

  • shawn_s
    shawn_s Posts: 27 Member
    That's why I said "I have no clue what your income is" showing I'm not assuming it's lower or higher. I was showing that in general, if someone makes more than another someone else, the lower income person might see the same item as more expensive. I never said you were poor or rich or middle class. I assumed you made more for the sake of the situation example. I apologize for assuming you made more than me in that example situation.

    But thanks for the breakdown. I have tried to buy "healthy" before and I felt like I couldn't sustain it. But I'll definitely try again
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    This is what I walked out of the store with sunday
    2 packs pack of chicken breast 14$

    I guess i wanna shop where you do. I can't get one pack for less than $10, and that's the cheap IQF crap.

    to the OP, try shopping around, if you have an Aldi's or a Costco nearby, they are good low cost options.

  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    shawn_s wrote: »
    "...and eat better with a low income..."

    Learn to cook.

    This also requires paying an arm and a leg for healthy options. I can cook, just can't always afford healthy options :/

    I eat like a king on a $50-$60 a week budget. That is breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. It does not cost a fortune to eat good. This is also including steak in with that budget. I eat Steak, Chicken, Fish (not salmon because it can be pricey) with fresh veggies, rice, ect.

  • shawn_s
    shawn_s Posts: 27 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Here's an article which includes the workout they supposedly did:

    This was the metric workout that they did to gauge performance measures. They did not do this and only this. They did Crossfit style routines for workouts.

    Thanks man! I'll look into it for ideas. I just need ideas on best ways to go about bulking better. I'm using the Spartans as an example haha. Thanks again!
  • shawn_s
    shawn_s Posts: 27 Member
    What fish? Cod and tilapia? I need to definitely look into costco, bulk foods are a godsend haha
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    This is what I walked out of the store with sunday
    2 packs pack of chicken breast 14$

    I guess i wanna shop where you do. I can't get one pack for less than $10, and that's the cheap IQF crap.

    to the OP, try shopping around, if you have an Aldi's or a Costco nearby, they are good low cost options.

    I'm a cheap *kitten*- I only buy chicken breasts if they are 1.99/pound otherwise I buy a whole chicken and or chicken thighs- both cuts of meat are significantly less expensive.
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    This is what I walked out of the store with sunday
    2 packs pack of chicken breast 14$

    I guess i wanna shop where you do. I can't get one pack for less than $10, and that's the cheap IQF crap.

    to the OP, try shopping around, if you have an Aldi's or a Costco nearby, they are good low cost options.

    I'm a cheap *kitten*- I only buy chicken breasts if they are 1.99/pound otherwise I buy a whole chicken and or chicken thighs- both cuts of meat are significantly less expensive.

    :D i guess i'm a chicken snob. I don't do anything other than breasts, so i generally have to pay more.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    This is what I walked out of the store with sunday
    2 packs pack of chicken breast 14$

    I guess i wanna shop where you do. I can't get one pack for less than $10, and that's the cheap IQF crap.

    to the OP, try shopping around, if you have an Aldi's or a Costco nearby, they are good low cost options.

    I'm a cheap *kitten*- I only buy chicken breasts if they are 1.99/pound otherwise I buy a whole chicken and or chicken thighs- both cuts of meat are significantly less expensive.

    :D i guess i'm a chicken snob. I don't do anything other than breasts, so i generally have to pay more.

    LOL- I am too- I WILL do thighs- but I'd rather buy a whole bird and deal with that than thighs- but I will if I'm desperate.

    I don't mind going beans and rice for a week or to- so I rotate on and off the meat products.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    This is what I walked out of the store with sunday
    2 packs pack of chicken breast 14$

    I guess i wanna shop where you do. I can't get one pack for less than $10, and that's the cheap IQF crap.

    to the OP, try shopping around, if you have an Aldi's or a Costco nearby, they are good low cost options.

    I'm a cheap *kitten*- I only buy chicken breasts if they are 1.99/pound otherwise I buy a whole chicken and or chicken thighs- both cuts of meat are significantly less expensive.

    :D i guess i'm a chicken snob. I don't do anything other than breasts, so i generally have to pay more.

    LOL- I am too- I WILL do thighs- but I'd rather buy a whole bird and deal with that than thighs- but I will if I'm desperate.

    I don't mind going beans and rice for a week or to- so I rotate on and off the meat products.

    Whole bird for me... carcass gets turned into stock, which then gets frozen and turned into other things.
  • gbel1975
    gbel1975 Posts: 86 Member
    csuhar wrote: »
    This is a big element. It's valuable to remember that actors can tie their physique into their livelihood, so not only are they that much more motivated, but those around them, to include their employers, understand and enable it.

    That doesn't make it impossible for the rest of us. We just need to find ways to do it in environments that might not be as conducive as we'd like.

    This is a very real truth not only with actors, but also professional athletes. Heck, even the people on the Biggest Loser fit into this category. All of these people have little else to concern themselves with other than losing weight, getting fit, getting ripped, etc. With virtually unlimited resources including equipment, trainers, therapists, nutrition, education, etc., it's certainly a lot easier than for the "rest of us."

    I have a man-crush on Hugh Jackman as the Wolverine. I'd love to have a body like that. But the fact of the matter is I don't have three to six months to dedicate multiple hours a day to getting a body like that in a gym. Nor do I have the money to eat 6,000 calories a day and have people prepare it for me. It's not sour grapes; it's just the reality of the matter.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Who do you want to be after Halloween?
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I can't add much to this discussion except to say stick with the basic foods that JoRocka outlined, I love lean ground beef for its versatility too, and slowly add to your herb and spice collection as money allows.
    I buy basic foods but change them up by the herbs and spices I use. Curries from scratch are my favourite - no two taste the same.
    You can eat well on a budget, the shopping my take a little longer as you need to go a couple of places to get the best deals. Scour flyers before you do your weekly shop.
    Cheers, h
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    shawn_s wrote: »
    I'll agree with you 100%. However, we're looking past the fact that 300 was a movie in which King Leonidas screamed "This is Sparta!" This fact relates to my ambition to look similar to (obviously not exactly thanks to Hollywood) KL. It's pretty straight forward but I'm a history buff too so I get why you're overseeing that. Than* And thanks for your help! I really do appreciate all the advice!

    got ya ...

    the topic title threw me off ...

  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    'this is madness!'

  • NowyTends
    NowyTends Posts: 110 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Here's an article which includes the workout they supposedly did:

    Now all you need is a personal chef, an assistant to keep you on track, CGI, and a make-up artist to airbrush definition around your muscles, and you're good to go. Oh, and nothing else to do with your time than focus on getting into shape to be Leonidas.

    Don't forget genetics! Can't fight nature!

  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    Damn it, I was hoping this thread was about Spartacus (the Starz TV show). Those men (and ladies too) are fiiiiine. :)
  • SativaMad
    SativaMad Posts: 171 Member
    I will be honest i didn't read everyone's post but i want to disagree a bit. You can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time but this will only happen for a short period of time.

    The biggest factor is the nutrition.. I'd say eat maintenance cals for a few weeks with cardio twice a week. Then slowly up cals and cardio (if needed). But diet will have to be on point.

    As for cheap food im from S.A. so here the cheapest options are chicken breasts and ground beef for protein. Rice, oats, sweet potatoe and mixed vegggies for carbs. Healthy fats can then come from nuts, avo, peanut butter and oils.
  • shawn_s
    shawn_s Posts: 27 Member
    So I've been doing some research and I think if I can find the right stores, I could try to eat well balanced healthy meals for maybe $50/week. I hope it works out in the end. As for the show Spartacus, I loved every second of it and I'm upset it's over :(