send satiety signals to the brain and suppress cravings cannot keep up. The green leaf membranes slow down the digestion process, giving the intestinal hormones time to be released and communicate to the brain that we are satisfied.

    "It is about making use of the time it takes to digest our food. There is nothing wrong with our digestive system, but it doesn't work well with the modern 'pre-chewed' food. The thylakoids extend digestion, producing a feeling of satiety. This means that we are able to stick to the diet we are meant for without snacks and unnecessary foods like sweets, crisps and such," says Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson.

    Story Source:

    The above story is based on materials provided by Lund University. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

    Journal Reference:
    1.Caroline Montelius, Daniel Erlandsson, Egzona Vitija, Eva-Lena Stenblom, Emil Egecioglu, Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson. Body weight loss, reduced urge for palatable food and increased release of GLP-1 through daily supplementation with green-plant membranes for three months in overweight women. Appetite, 2014; 81: 295 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2014.06.101

    Cite This Page:


    Lund University. "Spinach extract decreases cravings, aids weight loss." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 September 2014. <>.

    This is one study of 38 women. The 19 women who drank a spinach extract containing thylakoids lost 1.5 kg more in 3 months than the control group and didn't report increased cravings. One small study does not = fat-releasing spinach.

    I eat a ton of spinach, because I like it and it has a lot of fiber and nutrition (and protein, for a veggie). I'm sorry my disagreeing with you makes you so upset.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    oh and anyone knows bananas have probiotics thats why the brat diet is used for sick stomachs. get edumacated ans stop being so snarky, it makes you look bad.

    everyone knows you just made a fool out of yourself..

    and sugar is no addictive.
  • Ja_ja_jakeya
    Ja_ja_jakeya Posts: 88 Member
    603reader wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    I'm going to tell you guys a secret, but lets keep it between us. There's this magical liquid called sweat. If you can work hard enough to make it escape your body a few times a week (at least) then you don't have to worry about outlandish diets like a month long smoothie craze. ;)

    You don't have to work out to lose weight. It can be done by diet alone.
    But if you're so in a hurry to lose weight, then it only makes sense to combine diet and exercise to get the best result. Far better than a month of nothing but smoothies!

    You shouldn't be in a hurry to lose weight. Its more sustainable if you take it at a reasonable pace.

    It's obvious that OP is in somewhat of a hurry if she was willing to try living on nothing but smoothies! I understand that weight loss is not fast process, I was simply saying.