Is this rude, or am I just exaggerating the issue



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Social etiquette dictates that any time there is a multiple available situation, you do not crowd next to someone else. Same rules for restroom stalls, open sinks in the restroom, urinals, movie theater seats, seat yourself restaurants (chipotle, panera) and so forth. In my experience, people who ignore these standards are either oblivious or trying to hit on you.

    I agree. But there are times when I think etiquette calls for NOT leaving empty seats between parties, too, though. But if the movie or ride or whatever is probably going to be half full... yeah, spread out. If it's a shuttle bus that holds 24 people and there are 30 waiting, or opening night of a movie, don't think you'll get an empty seat on either side of you, so just cozy up instead of someone having to split their party or ask you to scooch. :#
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    it's annoying whether they smell or not. And yes smokers reek, no matter how careful they are. I can always tell if my father in law has been in my home, I hate it and he is no longer allowed on upholstered furniture, kitchen chairs for him. I can't stand the smell.

    Wow... I don't like the smell either, but I would just Febreze my chairs after. Seems really rude to your F-I-L.

  • ImChipper
    ImChipper Posts: 44 Member
    I agree here, but also know that while smokers know they smell, they are a lot like drunk people in that they think they have a handle on it, and that it isn't as bad as other people think. My sister would often bathe in aerosol spray when she came inside from smoking, and she still stunk, but she was adamant that she didn't smell it anymore and we were overreacting.

    I myself, will only go right next to someone for 3 reasons- if the other machines are full, broken, or the show I want to watch while running is only playing on that one side

    (happened yesterday. They gave me a weird look, but if my phone is dead, I'm picking Friends over Dr.Phil- sorry guys on either side of me :smile: )

    If I've been pushing hard, and I know I have B.O., I try to give space. We are all there for a reason, but doesn't mean I'd want to smell the funk if I didn't need to :D
  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Here's what you do. Next time ol' smokey hops on right next to you...

    Yell out, NITRO BOOST!
    Then let it rip.

    She'll move.

    Best. Comment. Ever.
  • thecrushinator
    thecrushinator Posts: 76 Member
    OMG thank you! I am not the only one who finds this behavior bizarre and obnoxious. It is the worst i just want to vomit on people who do *kitten* like this.
  • bohoT
    bohoT Posts: 37 Member
    I agree that social etiquette rules against crowding another person if there are other options available. I have a big personal space bubble so my RBF usually gets the better of me and occasionally scares people away. I have noticed that sometimes when people are new to the gym they freeze up when picking a machine. Then you just have to be forgiving of newbs.

    I feel your pain as someone who sensitive to smells. However, us delicate flowers do have to understand that world does not cater to our preferences. I would totally prefer that the hippy-ster who has decided we are besties would keep her patchouli stink away from me on the cardio machines. I wish people would re-rack their weights. I also wish that people would stop using “conversate” as a word. I wish no one was allowed to wear Axe body spray in public ever.

    So yes, it is annoying, but, it is not something you are going to get away from in the gym.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I would only do it if that particular machine was the one I always use. I always go to the same machine at the same gym at the same time and the usuals always know, leave it open most times and don't mind if you jump in right next to them because you are always there at the same time. Otherwise, I try to give people as much space as possible because I don't want to smell them and I'm sure they don't want to smell me. Somebody should write down the unwritten rules of gym etiquette and post them up for everyone to see but I guess they wouldn't be unwritten rules then.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Here's what you do. Next time ol' smokey hops on right next to you...

    Yell out, NITRO BOOST!
    Then let it rip.

    She'll move.

    or.........she may think it's a competition and let loose her own nitro boost lmao
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    I have had to, in the past, institute a no smoking policy for anyone who will be in my house. Not even in the yard. If you smoke, not allowed in. I don't want that smell in my house and it takes forever to go away.

    Smokers stink all the time whether they think they do or not.

    That said, you are in a semi-public place and that is something we have to deal with in places like this. It is apparently still somewhat socially acceptable to have tobacco stink on your body, but it is not socially acceptable to smell of BO. Go figure...
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I don't know that it was rude, as I doubt it was her intention to disrupt your workout in any way. But, I do think it's annoying, and I would be similarly annoyed.

    In that woman's defense, perhaps its not her that is a smoker. A few years ago, I lived in a duplex where the couple living below me smoked like chimneys. My clothes (and sometimes my hair!) ALWAYS stunk like smoke in the winter months, because it would waft up into my apartment, and no amount of fans/air freshener could stop it. I was absolutely mortified about it. Ugh. Thank goodness that was a sublet for just 6 months.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Here's what you do. Next time ol' smokey hops on right next to you...

    Yell out, NITRO BOOST!
    Then let it rip.

    She'll move.

    heh- I'm SO a farty runner- I don't even feel bad.

    but yes- its' weird and borederline rude for her to take THAT treadmill.

    Definitely move. - Although- I hate being the one who moves b/c someone else is an incompetent *kitten* but sometimes you just gotta do it.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    it's annoying whether they smell or not. And yes smokers reek, no matter how careful they are. I can always tell if my father in law has been in my home, I hate it and he is no longer allowed on upholstered furniture, kitchen chairs for him. I can't stand the smell.

    Wow... I don't like the smell either, but I would just Febreze my chairs after. Seems really rude to your F-I-L.

    nah it's rude to make my furniture stink, my babies don't need to inhale the residual stink either. I hate febreeze. don't smoke before you come over, change your shirt, wash your hands, no smoking in my home or in my yard. those are the rules! I totally have a right to control the quality of air in my home......
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    edited January 2015
    Social etiquette dictates that any time there is a multiple available situation, you do not crowd next to someone else. Same rules for restroom stalls, open sinks in the restroom, urinals, movie theater seats, seat yourself restaurants (chipotle, panera) and so forth. In my experience, people who ignore these standards are either oblivious or trying to hit on you.

    Since this is merely etiquette and not a rule and any gym I know, you should have switched machines if anything about her made you uncomfortable. That it "ruined" the rest of your workout is the only bit where you're being a bit dramatic. You could have switched machines.

    This is a cultural thing in the United States. Many Americans hate being next to other people. Most other countries and cultures don't care so much. Not saying either is better than the other...
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    it's annoying whether they smell or not. And yes smokers reek, no matter how careful they are. I can always tell if my father in law has been in my home, I hate it and he is no longer allowed on upholstered furniture, kitchen chairs for him. I can't stand the smell.

    Wow... I don't like the smell either, but I would just Febreze my chairs after. Seems really rude to your F-I-L.

    It's her house. She can institute any rule she wants. I'd probably do the same thing if someone came over and made my furniture smell like old cigarette butts.

  • jc93230
    jc93230 Posts: 33 Member
    Buy two more memberships! that way you can keep the equipment on either side of you clear!
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    I don't really think it was rude, but it was a little inconsiderate. People sometimes forget that personal space is a thing and non-smokers can be sensitive to the smell that tends to cling to smokers.
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    Smoke and heavy perfumes/body sprays really make it hard for me to breathe. I have gotten off a treadmill and moved to another one to keep from getting sick to my stomach.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    it's not just at the gym. have you ever noticed that when the parking lot is completely empty, someone will park RIGHT NEXT TO YOU in the space right by you??? I HATE THAT!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    edited January 2015
    You could try doing this.


    I have seen people try to get the seat closest to the center of a movie theater even if there is someone already there and the rest of the seats were open. Supposedly it has the best view and sound.

    My old gym had a long row of elliptical machines. A few different models and 3 of each one. Most had short choppy feeling strides but there was only one model that I felt comfortable on. They had three of them and if someone was on the middle one I would get on the one next to them despite all the others being open. Got a few looks but I didnt care.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,672 Member
    People are creatures of habit. Maybe that's the machine she ALWAYS shoots for first if it's open. Same thing happens in class settings. Or maybe there was something on the TV in front of you two that she'd rather watch.
    I just have to agree that if it's a public space, people have the option to go where they want. Whether or not people will agree or not, doesn't matter to the people who are going to do it anyway. So it's a good rant, but probably won't change a thing.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
