So, I posted a while back about bulking while trying to lose weight in fat. I haven't had much like mainly because I can't afford healthy foods enough to sustain a good diet while lifting only a few times a week. I want to maintain or gain weight through muscle while losing the fat I have which is mostly around my waist and stomach.

I guess my question is: What is the best way to try and eat better with a low income and what might be the best way to bulk while cutting fat. My reason: I want to be King Leonidas by halloween...but also because I want to feel better about my body. Thanks so much everyone!


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I can't.

    You're post is really chaotic and hard to read.

    But the reality is- 1.) you'll never look like Gerard Butler from that movie- because a fair bit of it was CGI.

    2.) you cannot bulk and gain size and cut fat.

    That's just not how this works.

    So bulk for the next 3-4 months- then cut for remainder- and buy/make a sweet costume- no one cares what you ACTUALLY look like if you have an amazing costume anyway.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    off topic but I love that movie!!!!
  • daterminedfatburnerX
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Here's an article which includes the workout they supposedly did:

    Now all you need is a personal chef, an assistant to keep you on track, CGI, and a make-up artist to airbrush definition around your muscles, and you're good to go. Oh, and nothing else to do with your time than focus on getting into shape to be Leonidas.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Oh, and nothing else to do with your time than focus on getting into shape to be Leonidas.

    This is a big element. It's valuable to remember that actors can tie their physique into their livelihood, so not only are they that much more motivated, but those around them, to include their employers, understand and enable it.

    That doesn't make it impossible for the rest of us. We just need to find ways to do it in environments that might not be as conducive as we'd like. (Personally, I'm looking in more of an Old Snake / Big Boss direction, but those characters' builds fit in with the physical training I already do as part of my job.)

    You look like you're in a pretty good starting position. I think one of the bigger keys to getting the look you want will be the cut phase. That might even be more effective than bulking. As far as how to do it, I'd say you just need to eat as well as you can while exercising. Sure, it might not be the idealized "healthy" menu, but meeting such an ideal does you little good if it lands you in the poorhouse.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I read your other post but didn't bother answering because it seemed pretty nonsensical and hard to make out what you were exactly asking.

    1. You can not trim fat while bulking. The bottom line is that it's all about nutrition. You can either add to the body (whether fat or muscle) or you can subtract from it. Adding requires being in a calorie surplus. Subtracting requires being in a calorie deficit.

    2. You cannot base your fitness goals off of heavily touched up images in a photograph or on screen. Not happening and will lead to an unhealthy mindset.

    Accept the fact that adding muscle takes time and some fat gain will accompany it. After a point in time, switch to cutting.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what does this thread have to do with Sparta...???
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I read your other post but didn't bother answering because it seemed pretty nonsensical and hard to make out what you were exactly asking.

    1. You can not trim fat while bulking. The bottom line is that it's all about nutrition. You can either add to the body (whether fat or muscle) or you can subtract from it. Adding requires being in a calorie surplus. Subtracting requires being in a calorie deficit.

    2. You cannot base your fitness goals off of heavily touched up images in a photograph or on screen. Not happening and will lead to an unhealthy mindset.

    Accept the fact that adding muscle takes time and some fat gain will accompany it. After a point in time, switch to cutting.

    oh and this..

    gaining muscle and losing fat are diametrically opposed to one another. One requires a calorie surplus, and the other requires a calorie deficit..

    You can get newbie gains in a deficit but this is limited and slacks off after three to four months.

    Think of it this way ..can you build a house and tear it down at the same time out of the same materials...?
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    You could try something like Tom Venuto's "Holy Grail" programme which involves cyclical dieting and targeted workouts around your feeding / anabolic days while the other days you run a deficit. It will require some dedication however.

    Personally, I think a traditional bulk then cut cycle would be more efficient.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    "...and eat better with a low income..."

    Learn to cook.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    "...and eat better with a low income..."

    Learn to cook.
    oiy- I thought that was just beans and rice food.

    Can't even say eggs any more- cost of fricking eggs has gone up!
  • shawn_s
    shawn_s Posts: 27 Member
    I use a fair bit of sarcasm, everyone. I know, as well as everyone who has seen 300, that Gerardino Butlerk was fitted for the role. I get that. I know it's stupid to think someone can look like that since it IS a movie character.

    Anyway, I appreciate everyone's comments. Next time I post something, I'll be a little clearer as to not be nonsensical or unclear.

    This post has EVERYTHING to do with Sparta, so I'm assuming you've never seen 300. Once again, the wimsicality (is that a word) comes into play.

    Bottom line, I know you can't bulk and lose at the same time. I should have phrased it differently. Let me re-ask a short series of questions so there is no confusion:

    1) Is there a correct order to bulk muscle/lose fat?
    2) What are the best ways to go about this?
    3) Are there options to eat healthier on a low budget?

    I appreciate everyone's comments regardless! It makes for an entertaining afternoon!
  • shawn_s
    shawn_s Posts: 27 Member
    "...and eat better with a low income..."

    Learn to cook.

    This also requires paying an arm and a leg for healthy options. I can cook, just can't always afford healthy options :/
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    shawn_s wrote: »
    I use a fair bit of sarcasm, everyone. I know, as well as everyone who has seen 300, that Gerardino Butlerk was fitted for the role. I get that. I know it's stupid to think someone can look like that since it IS a movie character.

    Anyway, I appreciate everyone's comments. Next time I post something, I'll be a little clearer as to not be nonsensical or unclear.

    This post has EVERYTHING to do with Sparta, so I'm assuming you've never seen 300. Once again, the wimsicality (is that a word) comes into play.

    Bottom line, I know you can't bulk and lose at the same time. I should have phrased it differently. Let me re-ask a short series of questions so there is no confusion:

    1) Is there a correct order to bulk muscle/lose fat?
    2) What are the best ways to go about this?
    3) Are there options to eat healthier on a low budget?

    I appreciate everyone's comments regardless! It makes for an entertaining afternoon!

    I don't recall the Spartan's being interested in bulk/cut cycles, but I may have missed that page in the history books..

    I think they were more concerned with the Persians, then they were about bulking..

  • shawn_s
    shawn_s Posts: 27 Member
    I'll agree with you 100%. However, we're looking past the fact that 300 was a movie in which King Leonidas screamed "This is Sparta!" This fact relates to my ambition to look similar to (obviously not exactly thanks to Hollywood) KL. It's pretty straight forward but I'm a history buff too so I get why you're overseeing that. Than* And thanks for your help! I really do appreciate all the advice!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    shawn_s wrote: »
    "...and eat better with a low income..."

    Learn to cook.

    This also requires paying an arm and a leg for healthy options. I can cook, just can't always afford healthy options :/

    no it doesn't.

  • shawn_s
    shawn_s Posts: 27 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    shawn_s wrote: »
    "...and eat better with a low income..."

    Learn to cook.

    This also requires paying an arm and a leg for healthy options. I can cook, just can't always afford healthy options :/

    no it doesn't.

    Let me clarify. I don't make too much money. Therefore, even though things cost the same to you and me at the same store, they seem more to me since I make less (although I have no clue what your income is). In general, I can't afford to sustain buying healthy food sources if a less healthy option is a few buck less. I appreciate the comments and sorry if I come across as rude when I'm explaining myself. I don't want to be rude and I don't expect to receive rude comments. Thanks again!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You have no idea what kind of income I have- so ahem- don't be pretentious with your "poorness".

    This is what I walked out of the store with sunday
    2 packs pack of chicken breast 14$
    8 packs frozen veggies 10$
    3 bags of dry beans 6 bucks
    5 plum/roma tomatoes 5 bucks
    3 cucumbers 1.99

    less than 40 bucks
    - this will feed me for this week into next- 10 days or so coupled with the eggs (3$) and yogurt (5$) that I already had in my house.

    You are really wrapped around the hilt about this "healthy" thing- and you don't need to be.

    Buy some frozen veggies- buy some chicken- buy some eggs and bacon- and you can feed yourself for less than 45 bucks for a week or more.

    When you're not living high on the hog- you don't get to be as picky- and you certainly wind up eating the same exact things over and over again- quiet normal. Get used to it.

    I can pretty much live on beans and rice for lunch and dinner sprinkled with a 2 dozen pack of eggs and be just.fine.

    There is nothing inherently unhealthy about any one food other than an unknowingly high calorie content- and or- just plain too much of something.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Here's an article which includes the workout they supposedly did:

    This was the metric workout that they did to gauge performance measures. They did not do this and only this. They did Crossfit style routines for workouts.